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films: DVD must haves


Bluelight Crew
Mar 20, 2005
Films that you can watch over and over.
Films that you will keep for years and will always like to watch.
What films must be in your DVD collection?

I need more DVDs to be able to put out over winter to throw on at will.

What film would you recommend in each of the following categories

*Arthouse Motorcycle diaries (yes it should be foreign. but this works too)
*Manga Cowboy Bebop
*Foreign Run Lola Run
*Stoner/Drug related Fear and Loathing
*Martial Arts Drunken Master
*War Patton
*Gangster Godfather
*Sci-Fi Existenz
*Stand up Bill Hicks
*True Stories The Power of One

Please, only recommend one movie for each category so the list isn't too big.
Then we can use this as a decent list to refer to if you're looking for ceratin movies in a particualr category!

If you feel there's a category missing, let me know and I'll add it.

feel free to come back and edit your list.
I'll finish mine later
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*Arthouse eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
*Action the fifth element
*Drama 12 angry men
*Romance four weddings and a funeral
*Comedy groundhog day
*Thriller the silence of the lambs
*Foreign amelie
*Documentary blue planet
*Horror the exorcist
*Stoner/Drug related dazed and confused
*Martial Arts wheels on meals
*War apocalypse now
*Gangster goodfellas
*Sci-Fi contact
*Stand up
*True Stories apollo 13

A couple of suggestions for additional categories:



As for my picks, there's no way I could choose just one for each category. :)
*Arthouse I heart Huckabees (does that really count??)
*Action Goldeneye
*Drama The Fugitive
*Romance Lost in Translation
*Comedy National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
*Thriller The 6th Sense
*Manga Akira
*Foreign Y tu mama tambien
*Documentary American Movie: The Making of Northwestern OR Spellbound OR Word Wars
*Horror Evil Dead II
*Stoner/Drug related Blow
*Martial Arts House of Flying Daggers
*War The Thin Red Line
*Classics Casablanca
*Gangster The Godfather
*Sci-Fi The Road Warrior
*Stand up Bill Cosby: Himself
*True Stories Hotel Rawanda
*Arthouse Blue Velvet
*Action the Professional
*Drama Taxi Driver
*Comedy Clerks
*Thriller the Usual Suspects
*Foreign Intacto
*Documentary Music is the Weapon
*Stoner/Drug related the Big Lebowski
*Martial Arts Iron Monkey
*War Full Metal Jacket
*Gangster Casino
*Sci-Fi Blade Runner
*Stand up
*True Stories
*Televison the Office

This is hard, I can't pick just one,some of the categories I'm not a fan of, and some of them I don't feel comfortable recommending something in. :p
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*Arthouse Better Luck Tomorrow
*Action True Lies
*Drama In America
*Romance The Princess Bride
*Comedy Swingers
*Thriller The Shining
*Foreign Raise the Red Lantern (if u watch one foreign film in your life, this should be it!)
*Documentary Spellbound
*Horror The Shining
*Stoner/Drug related Human Traffic
*Martial Arts Drunken Master (awesome, awesome!)
*War Saving Private Ryan
*Classics Sound of Music (does that count?)
*Gangster Good Fellas
*Stand up Kathy Griffen
*True Stories
*Arthouse Belleville Triplets....or Waking Life
*Action Point Break
*Drama The Power of One or Standy by Me
*Romance True Romance (c'mon! it's romantic...kind of)
*Comedy The Goonies
*Thriller The Return of the Living Dead (technically a horror, but gimme a break)
*Manga Ninja Scrolls
*Foreign Amelie
*Documentary Devil's Playground
*Horror The Lost Boys
*Stoner/Drug related Human Traffic
*Martial Arts The Last Dragon (ok, a terrible movie, granted....but ya' gotta have Leroy!!)
*War Braveheart
*Classics Citizen Kane
*Gangster Heat
*Sci-Fi Terminator 2: Judgement Day (it's kinda sci-fi)
*Stand up DANE COOK
*True Stories Basketball Diaries ok, so not TOTALLY true, but based on it

dammit, now where am i supposed to put Boondock Saints ?????
Arthouse -trust( not on dvd tho)
Action -hard boiled
Drama- mr smith goes to washington
*Romance -the truth about cats and dogs
*Comedy -soul man
*Thriller -no way out(1987)
*Manga -akira
*Foreign -abres los ojos
*Documentary -startup.com
*Horror -evil dead
*Stoner/Drug related -the trip
*Martial Arts -enter the dragon
*War - the thin red line
*Classics-touch of evil
*Gangster - once upon a time in america
*Sci-Fi -seconds
*Stand up -bill hicks
*True Stories -talking heads true stores !!!!!
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Re: DVD must haves

my favourites:

*Arthouse le mepris (criterion)
the best movie of all time and also one of the great dvd packages. fantastic commentary, spotless transfer, perfect sound, great extras (a little doco with brigette bardot up close and a godard/fritz lang interview).

*Action indiana jones series
'nuff said.


*Romance when harry met sally
of course, i prefer, say, lost in translation as a film, but in terms of quality dvd, this is my favourite. and i am also a totally hopeless romantic :)




*Foreign amelie
perfect. two commentaries (one in french, one in english), and extras coming out of its, er, cardboard boxy bits.

*Documentary the fog of war
if you've seen it you'll know why.

*Horror scream (special edition)
lovely commentary and some nice extras for the best of the nouvelle vague horror films (which in turn also managed to be better than most of the films it was referencing anyway).

*Stoner/Drug related fear & loathing in las vegas (criterion)
anything less than the criterion is criminal; hunter s. thompson, johhny depp and benecio del toro commentaries plus a raft of other extras make this my favourite dvd :)

*Martial Arts


*Classics sunset boulevard
i don't have this, but it's a *fantastic* movie, and the extras look pretty significant.



*Stand up

*True Stories

i have more, but i'm at uni and the library's closing. i'll be back.
Re: DVD must haves

*Drama Breaking Away
*Comedy The Big Lebowski
*Stoner/Drug related Wonderland
*Martial Arts Enter the Dragon (or any Bruce Lee film)
*War Apocolypse Now
*Stand up Louis Black - The End of the Universe
*True Stories

I'll try to add more as I think of them.
Re: Re: DVD must haves

*Arthouse blue velvet- good choice finder
*Action harrison ford choice- patriot games, the fugitive, indinana jones, star wars
*Comedy mallrats, though recently i have lost repect for this fart joke film
*Thriller seven
*Foreign amelie
*Documentary roger and me... perhaps
*Stoner/Drug related dazed and confused- all around good time
*Martial Arts
*War dr.strangelove
*Classics wizard of oz- color and black and white dvd set
*Gangster goodfellas
*Stand up
*True Stories

other additions:
campy/b rate film (+1) (the lost boys weee)
cult classics (rhps)
animated (nightmare befroe christmas)
tv (+1) (clerks, uncensored)
Re: DVD must haves

*Action: Man on Fire
*Drama: American Beauty
*Romance: True Romance
*Comedy: Office Space
*Foreign :
*Documentary: Fahrenheit 9/11 (can I say that?) :eek:
*Horror: House of 1000 Corpses
*Stoner/Drug related: Half Baked
*Martial Arts: Hero
*War: Saving Private Ryan
*Classics: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
*Gangster: Goodfellas
*Sci-Fi: The Matrix
*Stand up:
*True Stories Basketball Diaries / Black Hawk Down (tie, sorry)
*Christmas (or seasonal): A Christmas Story
*Arthouse: Taste of Cherry
*Action: Dirty Harry
*Drama: A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
*Romance: Sabrina (1954)
*Comedy: Monty Python and the Holy Grail or Life of Brian
*Thriller: Blow-Up
*Foreign: La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc)
*Documentary: Crumb
*Horror: Nosferatu
*Stoner/Drug related: The Big Lebowski
*Martial Arts: Enter The Dragon
*War: Paths of Glory
*Classics: The Third Man
*Gangster: Miller's Crossing
*Sci-Fi: Solaris (1972) or La cité des enfants perdus (The City of Lost Children)
*True Stories Kundun
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*Arthouse: Final Cut
*Action: Terminator 2
*Drama: Man Bites Dog
*Romance: Before Sunrise
*Comedy: Happiness
*Thriller: Mullholland Drive
*Foreign: Delicatessen
*Documentary: can't decide between Scratch and Dark Days
*Horror: The Excorcist / The Shining
*Stoner/Drug related: Big Lebowski
*Martial Arts: Beverley Hills Ninja (i know it's comedy, but it rules!)
*War: Saving Private Ryan (obvious I know, but I love the film)
*Classics: Dr Strangelove (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb)
*Gangster: Scarface
*Sci-Fi: 2001: A Space Oddysey
*True Stories City of God
*Standup Totally Bill Hicks / Bill Bailey : Part Troll
*Arthouse Eraserhead or The David Lynch Short-Film Collection
*Action 99.9% of action movies are a disgrace to cinema.
*Drama Taxi Driver or Boogie Nights
*Romance The Graduate
*Comedy Igby Goes Down (if that counts, I had to work it in somewhere)
*Thriller Mulholland Drive
*Film Noir Blue Velvet
*Manga Akira
*Foreign Lola Rennt (aka Run Lola Run)
*Documentary Documentary!
*Horror The Original Halloween
*Stoner/Drug related Permanent Midnight
*Martial Arts Iron Monkey
*War Full Metal Jacket
*Classics The Asphalt Jungle
*Gangster Casino
*Sci-Fi 2001: A Space Odyssey
*Stand up Dave Chappelle: Killing Them Softly
*True Stories Permanent Midnight
*Televison Twin Peaks or Northern Exposure
Theres so many it's hard to choose but some of the ones I might pick would be...

*Action Troy(not sure if it counts but w.e)
*Drama Reqreium for a Dream
*Romance The Notebook
*Comedy SLC punk
*Horror The Exorcist
*Stoner/Drug related Half Baked
*War Patton Pearl Harbor
*Gangster Scarface
*Stand up Dave Cook
*True Stories- Blow
*Arthouse -
*Action- Pitch Black
*Romance- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (calling it romance seems to degrade it a bit because when I think of romance movies I immediately think of Meg Ryan, but this is probably the most romantic movie I've ever seen)
*Comedy- Who Framed Roger Rabbit
*Thriller- The Others
*Anime- Howl's Moving Castle
*Foreign- Devdas
*Documentary- Lucky People Center International
*Horror- Gothika
*Stoner/Drug related - Trainspotting
*Martial Arts -
*War - Braveheart
*Classics- Gone with the wind
*Sci-Fi - Matrix
*Stand up
*True Stories
*Christmas (or seasonal) - Nightmare Before Christmas

I always find it difficult classifying movies... like Pitch Black now that I think of it is probably more sci-fi than action.. but whatever. And how do you define arthouse? Heard of it but never really understood what it was...
Re: DVD must haves

sorry, i suck for categories... most of the movies i like could be put in 2 or 3 diff ones... so i'm just gonna list 20 favourites (in alphabetical order, cuz i got no idea which i like best):

  • 2001 A Space Oddysey
    American Beauty
    American Splendor
    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
    Fifth Element
    Fight Club
    Lost In Translation
    Notting Hill (see Spy Game)
    Pulp Fiction
    Run Lola Run
    Scent of a Woman
    Shakespeare In Love
    Solaris (Soderbergh)
    Spy Game (i don't know why, i just know if i didn't have it i'd miss it)
if i allow myself 21 movies (which i just did), i'd include a great documentary on skateboarding call "Dogtown & Z-Boys" i saw a few years ago.