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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: The Exorcism of Emily Rose

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randycaver said:
Poltergeist still scares me

blood and gore isn't necessary to scare people..but then I prefer psychological thrillers

I would agree, truly i would. but everything passed off as a psychological thriller in the last 5 years or so, you can guess the ending within the first 20 minutes of the film. They're predictable and are running off alot of recycled ideas from far superior storylines.

I think there's alot of great material out there hollywood isn't willing to take a chance on. The formula seems to be "hey it sold like the devil before, sooo..lets do it again, and again..and again" The only thing original about horror movies these days is the technical innovation of special effects, problem is.. no matter how creative they may be.. they're being over-done and no one is really impressed anymore. But hey.. people still keep going to the theater and gobbling up the crap b/c the previews look good, just to come walking out bitching. One day.. their fucking sales will plumit and they'll get back in business of taking a risk on a script again. Hopefully.

When it comes to the decency (aka Walmart effect) of toning down films in terms of language, sex, themes, violence, and gore.. it's just icing on the cake for my annoyances with this genre as a whole.
I was 13 when it came out. It was the first scary movie I ever saw, and in a theatre at that, which probably has something to do with why it disturbed me so much. Even so, the creepiest part, for me, is when the mom turns her back for a second and when she turns back around, the chairs are all arranged and balanced on top of the table. In a lot of movies, the parts that get to me most aren't necessarily something that couldn't be shown in a pg13 movie.
I would like to give a full review of this movie but I fell asleep throughout half of it. The first half was a piece of shit though, so I wouldn't hold out much hope for th second.

BTW I just want to add a "me too" to DD's posts, hit the nail right on the head. I was standing out in front of the movie theater and noticed this Emily Rose shit was PG13 and I already knew it would be crap. Oh how I wanted to see 40 year okld virgin (which was rated R and was probably scarier than this movie, although I doubt it could have been much funnier), but as it turns out my friends have no taste in movies and no instinct for detecting crap ahead of time so I was locked into this garbage from the outset.
did anyone see this movie ?, i haven't seen one reply in which someone makes a comment about the movie, "BLAH BLAH BLAH PG-13", i saw this last night, it was scored well, the directing was on point, story moved along at a nice pace, the "crazy" scenes were crazy enough, you need her to be fuckin running around ass naked, swering like a drunk sailor, and gore to make it rated R and acceptable for you viewing pleasure, is preposterous, go see the fucking movie, i give it TWO FUCKING THUMBS UP. also has anyone visited her grave ?

and also the theater "arclight" in hollywood was packed, i only heard positive reviews from fellow movie-go'ers.
Acidfiend saw it; read two posts up from you. Guess you two don't have similar opinions on things. I'm seeing it tuesday night hopefully.
T-rav said:
If you would like we can get into a lengthy discussion of Knightriders or Monkey Shines or ANY Romero flick ever made. Even ones he produced, if you like.

I dunno man! A lot of people have forgotten a lot of good flicks that Romero did.
Martin was probably the most underrated film that he made.

And the worst flick and probably the worst movie ever made by Romero was called The Crazies.

It looks like he is currently in the works of remaking "Day of the Dead" and "The Crazies".
I just hope they both turn out well.
By the way, I saw this movie on Friday, and it was much better than The Exorcist.

I personally think that the first hour of the exorcist was drawn out too long!
I fell asleep twice trying to watch it.
Exorcist was perfect for the time period in which it came out, IMO. It challenged alot of stuff in what is acceptable in the theater. It had alot more importance than just being another scary movie.
Tech Kinetics said:
I dunno man! A lot of people have forgotten a lot of good flicks that Romero did.
Martin was probably the most underrated film that he made.

And the worst flick and probably the worst movie ever made by Romero was called The Crazies.

It looks like he is currently in the works of remaking "Day of the Dead" and "The Crazies".
I just hope they both turn out well.

You are right, I think a lot of people have forgotten about the great body of work that Romero has put out.

Martin was very good IMO, and most people are clueless about this flick. A very cool take on the "draculaish" story.

The Crazies (or Code Named Trixie) is one I dug. Sorry you think it's his worst. My least favorite is Season of the Witch. I think more people need to see his and Dario Argento's film "Two Evil Eyes". Thats a good one. IMO

If he is involved with the remaking of the films you mentioned I'm pumped. gonna have to do some research. :)
Let me sum up this movie for those who haven't seen it:

It's a PG-13 rip off of the exorcist (like a BLATANT rip off), plus a bunch of court room drama. Unfortunately I fell asleep by the end so I can't ruin the ending for you.

PG 13 exorcist + court tv = *yawn*
This movie was awesome. I jumped a couple times.. I was really happy that it was so much better than i expected. :D
Bi KaNd*E* RaVeR said:
This movie was awesome. I jumped a couple times.. I was really happy that it was so much better than i expected. :D

Ever feel like you might have to take a small dump, and then, when you're done, you're like "Holy cow! That was a lot bigger than I thought!!" It's still shit. Much like this movie.

I thought the acting was crap, the dialogue was comical, and the medical aspects would have been better written by a chimp wearing scrubs. I can't even imagine how much someone in the law profession must cringe at the courtroom scenes.

I'm no movie critic, but I know good horror flicks, and this aint one. A few cheap effects that follow lame buildups are all this had to offer. And every time they kept going on about "the darkness" I got that fuckawful band in my head. If I could have traded places with emily rose, I think I'd have suffered less than sitting through that waste of 2 hours.

:( I want my money back.
vibr8tor said:
And every time they kept going on about "the darkness" I got that fuckawful band in my head.

i would have been thinking rick james and charlie murphy

This movie tried to mix scary supernatural horror with intelligent courtroom drama. It ended up not having a whole lot of either.

All the "scary" parts are in the freaking trailer. Seriously.

The girl did nothing but scream and twitch any time she was on screen, and she couldn't even do that with any real conviction.

Laura Linney's character goes from being the corporate ladder climbing mega-lawyer to being the scared sympathizer almost instantly.

Yeah, I didn't really like it.
THis would've been a great episode of Law and Order or something..for like a halloween 2 hour special.

It sure as hell wasn't a horror flick IMO. Nor a psychological thriller.

But judging it as a movie... it was meh.. definately not what i expected. I expected an actually attempt at a horror/exocrism flick, but nope.. 70% of the film was in a court room.

I give it a 1.. for trying to pass itself off as such and.. for the reasons vibbie gave.
I thought this was quite a well made movie, much more thought provoking than 99% of the shit I have seen recently.

The dialogue and story are actually quite intelligent and I'm glad that it wasn't a worthless horror movie with no residual value.

I'm certainly not religious, but I just find the subject matter fascinating.