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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: The Exorcism of Emily Rose

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hollywood doesn't make much money with R rated movies. I'm pretty sure this was oringnally a R rated feature with cuts making it pg-13 so a larger audience can partake ( Remember this genre is usually devoted too young boys and moms ) You'll be surprised what makes it in pg-13 movies these days... nudity, drugs, violence. Just minor cuts takes it down too pg-13. R is more reserved for rape scences, graphic violence ect. If you want too watch it next year uncut wait for the DVD people if you dont mind a few adjustments here and there watch it this sept. Dont know honestly wether this well be good though the imagery is pretty scary. And for those saying its impossible to be fritened by a pg-13 movie take your self back acouple years ago when six sense premiered and tell me you werent at least intreguied by this mature driven horror, fuck b-movie blood fest I love my zombies but now thats really for the pg-13 "crowd"
Bullshit. Very few PG-13 movies use the word "fuck". (the only one i can think of is Forrent Gump and it's said only once in that film)

And it's nudity is comparable to that of Maxim magazine which a 9yr old can legally purchase.

I'm really tired of "implied violence" or "implied death"Sure these things can be very artfully done at times, but it's when it's done at the artist's discretion rather than a marketing ploy that it actually works well.

6th Sense might have been "horror" but IMO that movie was based far more on Suspense and that director's trademark of suprise endings. If you knew anything about the director and how he does films, it really wasn't that good. Much like his VIllage of the Damned or whatever it was, i guessed the ending to that in the first 15 minutes of the film.

Yeah, PG-13 today is more explicit than what it was in the 80s, but it's still a fucking cop out. It doesn't allow for realism in language, it doesn't allow for blood and gore in horror, it doesn't allow for sex in chick flicks...or even when raunch is necessary to a film.

The rating standards just piss me the fuck off. They made Team America have certain puppet sex scenes cut out for crying out loud or they were going to give it a NC-17 rating. PUPPET SEX!!! No genitals. NO real people for crying out loud. Fucking puppets.

I'm not going to be apologetic for this at all. Fuck soccer moms and these little fucking puritan pussies who have no control over their children. Fuck walmart for influencing the market the way it has, and the the MPAA.
I believe in "Be Cool" John Travolta's character in the first 5 minutes says "you know you can only use the F word once in a movie for it to be pg-13? thats fucking ridiculous" and thats the only time its used.
I knew it would only take a matter of minutes before someone said "The 6th Sense" LOL LOL LOL

intreguied by this mature driven horror, fuck b-movie blood fest I love my zombies but now thats really for the pg-13 "crowd"

can you please explain? ^^^^

and if you're saying fuck the B-Movie Blood Feast (which i'm sure you never even heard of) I think its a classic from the Godfather of Gore. Herschell G. Lewis. Just had to slip it i there. :)
Top poster are you actually serious? theres a movie called "b-movie blood feast"? George a Romano perfected that genre so please give props where its due. (Even though his last movie sucked ass ) And whats wrong with the "6th sense"? If im not wrong that was m nights first thriller and he did a fucking brilliant job with it. Yeah all his recent stuff is redundant but when a director believes he found his niche let him explore and do what he wants too do. With his second stab with Signs he did a good job at tapping into that psychological thriller department. I'm sorry I defiantly grew out of b-movie zombie movies when a japanese videogame company and does a better job then todays directors. Its a silly genre that makes fun of its self. 20th Evil dead sequil or give me a thiriller that actually trys to get into your head...... yeah i'll go pick up that boomstick again ;-)
the movie is called "Blood Feast". I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find lots of info of the director. As far as Romero is concerned....I've been a huge fan of his since I saw NOLD as a young kid. What about Fulci?? He deserves = props in the zombie realm of filmaking. I'm not some rookie who doesn't know his shit when it comes to this topic. Romero and his flims are something that I take for granted. Period. If you would like we can get into a lengthy discussion of Knightriders or Monkey Shines or ANY Romero flick ever made. Even ones he produced, if you like. I never said I disliked The 6th Sense. You are more than welcome to not dig certain things in the horror genre, glad to know you grew out of it. I at 26 have not and probably will not EVER grow out of it. Give me the gore!!

and I didn't quite understand some of your post^^. Are you refering to the Resident Evil series??? or perhaps Silent Hill?? please let me know which of these (or others) have blown away the efforts of todays directors. (which aren't all that great to begin with.)
thanks for the warnings, guys
pg-13 makes the baby jesus cry

i cannot concieve how this would be a good horror mind fuck flick with that kind of rating, i am throughly dissapointed now
DigitalDuality said:
I'm really really really fucking tired of "scary" movies with PG-13 ratings.

In fact, i'm disgusted at hollywood's obsession with PG-3 movies as of late.

PG-13 is the new R, and R is becoming the new NC-17. :(
DeathBot 72AA said:
In the future, most drug stores will have a special shampoo to get rid of demons.

:D I sure do miss DeathBot.

I'm excited about this movie, pg13 or not. It looks pretty intense. And besides, Poltergeist was pg and it scared the crap out of me when it first came out.
Poltegeist is a decent flick, and they uped the ante a bit in Pt. 2, giving it the 'PG-13." especially dug the worm in the tequila bottle bit. I was young when these came out (26 now) so I still remember the images. Dug 2 More than 1 though. IMO
DigitalDuality said:
yeah..but.. how old were you when Poltergeist came out?

Poltergeist still scares me

blood and gore isn't necessary to scare people..but then I prefer psychological thrillers
This movie kinda looks interesting, and then again, it looks like the same shit Hollywood has been coming out with for years. I'll wait to hear some Bluelighters reviews and then decide if I should see it.
randycaver said:
Poltergeist still scares me

blood and gore isn't necessary to scare people..but then I prefer psychological thrillers

as do i... but with the almost complete lack of this type of movie in hollywood in recent years i do not have hope for this one
I am very interested in possessions and excorcism. I am going to check this out.

Did anyone see on A&E last night that show about possessed people? There was some seriously crazy shit on the show. People violently shaking and speaking in tongues. Freaky shit

I enjoyed this movie. If you arent going to see it just because it was PG13 it's your loss. It's very effectively nerve wracking when it was supposed to be and relatively well told. Not wonderful but certainly not bad by any means. Worth seeing in the theatre.
i read a pretty good review about this film today: it said that this film is basically half a thriller (the actual exorcism) and half a courtroom drama (the trial of the priest acused of homicide). sounds like an interesting combination, and the whole issue is interesting in general- the whole religion/ politics/ possession relationship.