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Film: Brokeback Mountain

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Oct 22, 2004

From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Ang Lee comes an epic American love story, based on the short story by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Annie Proulx and adapted for the screen by the team of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana. Set against the sweeping vistas of Wyoming and Texas, the film tells the story of two young men – a ranch-hand and a rodeo cowboy – who meet in the summer of 1963, and unexpectedly forge a lifelong connection, one whose complications, joys and tragedies provide a testament to the endurance and power of love. Early one morning in Signal, Wyoming, Ennis del Mar (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) meet while lining up for employment with local rancher Joe Aguirre (Randy Quaid). The world which Ennis and Jack have been born into is at once changing rapidly and yet scarcely evolving. Both young men seem certain of their set places in the heartland – obtaining steady work, marrying and raising a family – and yet hunger for something beyond what they can articulate. When Aguirre dispatches them to work as sheepherders up on the majestic Brokeback Mountain, they gravitate towards camaraderie and then a deeper intimacy. At summer's end, the two must come down from Brokeback and part ways. Remaining in Wyoming, Ennis weds his sweetheart Alma (Michelle Williams), with whom he will have two daughters as he ekes out a living. Jack, in Texas, catches the eye of a rodeo queen Lureen Newsome (Anne Hathaway). Their courtship and marriage result in a son, as well as jobs in her father's business. Four years pass. One day, Alma brings Ennis a postcard from Jack, who is en route to visit Wyoming. Ennis waits expectantly for his friend, and when Jack at last arrives, in just one moment it is clear that the passage of time has only strengthened the men's attachment. In the years that follow, Ennis and Jack struggle to keep their secret bond alive. They meet up several times annually. Even when they are apart, they face the eternal questions of fidelity, commitment and trust. Ultimately, the one constant in their lives is a force of nature – love. -- © Focus Features


Dec 9, 2005 Limited

This is the one movie I am def. looking fwd to seeing. The reviews I've read have done nothing but praise the movie. Already an award winning movie with the Venice film fest. The trailer alone sends chills down my spine.
I think this movie looks amazing, I've been waiting for it to come out forever... I somehow doubt it will get the attention it deserves though, well in the South anyway.
It looks like an awesome film, I just hope that it does the original written version justice.

-plaz out-
i remember reading the short story in some english class, i am looking forward to the movie :)
I'm so 100% looking forward to this. Ever since hearing about it through The Movie Show here in Aus, after it went spectacularly at the Venice Film Festival. It looks amazing.

A friend of mine had the book and lent it to me... only 56 pages, so quite a short story, and it isn't a happy one :( I'm hoping it can emulate the imagery from the book.

Damn having to wait until January 26th to see it here in Aus... I want to see it NOW!!!!


Now if they did a Brokeback sequel with Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp in the leads, you'd bet I'd be all over it. ;)
i think its funny that years ago South Park did an episode making fun of indy movies as all being about "gay cowboys eating pudding." Now, my question is.... how much pudding is in this movie?
no pudding, but lots and lots of beans.

i gave the movie 3 stars. i thought everything about the movie was good, except it moved a bit slowly for my tastes.

i wonder if the characters weren't gay, if the movie would be getting so much praise. like if it was a boy/girl love story instead of a boy/boy love story.
This. Movie. Sucked. Badly. Easiest the biggest piece of garbage I've seen this year. How in the FUCK could this crap win any awards? Last time I ever let my girlfriend pick the flick.

If I could give a movie 1/25 of a star, that's what this would get.

I can understand why a gay man would see this, but why would any straight male (again, unless your wit your woman) want to damage his vision by seeing this filth?

This movie should win the award for the worst movie of the year.
This movie was painfully bad to sit thru.
This movie reminded me of why I like girls.
This movie was a waste of my money.
This movie was a waste of my time.
This movie was, simply, soooooooo not worth even the gum on the bottom of my shoe.

Did I mention how much this sucked?
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smotpoker said:
I can understand why a gay man would see this, but why would any straight male (again, unless your wit your woman) want to damage his vision by seeing this filth?

Because (believe it or not), many straight men have open minds and are willing to experience things that may be "unpleasant" or cause discomfort if you view it as a more than a microcosm of "gay buttsex". I think you disliked it because the concept of the rough-and-tumble buddy is being turned on its head. There's nothing ignorance hates to do more than to rethink.

It’s about 130 minutes long and 129 of them are about Men Not Having Sex. So yes, maybe it was the longest almost-60 seconds of your life, but there it is. Less than one minute. In fact, it’s 129 minutes of really intense longing and sadness and unabashedly weepy, doomed love story.

Imagine how many thousands of hetero love stories gay people sit through in their lives.
i think the hype it totally outta control here, like it's the first movie to come out in a few years to find its time.

anyways, it IS a good indie, the squid and the whale is better tho, see that one. Support jeff daniels, he is a good actor. he needs to LIVE, survive!
Saw this last night

This is a GREAT film. For fuck's sake, I was nearly in tears by the end of it (my date was...why I didn't make a move then I don't know)

I've never even been a big fan of Ledger, but he was tremendous and deserves to win the Oscar. JG was very good too, as was Michelle Williams.

This may be my favorite film of 2005.
any one wanna comment on the acting? i think both gyllenhaal and leger suck the proverbial cock;)
cravNbeets said:
any one wanna comment on the acting? i think both gyllenhaal and leger suck the proverbial cock;)

Ledger deserves the Oscar (though PSH was superb in Capote)
^^^ fuck no! i mean he was good, but a reasonably large portion of that had to do with the fact that he never wavered once with his speech impediment/ accent thing that he was doing, and also the make-up department who did a grand job on his face to show how his character aged.

i saw this movie last night and it was alright but i definitely think that it's been hyped up a bit too much. particularly because in all honesty the deep love that the two main protagonists shared for eachother just wasn't conveyed strongly enough for me throughout the movie. and as someone else in this thread said, this movie is essentially supposed to be a love story. however, i do think that ang lee did a good job at masking this short coming by implementing some fairly graphic scenes of physical intimacy between the two characters. therefore i think it is more the controversial aspect of there finally being a mainstream movie which shows two guys kissing and having sex on screen which is what's making people talk, and good on it for doing that, but i think when you look a little deeper into it overall i think that as a film it's lacking that quality which will enable it to reach master piece status one day.