• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Favorite Cheap Beer?

lacey k said:
Because theyre fuckin poor? Because they feel no need to spend more money to get intoxicated when they could do it for less?

Thats funny as I can make beer cheaper/stronger than you can buy it.

lacey k said:
Because they dont give a shit about the taste of it and cheap beer tastes fine to them?

Now thats just sad.

lacey k said:
Yea, malt liquor is a kind of beer but its higher alcohol content.

Thats like saying MadDog20/20 is wine.... but as I posted most of my beer is right around the same alcohol levels(as malt liq.) and yet it taste 1000% better.

Lets try this;

If you could legally grow your own buds just like you see in the magazines, would you still buy regs/dirtweed ?? I would bet not, well its just the same except its beer and you can make any flavor you like. Would that then make you an "asshole elitists"?

Someone mentioned lack of time;

Your looking at @3-4hrs per batch for 5-7.5 gals of beer @ whatever alcohol content you care for.

When I was young/dumb we did the nickel beer nights with micky's but that was 21yrs ago when home brew was still unknown & illegal is most states. Now when I go out its only vodka.

I`am not trying to be an @zz but just trying show you theres an fast legal way to have your cake and eat it too, can`t say that for too many things in life.
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Yeah, I don't understand the corona thing. Its way overpriced. That stuff is some of the worst commercial beer around.
I love an ice cold Corona in the summer, lay on my dock working on my tan and sip a Corona or two, what a way to unwind.

Here a 12 of Corona is about on par with a 12 of any other domestic, about $20.

Of course if you actually buy beer in a bar it's a whole different story.
here's a secret:

any lager (or hefewizen) will taste better with lime.

4nik8r said:
I`am not trying to be an @zz but just trying show you theres an fast legal way to have your cake and eat it too, can`t say that for too many things in life.

Haha, but you are being one. talk til youre blue in the face, i dont care. i will still drink 40's of OE.:p

you drink Olde English? 8o enjoy
Well damn, now that i read that link, Im just mortified!! See, I usually make sure my entire life, right down to the beer i drink, revolves around other peoples opinions of my every thought, so, i guess ill just have to change my beer drinking habits to ones that a random stranger on the internet approves of. You sure showed me.
Finder said:
Hatters? :D

There's something to be said for a cold, cheap brew but they're not made for taste. It's not "hating" it's a fact.

not made for taste! speak for your self :p ;)

btw 4nik8r, this is bluelight. @zz = ass

see, ass ass ass :D
The only OE we have up here is the 8% 40oz bottle, I find it tastes far sweet/cough syrupy for my taste. The 3.8% OE available in the states may be more bearable but with a percentage that low I'd end up drinking myself sober (it's happened with Coors light before).

There's only one LC in my area that carries 40oz bottles, and OE is the only one they stock.
4nik8r said:
Thats funny as I can make beer cheaper/stronger than you can buy it.

Now thats just sad.

Thats like saying MadDog20/20 is wine.... but as I posted most of my beer is right around the same alcohol levels(as malt liq.) and yet it taste 1000% better.

Lets try this;

If you could legally grow your own buds just like you see in the magazines, would you still buy regs/dirtweed ?? I would bet not, well its just the same except its beer and you can make any flavor you like. Would that then make you an "asshole elitists"?

Someone mentioned lack of time;

Your looking at @3-4hrs per batch for 5-7.5 gals of beer @ whatever alcohol content you care for.

When I was young/dumb we did the nickel beer nights with micky's but that was 21yrs ago when home brew was still unknown & illegal is most states. Now when I go out its only vodka.

I`am not trying to be an @zz but just trying show you theres an fast legal way to have your cake and eat it too, can`t say that for too many things in life.

Dude... WTF? Whenever I homebrewed back in the day, it'd take 2 weeks or so.

I'd rather just have someone go buy me some Steel Reserves at $1/apiece.
4nik8r said:
Your looking at @3-4hrs per batch for 5-7.5 gals of beer @ whatever alcohol content you care for.

i can walk to the beer distributor and back in 10 minutes with as much beer as i want with any alcohol content i want, and i don't even have to wait the additional week(s/months) for it to ferment. i also don't have to give a rat's ass about having to wash all my shit and disinfecting it to make absolutely fucking sure there isn't a single godforsaken germ around to infect my beer.

and yes, in answer to your question, i have brewed my own beer.
No but dont you understand? Cant you SEE? Its better because he says its better! OMG!
well, it is pretty rewarding, i'll say that much. if i was to start brewing again i'd probably brew mead instead.

(and you can tell he's not a real homebrew snob, because he uses plastic fermenters.)

Olde English, Mickeys are good 40 choices for when your scrapin up change lookin to cop a buzz.

Nothing beats the value of filling up a keg of PBR though. I don't care who you are, thats a shit load of beer for 80$.