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Benzos Etizolam

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^The eye-spasms with this drug seem to be a pretty major issue, I've experienced this on a number of occasions. Scared the hell out of me!
I had 2mg Etizolam last night and to be honest didn't find it recreational at all. Hardly felt anything. Admittedly I spread the 2mg out over a couple of hours. Ended up adding a gin to see if it would potentiate, didn't notice much though. I have no benzo (I know, it's a thienzo) tolerance and have only had benzos a couple of times, Valium a couple of years ago and Temazepam many, many years ago. Pretty sure I felt them.

I did, on the other hand, sleep like a log for 12 hours, but the previous night I only slept for two or three (cos I'd been on AMT; not sure what it says about my brain chemistry but 60mg was much gentler than usual; a week previous I'd done MDMA, and a week previous to that I'd done MDMA. Yes I need a break from seretoninny things. Also been doing the odd dose of MXE.).

Will probably try 2mg all at once in a few days, then step up to 3mg. Bit surprised though, given people's comments about lower doses being good.

These are tiny blue pills with a score, well pressed (hard). No idea of brand. Source is IME trustworthy.
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Took 1mg to help me sleep last night, woke up 40 minutes later feeling ridiculously warm and fuzzy. I've only ever tried diazepam before (5mg-10mg) and this stuff feels completely different. I was still feeling the effects until about 1pm that afternoon.
yeah so i took a 1mg etizolam just over an hour ago. i would say its pretty pleasant for this type of drug. i was previously feeling very anxious and uptight but now my troubles have drifted away and i feel i can enjoy the day, relax and feel positive.

downsides are feeling kind of lazy and apathetic and having less concentration. im thinking of getting a beer and sitting in the garden with some music for a while and see how that goes. later on today i might have another one if i feel i need it.
this seems a perfect candidate for comedowns or trip stop.. i never bought phenazepam because of the halflife, but this seems perfect halflife and legal
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Very nice drug. My frist benzo in over a year so i am loving that no tolerance what so ever.. Finally an answer for those will not take phenaz. Took 3 mg of etilaam tablets yesterday, was a very good experience with light to medium effects. On 4 mg today, no tolerance noticable. Will make sure to shelf this one for a few days in a row in between doses from now on as I can see this one is quite morish for me.
Did you know that Etizolam increase your prolactin levels? It could decrease your libido and cause erectile dysfunction. Also it could cause man boobs. So be very careful with this substance.

In addition etizolam unlike most other benzodiazepines has prolactogenic effects leading to an increase in prolactin blood levels.


By the way, have you ever noticed Blepharospasms symptoms? I did.
^I definitely did as well, I stay away from this one now ever since...
i will get some. to put away for those special times when you just really wish you would have a benzo.
I've just ordered some etizolam. I'm rather excited about it since I'm yet to try a benzo (only similar chemicals I've tried are zopiclone & phenibut).

I ordered a bunch of etizolam last year, and was incredibly disappointed to get no effect from them, but after scouting around a bit I came to the conclusion that the Etilaam tablets I got were fake.

It's a lot more convenient now that trusted RC vendors are selling it.

Did you know that Etizolam increase your prolactin levels? It could decrease your libido and cause erectile dysfunction. Also it could cause man boobs. So be very careful with this substance.


By the way, have you ever noticed Blepharospasms symptoms? I did.

A quick google found this:
The result showed a greater but non-significant prolactogenic effect of etizolam.
It doesn't sound overly worrying.
Sorry for the double post, I just felt like giving an update.

The Etizolam arrived early this morning, and I instantly took 1mg, several hours later and still not feeling anything, I took another 2mg.
It's an hour after that and I still feel nothing except what I can only interpret as a placebo.

It's rather disappointing, especially since it came from a very well known RC vendor which I trust most and buy all of my RCs from, and have never been disappointed by them.

It's a shame, since I've yet to try a benzo, and was excited to see popular UK RC vendors stocking it, and at a high price too.

I may try to get some etizolam from a new source, despite being cheated from 2 supposedly trustable vendors now.

Edit: took another 4mg 2 hours ago, and I think I can feel something, a little less powerful than if I had half a glass of beer, but I can feel it slightly when I concentrate on it.

All I can compare this to is Phenibut, which is far more powerful. 1g phenibut is several times more powerful than 5mg of Etizolam.
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^ get it in powder form.. there is a place you can get it easily but no sourcing, just search around for it in powder form. then make sure you have a mg scale. But just to let you know etizolam isn't like any other benzo, it's more like a weak olanzapine (just noticed this was already said but that person is banned so i don't know if he really knows what he's talking about or if he's just a troll that's why he's banned.. but he does have a decent amount of posts so i don't know) all i know is that etizolam is weak olanzapine (zyprexa) IMO
I haven't even heard of it, so this intrigues me a good bit. However, I was just switched from Klonopin to Temazepam by sweet talking my doc a little bit. I said I wanted to try something new, he agreed, and asked me what I thought. I told him I had heard Temazepam works very well for severe anxiety, and that I'd like to give it a try.

Truthfully, I switched to it because of the wonderful stories I've heard about these things. The euphoria to be precise, and let me tell you...it's by FAR my favorite benzo now. VERY noticeable euphoria, and it will stop a panic attack dead in it's tracks. Even the worst ones. These things get me pretty damn high. Lol. I've been on kpins, xanax, valium, and ativan. Temazepam is definitely the best out of all of them.

If anyone has experience with both of these benzos(Etizolam and Temazepam), would you mind posting up some comparisons? Thanks!
Even in what should be considered massive doses, I've felt absolutely nothing. Incredibly disappointing drug.

Would Phenazepam be worth trying?
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Funny you should mention the hiccoughs, I seem to get them as well! Had them for almost an hour last time and I was getting pretty worked up over it. Not sure if it's common but my friend also gets hiccoughs when taking any type of benzo.
Hiccups are usually a sign of a large dose of benzos... 2-5mg us definitely a large dose, I feel 0.75mg about the same as 1mg alprazolam. If I had to compare to alcohol, I'd say 0.75mg is roughly equal to 2 beers, IME, though there are certainly differences.
Hiccups are usually a sign of a large dose of benzos... 2-5mg us definitely a large dose, I feel 0.75mg about the same as 1mg alprazolam. If I had to compare to alcohol, I'd say 0.75mg is roughly equal to 2 beers, IME, though there are certainly differences.

It's weird then, it's like my body just doesn't get most of the effects of Etizolam. I've taken 7mg within a span of 5 hours now and the only thing I've noticed is slightly worse coordination, but still feel entirely alert and experience nothing which could be construed as anti-anxiety or even sedating.

I was expecting my batch to last at least a week, but now it seems it'll last 3 days at most without me getting anything therapeutic or recreational out of it.
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I crushed one the little blue pills, put it under my tongue for ten minutes then washed it down with water. It seems to have had more of an effect on me than swallowing the pills did (I barely noticed any effect).

I have been feeling terrible for the last two days due to lack of sleep, possible infection and maybe too much MXE and press-ups on Monday night, but now, four hours in, I'm feeling a lot better, I'm able to get on with stuff rather than lying on the couch moaning.

So I suggest if you have the pills, crush them up. Maybe they're slow release or something, which would make the effects less noticable.

Hoping it helps me get a decent sleep tonight and I can get up in time to get my flight in the morning.
I didn't notice much when I first did them. I think if oSpherical hasn't used benzos before, they may not realise how subtle they can be. You can be a staggering slurring mess to those around you but still think you're fine. :D
That said, everyone seems to react differently...
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