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Ethylphenidate Discussion Thread

Plugging this stuff stings like a bitch, same thing that happens in your nose but in the most tender bit of meat inside your butthole.

Just tell the chemist you want a oral syringe, fully legal (parents use em to deliver medicine to babies n shit)

Imo snortng or oral doseing is the best way to go. Nose gives u best mood lift (euphoria) and oral is best duration and motivation (studying or cleaning)

Vaping is a waste/terrible for your lungs
so ran out this morn after a good 11 day solid binge to myself . now on expensive nasal spray coz it takes a toll just like the days od mephedrone

EDIT if u got enough to do it try plugging. but honestly just imbrace the pain of 3 points up the nose
well i WENT THROUGH A gramme i 2 days. Same as last time, tried o make it last another day but it was pointless. DIDNT GET MY HIGH,So i went carpet searching for hours, hours. There are so many bits of dust and crap all over the place too,,IT JUST WHEN I First opened the baggy I dropped some, thinking it would be OK id find it later.

TOOK 4 grams of xanax, kinda slept 9i started getting really paranoid, which just grew and grew like there were people in the house or neighbours peering in, which worstned until i started taking xanex. I have been finding it very difficult to type :/

DONT KNOW what thats about.

I havent done stims for ages, but they always have the same effect for me now, just makes me realy horny and turns into a porn session. I fiend for it until its comlpletely outt a my system IM too old for this shit, now. I have a lot of regrets fro my meth days, hooking up with all sorts of regrettable types due to the hornyness.( Have dealt with shame from it for years and years 9but only consenting adult relationships) but I dunno , it could get me into trouble so ILL HAVE TO LEAVE IT 1 So hard to type
Even though i wouldnt do it(IV'd enough methyl for my lifetime.

Is it euphoric like ritalin is the first few times?
Barely, I call it a mood lift cuz id be lying if i called it euphoria.

Plus its caustic as fuck (even more then 7921)
G'day folks,

I work for a harm reduction agency and in mental health. I don't mess around with these sorts of chemicals anymore (I'm becoming a boring old man) but in my work I meet lots of people using all sorts of substances.

In the last month I've seen two people who have suffered psycho-stimulant induced psychotic episodes which were apparently due to high dose binge use of ethylphenidate (EP).

Both had been using high purity EP sourced from an online RC vendor- one was importing it directly, the other was buying gram bags from the user-dealer he normally bought methamphetamine from, but they were still in their original packaging (complete with a label with the molecular diagram and the "not for human consumption" warning).

Both people indicated that they injected it because when they tried snorting it, it painfully burned their nasal passages and septum. Both stated it hurt a bit to inject and one reported localised inflammation or vein damage.

The first case is a person with no previous episodes of psychosis and no family history of mental illness. She reported using escalating doses over about 4 weeks, culminating in a psychotic episode that resolved completely within 24 hours. They haven't used any EP since, (the episode was 4 weeks ago now) and they appear to be back to normal.

The second person also has no previous history or family history. He reported using EP for about 8 weeks, in escalating doses and frequency of use over the last three weeks. He went through 8g of the stuff in the last week. They were displaying classic symptoms of psycho-stimulant psychosis- especially florid delusions of persecution, eg smashiong his mobile because "they" had hacked his phone to track him, dismantling his car because he thought "they" had planted drugs to set him up, etc. His behaviour became quite alarming, to the point that he was planning to kill two acquaintances he believed were involved in this conspiracy to set him up. I have known this second person for twenty years (on and off). He has a very long history of methamphetamine use (on and off) at times taking it in high doses every day for extended periods. He has never exhibited any of these sorts of symptoms before. In fact he is a very stable calm individual even in crisis situations - I would describe him as VERY psychologically robust. He was not using any meth when this happened. It looks like just 2 months of excessive EP use tipped this guy (who has always been bulletproof) completely over the edge.

He hasn’t taken any further doses for the last three weeks and appears to be recovering ok, he has good insight that he suffered a drug induced episode and that he had become delusional, although when I saw him last night he still had some odd thought content going on.

Anecdotal report of effects from both people indicate a very rewarding and intense “rush” with a very fast onset of action when injected, followed by a pleasurable amphetamine like “high” that only lasts about two hours. This sound like a recipe for rapidly escalating binge use.

I hope I'm not giving the impression that I'm being alarmist. I just wanted to post these case histories to warn people that they should play safe. EP sounds like a pretty fun chemical but pay attention to how much you are taking and how often you are taking it. And please look after your mates. EP apparently is a stronger re-uptake inhibitor of dopamine, a weaker re-uptake inhibitor of noradrenaline, and does nothing significant to serotonin.
Accordingly I would expect that EP toxicity is more likely to provoke anxiety or delusions and psychosis-like symptoms than to provoke the cardiac, vascular, or serotonin syndromes associated with Methamphetamine or MDMA. High doses of EP could of course cause all the same physiological problems as any other drug that elevates catecholamines, and some of the products I've seen tested also contain mixtures of MDPV or other cathinones in active quantities as well.

re: Ethylphenidate as an active metabolite of Ritalin + alcohol;

Ethylphenidate (EP) is an active metabolite of methylphenidate consumed in combination with ethanol. Ethylphenidate is produced as a by-product of liver metabolism, (via hepatic trans-esterification, in a similar fashion to the in-vivo synthesis of cocaethylene (ethylbenzoylecgonine) when alcohol and cocaine are consumed in combination) however my understanding was that even with very high combined doses of Ritalin and alcohol the body doesn't convert enough of the Ritalin to EP to result in a significant or active dose.
Logan et al
However this later study indicates that in very high doses it may contribute to poly-drug toxicity;
Hope this is helpful,

He went through 8g of the stuff in the last week.

If the guy was getting pure stuff, and from what I know certain online vendors do indeed sell some pure stuff (esp. the crystals), then that is A LOT of material to use inside of a week.

EP really does have a downward spiral which can quickly get out of hand once you've pushed it too far, because you can only re-dose so many times before you start to get sweaty, shaky, paranoid, feel awful, and CANNOT stop re-dosing even though it just makes you feel worse. That's a horrible place to be in.

Obviously I don't know the details like you do, Outrigger, but I think that there are quite a few people who are used to buying 'street drugs', and are not prepared to for the comparatively high purity levels of RCs.

Indybreaker a few posts up mentions 'embracing the pain' (lol! love it) of three points of EP up the nose. Now that's a pretty fucking huge dose, IMO. 300mg nasally in one go? Fuck a duck!

About three years ago I abused EP a fair bit, and quite aside from the intense stinging pain of snorting (which I didn't mind, to be honest), I just couldn't use one-off doses higher than 100mg without quickly turning into a jittery mess of paranoia. I do suffer from anxiety in daily life, and have tendencies toward slightly paranoid behaviour at times anyway, so I guess I'm especially susceptible.

But yeah, perhaps in your work you can give people who are not into the whole RC thing - I mean they use them, but the miss the whole "research" part of it - that it's worth starting out really slow with unfamiliar stim powders.

I've heard horror stories of people trying a-PVP or MDPV as their first "legal high" (this is years ago now, of course) and racking up huge lines of the sort that one might with street bought cocaine.... guess where they ended up... ER within the next couple of hours.
Thanks Halif,

Both these cases involve people using very high doses chronically, so your observations about the "diminishing law of returns" are apt. I used to IV very high purity crystal meth for many years, but (cos it was straight off the glass, ~85% purity) I'd only take 25 to 30mg at a time. I still ran myself ragged a few times but I never got as fried and crazy as other people I knew, who were injecting much bigger doses.

A lot of my work nowadays is with people who use crystal meth in excessive doses, and who have ended up in that horrible place you mentioned.

The second case I mentioned is someone who is accustomed to getting very good quality methamphetamine and has never looped out on that- so it's not a case of him being used to lots of MSM in his baggie. But I don't think he has ever escalated the dose and frequency of use as intensely as he did on EP.
Ethylphenidate sounds like it is REALLY more-ish...

Cheers mate,
as far as vasoconstriction goes

2-4 grams glycine propionyl-l-carnitine 30 min prior- vasodialator/anti oxidant

2-3 grams of agmatine sulfate 30 minuted in or before- alpha agonist/NMDA antagonist

2 grams fish oil(omega 3) 10 min pre session- blood thinner

1 gram magnesuim citrate- good for cramping and body tension.

these are all over the counter and cheap accept the GPLC

and continous hydration with water and eletrolyte beverages
protein shakes, and real wholesome foods

take the amino acids above on empty stomach a semi decent one also to include is Co -q-10 and 4 grams arginine all should be taken at individualized doses so find what works but this can lead to almost zero vasoconstriction and a reduction in heart rate and stress on the circulatory system
very small doses of mxe provide the 5-ht re-uptake that can smoothe the ethyl out as well, and at the end 5 milligrams of sublingual melatonin with your benzos of choice will provide serious relief mentally and physically, also take a magnesium/calcium/zinc post or prior as well as a strong b-complex that includes vitamin C

these 2 formulas make ethyl super smoothe and almost no hangover and jeeps the body with essential aminos vitamins and mineral electrolytes/ cofactors so your not so wiped out starting from scratch after your session
EP... I just used to inject the shit after a enduring a period of extreme nose pain insufflating the stuff. Not that IM/SC was significantly less painful because that shit would sting like all hell. I didn't go IV because I was more than a little concerned about damaging my veins. T9358 has some good pointers but I found valium to be the most beneficial especially after turning my hands blue from a massive binge. Luckily I was able to get some prescribed during my EP addiction. The last lot I got was very pure large chunky crystals and after rampaging through that I found that I'd dose on the shit and then 2 hours later be back to baseline however my heart would still be racing faster than a fucking F1. That was when I decided EP was utter shit. I have not touched it since and I still feel it's a pretty shitty stimulant. It's in the top 5 shitty stimulants with MPA, MDPV, aPVP and 3,4 CTMP. At least MDPV and aPVP provided a bit more pleasure than EP IMO... but not much.
Yeah, I tend to agree that ethylphenidate is a pretty horrid waste of time - and damaging as all fuck.
I put it in the "not worth it" pile (along with booze and tobacco...personal preferences I suppose).
Count your lucky stars you didn't dance with 3,4 CTMP spacejunk... Makes EP look almost fun and not at all life threatening in comparison.
Yeah it sounds nasty.
I think my RC stim daze are done and dusted. Very little was achieved, besides fiending and composing hours worth of dull, meandering music that never developed into anything usable.
Ah well, at least the occasional dalliance with d-amp doesn't seem boring any more....a functional stim that is best taken orally and doesn't burn holes in yer guts - much better suited to where I'm at these days. If I'm looking for kicks, that's what 4-sub tryptamines are for.

These are all completely subjective opinions, but I'm much healthier for it, physically and mentally.
Was this stuff available for legal purchase in Australia at one stage?? Im confused as ive never came across this stuff on the street before so all roads point to maybe being retailed in sex shopa etc...?
^ I'm pretty sure it was (legal, at some point in time), untill Australias analogue laws came into play.

Buuuuut, I'm willing to eat my own words if my stament is wrong.

They could class it as ritilin, which, I think, is schedule 8.
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G'day folks,
He reported using EP for about 8 weeks, in escalating doses and frequency of use over the last three weeks. He went through 8g of the stuff in the last week.

That's alot of EP! Tolerance does increase quickly though. As Halif mentioned the fact that you can get relatively pure substances for cheap online means people overdo it big time. Unless this guy is rich, buying enough methamp to have roughly the same effect would be prohibitively expensive. Would be interesting to take a look at rates and severity of psychosis with Aus vs US vs NZ. From what I understand it's dirt cheap in US and although expensive in NZ, they tend to have purer stuff.

EP was awful for me. I found it worse than Ritalin. Have to keep re-dosing to avoid the comedown that comes on so quickly, and need some kind of sedatives for afterwards. Flushed it down the toilet and wouldn't touch again.
Yeah it sounds nasty.
I think my RC stim daze are done and dusted. Very little was achieved, besides fiending and composing hours worth of dull, meandering music that never developed into anything usable.
Ah well, at least the occasional dalliance with d-amp doesn't seem boring any more....a functional stim that is best taken orally and doesn't burn holes in yer guts - much better suited to where I'm at these days. If I'm looking for kicks, that's what 4-sub tryptamines are for.

These are all completely subjective opinions, but I'm much healthier for it, physically and mentally.
Yes 4-sub tryptamines make every thing else seem rather rubbish. LSD becomes Meh as does DMT and shrooms. Why bother when you can take a 4-sub tryptamine experience no nausea, no nasty shroom feel just amazing tripping and euphoria, stuff can get deep if you want or you can just love the amazing OEV's and CEV's brilliant.
Mix some Benzocaine in with the Ethylphenidate and it will be even more like Coke. The Benzocaine will numb the nose like coke and helps to take away some of the burn from the Ephylphenidate.
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