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Effects list of K2 Summit

We lost our guy about the same time the ghandi mart started selling K2. We have been smoking it for like a week and a half every day so far. Basically the jury is still out on the negatives, but so far I think there is more anxiety (never been a problem with weed at all), as well as a distinct comedown that basically puts me straight to sleep.

The high itself is pretty much what I expected. It does work, but it sure isn't cannabis. I liken it to some ok mids (shwag, regs, whatever its called where you're from); I'm high, but after smoking for awhile the shwag helmet goes on and then its no bueno.
All of a sudden this stuff is all over the news around these parts anyways. I tend to never buy into media hype, the media loves to try to find disaster even if they have to make it up, so I've been doing a lot of searching on the stuff myself to form my own opinion and.....shit I'll be stayin far away from it and advising my partying friends to do the same. I understand you younger folks goin for it though, when we were young back in the early eighties the bros used to sell that stuff that was treated with formaldahyde (sp) and we used to smoke it. I remember feeling kinda paralyzed from it. We thought that was funny and went back for more. Looking back on it now, I think it corrupted some files on this hard drive that never came back..... Mrs Gig suffers from occasional torturing migraine headaches and its awful. I wouldnt risk that for nuthin. I couldnt imagine that and it never going away.
Folks, there is uneven dosing of that shit out there, smoke some good weed from gods green earth.... FTS
Is K2 Safe?

Only one death has been attributed to usage of K2. David Rozga, an 18-year old Iowa teen who was smoking with friends, told them he was "in Hell", walked home and committed suicide.

ya pass on this shit this is one who died from it....sounds like the person above with the headaches and shit..

Read more at Suite101: K2 Incense: A Popular and Legal Synthetic Form of Marijuana http://www.suite101.com/content/what-is-k2-incense-a260938#ixzz11L9rgFel
I agree dont try it, I smoked it 2 hours ago and it feels so bad in the back of my headache. Im going to try going on a complete detox to turn my mind back to what it used to be.
Hey guys, it's my first post.

I would like to say that I've probably smoked jwh-018 about 15 times. Everytime has been good. I have never overdosed on it. It's just normal casual high and sit back and listen to music or watch tv. Well, this past weekend was a special event so on Friday I smoked it once, got high (not full on stoned), waited a few hours and did it again that night. The next night, I smoke it again, and Sunday night I smoked it again. On Monday I noticed I had a really bad headache. Whenever I would think hard about something, such as trying to do complicated math problems my head would start hurting. Any thinking would hurt my head pretty much. Well, I was stupid and smoked again on Tuesday night and the headache is still here. It's Friday now and the headache is better but I still have it from smoking on Sunday. I've been trying to research it and was wondering if I have brain damage or something, but I'm hoping I just need to eat better, drink more water, sleep more, and lay off the smoking. If anyone has some input then could you let me know. The headache is a lot better, I can still feel it but I don't feel 100%.

Description of me:
5'10" 135. It doesn't take much to get high from anything. There's lightweight then there's me. I'm just hoping I didn't screw myself up.

(except for chainer or HoL (i always confuse those two), cuz it seems that mother fucker was built for this shit)
from browsing this thread it seems the weed what was smoked by OP has caused migraine type headaches. Keep believing you will get better as im sure you will.
perhaps it is a reaction to the high level of THC and THC has a long half life so will take a bit to leave system but it will in the end.

ive had chronic headaches before but due to another problem. Also note that if you are using painkillers too much then you will get rebound headaches.

i think its best to stop use of all drugs including alcohol and caffiene and exercise a lot with a healthy diet. Once again im sure you have not ruined your life.
i love this shit

i can goto my corner store like a mile away and pay 14 dollars and get 3 grams of this stuff or i can go pay 50 dollars or more to my local weed dealer

i can be high in na meetings or church or wherrever and not feel bad about it

drug test these bitch - "D'S NUTS"
Please help.
I was in a serious car accident not too long ago and i'm perscribed instant release oxycodone or roxy for the pain - while the pain is unbearable without this painkiller, it also produces an incredible euphoric effect. Every single time I have taken my Roxy I have felt this euphoria... UNTIL I smoked "k2" or "damiana" for the first time...
I smoked "k2" or as the package calls it "damiana" on Wednesday (three days ago) and at few hours later took my roxy, I felt nothing. I didn't think much of it and just went to bed. The next morning, I took my Roxy and again, I felt nothing. It has been almost three days now and I have not felt Roxycodone since I smoked the synthetic marijuana (I have smoked real weed before and it did not effect the way my Roxy worked).

I have searched the whole internet to find out why this is happening to me as I need my medicine for my intense pain and I'm worried because when I don't feel my normal dosage, I take more and still, nothing.

Why does k2 or damiana prevent my painkillers from being effective and how long will this last?

Please help.
40 years ago when i smoked pot there was an effect known as the head rush, which was essentially a form of hypotension.. low blood pressure, which in some people can bring on headaches. not to mention k2 has a dozen or so other ingredients which might be causing the problem episode.
Please help.
I was in a serious car accident not too long ago and i'm perscribed instant release oxycodone or roxy for the pain - while the pain is unbearable without this painkiller, it also produces an incredible euphoric effect. Every single time I have taken my Roxy I have felt this euphoria... UNTIL I smoked "k2" or "damiana" for the first time...
I smoked "k2" or as the package calls it "damiana" on Wednesday (three days ago) and at few hours later took my roxy, I felt nothing. I didn't think much of it and just went to bed. The next morning, I took my Roxy and again, I felt nothing.I need my medicine for my intense pain and I'm worried because when I don't feel my normal dosage, I take more and still, nothing.

Why does k2 or damiana prevent my painkillers from being effective and how long will this last?

Please help.

Why the hell then if you need the pain relief so desperately from the Roxis and this K2 garbage is interfering with it are you still messing with that shit..? It's a no brainer....Don't ya think..?
Like I have always said... DO NOT MESS WITH these new Research Chemicals and whatnot.
I mean there are perfectly fine drugs that have worked for many many many years... Cannabis, Opioids, Cocaine, Amphetamine and so on.

I hope all these illicit crap comes on the news a lot so the goverment's can DO something.. meanwhile 12-18 year old children suffer from suspicious chemicals and they don't even care about the long term effects... jeez.

I would NOT be surprised if all kids who mess with this stuff end up dying from these untested chemicals or become cripled at an early
age because their bodies had to endure this crap. OR develope some nasty illness.. I think the choice is rather simple - DO THE DRUGS THAT HAVE BEEN TESTED FOR AGES.
I hope all these illicit crap comes on the news a lot so the goverment's can DO something.. .

Where this K2 shits concerned, I've seen it on the TV news several times now. Reports of bad reactions, side effects etc are pouring in.
Not trying to make folks feel paranoid about it but I feel an obligation to pass on the information for what it is. I'm from an old school where if I share a toke with ya'all we are brothers. In that light I suggest to all of my brothers and sisters both in the cyber world and the real world to stay away from that shit.
Hey all,

New here, I was searching for info on side effects of this stuff and found this site and thread. Signed up for the forum as I also feel like I really made a huge mistake by smoking this crap. I've read every post in this thread, sorry if this is a long 1'st post but I'm not a troll, just had to tell my story to get it out there so here's my experience with JWH. I'm 41, and have been a weed smoker on and off since college. Really not very much in the last 4-5 years, an occasional one hitter on the weekend is about it. My employer recently started a very strict drug testing program with randoms and the whole deal so I had to quit a few months ago. One of my co-workers told be about "Kush" a few weeks ago and I was quite surprised as I had not heard about it. He and some other co-workers have been smoking it for a while so we were out one night and I decided to try it. I smoked one (and I am not lying) one hitter of the stuff on 10/7 (Thursday) and that's it. Didn't know what to expect, got pretty high and felt fine that night and the next day. On Saturday (10/9) I started to feel weird and the feeling hasn't stopped since. The best explanation I can give is that it feels like I am about 30% stoned like all the time. I'm somewhat disorientated, I get really tired sometimes and sometimes I get a slight feeling of "euphoria" like when you get stoned. My hearing is also very sensitive. It kind of gets worse sometimes in "episodes" for lack of a better term. I can deal so far but it's really a horrible feeling to not know what is going on. I went to the doctor last Friday and told him the truth. He was cool and told me to give it a couple of weeks, quit drinking, drink a lot of water and that I should be ok plus they did a blood test. I'm really freaked out and it did not get any better over the weekend so I went back today. Bloodwork was fine and he again said it should go away but I am so stressed out he made me an appointment with an addiction specialist tomorrow. I can only hope that it will stop. The only time I feel somewhat normal is if I'm in a familiar environment (like at the house on the couch) and drinking alcohol seems to help a little. Driving home from work today with the sunset and traffic I really felt messed up. This really sucks, anyone else have these type of side effects? Thanks in advance and be careful with this stuff.
On time I smoked some stuff that made me feel like I was in hell. It scared me away from weed for a long time. I'll never forget that day.
I'm glad I never did this shit! Here in UT the media is eating up all this spice craze... Some p want to get high here - they use spice because it's not illegal... Yet - I live in a police state bluelight
An uninformed comment. Even more brilliant :p

Morrow222: You might be able to treat your headaches with sub-threshold doses of psilocybin or LSD, maybe even melatonin. Here's a Wikipedia section describing this treatment alternative:
Cluster Headaches->Low Dose Psychedelics

You don't need to get high from these substances to find headache relief. That is if your type of headache can be treated this way.

That might work for inflammatory conditions or for cluster and migraine headaches, but there is no evidence to suggest it would work for what he is describing....I mean it might, but its kind of a crap shoot, and it might make him worse. I would urge caution. A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

He could be suffering from a depletion of a neurotransmitter, or the result of having too many endo-cannibinoid receptors, or some kind of functional imbalance.

I would instead start asking qestions like whether he was on any meds before he started using JWH cannibinoids.