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Effects list of K2 Summit

Dunno if someone already suggested it but 5-HTP is very good for headache relief and it is also a good anti-depressant. You can get it at your local healthfood store.
the fact that the only cure is beer, and being on the internet it is hard to take a bad report seriously.

from what i know, there are several people/sites feeding misinformation trying to scare people from rc's and using products like k2/spice

if this is legit that is horrible! but still weary of this
Please help.
I was in a serious car accident not too long ago and i'm perscribed instant release oxycodone or roxy for the pain - while the pain is unbearable without this painkiller, it also produces an incredible euphoric effect. Every single time I have taken my Roxy I have felt this euphoria... UNTIL I smoked "k2" or "damiana" for the first time...
I smoked "k2" or as the package calls it "damiana" on Wednesday (three days ago) and at few hours later took my roxy, I felt nothing. I didn't think much of it and just went to bed. The next morning, I took my Roxy and again, I felt nothing. It has been almost three days now and I have not felt Roxycodone since I smoked the synthetic marijuana (I have smoked real weed before and it did not effect the way my Roxy worked).

I have searched the whole internet to find out why this is happening to me as I need my medicine for my intense pain and I'm worried because when I don't feel my normal dosage, I take more and still, nothing.

Why does k2 or damiana prevent my painkillers from being effective and how long will this last?

Please help.

Sounds like your tolerance to opiates is just increasing. Smoking "K2" with opiates just intensifies it for me.
OP here. Incoming long post.

Dangerman - "I just signed up for this forum after reading every single page of this topic and all i can say is im suffering the same effects of the thread

poster. EXACTLY! the same. i cannot do anything but lay around and suffer with these "headaches" im beginning to start to think my brian is swelling or i dunno im just fucked up from all this jwh. i was on it for one month in july , 2010. once or twice a day.to this day im still fucked. i recently just got rid of all drugs in my life and all my bongs all the weed i used to love . im scared that this will effect for me the rest of my life and theres nothing i can do about it. i noticed the only thing to help is sticking my head outside of a window in the passenger seat of a car going about 100km/h. i hope someone can find a cure or some more information about this garage. fuck JWH. After smoking regular weed for 3 years. and one month of jwh i cannot smoke either. its ruined my life as well, i cannot work nor focus they need to get this jwh banned asap, its really worse then real thc."

ouchie - I feel you man. I'm on about month eight and I still have terrible head pains everyday. It really fucking sucks. I'd do anything to just feel normal again and chill with some weed with my buddies. But of course weed makes it much worse. Have any messenger or email we can talk about this

more on?"

"Why the fuck was a stoner banned from this drug? But I would much rather just feel normal sober than smoke weed again. "
I'm sorry man, I feel your pain.

myntz - I spent the entire day trying to find answers to what I am going through and am so glad I found this site.
Being out of good herb and the local connection was out for a while I decided to give this K2 thing a whirl. At first a couple of hits and I was feeling ok, weird but ok. Not nearly as clean as herb but what I got from k2 was satisfactory until the real deal came around again. Every time I smoked it, the effect seemed to dim a little quicker than before. So after a few days of smoking K2 and the effects diminishing a little more each time, I figured I would just smoke out a couple of bong loads and I would be good... I was very wrong.
About 5 minutes after smoking, I was walking back to my house from my "smoking spot" and this extremely intense rush hit me. My mind started racing, my heart was beating extremely hard, and I was definitely undergoing a panic attack. I had never before felt that way in my life.(Just for the record I have smoked herb for about 20 years, with some occasional sprinkles of LSD, Speed, shrooms, etc. Your typical concoction of experimental drugs for a youngster. However, the ONLY one I ever stuck with was good old mary jane.. So I am no stranger to different feelings from different substances but have been only a pot head for the past 10-12 years. I rarely if ever drink alcohol..)
I felt as though I had completely lost control of myself mentally. I tried frantically to find the right key to get into my house and the only thing I could think of was someone was going to find me dead in front of my house. I finally managed to get into the house and the only thing I could think of was to eat something to help bring me down. I could not focus visually or mentally. Trying to open a box of crackers resulted in a cracker explosion on my kitchen. I could not get it open so I just ripped it open and began stuffing my face full. At this time I was in total panic mode. I desperately tried to call my wife and couldn't do it. Luckily my phone rang and it was her. How I managed to answer the phone was beyond me, maybe it was muscle memory from answering it so much.. Who knows.. I told her I thought I was having a heart attack and she told me to lie on my left side in an attempt to lower blood pressure until she arrived. As I laid there tons of terrible thoughts ran through my head.. Am I dyeing, am I having a stroke, is it blood sugar related, wtf is happening to me. I was more terrified than I have been in my entire life. After about an hour, the effect stared wearing off, I actually ate real food not crackers and began to feel a little better. She convinced me to lie down and take a nap. I napped for about 5 hours. When I woke up I did feel a little better but I was still dizzy feeling and kind of sick at my stomach. I stayed up for a couple of hours and went to bed. This was Tuesday of his weekWednesday morning I woke up and felt much better but still had this odd, trippy feeling in my head. As the day went on it got better and I went to my cousins house who is a nurse. Her husband is an EMT. I told them what I did and how I was embarrassed / afraid to go to the doctor. We went to the fire station where he ran some tests on me in the back of one of the ambulances.. He said my blood pressure was fine, my blood sugar was fine and he did some other test and said that as far as he was concerned I was ok but probably needed rest. After I left there I felt 100% mentally and physically and went on about my day. It seemed like my dizziness had subsided and everything was going to be ok. I flushed the K2 and felt good about things. Chalked the experience up as something to never do again and move on. That night my buddies came over, we smoked some herb and it hit me all over again. Not with the same force as before but very, very similar effects. I started to freak out but pulled memories from my LSD days and just acted as if nothing was wrong and rode it out. Later on I went home and went to bed.
Thursday morning, this morning. I woke up feeling just like I did the night before, nothing had changed. I ate, still the same, figured I was just over paranoid about the previous events and tried to mentally block it out. I loaded a bowl, took two hits and went on about my day. About 30 minutes after those two hits I felt the panic attack feeling again, only this time I controlled it much better. However, I still feel this lingering drunk feeling and am hoping that in days to come I feel better. I do plan on detoxing for a month or so and giving real herb a try once again. I really, really hope I have not ruined my taste for herb because like so many posters here I enjoy the creative and calming effects I get from it. I am a design engineer and herb helps tremendously with mental blocks and creative flow. Right now I am just scared that I did some permanent damage to something in my body. I know this first post was very long winded but I felt the urge to tell my story. I am all for marijuana legalization and have been for many, many years. However, this K2 stuff is not right. I regret ever even knowing about it. That episode scared the shit out of me and in all my drug induced states over te years, I have never felt even remotely that way. People will do it anyways but I am just warning you. Some people have zero issues, so I read, and others have issues like I had. It is not worth the chance.
Thanks for reading..

Just realized that I missed a day in there. I meant to say Friday morning, this morning.. Thursday I slept most of the day and tried to work on the computer for a while still feeling dizzy and odd.."

Jdrumma said the same but I can't find his post.

These are just a few examples I've found on this thread. I won't post them all.

There's obviously something wrong, if only in 5% of people that smoke this mixture of chemicals that has claimed to be "legal". It is no longer legal in my state, Missouri, and Arkansas I know as well.

I'm on ~10months of feeling like my brain's melting, and I honestly don't know how I'm alive right now. First off : (Sorry if I seem all over the place, for the past 3 months I can't stand to look at a computer screen or read a book without the pain rising exponentially, unless I drink at all, which I do on a daily basis, as a medication, or I couldn't work, or talk to anyone, and a bunch of other messed up shit.)

I've had a few theories about this, and...the only way I think we're going to figure this out is the relation on alcohol on the brain and breaking down every reaction that we know of, and getting it prescribed in a pill form. I can't stand to be in a car for even 10 minutes without having to pull over it hurts so bad. I have no idea why. Your guess is as good as mine. The only way I can take it is to drink, wish is obviously not a viable choice, and it is a terrible drug to take on a daily basis.

I'd like to regularly talk to these people who are suffering from this curse. My email is [email protected]

I'm thinking maybe my brain is swelling...and drugs make it swell..or blood vessels expand...and I know alcohol constricts blood vessels. It's an idea at least.

Just an update on my situation: Can't drink coffee. Can't smoke weed. Can hardly ride in a car. Can't eat candy or eat anything with sugar. No ramen noodles either, or anything with a high amount of sodium. I have such a hard time getting through each day I can promise a psychadelic drug would kill me. No tylenol/advil/any medication designed to help with headaches. I smoked weed all day, everyday for 2 years with basically no side effects to memory. Right when this happened it's all but destroyed it completely. It's pretty fucked up that I'm a stoner at heart and have to resort to only drinking alcohol...I hate being associated with the alcoholic stereotype...I have no problem with marijuana. I fucking hate alcohol. This is killing me both emotionally, and 1,000,000x physically it feels.

sorry, my ADD is horrible..if I could drink some coffee this would make so much more sense I promise :p

Anyways, everyone suffering please let me know, if it is life threatening which I think it is, the sooner the better.

Be strong.
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I'm sorry that I can't read through all these pages of posts (there are quite a lot of them!) so I might be reiterating things already asked/said, but here's my take on things:

If you haven't seen a doctor about this, you definitely should. A general physician, a neurologist, maybe even a psychiatrist, and see what they have to say. Tell them the truth about the drugs you've taken - you're in no risk of legal ramifications, and it'll help them diagnose you correctly, if they are able to. I'm not saying take whatever medicine they suggest without doing some research yourself, and do tell them your worries about bad reactions to medicine you've had recently, but at least find out what they think might be wrong and what might help.

Look at your diet. If certain foods make things worse, try to figure out if anything makes it better. Fruits and vegetables? Breads? Tea? Try different kinds of herbal teas. Arizona makes an herbal iced tea with things like B6, B12, melatonin, chamomile, etc. that is very nice when I am having the beginnings of an anxiety attack.

Which brings me to my next point - try to see a psychologist. A lot of your issues sound like an anxiety disorder (note that I am not trying to brush them off as non-existent - anxiety disorders are real problems that can't just be set aside, I know this first hand!), which means that in addition to dietary and (possibly) medicinal help, it could benefit from therapy.

I've been dealing with extended "withdrawal" problems after going off an antidepressant I was on for three years, and these largely include anxiety issues, and talk therapy has been one of the best things for it, more so than any medical aid. I really feel it might help you out, first by helping you to not see your situation as being so bleak, and then (through that faith) helping you to find ways to improve your situation.

I wish you the best of luck! If you want to PM me with any questions about my advice, or my experiences with anxiety and drug-related mental health problems, or just to talk about whatever, please do so.

I wonder if it's the JWH-018 that's causing the issues that some people are experiencing or is it the blends that the JWH-018 is applied to. From what I've been reading some of these companies making the synthetic blends are dissolving the JWH with certain chemicals that might be harmful if not used correctly.

Has anyone experienced headaches and other issues by using *ONLY* JWH?
I wonder if it's the JWH-018 that's causing the issues that some people are experiencing or is it the blends that the JWH-018 is applied to. From what I've been reading some of these companies making the synthetic blends are dissolving the JWH with certain chemicals that might be harmful if not used correctly.

Has anyone experienced headaches and other issues by using *ONLY* JWH?

I've known people to have various health problems from "pure" JWH, but I'm sure the blends and any other chemical residues aren't terribly helpful either.

I think that there are so many variables that it's impossible to even guess what is the cause of problems - it's why I've decided to just stay away from things I don't know 100% what is in it, and also why I stay away from new, unresearched RCs. (Of course, this is after several months of using them and not caring, but that's another story for another time...)

Ultimately, we don't even know how these RCs are working in the mind, let alone in the body. Even if they could be shown to not be particularly carcinogenic, etc. we know that they hit the cannabinoid receptors, and that is all we really know. We don't fully know how they hit them (whether it is the full molecule or a metabolite, or both, and whether it might over time change the receptors or the natural feedback mechanisms in some way that natural cannabinoids don't.) Furthermore, they may hit other receptors as well - GABA, dopamine, who knows. A lot of chems have subtle side actions done by their metabolites that aren't always noticed up front, but could contribute to health issues that may not affect everyone, or even most people.

And then there is the possibility of co-interactions that only occur in people with certain medications or dietary habits, putting them more at risk. Anything from antidepressants to birth control pills to grapefruit juice can have effects on how things are metabolized and how they might work in the body and in the mind. You can never assume someone posting online is telling their entire medical history.

Just some food for thought.
I believe that my use of both JWH-018 and JWH-073 has done me more harm than anything else I have ingested.

And I really do blame it for my anxiety to this date, I was smoking quite a lot and taking hits every half hour at one point for a period of about 3 months, 25mg of 018 being my largest hit, the anxiety it produced was insane but I never really feared the anxiety so kept on doing it.

Then came my most frightening experience ever after smoking an eyeballed amount (3-5mg of JWH-018 ) on mushrooms, The anxiety developed into fear, then the fear into terror, then the terror into something beyond words.

I remember there was a lot of pain in my chest and difficulty breathing, thought I was having a heart attack and the pain was unbearable, I am still unsure as to whether the pain I felt was real in the sense that it related to an actual problem (I do have a heart murmur)

I have read though that often people burst into A+E having a panic attack talking about having a heart attack when physically they are fine, so I don't know what to make of it, either way it was scary as hell.

I made the mistake of smoking it a few days later (I know bad move) and it made me anxious once more, only this time I feared the anxiety realizing it was the same feeling that escalated into terror previously, ever since this realization whenever i'm anxious now I can do nothing but fixate upon it, fixate upon the feeling that wont go away. the feeling im afraid will escalate into terror once again.

Then I end up realising a whole bunch of drugs make me anxious, cannabis for one has never been the same since that experience, now I only smoke small amounts after I found out the hard way once again by smoking a massive bowl on mushrooms and having another equally frightening experience 8). MDPV I feel I should mention as well as my god that gives me anxiety like nothing else, and worse of all I find myself compulsively redosing on the stuff.. never good news.

In response to the OP though and as mentioned already on this thread, LSD + Psilocin at sub-threshold doses have worked for numerous people suffering from cluster headaches, they might work for you perhaps.

I felt this post to be necessary just to show people that there are risks with these research chemicals and that the 'It probably wont happen to me' attitude did end happening to me and can end up happening to you, All in all my use of JWH really wasn't worth it for all the negative effects it left me with... oh well 'buy the ticket, take the ride.' hey.
strong open eye hallucinations? I think it would probably be a stretch to call those hallucinations at all, just fleeting thoughts that your high mind starts to wander with.

sounds to me like a panic attack from a high dose of synthetic cannabinoid.

and doubtlessly that's whats in this k2 summit stuff

Yup. I have trained myself to control my fear. I was stricken with a panic attack disorder at a young age. I've never experience that type negative effect. I always remember that I'm high.
I wonder if it's the JWH-018 that's causing the issues that some people are experiencing or is it the blends that the JWH-018 is applied to. From what I've been reading some of these companies making the synthetic blends are dissolving the JWH with certain chemicals that might be harmful if not used correctly.

Has anyone experienced headaches and other issues by using *ONLY* JWH?

Yes mine was pure. I'm on month 10 of permanent burning head pains since a pure 18 overdose. I'd rather be crippled then deal with this anymore. I want to kill myself but I'm scared to.
The best way is definitely to obtain pure JWH-108. It's got a pretty strong energy, and you have to channel it somewhere, but if you do it can be an AMAZING high. :)
I have had bad side-effects from overuse of marijuana, including intense doomsday feelings, lots of anxiety, severe paranoia with minor delusions and visuals, and lots of other ones (especially when I abused other drugs as well).
I strongly recommend you avoid using drugs (marijuana included) for at least three months.
I smoked an 8th of this stuff and didn't get high at all. I felt slightly tingly and that's it. I was also coughing up black shit for a few days after. I hadn't been smoking anything at the time, this stuff is way worse on your lungs than weed. It tastes like sphincter too.
Stay away from JWH-018.
I recently heard about a test on the news done with K2 that said it causes irreversible brain hemorrhage, and ever since I ordered a gram I have had to try hard to avoid slurring speech.
Yes mine was pure. I'm on month 10 of permanent burning head pains since a pure 18 overdose. I'd rather be crippled then deal with this anymore. I want to kill myself but I'm scared to.

how would you know if your 18 was pure or even jwh-018

what'd you run some tests on it or something?
i got some for free from the smoke shop and decided it was bunk shit. chemically induced high that isn't safe compared to the usual dank. stay away from it, just because you can buy it in a store doesn't mean it's safe.....
Yes mine was pure. I'm on month 10 of permanent burning head pains since a pure 18 overdose. I'd rather be crippled then deal with this anymore. I want to kill myself but I'm scared to.

Hey ouchie, where do you live? You should send me an e-mail.
On a side note...maybe we're all spirits on a different dimension and this life is only a test to gain intelligence and experience all there is to feel, pain and pleasure both, in all forms and extremities. And this is a final test of endurance to obtain ultimate nirvana. Maybe 8)