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EADD Heroin Discussion v. XXII -- Brucey Bonus Beetles all round!

Thanks for sorting that link out Sprout....I couldn't work out why it wouldn't post propely <3

Yeah 600mg per day and he said he did it cos he didn't want to be dependent on pills which is a tad ironic. Imagine how much that would cost in this counrtry where lope is so much more expensive and comes in 6-12 count packs rather than the hundred + they get in the state's (although I did once get some very reasonable 200 count bottles off e-bay for a fiver)...

Fuck knows what his QT intervals were like. Probably so extended they fell of the edge of the paper :)
Can you imagine how his arsehole musta felt though? Sod that I enjoy my, almost orgasmic shits not the torturous "pick n micks' up the ass kind where you're wondering what's going to come first a shit tearing the ass a good one or or a bloody ass.

Seriously that's mad.

I can't get a quote of Englander's response but I think that guy was seriously nuts and am not surprised he died. The amount he was advocating would be instant overdose for me at my height and weight. Never mind the cardiac arrhythmia! There's a lot or arguments in OD about dosing ranges but I haven't found more than 20 mgs does much.

I'd be open to a bupe taper done very rapidly but again, this is a highly controlled substance and I have no other access. Honestly, if I didn't need a script for some very real mechanically caused issues, I'd just walk off or ask for the bupe. It would have to be a one-off-I couldn't go back later and ask for hydros.

This hasn't been a bad rattle. All the comfort stuff is very sedating for me so I sleep alot, even though the sweats are no fun.
I think the guy had some serious pre-existing medical problems but it's unlikely that 600mg lope per day did him much good.....especially since some of his existing problems were bowel and cardiac related anyway.

We dont have hydrocodone in the UK but IIRC it's stronger than codeine but weaker than oxy and morphine....

Isnt it combined with paracetamol? Do you take it as it is or cold water extract the hydro out?

One of my reasons for getting off pain meds was the constant running out early and having to rattle for a few days every single month.....it just got old after a while.

I'm a bit aprehensive about seeing the pain specialist next month and he offers me opiates. I need to control this pain but I don't want to go down that road again.....
Hydros are an opiod than is one step up from codeine and no where near oxy. The high is the warm blanket type with a little energy and it's very effective for arthritis, radiculopathy and mechanically caused nerve pain. Yes, I CWE, I care about my liver, not that I tell my PM people that. All hydrocodone tabs have Apap-I think it's actually an anti-abuse thing. Some people take insane amounts-like 200 mgs and are probably headed for liver failure. The product guidelines max out at 80 mg or 8 tabs a day. I'm well below that.

This one's my fault-one pill extra on 10 days out of the month means 2 days of rattle. I exceeded the dose due to some activity. Now, it's cold and dreary and I wouldn't need it!

This may have been discussed but a lot of PM groups here are recommending hydromorph, Dilaudid, in the low dose-2 and 4 mg. Fewer pills, no apap and generally well tolerated. a friend with spinal stenosis was switched over. I felt it was over kill for me and declined when it was offered. My friend occasionally will offer me one or two of his, but that's for fun and not anything I want regularly
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We have hydromorohone over here (I was prescribed it once) but we don't have diiaudid (oxymorphone).

On the plus size the oxycodone we have is the original OC type not those silly OP anti-abuse ones. There is a brand of oxy over here combined with naloxone (similar formulation to suboxone) but I forget the brand name off the top of my head. Its pretty much mophine sulphate, oxy and fentanyl patches that are prescribed for serious chronic pain over here now.

As for the weaker opiates it's all tramadol, codeine phosphate and dihydrocodeine and unfortunately there is no middle ground between those and the hard stuff (morphine, oxy etc.)

I'm just wondering what the pain doc will offer me and what my response will be. I really dont want to go back on opiates but I have to get this pain under control somehow. I can't do my job and be in pain but can't do it if I'm on strong opiates either.....catch 22....
How do you do with the big time anti-inflammatories, like Celebrex, Voltaren gel, oral voltaren etc? We used to have a bigger range but there's an association with cardiac events. I went through the whole range before opiates-to my lasting regret. Everyone of them irritated my stomach and I would eventually start throwing up blood. Oddly morphine does the same thing. However, I know people that swear by them.
re jumping off ct...I got myself down to about 8mg of bupe then went away for a week or so and just caned the ket the whole time.upon return,my script had lapsed but i was clean and apart from drinking a bottle of spirits a night,I was doing ok.My big mistake was to move straight back to where I lived before so I would get dealers knocking on my door~whatcha going to do in that situation.Also,local 'friends' who used and it was just too tempting.But the K def works for the pain.wish they had given that to me in the hospital.They knew about my morphine tolerance yet still gave me a patient controlled drip,which did nothing at all.They gave me an epidural as they knew they wouldn't be able to manage my post op pain but all I got was a numb left leg.hey ho-all in the past BUT
last time it was complete junkie self neglect-I was not a junkie at the time but you learn to live that way...just general neglect.I left it 6 months with only having a shit on 2 occasions,both with an enema which just cleared my lower bowel.Now it's been almost 2 weeks.how long should i leave it before telling the doc?I know some people get worked up if they don't go every day-I know that's obsessive and ridiculous but I am terrified cos if they need to take any more bowel,I will need a colostomy bag.Hoping it is intestine as you have loads of that to spare.
gonna take me some extra laxatives and await the explosion
Tinker - yeah I've been prescribed the whole gammut of NSAIDs too. Both gels and tablets.

So you were having stomach problems while taking topical anti-anflamatories?? I must have misread that and your refering to pills....what about lansoprosol or misoprostal for stomach protection ?

Kat - I think two weeks is approaching see the doctor time. You could try a mix of lactulose syrup and sennacot ...that should work. Sometimes senna on it's own can cause terrible stomach cramps . if it goes on any longer I would definitely see the doctor or maybe speak to the pharmacist as they can prescribe certain things through the pharmacy first scheme.

Hope youre feeling better soon <3
So you were having stomach problems while taking topical anti-anflamatories?? I must have misread that and your refering to pills....what about lansoprosol or misoprostal for stomach protection ?

Sorry, I wasn't clear-it's the oral stuff that gave me problems and I didn't see that taking still another drug for minor pain relief was worth the trouble.

Kat, I am really sorry you are going through this but Dr. is the best solution. Getting ischemic bowel from a lack of motility is a bad outcome!
re jumping off ct...I got myself down to about 8mg of bupe then went away for a week or so and just caned the ket the whole time.upon return,my script had lapsed but i was clean and apart from drinking a bottle of spirits a night,I was doing ok.My big mistake was to move straight back to where I lived before so I would get dealers knocking on my door~whatcha going to do in that situation.Also,local 'friends' who used and it was just too tempting.But the K def works for the pain.wish they had given that to me in the hospital.They knew about my morphine tolerance yet still gave me a patient controlled drip,which did nothing at all.They gave me an epidural as they knew they wouldn't be able to manage my post op pain but all I got was a numb left leg.hey ho-all in the past BUT
last time it was complete junkie self neglect-I was not a junkie at the time but you learn to live that way...just general neglect.I left it 6 months with only having a shit on 2 occasions,both with an enema which just cleared my lower bowel.Now it's been almost 2 weeks.how long should i leave it before telling the doc?I know some people get worked up if they don't go every day-I know that's obsessive and ridiculous but I am terrified cos if they need to take any more bowel,I will need a colostomy bag.Hoping it is intestine as you have loads of that to spare.
gonna take me some extra laxatives and await the explosion

How long were you on suboxone? Seems dramastic to transfer to maintenance, a more pote t drug with more of a half life tha Heroin n go cold turkey. Unless you did a short taper n I'm mistaken?

Would it have not made sense to have just ct'd off the heroin? Sorru not meaning to sound unhelpful I'mjust confused?

Just got off the phone to Jess. She's now not coming up next weekend, but at the end of the month. I had planned on scoring when we were together, but now I'm thinking I ought to just press on and see what happens. Not a drop of perspiration last night, which is a good sign.

Of course, if she asks me to send her some in the meantime, I will have to oblige. But the greatest concession I will make to temptation will be to extract no more than the customary "scoring fee", and then seal the envelope shut before the first application of flame to foil. And that will be purely an experiment to see if or not I can still survive a one-night blast without ill effects the following day :)
Been away the weekend and had to take it easy on the gear , being stuck in a caravan with the kids running about.
Got back got everyone settled and Mrs finally gone bed so having a use up
Had a hit and Iv worried myself been gouching in all sort of fucked positions. Never gone out before with the pin still in. Drunk to much and keep concentrating on my breeveing rung my pal up to come get me never been this's scarred I'm a fucking idiot.
Fucking hell Strungout that's a bit silly!!

Definitely get someone to come and watch you ....if your breathing falls much below 12 breaths per minutte then Its time to do something about it mate...phone 999.

On the positive side if you were able to type such a coherent post then you're probably OK but there's no way to know that for sure.

Let us know youre OK...
Yeah I was a fucking idiot last night, just looked at the time and i made that post 2 1/2 hours after my hit.
I thought it was about 20 mins latter. I really think I'd have gone over if had some Valium, I'd been drinking all afternoon and evening.
Only been using the pin for a month coss my chest is getting fucked from years of smoking gear.
Got a dead leg I can't walk off from gouching out all fucked up.
Won't be doing it again for sure going to have a go at a rapid sub detox. Time to clean up.
Thank fuck for pals like the jekall he's was with me in 10 mins , bless him
How long were you on suboxone? Seems dramastic to transfer to maintenance, a more pote t drug with more of a half life tha Heroin n go cold turkey. Unless you did a short taper n I'm mistaken?

Would it have not made sense to have just ct'd off the heroin? Sorru not meaning to sound unhelpful I'mjust confused?


The time away was sprung on me,so no time to taper down further
But the Ket left me with no pain or other symptoms of w/d at all
I would still suggest bupe as the most efective way if you genuinely want to quit the gear
The ket party was just a surprise thing that worked for me
but going back to old residence and friends caused my downfall
if you really want it,you need to rearrange your entire life.need to relocate and cut away all the losers and users that you hanged out withhope this relieves the confusion
it was out of my control
I was,for want of a better term,kidnapped and told "you don't need that shit anymore",believing it,and taking some other shit instead.should I have to w/d again,I would def look at a week or maybe 2 on the magic K-not long enough to get another habit but long enough to get through the toughest of the w/d
Been away the weekend and had to take it easy on the gear , being stuck in a caravan with the kids running about.
Got back got everyone settled and Mrs finally gone bed so having a use up
Had a hit and Iv worried myself been gouching in all sort of fucked positions. Never gone out before with the pin still in. Drunk to much and keep concentrating on my breeveing rung my pal up to come get me never been this's scarred I'm a fucking idiot.

I hope you're ok

The time away was sprung on me,so no time to taper down further
But the Ket left me with no pain or other symptoms of w/d at all
I would still suggest bupe as the most efective way if you genuinely want to quit the gear
The ket party was just a surprise thing that worked for me
but going back to old residence and friends caused my downfall
if you really want it,you need to rearrange your entire life.need to relocate and cut away all the losers and users that you hanged out withhope this relieves the confusion
it was out of my control
I was,for want of a better term,kidnapped and told "you don't need that shit anymore",believing it,and taking some other shit instead.should I have to w/d again,I would def look at a week or maybe 2 on the magic K-not long enough to get another habit but long enough to get through the toughest of the w/d

Ahhhh I see. Thanks for explaining it to me. Glad the K helped you. How are you feeling now? Do you think you'll not use again?

The time away was sprung on me,so no time to taper down further
But the Ket left me with no pain or other symptoms of w/d at all
I would still suggest bupe as the most efective way if you genuinely want to quit the gear
The ket party was just a surprise thing that worked for me
but going back to old residence and friends caused my downfall
if you really want it,you need to rearrange your entire life.need to relocate and cut away all the losers and users that you hanged out withhope this relieves the confusion
it was out of my control
I was,for want of a better term,kidnapped and told "you don't need that shit anymore",believing it,and taking some other shit instead.should I have to w/d again,I would def look at a week or maybe 2 on the magic K-not long enough to get another habit but long enough to get through the toughest of the w/d

Depending on how much you do of the k, you will develop a tolerance quite quickly, I can't even k-hole these days :(

No smack and no k make matty a sad boy :(