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EADD Heroin discussion v.21 -- Big shout out to kkattastic :)

I started subutex today, I didn't realise how much of hassle this is going to be the first couple of weeks going to the pharmacy everyday (should have expected it though) I had my first dose at midday (2mg) and didn't feel much, though I was head over heals into a withdrawal at the time, had a lie down then had the second 2mg they gave me to take home at 3pm and I feel pretty good now as far as feeling good goes. That is, I'm not in withdrawal anymore, don't have any cravings, though don't feel high.. i'm trying to remember if this is what feeling normal is like. I've got another 2mg to go for today, how long do these things last for and when's the best time for me to next take one? I'm going to the pharmacy at 7:30am before work tomorrow to get tomorrow's "supervised dose" and the two they give me to take away before a keyworker meeting at 12:30 to see how my first day's been.

Nice one mate, hope it works out for you. Regarding daily pickups; yeah, its a pain in the arse, but its not as bad as scoring everyday is it? At least you're guaranteed to get it straight away and its not going to be cut to fuck. Stick with it and you will be rewarded with freedom.
I started subutex today, I didn't realise how much of hassle this is going to be the first couple of weeks going to the pharmacy everyday (should have expected it though) I had my first dose at midday (2mg) and didn't feel much, though I was head over heals into a withdrawal at the time, had a lie down then had the second 2mg they gave me to take home at 3pm and I feel pretty good now as far as feeling good goes. That is, I'm not in withdrawal anymore, don't have any cravings, though don't feel high.. i'm trying to remember if this is what feeling normal is like. I've got another 2mg to go for today, how long do these things last for and when's the best time for me to next take one? I'm going to the pharmacy at 7:30am before work tomorrow to get tomorrow's "supervised dose" and the two they give me to take away before a keyworker meeting at 12:30 to see how my first day's been.

as for how long to leave it,leave it as long as you feel you can.
we all know it is good to build a small surplus if you can,just in case
Nice one mate, hope it works out for you. Regarding daily pickups; yeah, its a pain in the arse, but its not as bad as scoring everyday is it? At least you're guaranteed to get it straight away and its not going to be cut to fuck. Stick with it and you will be rewarded with freedom.

The past month i'd moved on from daily scoring to buying quarter/half ounces, upsetting one dealer in the process by going over their head, all the same don't have to deal with that nonsense anymore going to miss the excitement of finally arriving home with a bag.

as for how long to leave it,leave it as long as you feel you can.
we all know it is good to build a small surplus if you can,just in case

yeah that's what i'm trying to do, though already sweating five hours after my last one, going to leave the next till 9pm, I hope to god that the large tesco's next to where I live's pharmacy is open at half 7 before I go to work tomorrow. I'm guessing all this discomfort counts towards reduction in tolerance though, after a couple of weeks of this would ceasing completely cause much withdrawal wise if I stick to 6mg a day?

The first few days on Subs always hurt, sometimes a bit, sometimes alot. They always seem to fuck me up good and proper for 3 days or so, then you settle into them and it's a much smoother ride than methadone, at least detoxing anyway..

Me personally, I wouldn't jump off at 6mg, I'd get down to 1-2mg and jump... YMMV etc, CatInHat jumped off at 20+mg... Good luck man...
The first few days on Subs always hurt, sometimes a bit, sometimes alot. They always seem to fuck me up good and proper for 3 days or so, then you settle into them and it's a much smoother ride than methadone, at least detoxing anyway..

Me personally, I wouldn't jump off at 6mg, I'd get down to 1-2mg and jump... YMMV etc, CatInHat jumped off at 20+mg... Good luck man...

thanks, as I am now I'd be able to work fine in my job (general legal admin) but I have a feeling the rest of this working week will be tough I doubt it will be as bad as when I cold turkey'd on my first day in the job (was on a day two of withdrawal with nothing to sooth it) and managed then to make it through the week, plus my girlfriends staying with me this weekend so can just sit in and relax and have that to look forward to. Heroin cravings are non-exsistant which i'm pretty surprised of, minor chills and sweats is not too bad a deal compared to how i'd feel now if i'd not got my script today.

I've heard taking benzo's is a big no no as far as bupe goes, if I were to have an msj blue before bed and a glass of wine would that be anything to worry off of a 2mg Subutex? Off the 4mg I had earlier I didn't feel any drowsiness or slow breathing.
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It sounds like they're working well for you, like I said I do really suffer for the first two days minimum. I've got enough to do a detox but I'm so busy at work, plus it's physical work I'm really reluctant to start them.

I've never known staggered doses though, did they explain why you're doing that? I can't see the benefit to it seeing as Subutexs long half life, taken daily the concentration in your blood is high all the time..

I've found cravings reduce significantly on Subs compared to Methadone, just as well really seeing as using is completely pointless... The best thing for cravings is Naltrexone, I was on them for about 12 months, never a thought to use. I was even around people using at parties in the early hours and I was not interested in the slightest.. weird..
It sounds like they're working well for you, like I said I do really suffer for the first two days minimum. I've got enough to do a detox but I'm so busy at work, plus it's physical work I'm really reluctant to start them.

I've never known staggered doses though, did they explain why you're doing that? I can't see the benefit to it seeing as Subutexs long half life, taken daily the concentration in your blood is high all the time..

I've found cravings reduce significantly on Subs compared to Methadone, just as well really seeing as using is completely pointless... The best thing for cravings is Naltrexone, I was on them for about 12 months, never a thought to use. I was even around people using at parties in the early hours and I was not interested in the slightest.. weird..

So would I only need to take the full 6mg once/ split it and take a dose later in the day? they didn't really explain it too well in terms of dosing i was just sent down to the pharmacy for my first supervised dose and then give 4mg to take away and not really told when to take them so i just presumed a six hour gap would make sense?
It seems odd they're doing supervised but sending you home with twice the amount they've just witnessed you take :? I've always taken my doses in one go. Once settled on them I could go well over 24 hours just forgetting to take my dose, I'd never wake up in the morning reaching for my meds..

I ain't your Dr, or anyones for that matter but I don't see any benefit to spreading them..
It seems odd they're doing supervised but sending you home with twice the amount they've just witnessed you take :? I've always taken my doses in one go. Once settled on them I could go well over 24 hours just forgetting to take my dose, I'd never wake up in the morning reaching for my meds..

I ain't your Dr, or anyones for that matter but I don't see any benefit to spreading them..

Well the exact name of what they've given me is Prefibin if that makes any difference?
Nah, no difference at all, that's just the brand name. Still just Buprenorphine and Nalaxone...
Nah, no difference at all, that's just the brand name. Still just Buprenorphine and Nalaxone...

Subutex= bupe
suboxone =bupe +nalaxone
Never tried either but those i know who have said that it fucked with their heads slight dissacociate feelings
Bloody hell. Jess wants me to go and score gear for her and send it to her. And I'm supposed to be trying to avoid temptation here. This is not at all what I need.

I suppose I'll have to do it ..... it is Jess, after all. Perhaps if I don't have any more for myself than what gets lost in the course of re-wrapping for transport, and post it quickly before I can change my mind, I won't restart myself on another withdrawal .....

Just wish I didn't have to.
Some people do actually have loves of their lives who are not themselves. I realise that this may be a difficult concept for someone like you to comprehend, though.
Bloody hell. Jess wants me to go and score gear for her and send it to her. And I'm supposed to be trying to avoid temptation here. This is not at all what I need.

I suppose I'll have to do it ..... it is Jess, after all. Perhaps if I don't have any more for myself than what gets lost in the course of re-wrapping for transport, and post it quickly before I can change my mind, I won't restart myself on another withdrawal .....

Just wish I didn't have to.

This Jess is using you. I've been in a similar situation with my best mate. He knew I was trying to fight my addiction, but he kept asking me to score for him - seemingly with no regard for my situation. Eventually I just refused pointblank. Strangely, I've not seen him since. Put your foot down Julie, you're just a full on addiction waiting to happen. Nip it in the bud now - Jess won't be there when you're shitting the bed and climbing up the walls...
This Jess is using you. I've been in a similar situation with my best mate. He knew I was trying to fight my addiction, but he kept asking me to score for him - seemingly with no regard for my situation. Eventually I just refused pointblank. Strangely, I've not seen him since. Put your foot down Julie, you're just a full on addiction waiting to happen. Nip it in the bud now - Jess won't be there when you're shitting the bed and climbing up the walls...
It is really nowhere near that simple. We go back a long way, and probably have saved each other's lives a few times each. I can't just turn her down.

I think I can deal with this. I'll probably be fine, just as long as I get rid quick. Not planning to take much more than the equivalent of a few co-codamols out of this one myself .....
It is really nowhere near that simple. We go back a long way, and probably have saved each other's lives a few times each. I can't just turn her down.

I think I can deal with this. I'll probably be fine, just as long as I get rid quick. Not planning to take much more than the equivalent of a few co-codamols out of this one myself .....

Sorry Julie, but it IS that simple. If Jess had any respect for you at all she wouldn't ask. Why don't you introduce her to your supplier? Then you won't be compromised and she can be responsible for her own addiction. From what I can gather you are skating on very thin ice at the moment. One day you won't be able to fight it anymore - then you're in for the long haul.

Also, from the tone of your posts I think you know what I'm saying Is true
We're currently 200 miles apart and she is trying to sort out her sick mother, who is in all honesty not long for this world. And my dealer is the one to whom she introduced me when she lived near here .....

I am going to suggest for her to try and pick up an almost-local connection, though -- enough of a ride away so she won't make the journey unnecessarily. It's not as though it's hard to score H near where she's at .....
Subutex= bupe
suboxone =bupe +nalaxone
Never tried either but those i know who have said that it fucked with their heads slight dissacociate feelings

Aye I know. Sub(utex)oxone was the original before the generics came out... I only recently found out that the Nalaxone in them is completely useless as a tool to stop IV Bupe abuse as Bupe has a higher affinity than the Nalaxone..

They've never fucked with my head, just always put me into wothdrawrls for a few days no matter how long I wait after my last use.. I like to throw MXE/Ket on top for the dissociative affect.. :D

I'd take them over methadone every single time.. I'd sooner stay on heroin than methadone tbh. That's just me though and I have weird ways..

@ -Julie... You'll do as you do, you know as well as anyone the risks. If I had to put money on anyone having the strength to commit to not using whilst holding on to some for another it would be you...

You'll be right whatever you do... <3
Bloody hell. Jess wants me to go and score gear for her and send it to her. And I'm supposed to be trying to avoid temptation here. This is not at all what I need.

I suppose I'll have to do it ..... it is Jess, after all. Perhaps if I don't have any more for myself than what gets lost in the course of re-wrapping for transport, and post it quickly before I can change my mind, I won't restart myself on another withdrawal .....

Just wish I didn't have to.

Tell her to get her own H. She obviously don't care much for you if she knows you're trying to quit n keeps asking you to get it. Seems extremely selfish to me. Put your foot down n don't put up with it. You don't HAVE to do anything.
