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EADD 6-APDB Thread...v.1..So what the fuck is this then?

Serotonin Syndrome is potentially permanent as in potentially fatal, but if not fatal I can assure you you would wish to avoid it at all costs. Having experienced it I'd suggest you may want to avoid even the slightest chance of it however remote a chance it may be. It really is a Bad Thing - I'd go so far as to say it was actually A Very Bad Thing Indeed. The main concern - aside from a very painful and unpleasant death - is organ failure which is permanent. Kidney failure is the most common problem I believe and that is not something anybody would wish for. Not worth risking it in my book.

I'd also make sure you've properly researched 5-htp used around the time of using serotonergics if you are going to use that stuff. I know it's popular over in the MDMA & Entactogen forums amongst Americans especially but I consider it to be highly dubious and potentially highly dangerous. It's worth looking into properly given the potential risks involved. I've always found my lil brain manages to sort its serotonin levels just fine left to its own devices even if it does mean feeling somewhat lethargic and sub-par for a day or two (I actually only get tiredness which isn't a problem at all - brainzaps from overly-keen 6-APB and/or 6-APDB use is more of an issue but I take that to mean either using less of those substances or allowing for the fact I'm gonna be zapped for a few days after heavier use).

If what you have is actually cocaine I wouldn't see any particular problems with using it the day after MDMA myself. Obviously it's not good for body and mind to be using stimulants so frequently but that would apply to using any stimulants so frequently and I do plenty of that. Coke has serotonergic action but nowhere near as much as MDMA or 6-APDB and neither of those things is especially hard on dopamine so you should still have enough left in the kitty to get effects from coke. The fact you're not sure whether it's actually coke or something completely different is more of a concern. Don't you have more of an idea of what's in your stashbox? I often have a variety of anonymous, very similar-looking whitish powders in my stashbox so make a point of putting them in labelled baggies and having paper labels attached to them too in case I forget to put them back. It really is fairly fundamental to HR and drug use in general to be as certain as you can possibly be of what drugs you are actually taking.

If it is coke then it should work fine, if it's something else entirely it would obviously depend what it was. If it's something strongly serotonergic you'd be in the same position as if taking 6-APDB or MDMA again, of course. I really can't offer any advice about random powders so that is a decision you'll have to take for yourself. And maybe invest in some sticky plastic labels and a biro ;)
Would you say 6-apdb is a club drug?

Yes and no. I have been out on APDB, but I looked and felt so fucked that it probably wasn't/isn't wise. Don't get me wrong, the empathy, rushes and music appreciation are amazing for a club - the problem is you are also tripping quite hard and you also look like an eye rolling mess that staggers around with BLACK eyes (my pupils have NEVER been so big as they are on APDB!).

What I am trying to say here is, treat APDB as you would MDA, it is almost exactly the same. I think that APDB may be a bit too stoning/mashy-off yer tits for a club. At points, I could hardly see for eye wobbles and OEV as the walls of the club flowed into the floor. It was incredible, but I was so fucked, I eventually got asked to leave as I just sat on the sofa with my eyes in the back of my head, drooling.

You get the picture. Shambles may disagree on this one, but I feel that APDB (in high doses) anyway is best suited for home as it's quite heavy. However, a moderate dose may be quite nice in a club setting.....
I would quite happily use it in such an environment. It's perhaps more suited to a more personal setting as there is a bit of a lack of stimulation for some. Whilst I'm all for additional stimulation in many situations I've never found it to be a huge problem with 6-APDB and am sure general atmosphere would be enough to keep things perky enough. I've only ever used it at home though so couldn't say from actual experience.
if i was to take it at a club/festival i'd more than likely take with some phet as i'd like to dance but as i not tried 6-apdb yet i'll try it at home first. tried 6-apb years ago in pellets thought it felt similar to a mdma pill and also made me really horny but don't remember being that impressed cuz i never bought it again.
The 6-APB pills were stupidly overpriced and worked out more expensive than ecstasy pills for most people at the time which I suspect was what put many off. Given so many thought of 6-APB as a "replacement" or legal alternative for ecstasy it was probably a bit off-putting that you could get ecstasy itself cheaper. I never had the pills and only bought 6-APB in powder form which worked out far more reasonable. I also never thought of it as an "ecstasy replacement" so much as a drug in its own right. As such, I got along with it really well. Most complaints I've seen were from people expecting something all but identical to MDMA only legal and that is obviously not the case as they're different chemicals with their own unique character.

I notice some overseas vendors have picked up 6-APB alongside 6-APDB. Has anybody sampled any 6-APB from overseas since the ban? There seems to be a lot of talk of "preban" when discussing mephedrone and MXE despite there being no reason at all for there being any difference (I have heard the various theories so no need to go through them all again) and was just wondering if people are thinking similar things in relation to 6-APB. I've not bought any since the ban but may well do at some point to do a more direct comparison with 6-APDB.
i was using like 30 mg mdma crystals + 80 mg 6-apdb at once at saturday, i went to a party and people saw that i looked really fucked up so they keept asking for shit from me and i started to think everyone is a cop because the one guy i acctualy wanted to help i went with him right out the dance floor and when i turned around there was like 4 people following us so i just stopped and went back dancing, after that very suspisious looking cop people was asking if i had anything and if i was selling blabla so i was very suspisous at everybody as i though almost everybody was a cop and this place was very official too, the whole event etc. like it was a arranged cop meeting and it felt almost id get a psykosis and i went home and threw away alot of drugs inside a juicebox and threw it out the window,
so i dont have anything left now, kinda need this break anyway lol. havent sleept any at all just laying for 12-14 hours in my bed everytime i used 6-apdb and just chilling. feels like i am just laying there without sleeping acctaly but are kinda feeling fine after waking up anyway
Omega 3 and a diet rich in sardines, mackarel and bananas are for me a much better alternative than taking 5-htp, and that's from somebody who has taken 5-htp before and after MDMA for years on end. True you don't get the blues and it does add a layer of psychedelia to a lot of drugs, preloading before a usual dose of 4-ho-met was wild.

However I don't think 5-htp is that healthy itself, I feel heavy and bloated when taking it, lose my appetite and notice that my skin tends to turn yellow if I pop them regularly, I have a feeling they're not good for your liver either.

Anyway 5-htp before MDMA, changes the experience, doesn't make it stronger, but some aspects are more intense, like the mongyness, which I'm not particularly fond of.
Would you say 6-apdb is a club drug?

ive ben on mdma for just 1 day before i did 6-apdb the day after. and the 6-apdb is mutch better
Yes and no. I have been out on APDB, but I looked and felt so fucked that it probably wasn't/isn't wise. Don't get me wrong, the empathy, rushes and music appreciation are amazing for a club - the problem is you are also tripping quite hard and you also look like an eye rolling mess that staggers around with BLACK eyes (my pupils have NEVER been so big as they are on APDB!).

What I am trying to say here is, treat APDB as you would MDA, it is almost exactly the same. I think that APDB may be a bit too stoning/mashy-off yer tits for a club. At points, I could hardly see for eye wobbles and OEV as the walls of the club flowed into the floor. It was incredible, but I was so fucked, I eventually got asked to leave as I just sat on the sofa with my eyes in the back of my head, drooling.

You get the picture. Shambles may disagree on this one, but I feel that APDB (in high doses) anyway is best suited for home as it's quite heavy. However, a moderate dose may be quite nice in a club setting.....

what doses did u use for club? i used 110 mg 6-APDB for a week ago, and saturday at 80 mg + some 30 mg mdma, i was very focused and knew exaccly everything what was happing around me ,this saturday, very confident but susspisiuos at everyone
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Just to point out that plenty people took plenty MDA out and about when it was more commonly seen. Messiness is hardly a huge problem at certain events. Admittedly clubs are a somewhat different matter sometimes - I'm not really very familiar with clubstuff at all, but for freer events there's certainly no problem with explicit fuxxoration. It's generally seen as a positive. Obviously it's best to tailor your drug use to your environment - horses and courses and all that.

Incidentally, 6-APDB (and 6-APB for that matter) don't feel at all like MDA to me. There is some similarity at high doses where you get into more psychedelic realms but physically they feel quite different to me. MDA is much more stimulating and rushy. They are all chemical cousins but not necessarily quite kissing cousins.
i did it again this thursday at a raggae festival, had taken some 2.5 mg maybe clonazepam earlier that day and i was very relaxed but was rolling very chilled down, maybe my toleranse has getting higher?
It has markedly reduced effects if used frequently - you do need to allow a reasonably amount of time to restock on brainchems and obviously longer gaps between uses are better. I've not really noticed tolerance rising as such myself. I don't use it very frequently though - tend to go through a gramme fairly quickly but then leave a good few weeks, few months even, before buying more. There does seem to be considerable variation between batches in terms of potency sometimes which is a bit disconcerting but if it's the same batch you used before I wouldn't expect it to be a tolerance issue. I'd be thinking more about the 2.5mg of clonaz - that's bound to make for a distinctly chilled experience assuming you don't have high benzo tolerance.
im empty on 6-apdb now and wanted to order more and my vendor told me they are nearly out and told me 6-MAPB is better so i bought that instead, how do you think its comparred to 6-apdb and mdma?
For anyone who cares, APDB and LSZ seem to cross tolerate quite significantly. A while ago, I did 1.5 tabs of LSZ and tripped hard. The following evening, I dropped a 215mg bomb of APDB (with a 100mg re-dose later in the night), and it was a very mild experence - no rushing, no visuals, almost no jaw clench, but significantly dilated pupils. Normally, this dose would put me on my backside, tripping absolute sack.

Considering LSZ obviously downregulates the 5HT2a & 5HT2c receptors (much like LSD), it would appear that a week or two break is needed inbetween psyche use and APDB. I would treat APDB like a psyche in that case :)
Interesting observation. Perhaps similar issues might account for some of what appears to be quite extensive variability between batches of 6-APDB - or indeed sometimes when using the same batch.
From what I have experenced, I am a firm believer that APDB acts heavily upon 5HT2A & C in a way similar to a psychedelic. Whilst APDB is obviously a releasing agent, I firmly believe that its action upon 5HT2A & C are significant, as the drug had lost almost 70% of its effect after dosing LSZ. Furthermore, as I hadn't consumed SRA drugs in a long while before my APDB experiment, this leads me to believe even more than APDB's action is very similar to a psyche in many respects.

Additionally, this could possibly explain why I seem to suffer no symptoms of serotonin depletion a la MDMA (mid-week crash, low mood etc) when using APDB, as I have always felt it released serotonin in a different way to MDMA. However, this could also be down to the very low DAT release of APDB....

On unrelated news, would sure be nice to enjoy the Pembrokeshire sun with some wine right now :D
You never had the brainzaps in the days after 6-APDB then? I get them pretty bad - never once had them from MDMA but 6-APDB is brutal in the few days afterwards if I overdo it even by a small amount.