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EADD 6-APDB Thread...v.1..So what the fuck is this then?

Me and another person took 100mg for our first time on this stuff, and got much of nothing but nausea, significant temperature changes, and disappointment. Im thinking now perhaps we just underdosed, as it takes me about 150mg of 6-APB to get where I want to be with a month break between experiences.

Regardless the batch i got is a very white, creme-like colored clumpy powder. Not sandy at all, but very similar in consistency to 6-APB batches ive gotten previously.

Marquis results for me went from bright red to brown-red in 60 seconds. This was odd considering all the other APBs go from purple to black/dark purple. Anyone else had a chance to marquis test 6-APDB?
Try taking it with a plain stimulant. Selective serotonin releasers like this rarely shine on their own but with some extra dopamine release they can be really enjoyable, without the need to push the dose to dangerous levels.
I find dosing of the stuff to be pretty hit and miss. Not entirely sure if it's a batch issue or a me issue though. I agree that it does lack somewhat in the energy department and is generally fairly sedating for me. I've not really had a straight stim to combo with to hand whenever I've used it but think I might go for some 2-FA to add a lil perk next time I order. Currently still getting brain zaps from last week's 6-APDB binging (admittedly - and thankfully - at greatly reduced rate, but still noticeable) so gonna leave it a while yet. I never had/have any issues with recovery from MDMA use no matter how extreme it got sometimes - does seem 6-APDB is especially brutal in terms of recovery if you overdo it even by relatively small amounts of overdoing. I think adding a stim should help with this cos I'll be less inclined to up the dose/add redoses simply to try to push the energy levels up a bit and avoid the mongdom that can be quite a feature otherwise. I do like the stuff but seems to be kinda finickity to get right.
I completely agree with the last part there shambles. My theory as follows:

6-APDB lacks dopamine and norepinephrine, and this doesn’t just mean that it lacks energy. It seems these form a key part of the empathogen experience, and if they are lacking then people just take really high doses to compensate.

MDAI is a great proof of concept here – it has no NE or DA release and as a result it’s really disappointing on its own. With 2-FMA (for example), it is an absolute winner.

MDMA doesn’t have this problem because it has DA and NE release which means one needs to dose less to achieve the desired effects. It does have neurotoxic metabolites though, so it has a bad comedown for different reasons.

With a dash of a 5HT-1a agonist (like 5-MeO-DMT or 5-MeO-MiPT) and the straight stim, I think this could really shine.
Smashed circa 300mg of this 2 days ago, it was fucking incredible. Shits all over MDMA in so many ways! I was tripping insane ballsack, whilst unable to see for eye wiggles and drowning in euphoria.....It was the perfect drug.

On the downside, at its peak, this stuff increased heart rate quite significantly and my chest was fairly tight at points, together with the fact that the tripping got to the point where I was almost delirious (forgetting how I got to different points in the house, talking to people who weren't there). Don't get me wrong, it was incredible, I just wouldn't go out on it.

No brain-zaps so far (touch wood) and I'm really great, just tired :)
I completely agree with the last part there shambles. My theory as follows:

6-APDB lacks dopamine and norepinephrine, and this doesn’t just mean that it lacks energy. It seems these form a key part of the empathogen experience, and if they are lacking then people just take really high doses to compensate.

MDAI is a great proof of concept here – it has no NE or DA release and as a result it’s really disappointing on its own. With 2-FMA (for example), it is an absolute winner.

MDMA doesn’t have this problem because it has DA and NE release which means one needs to dose less to achieve the desired effects. It does have neurotoxic metabolites though, so it has a bad comedown for different reasons.

With a dash of a 5HT-1a agonist (like 5-MeO-DMT or 5-MeO-MiPT) and the straight stim, I think this could really shine.

Would ethylphenidate or MPA work? I've not done either, but don't fancy wasting the tiny bit of 4-fa i've got left
Read this and then this.

I found 100mg far too much, others find it isn't nearly enough. I think this is one of those that you really have to titrate to find something that works for you.
I would go for 150mg and then a 50mg re-dose about 1.5hrs in. That was enough for me and I was spangled by that point, but I just kept re-dosing because I'm a fiend.

A word on visuals, they can get quite sinister...At one point, I saw my entire door-frame suddenly get covered with thousands of bees, and I heard them buzzing louder and louder as the swarm increased. Needless to say, I nearly shit a brick, as I fucking hate bees.
I would go for 150mg and then a 50mg re-dose about 1.5hrs in. That was enough for me and I was spangled by that point, but I just kept re-dosing because I'm a fiend.

A word on visuals, they can get quite sinister...At one point, I saw my entire door-frame suddenly get covered with thousands of bees, and I heard them buzzing louder and louder as the swarm increased. Needless to say, I nearly shit a brick, as I fucking hate bees.

If there is one bad trip I'd hate to have it would be that one fuck that!
Would ethylphenidate or MPA work? I've not done either, but don't fancy wasting the tiny bit of 4-fa i've got left

Ethylphenidate is a reuptake inhibitor so I would advise against it as it will block any dopamine release by 6-APDB. The duration is also very short. MPA could work but it is not very selective for dopamine. I would recommend putting in the effort and doing this properly if you want to try it.
i suppose one could combine 6apdb with 2fma in the same bomb no?
Since your 5-mapb mix works so well for many people, what would you recommend for 6-apdb?
It’s difficult for me to be precise really because I have only tried it once. About 80% of a normal dose is about right so perhaps 80mg with 6-APDB + *30mg 2-FMA? You want about “full” dose for full release because the plan is that the separate drugs don’t “stack” at the same receptor – they each have their own job. This prevents the excessive intensity that you might get from 80% + 80% =160% dose of a single drug.

You’ll need to perform a bit of experimentation to know the right level because it appears that the “normal” doses for 6-APDB are a little skewed because of the problems I was talking about earlier.

*this is a bit more dependent on your own taste. More probably wouldn't go amiss but max 45mg maybe.
Hard to say as there does appear to be quite extensive variation between people. 100mg "should" be enough but seems it often isn't. I'm still not entirely sure whether this is a per batch issue or simply individual variation, but I suspect a bit of both. It certainly can't hurt to err on the side of caution first time out though and 100mg isn't an especially high dose for anybody (as far as I'm aware) but "should" be enough if material is of reasonable purity and person is of "average" constitution. It does seem that in reality doses often need to be upped a bit but always better to presume the lower dose range initially in case you are one of those who gets a full-potency batch. Redosing or topping up also works if needs be but not too much and not too often as the comedown becomes exponentially worse really quite quickly.