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EADD 6-APDB Thread...v.1..So what the fuck is this then?

Just noticed 6-EAPD on a site, anyone tried it? i wonder how much of a dff the first letter makes
i havent personally, but from what other have reported, its not looking too great, sadly
Sorry for bumping this, but I am in two minds about ordering some APDB as I fancy something a bit different to MDMA (I have MD available, but I want to expand my horizons a bit, and MDA isn't available). I have read through this thread, but I couldn't really find a general consensus on this chem - Is it worth doing? I have tried 6-APB in the past (years ago) in combination with 5-APB (60/50mg) and it was good but slightly underwhelming. My aim this time was to bosh 150mg of APDB off the bat, does this sound like a plan?

Furthermore, does it combo well with say 5-APB? Failing that, I could combo it with MDMA, but that somewhat defeats the object of trying something different.

SR :)
I ordered some last week. If i take a 200mg dose of 6-APB for desired effects how much 6apDb would i need? I don't want to overdo it, but i also don't want to be underwhelmed.

Ordered a gram a couple of weeks, shared with two mates between saturday afternoon and early sunday afternoon

I started with 127mgs, followed by an extra bomb, can't remember anymore, probably around 50/60, two hours later

It took a while to come up but when it did it was good, less energy and stimulation than MD, mild visuals, lots of sweating and temperature change, you sit down you're feeling warm and fuck, you get up you start freezing, goosebumps on you arms.

Decent euphoria that lasted for ages, no comedown to speak of, not even a decrease in mood or happyness after a few hours, late on some decent visuals, very good closed eye visuals, looking outside the balcony was nice, my friend'd cat for a while looked majestic like he sparkles on it, like Ewdward Cullen from Twilight.

I did redose a lot, I reckon I consumed about 5/600 mg throughout the session, from saturday afternoon-to-sunday lunchtime so almost 24 hours, my mates did the rest. Would buy again if it were legal, I made the order then checked the new laws. Not worth the risk
holy, I was fucked off 100mg and lasted like 6+ hours. Wouldn't even consider redosing twice on it!
Didn't get any odd temperature stuff off it despite being outside in below 10C weather in just shorts and top, mind you I was dancing pretty hard
I dropped a 100-110mg of this last night. I came up really hard after about 45 minutes/1 hour and I felt on the verge of a "Oh boy, I'm about to get mashed feeling". Then, it never really progressed (although I was feeling good, but no gurning to speak of)), and after 3 hours, my pupils returned to normal and I fell asleep solidly for the night. No comedown to speak of, nothing. In fact, apart from feeling a bit tired, I feel as if I took nothing last night.

All in all, a bit disappointing in that I'm regretting not smashing 200mg off the bat now. Unfortunately, under-dose or not, I now have to wait a month at least before I can trial again :(
Why do you have to wait a month ? Serotonin depletion worries ? Im on an SNRI so i dunno of this stuff will work on me. I may miss a day or 2 of my SNRI as it may block the stuff from working. I got given some of this and another simillar compound as free samples, but have never even touched them yet, as i was on an SSRI before which completely ruins serotonin releasing drugs. I dont think SNRIs are quite as bad, but im not completely sure about that. I'm looking for decent non opi based occasional recreational things like this.
I wait a month AT MINIMUM (normally 3) due to serotonin depletion, and also it also stops you getting effects like suicide tuesday/brain zaps etc. Believe me, part of me is tempted to give it a proper go again tonight, but I have work on Monday, and I know that APDB two days in a row would probably leave me with some pretty shitty brain-zaps and mood swings for a while.
Yeah serotonin releasers rarely work 2 days running. A month is a very sensible amount of time to leave it. These things can de-stabalise your mood otherwise.
Yeah serotonin releasers rarely work 2 days running
It's annoying because I obviously under-dosed last night :( I would never do a triple monoamine releaser two days in a row anyhow, its just asking for serious trouble! However from what I can gather from reading this thread, tolerance doesn't seem to really build with this stuff and you can do it regularly. Not that I would advise this however.....
What's the comedown like with the AP's? I never got round to trying the stuff out, and thought I'd look into it.
In my experience, 6-APDB has no comedown, I feel completely normal today :) On the other hand, I found 6-APB's comedown to be quite rough, probably because of the insomna. I manged to get a full 11 hours sleep after dosing with APDB no problem.
I've got a number of job applications in the pipeline at the moment, I'd be tempted to take some this weekend otherwise, but dont wanna be in a fucked up/run down state if i start getting phone calls and emails about my applications next week. If nothing comes of them, then I'll possibly give this stuff a go next weekend.
I'd be tempted to take some this weekend otherwise, but dont wanna be in a fucked up/run down state
Trust me mate, you could do APDB and go about your life the next day, simply because it allows you to sleep at any point :) I've been writing essays today and being generally productive. It is Saturday after all ;)
hmm ok thanks, i took my SNRI last night though, i think i may need to skip a dose or 2 for it to work, so will have to plan ahead for this. Not gonna do it this weekend, have been using kratom for a few days, so will have that to deal with tomorrow aswell as ive deliberately run out of kratom.
Fair enough!

Man, I hate having mild/under-dose experiences, as the urge to just hoof it tonight is in the back of my mind. However, I know I will regret it for week(s) if I do, so I'm better of waiting...../Sigh/