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DXM Scraps & Redundancies

I thought they mentioned using capsules, and I have none...

*will re read*
So do robitussin coughgels make you throw up? I tried chugging 300mg of buckley's cough syrup and i threw it up 10 minutes later, didn't even get a trip cuz I threw it all up. I just hope the coughgels will stay down long enough to get digested.
^ I suspect a large ammount of syrup could have been responsible for this. You may want to try the cough gels.
> i dont need to read medical journals to know that this drug
> causes serious brain damage
There is actually no substantive evidence that DXM causes brain damage, and the effects you mentioned (such as long come-downs) can be more neatly explained by known factors such as DXM's long half-life. It should be noted that many people do not experience the next day effects as deadening, but rather as cognitively and emotionally stimulating.
yes i would have to say i had a great experience twice, both times not doing too heavy a dose (1 and 1/2 bottles), besides the itching it was pretty amazing... i even had mild hallucinations....yay:D
Re: my thoughts

416-514 said:
anyways dxm scares me . i hope that some scientist does to dxm what they did to pcp (made k). cuz i would love to see a significantly less neurotoxic version of this beautifully halucinagenic opiod.

As far as I have read in medical journals, PCP is not even known to be toxic to the human brain.
I have taken 450mg worth of Robitussin cough gels and not thrown up or even felt nauseous, but my friend I was with felt very nauseous and couldn't do much because of it. No one puked though.
Here's some additional DXM rambling:

I tried the 4 oz. bottle of Vicks44 yesterday and I don't think I like lower level trips. I think it was only about 260 milligrams DXM. It wasn't enough to give me any of the fun effects, like CEVs.
dxm is a great drug. in no way is it like LSD. dxm has psychedelic/dissociative effects.

when i first started using dxm i thought that i would trip out like LSD or shrooms. no i didnt. it was a different trip. i found out that i dont get many if any visuals on dxm(even on high doses). i have had some but nothing mind blowing like i have seen before. i do it cause i like the dissociative effects like OBE's. i also like it cause i can think about life issuses and can actually dance pretty good on low doses only.

i do think that LSD and shrooms are better and would do them any day over some dxm but i still like dxm. i still do it also.

some people may not like dxm. maybe they didnt do a high enough dose or just plain out didnt like it. that for the individual to find out.
I am currently on 300mg of DXM (my first time)...

I noticed the 1st level, I did a lot of my housework very quickly. Then I moved onto the 2nd and this is where I am at right now. I am very slow (like being drunk) but it also feels like my body weighs 300kg.

So far, I haven't really notice any "mental" effects... it has indeed been enjoyable. Though next time I might do 500 - 600 (extracted, in powder form) to reach the 3rd level, that's where it will start getting interesting.
I drank 3 4 oz bottles of the vicks 44 for my first time, then 4 for my second and i was feeling about mid-2nd stage, if you want to put it that way... i felt drunk as hell but had really good clarity of thought.... the movies i watched were extemely had to follow and the music was AWESOME..... no hallucinatios whatsoever, though... i though just lying in bed with some trance techno going in the dark was about the top of the evening....hard as hell to sleep, felt really tired though...had good dreams.
I would go for the 3 bottles of Robotussin Max Strength as opposed to Vicks 44.

Robo Max Strength has 354mgs of DXM per 4oz.
Vicks 44 has 236mgs per 4oz.

In 3 bottles that is a big difference.

3 bottles of Vicks = 2 bottles of Robo Max Strength.
Tried the cough gels

It's a pain to take those Robo gels though, since they're only 15 mg each. So for a 600 mg dose you have to take 40 gel caps. I suppose it's better than drinking that syrup though. I did 600 mg and that turned out pretty good, except for a bad headache coming down. I didn't notice this before, but I'm not sure why the gel caps would have caused this if the syrup normally doesn't.
I'll put a postive reply for dxm in. I'll even go as far as saying that it is probably my favorite drug. I've done it somewhere around 40-50 times over the past year. A friend of mine always has some, he orders pure dextromethorphan HrB. off of the internet. Last week was the first time I had done it public though, I Drank a bottle of 4oz. Robotussin maximum strength at 12:41am on a monday night it hit me at about 1 hour and i began to feel like i was going to vomit at about 2, i held myself back from doing it.
I also managed to stay up the entire night. At 6 i got in the shower and began to get ready for school. I could still feel that the dex was in me, probably about a +1.
AT 6:42 i drank another 4oz bottle and then a friend showed up about 10 mins later. AT about 7:50 it hit me in my first period. I got very lucky i didn't get caught at school, the entire day i just kept repeating this school is weird, or "this school is so fucked up."
I thought i had a, as i called that day, a "behind the scenes look" at our school, i began to think it was corrupt and i felt as if i needed to find things wrong with it.
This was defianantly a werid day at school.
But what i love about dxm is the only word i can find to desribe it; is weird. No other word desribes the trip better for me.
I found that watching TV was fun on about 600 mg. A heavier dose probably would have made TV difficult to see, although I have managed to play video games on heavier doses, it can get rather confusing.
to recap this giant and lovely thread:
-don't smoke dxm, it doesn't work and releases toxins
-pure powder is better than extracted is better than gelcaps is better than syrup, so try to get pure powder first.
-don't snort it.. it might work but it's not worth it.
-you can mix it with alcohol or drinks, but from my personal experience you don't want to. the drug itself tastes HORRIBLE, and adding liquid to it just means you have to put up with the taste for longer.
-don't be a fuckup and take too much ;)
darn i was the last person to post.

i tried taking a 3rd plateau dose yesterday (pure powder). i tried to have little in my stomach since it otherwise leaves me feeling very bloated. but after about 1.5 hrs i ended up spewing most of the dxm up and only got a mild trip.

which is better, to have a bit of food in my stomach (try again, maybe with a single gravol?), or to eat dxm after a meal?
which is better, to have a bit of food in my stomach (try again, maybe with a single gravol?), or to eat dxm after a meal?

I don't know about DXM specifically, but I've noticed that for a lot of chemicals that make you nuaseas, it's often better to have SOMETHING in your stomach, rather than nothing at all. It depends though, sometimes that isn't the case... But I would say if you spew when you do it on an empty stomach, then it's worth it to try having something in your stomach and see how you do then. Milk is sometimes good, as it coats your stomach. Maybe a carnation instant breakfast?
Just an idea...
I personally prefer DexAlone more than the cough gels you mentioned, they are better! I was wondering something....you know the day after you trip on DXM and you yawn and you get that after affect trimmer trip for like 3 seconds after the yawn....I was wondering if that happens to anyone else besides me...I think its great! :)