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Drugs at work

I dont frequently take drugs in work at the moment.

Used to work in a bank processing cheques and would smoke about 4 or 5 shotties every morning before work. Then at dinner time go for a J to top it up.

Used to be an electrical engineer and didnt smoke while going out on site, but used to have college blocks of 3 weeks at a time in leamington spa which is halfway down the country for me, and always brought weed for the week. Got caugh smoking a spliff on the grounds at midnight and got fired for it :\

Now work as a mechanical engineer in a horrible warehouse, need a change in career.
Still usually go to college stoned which isnt very helpful, and have gone into this job stoned a few times, not as often though, its a bit more risky. Ate half a green star in work though when they came about towards the end of summer because it was a friday and i only had half a day, i couldnt help myself. Suprised no one noticed i was just staring at everything in a mad daydream all day.

Next on my list for in work is dmt.
only ever had the odd spliff when i was working in a shop. eased the boredom on long shifts.

now i can't do my work unless my brains in good condition. though sometimes i forget that when i've got something tedious to do and feel like i have to smoke a spliff even to get started. would like to try some of the kinda brain enhancing drugs at work.

one of the best mathematicians of all time, erdos, complained that he lost a months work when he won a bet that he couldn't go a month without speed. probably the only person i know of who's work benefited from drugs.
Iv been to work after a heavy 3 day binge of mephedrone a fair few times. After having no sleep and totally exhausted. I work in a shop as an evening shift manager and have to be on the ball know whats going on. Someone found me asleep in a cupboard one time and i mumbled something about having a migraine lol. Messy times wouldnt do that again anyway its far too risky. I sometimes go to work after the occasional morning smoke but i cant function as well unless i have a clear head.
Only the once. I was in a club doing a line in the toilets (3am?) when i got a call from work saying one of the systems had crashed. So I had to leave and go into the office completely off my face. Took me 5 hours to get things up and running again and the only way I could stop myself from crashing was to have a couple of sneaky topups in the work toilet. I'm not doing that again.
taken allsorts at nearly everyjob i have had.only time it has bitten me im the bum was when i overdosed on smack on the nightshift.not good
Most I every done at work was smoking weed probably... but fuck I went into work in some states alright. Used to work in a furntiure auction which was on a Saurday morning. Would have been pilled out from a club and party just before before going in.... holding up stuff with around 100 people staring at you while the sweats running down you face cause you still off your nut. Then the panic attacks starting to kick in as the colour runs out of you. Had to run out once or twice.... boss was a fuckin sound bloke looking back.

I know a fella who's a scaffolder. Never seen anyone work this guy in all my days. We'd be partying in his house and he'd just get up... throw his gear on and head out to catch his lift to fuck knows where in the dead of winter to put some scaffolding up. He'd be back that night and go straight back at it and so forth usually for a good week before it caught up with him. Proper fucking hardcore work which I propably couldn't do in all honesty sober:(

Some people are just fuckin hardcore... I'd have started crying:)
I did codeine a few times at work before tolerance started catching up to me and I didn't have time to CWE 50+ pills on my lunch hour. Made the day so much more enjoyable.

Tried to smoke a bowl at lunch once, worst idea ever. I didn't think it would affect me so much that I couldn't drive... I kept spacing out the whole way back, no idea how I didn't crash. Then I was just a paranoid wreck when I got back into the office. My boss was sat behind me in a small IT office, no idea how he didn't notice. Not enjoyable in the slightest. First and last time I ever drove after weed.
I think it totally depends on the job - if I had to work in an office or drive or summat it would probably be a bit shit. If you happen to just be doing soul-sapping, mind-numbing donkey work it makes a 12 hour shift a smidge more fun though.
yeah, when i was flat out on mephedrone i had an all nighter then at it in work..

good times lol
I liked doing mephedrone at my restaurant job, but had to stop doing that when they noticed me frequently taking long bathroom breaks.
Mephedrone,rec tramadol dose,GBL. Not really something to be proud of but some days it just had to be done,well it didn't have to be done atall but you know what i mean.

I am not quite sure if phenibut is even classed as a drug but it gives me a happy buzz at work,once or twice a week.
Had a few joints before work / on a lunch break but with my job ive always got customers in my face annoying the fuck out of me so I tend not to anymore.

I had a rore bong before work few months ago which was a silly idea, I was sitting in the associate room looked down and noticed I was wearing two completley different shoes, not sure how the fuck I managed it
Yesterday at work I was on pv and a little drone....was actually pretty awesome until my bag ran out and I had 3 hours left :(
I couldn't get away with it, nor would I want to be off my nut on anything with the work I do.

Even if I switched jobs, it's nice to separate work/social situations. The less you do at work, the more you can do out of it. ;)
Had a few joints before work / on a lunch break but with my job ive always got customers in my face annoying the fuck out of me so I tend not to anymore.

I had a rore bong before work few months ago which was a silly idea, I was sitting in the associate room looked down and noticed I was wearing two completley different shoes, not sure how the fuck I managed it

Had a few joints before work / on a lunch break but with my job ive always got customers in my face annoying the fuck out of me so I tend not to anymore.

I had a rore bong before work few months ago which was a silly idea, I was sitting in the associate room looked down and noticed I was wearing two completley different shoes, not sure how the fuck I managed it

Il keep my eye out, if I see someone wearing 2 completely different shoes I will come over and say hello. =D

The idea of taking drugs at work doesn't really appeal to me, stimulants especially. If I'm not having fun on them seconds seem to take years to go by.

I've taken codeine at work once, boss thought I looked ill and sent me home. Result!
Working in a resturant years ago i used to smoke massive spliffs before and during my shifts which made it easier unless i was also hungover which made being in a sweaty kitchen or dealing with customers horrible. Made me look like an idiot a fair few times.

At the market research agency i used to smoke a few bongs but that made it really hard to talk to people with drymouth and making loads of stupid mistakes to pissed off northeners.
Sniffed k quite a few times when not on the phone and doing data entry or programming which usually meant going back through it all. Im sure my boss noticed me sat there vacantly looking at the screen doing nothing.
Did pills and mandy there a few times which did seem to make things take ages.
The worst was when I came back from glasto last year i dont remember being at home at all i knew i had done trips and loads of valium and k on the monday but dont remember being home at all. god knows what my mum must have thought but she wouldnt have let me go to work if i was a right state so who knows what happened. The next thing i know since im at the festival was coming round at work on the phone to a customer stopping what i was saying and put the phone down. I had eaten half a gram of shit mandy before i went in and then saying to my supervisor i got to go and then doing the other half out the bathroom tap before i left. Went out where i live mashed smoked a bong and was back in festival mode and had to take the rest of the week off to find my mind. Nearly got the sack for that. Thinking about it that is really bad.

Current job as an electrical engineer at a simulation place i have sniffed ketamine constantly while at work due to having large amounts and lack of self control, this means keep away from the boss which is easy at our place and go and do some maintainence on your own or clean not safe at all. Basically makes me pointless to have around .
Have done coke a few times and pills and mandy quite a few which makes everything a bit more interesting, but basically because i couldnt help myself or was going out later.
got caught doing a double balloon in my office by one of my workmates and had to explain what is was, he didnt say anything though. Also the MD walked in when i had a balloon in my hand, he is my aunts mate so didnt say anything just smiled asked his question and walked out. I have sat and done boxes of balloons here.

Basically drugs and work/college are bad and im not doing it again (another new years resolution).