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Drug stories you have heard that sound like bullshit

I once spent around three hours hidden in a bush with two mates because one of them was convinced that we were surrounded by armed coppers.
We were so high on MDMA that we believed it....until I started to come down and realized how ridiculous the situation was; the 'armed copper' was a fence post with some barb wire hanging off it.
The one thing that annoys me is when people claim ecstasy pills have heroin in them...grrrrrr.... Its so moronic!.
Even after I explain about heroin crap oral BA and that adding an expensive drug to a cheaper drug makes no economic sense, they still insist that 'those pills felt smacky'. This from people who have never even seen heroin before.
laced weed

why, oh god why, is this so popular, especially among highschool health teachers
That weed been 'dipped' in acid!.....scary thought until you find out that LSD is a very delicate chem that breaks down at the slightist hint of heat.
If only I could go back to those anti-drug lessons at school, with the knowledge I have now, and really show everyone the utter bullshit that they teach.
Why do we allow our kids to be bullshited with these 'scare' tactics? Instead of jusr giving them real information.
I once spent around three hours hidden in a bush with two mates because one of them was convinced that we were surrounded by armed coppers.
We were so high on MDMA that we believed it....until I started to come down and realized how ridiculous the situation was; the 'armed copper' was a fence post with some barb wire hanging off it.
The one thing that annoys me is when people claim ecstasy pills have heroin in them...grrrrrr.... Its so moronic!.
Even after I explain about heroin crap oral BA and that adding an expensive drug to a cheaper drug makes no economic sense, they still insist that 'those pills felt smacky'. This from people who have never even seen heroin before.
The H in E pills bullshit is so annoying i totally agree. Ans of course when you explain why it doesnt make sense in multpile aspects they wont listen
laced weed

why, oh god why, is this so popular, especially among highschool health teachers
Weed isnt laced with blow,meth, LSD,H, pills etc for sure. With pcp you have to pay more and you will be told that it was laced, unless someobdy really dislikes and wants to make you geek out lol.

Cannabis is sometimes laced though. The glass/Silicone thing in the UK, windex sprayed weed to make it heavier,etc. Im wondering if people who are fucked in the head have though of the idea of lacing weed with synth noids. It would make kinda sense. I hope it doesnt happen
This guy I knew once told me that he tried meth once and couldn't move for hours. Said he just sat there in his parked car gripping the wheel for a few hours until it wore off. I've never used meth but I don't think it does THAT. I think he was BSing about the whole thing just so he could brag about having done more drugs than the rest of us.
Then there was this chick who said that this guy he knew died because he OD'd on weed...
A friend of mine was telling me he had this guy called Michael Fagan round his house, and he was telling him about the times he broke into Buckingham Palace tripping on mushrooms in the 80s. The first time he just wandered around and stole some wine or something. The second time while wandering around late at night he found himself in a bedroom and there behind the bed curtains lying in bed was the Queen of England, who's voiced shrieked like broken china: "Who's there!" she pulled back the curtain, jumped up and legged it out of the door wearing a 'Liberty print' nightie which was down to her knees, little bare feet pounding across the floor.

Yeah BULLSHIT! I thought...

...But then when I looked into it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Fagan_incident

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A friend of mine was telling me he had this guy called Michael Fagan round his house, and he was telling him about the times he broke into Buckingham Palace tripping on mushrooms in the 80s. The first time he just wandered around and stole some wine or something. The second time while wandering around late at night he found himself in a bedroom and there behind the bed curtains lying in bed was the Queen of England, who's voiced shrieked like broken china: "Who's there!" she pulled back the curtain, jumped up and legged it out of the door wearing a 'Liberty print' nightie which was down to her knees, little bare feet pounding across the floor.

Yeah BULLSHIT! I thought...

...But then when I looked into it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Fagan_incident


crazy shit 8o
" Fagan entered the palace through an unlocked window on the roof and spent the next half hour eating cheddar cheese and crackers and wandering around." LMAO
^It's also kind of coincidental that his namer is "Fagan", like from Oliver Twist...but it's spelled differently...

Apparently people used to sneak into the royal residences all the time and directly hit up the King for money or just play around on the premises all the time centuries ago....Apparently they'd just throw you out...At least, this is what I've read in books. A book on Henry VIII mentions this happening, but also mentions that he was the first king to really put a stop to it during his reign.
In the 1800's the White House was open to anyone. You could just stroll in there and go see the president. After Andrew Jackson's inauguration he threw a huge party in the White House that would make modern frats parties look like AA meetings.
^Kinda strange to think there was actually a time when it wasn't assumed that someone was gonna just sneak up and open fire on you at any given time....The world has really gone down hill...you can blame the US and the wars we've started, but the fucking psychos that continue to massacre people in public every 6 mos doesn't help the situation...Of course, that's mostly an "American Thing" too...

It's amazing to think that people were allowed to roam the airports freely right up to the boarding areas not even 15 years ago....The world has changed very quickly...
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What you have to remember is that in olden times in england, royal residencies were also offices of state and many members of the aristocracy travelled with the monarch from house to house throughout the year. Kinda like a royal court on tour'.
So, it wouldnt be unusual for lots of people to come and go all day and night.
However, the royal chambers would have been inaccessible to almost everyone, except with a royal summons.
^It's also kind of coincidental that his namer is "Fagan", like from Oliver Twist...but it's spelled differently...

I thought this too. You couldn't make this sh@t up.

Apparently he told my friend about this story after he said 'can I just sort my self out' My friend thinking he meant get a plate for the take away food he had, but he walked in on him injecting heroin into his dick / groin on his kitchen table, then proceeded to tell him the story about the Queen and that he was upset that they used the picture of him in a silly hat in one of the newspaper article interviews and that it was lies that the Queen said she sat with him when actually she legged it out the room (and so would I)...A very surreal day he said.
"...that's like the time smoked 9 blunts with Tupac, fuckin', fuckin', i was like 'yo 'Pac be easy man, this shit's mad strong' and he's like 'nah shit doesn't even phase me doo' light up another one. And i'm like nah tho but i'm about to float outta my sneakers and shit but he's like 'nah tho i'm not even high'. Shit was ridiculous man i'm tellin' you"

~A 15 year old kid from Rhode Island telling a story of how he 'smoked an ounce of weed with Tupac' like 3 months after he died.
The H in E pills bullshit is so annoying i totally agree. Ans of course when you explain why it doesnt make sense in multpile aspects they wont listen

Weed isnt laced with blow,meth, LSD,H, pills etc for sure.
What is really sad is when grown adults that have taken lsd and mdma over hundred times yet they still believe that H and mescaline in E pills and lsd making your brain bleed nonsense. Lol I had a friend who claimed he once got E pills with mescaline in them and the way he was able to tell they had mescaline in them was that they gave him good visuals. 8) He also believed that other shit too.
in an italian gaming forum drugs came out as a topic and one said (literal translation): "LSD is less dangerous than MDMA because in a blotter there's 1/1000000 acid than in MDMA"
and I was like
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Funnily enough, mdma was found to be highly effective in the treatment of the PTSD condition...

Anybody see that old film where porton down gave lsd to a group of soldiers? They were high as kites; one of them was trying to talk to birds in the trees. Lmfao.
Hearing about someones "double dipped" lsd paper/candy experiences.

I have heard the Mescaline pressed into MDMA tablet experiences to many times as well.

Have also heard people who clearly haven't ever ate mushrooms or tripped talk about how they were tripping really hard on mushrooms 1 time and seen a purple hippo or Leprechaun.
People who talk about double or triple stacked tabs or XTC always make me want to throw up.

When I was younger I was back home from college for the summer and was hanging out with some old buddies. There was this one kid over at my friends place named Chris, he was a younger dude and he like to bullshit hard.

On this occasion, I mentioned that I took acid for the first time and was telling my friends what it was like. So I finish my story and the Chris chimes in, "Oh yea i know about acid man, my uncle told me he used to mix weed and coke together and then roll it up in a joint using papers that were dipped in acid. He used to trip balls for a week!"

I tried to tell him this was BS and that you CANT smoke acid and that doing that would be an expensive waste of a lot of drugs but he insisted that his uncle really did this.

Another time I was with the same people and Chris showed up at my house. People were talking about Rolls and XTC and a dude there had a few he was trying to sell. (crap speed-bombs btw) So Chris chimes in (at this point in his life he was maybe, maybe 16 years old) and he starts talking about the "oldskool dayz of rollin" and procedes to tell us about the "bomb azz oldskool Superman rollz i used to take like every day back in the day." This got a good laugh from me and a couple others. I reality he had probably only take XTC a handful of times and certainly was not an "oldskool candy kid"

He was the kind of dude who would just make shit up to seem cool or try to be the center of attention. Total BSer.

Flash forward to college, an acquaintance of mine was telling me about a party the night before. He went on to say that he and some other guys had a xanax bar snorting contest to see who could snort the most crushed up xanax. I thought to myself this must be BS cause he was alive and so were the others that had allegedly partaken. However, later that day I spoke with a good friend who was actually there and he confirmed this crazy story as being true. What didnt make sense to me is that you cant really snort xanax very effectively, i mean you can do it but the actual alprazolam is not very likely to be absorbed in the nose. But i guess these dudes didnt know that and it probably kept them from dying.

Also, the guy who first told me about the contest another time told me that the reason he stopped selling weed was because at one time he was fucked on xanax and booze and he DROPPED a thousand dollars. Like just lost it and had no idea where to find it. I dont know if this is BS or not cause that dude was kinda rich and did LOTS of pills and alcohol but in my mind if I dropped a grand on the floor I would stop drinking and taking xanax not stop selling weed. But he was not the brightest crayon in the box.
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