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Drug stories you have heard that sound like bullshit

My friend claimed to have "accidentally" tried acid not too long ago. He described to me how he went to the beach to party with some friends and got hungry, so he accepted an apple from complete strangers. After eating it, my friend claimed that the people he got it from all started giggling and told him that his apple had been laced with acid and that he was in for a trip. He continued to describe how he began having a horrible trip and drove several hours home with several strangers in his car (new strangers, not the ones who dosed him) and had a very difficult time driving.

I don't know much about acid as I've never done it personally and I have yet to thoroughly research it's effect on the brain, but my friend's story sounds like total horse shit to me. This was confirmed by another friend of mine who commented that he thought the acidity of the apple might break the LSD down before it can even be consumed--is this true? Regardless, my friend is a known compulsive liar and I have a hard time believing about 80% of his trip stories because they all sound so far-fetched and reckless.
my favorite ones are the "I saw pink unicorns and elves on acid/shrooms/weed". Every time I hear that story, I just shake my head and play dumb. Sigh, I try not to be mean, so I go along with the story.
I wonder how many people have a friend of a freind that once took a 10 strip of acid and is now living in a mental institution thinking they are a glass of orange juice. Dont push him over, he will spill!8(
If someone told me the story I would probably think they were full of shit, but I actually watched my friend take 26 hits of acid in one night. Not all at once though: a few here, a few there, throughout the night. And also he did acid alot & had a pretty high tolerance. He had a really bad case of OCD and that night was the most normal I've ever seen him. It was also the only time he ever beat me at Rummy. He's fine now.
(back in the late 70's) One of my buds' tells me..."yeah I was just over at the ponderosa (a big rented house w/ 3 brothers that looked like the Cartwright's, lived) and Merl (his real name) is snortin' weed again" i just laughed it off. But sure as shit I happened to be there a week or so later and there was Merl, running mid grade Columbian through a screen, lining em' up and snortin it through a dollar bill.
Believe it or Not
A kid at college told me he did weed. Anyways who the fuck says "they did weed". He then heard me talking about acid with my friends and said he did acid before. I told him I didn't believe him and I asked him how he felt on it. He just said happy >.>
An ex girlfriend back in middle school claimed she could get a ROOR bong for twenty bucks, and a variety of drugs for free(weed,xtc,shrooms,cid and the list goes on and on)
An ex girlfriend back in middle school claimed she could get a ROOR bong for twenty bucks, and a variety of drugs for free(weed,xtc,shrooms,cid and the list goes on and on)

A roor for $20 dollars? Maybe if a crackhead stole it and magically ran into her... sold it and used the twenty for crack. Or she was throwing the pussy. Lol the shit peoole say.
just for the record, true addicts can have unbelievable tolerances after long addictions to heavy drugs, speed, coke, opiates etc.

after being prescribed opana and shooting it for months, along with heroin, i could easily eat 600mg of oxy before i caught a nod.

however it really does piss me off when some highschool kid with no tolerance tells me "he snorted 20 perc 5mgs''....

why is acid always the victim of retards stories???
Yeah, there's a lot of BS stories in this thread, but there's a lot of things that are entirely feasible that people are dismissing as BS too....Of course, this thread is 6 years old so...

Someone mentions not believing that someone was able to talk to their mom on 10 hits of LSD and be able to keep their composure...

10 hits may sound like a lot, but when the LSD was cheap and plentiful in the '90s, you could get a 10 strip for cheap and it wasn't an unheard of amount to take...10 hits of clean blotter acid really doesn't do that much more to you than 4, other than a longer duration and once you get used to LSD visuals, you can do virtually anything on it as long as you're not freaking out at the time...It can be hard as hell to focus on things while you're peaking and getting visuals but it's far from impossible...

Acid is the number one thing people bullshit about though...
Quite right...48 + hour durations of 10-12 hits unadulterated windowpane/blotter/microdot was fairly common in the 70's too
Fire&Water that is some weird shit, was this person claiming to be getting an effect from snorting the weed?

Stayfaded I remember years ago when a couple of my friends were trying to pick up a couple of chicks that were still in High School and one of them asked me "do you do weed", I literally burst out laughing it just sounded so fucking stupid. LOL She wasn't a smoker and I would venture to say that nobody who uses that expression is.
Fire&Water that is some weird shit, was this person claiming to be getting an effect from snorting the weed?

Stayfaded I remember years ago when a couple of my friends were trying to pick up a couple of chicks that were still in High School and one of them asked me "do you do weed", I literally burst out laughing it just sounded so fucking stupid. LOL She wasn't a smoker and I would venture to say that nobody who uses that expression is.
Lmao yeah... it really just sounds so ridiculous. I mean really... come on now. However, the same kid tried to explain Nazi Germany to me before even though I learned that shit years ago... he also talked about how his dad isn't racist, but has a kkk member as a friend. He also listens to the temptations outside on his psp. Lol I didn't know people still owned those.

I should smoke this kid up one day so I can get a laugh.... oh wow.
Stated it was "way stronger than bong hits"...I guess I kinda felt sorry for him, watching him doing it But it didnt stop me from
bustin a gut when I was pulling outta the driveway.

Also seen lots of lysergic acid on the eyeball with an eye dropper, that was also very common. Some even placed windowpane on the eyeball...
The stories I could tell you from my teens. I swear they'd sound like bullshit... I'm such a different person now. SOmetimes I wish I could be that part of me again.

One having a crack head/local gangster put a gun at my chest, still remember could tell it was a real gun , most likely a cheap as chips (under 100$ (by much) chinese Norinco 9mm, and me refusing to hand over a fkin thing knowing we were on a busy road and he sure as fk wasn't gonna shoot a 15 year old on it, with led to him tucking it away and walking. That ones very mild though.

They get much more hairy but I don't care much for remembering the details. Just reminiscing on the above brought back more than I wanted.
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once I heard a story about a guy who had a strip of acid blotter in his pocket
well the cops were chasing him so he put the strip in his pants and the acid melted his leg - after all it's acid isn't it?

EDIT: another story comes to my mind: once a friend told me that he knew people that hadn't slept for a year (and were still awake) by snorting coke
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once I heard a story about a guy who had a strip of acid blotter in his pocket
well the cops were chasing him so he put the strip in his pants and the acid melted his leg - after all it's acid isn't it?

EDIT: another story comes to my mind: once a friend told me that he knew people that hadn't slept for a year (and were still awake) by snorting coke

Heard a story about a house party where they laced the stair railings with drops of acid so everyone who walked up the stairs was tripping. May have been bullshit, may have been a hallucination the person who told me had. Who knows.
You are considered "legally insane" if you've done acid 7 times...and if you get caught with it you get charged with "conspiracy to overthrow the government)....no wonder Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd went crazy when he did a shot of pure LSD right from a shot glass!

Also, the crystal on dank weed is actually meth that they spray on the outside of the buds, that's why everyone goes crazy for it(actually told to me by a cop)
it makes no sense profit/money wise to spray weed with meth. Or coke for that matter. It will barely if not even affect the high. People are ignant these days