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Drug slang you hate

Thanks laugh - I'm hoping everyone knows yahndi is an Aboriginal word for cannabis.

I don't really care what drug slang people use. If you don't like a word, don't use it. Probably the only thing that annoys me is people using slang terms to sound cool and/or knowledgeable. But if it's part of your culture or experience to use particular nomenclature, go for it!

*snaps up the hipster nerd high ground with elan*
E-tarded. For being high on MDMA and acting like anyone on large doses of MDMA: fucked up! Meth-head, I just hate meth-heads in general so the term also gives me the shits. Not saying a bit of meth/speed/gas/goop whatever is bad now and again but if it's your DOC and your using daily or even just on weekends your a meth-head and soon you will start acting like a total meth-head/wanker. Just my honest opinion nothing more. Mkat as a term for MXE?? Never heard that one myself, Mex or mexxy maybe a couple of others that escape me. Don't want to confuse 4-MMC with MXE now do we? MXE such a fucking grand drug, shit's on K. Only RC's similar are 4 meo-pcp and 3 meo-pcp and they just are not quite as good as MXE. Don't know why I love MXE but If I could only do 1 drug for the rest of my life MXE would be it... maybe some AMT/2cd combo as a special treat. As for crack it's crack. Poor mans coke fair enough but crack is crack and meth is meth. Meth takes less effort to say so meth should be the Ozzie word as we do so love to shorten every word in the english language so crack involves to much effort to say compared to meth... As for why it's called crack it's cause it cracks when you burn it due to impurity. A bit like most ozzie meth... irony?? I do call it a bowl smoking weed if you have one of those massive fuckers that you remove after smoking (kind of like a reverse gravity/bucket bong) You can put 4-5 regular cones in the fucker!! The massive glass fucker also has no shot hole unlike your smaller plastic bottle and garden hose bong or just regular sized glass, ceramic or plastic bong bought from a shop. Try ripping that in 1 pull! Also a crippler (Used on some pacific islands...) is a long bamboo pipe cleaned out so you don't get bamboo crap in your lungs. A cone or bowl is inserted into a hole at one end with a large shot hole just below it and slightly back from the cone/bowl. One person lights and one person smokes, lives up to the name.
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The reason why its called crack is because of the cracking noise it makes, to my knowledge meth doesnt make that sound. Then again ive never smoked it.
yeh when you put a nice big rock in and puddle it down the first time sometimes it cracks a lil.

i still dont like crystal being called crack though.
^ had the light bulb crack on me once.

Absolutely nobody in my area calls meth 'meth' anymore. It's just crack.
It really pissed me off at first, but the name has stuck for so long now.

I guess I had to find it in myself to grow.... and change...... learn to accept new things, maybe even become a better person in the process.... lol.

I still ain't saying I like it.
calling crystal meth crack is annoying, considering i have been addicted to both and know the difference. Free base is a more accurate term though and here in Aus we usually have to cook up our own, which costs a lot of money. Damn i used to love that crackling sounds as my lungs filled with coke vapour quickly going to the head giving a massive buzz ahhhh change subject...

Hearing people call pot yandi is quite annoying, especially with the stupid accent, but if you are aboriginal thats cool.

I hate the word junkie. It was used for the old type addict that would collect junk to sell to get their drugs. The last person that called me a junkie ended up hurt pretty bad and i had to go to court :(
I believe the use of slang is perpetuated due to many people probably feel insecure about talking about drugs in public so they make up more comfortable words so that the thing they are uncomfortable and can be put off as less harmful to you since you aren't using the real name of the drug to yourself.
See: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_nomenclature> for initial info on that. You learn a lot about it if you study chem at Uni.
APAP, goey, junkie, flips,googs, grey nurse (as footscrazy said), crack for meth, PURE, durrie, cone, ecstasy for anything thats not MDMA(MDA,MDEA) , nexus, 'can I buy a smoke off ya dude?"(At a train station) , greenige, "That looks like sick gear man"

fuck can go on forever
Ice for meth. I know its popular, but I don't like it. Would rather call it crack. Whippa, don't like that name either
i think they need a good backhander or swift kick to the ...