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Drug Slang! [MegaThread]

Im curious about crack pipe names.

Glass pipe?

I might be taking the fun out of this one but I've always just called crack pipes "crack pipes"

And meth pipes.... well... they're "meth pipes".... But I have used the word pookie a time or two, strictly for the lulz
But if you're trying to buy them in a store...

Ya gotta call the crack pipes "that glass rose thing"

And meth pipes are "oil burners" or "bubbles"
Ive called it everything from a pookie to "my shoes". Depending on how I feel. Glass dick is popular too.
I've never heard pookie. I've heard glass dick and I myself would call it a vaporizer
Wow these are hilarious. I wanna go up to a dealer and go "hey man, you got any gummy bears? Red chicken would also be good. Frankly if you got any Danish sushi or aluminum tacos I'd love to get down with the hard boiled fish. "


All I know is I love snickers. Shooting lemonaid is awesome.
Good night or good morning ladies and gents!

As a linguaphile and a drug-fiend, I love hearing what people call drugs in their native language, and if possible, an brief explanation as to why it's called that.
If such explanation exists. Most words seem to rise from the most mundande sources or just pop out of the blue.

(Oh, I know, I know - Mossad, NSA, CIA, FBI, PST, RPS/SÄPO, KAPO - they're watching this site. Lurking through the codes and scripts like the creeps they are. So I get if nobody wants to play, but I'll go anyway, hoping someone ridicules me or joins me.)

I'm gonna start off with a few words/phrases for amphetamine as I've heard in Norway, Sweden and among the travelling scandoromanians.
Mostly because I'm trying out a new batch, and a project such as this is an excellent way to review the speed, I.M.O.

(N) is Norway, (S) - Sweden and (SC) is scandoromani - although as far as SC goes, there's a definite lack of information out there; it's a perishing language.


(N) Petter Northug - Alot people have probably heard his name in the context of being an excellent skiier - but dude also has a problem with speed (both the powder and the speed of his car).
In december, he pleaded guilty to four accounts of speeding and possession of narcotics. Oddly, he was in possession of cocaine, but his name now applies to speed.

(N) Pepper - It's an easy, this one; 'pepper' as in paprika, peppers or bell-peppers; those fuckers that make you sweat and stings as you digest them, like speed does when insufflating.
(N) Råkk -The word 'Råkk' is not in any dictionary for a precise translation, but it means something like 'rough', 'raw'.
Originally from an old saying in northern Norway; "Råkk og fåkk- mye vind og snø" which translates to 'Rough and tough - lots of wind and snow'.
You can say someone is "på råkken", that is, on speed.
"John er så jævli gira når han er på råkken!" - "John is so fucking stoked when he's on speed."
(N) G.S / Gary Speed - Pretty self-explanatory, right?
(N) Fitte - Literally means 'cunt'. Why it is applied to amphetamine, I don't know. But I've only heard it when paste has been the product.
So, slimey, goey, warm...?

(N) Joggesko - Translates into 'Running-shoes' - guess that covers it.
(N) Marsipan - Marzipan in english - it's always "wet amphetamine", so to speak, when someone sells 'Marsipan'.
(N) Guff - Meaning 'conflict', 'trouble' - meaning, avoid people using this phrase. I'm being fucking prejudice here;
My buddy nearly got his intestines slashed out and I got a fucked-up nose from a speed-freak.

(N) Gonzo - This name needs no introduction, nor does it need an explanation; Gonzo could be used on ALL drugs, as far as I'm concerned.
(N) Lynet McQueen - the norwegian translation of "Lightning McQueen", from the Pixar movie 'Cars'. I've heard this phrase twice, by the same person.

(S) Blomster - Translates into "flowers" - this is said about those kinds of amphetamine-sulphates that smells like a donkeys putrid ass and kicks like a horse on PCP.

(S) Tjack - The most common word for amphetamine in Sweden; one of many words stolen from Scandoromani, meaning "article", "product". 'Tjacka' is simply binging on speed.
(S) Bums - Yes. It means the same as in english, as in homeless people. But it also, depending on context, means 'instantly', 'promptly'.
(S) Malwax / Mava - Usually low-grade, sticky amphetamine that won't completely dry and is utter shiet.
(S) Skugg-pulver - 'Shadow-powder', referring to whan sleep deprivation kicks in and the shadows appear, dancing, whispering.

(SC)Dràbb - an umberella-term for almost all narcotics, herbs and medicines; from sanskrit dravya- 'substance', 'medicine'
(SC) Bäng/Bengi-bromo - 'Bäng' comes rom the romani-word 'beng', meaning 'devil', 'satan', 'devilish'; 'bäng' itself stems from sanskrit -
'vyāṅga'= deformed,
monstrous; Bengi-bromo translates rather badly; "Satans Speed" - it means the speed is top-notch.
(SC) Drabasja - Dràbb and nasja mashed up; nasja being "running"; from Romani 'našel', meaning hurry, sprung from sanskrit 'naś-ya'- run away
(SC) Vaten-siggjàr - Another mash-up; Jàr-sigg means 'fast', 'speed', from the romani word 'sigo'; "quick", or "going fast"; from sanskrit 'śīgra'- "fast", "hurry", "dash".
'Vaten' comes from the sanskrit word vati.
Fun fact (or not); In most romani languages, the mash and mix, borrow, steal and use language in a way that is diff. from most others. I could be visiting an aunt five hours from home; they way she'd "rakkla" (speak) would be like another language compared to my grandpas 3 hours away; then again, eight hours in a car going south and I could recognize the medlody and words.

If you'd like to hear my prejudices after doing buisness with these three "tribes", I'd be glad to share.

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My favourite one is the way Indonesians use the English world ‘on’ to refer to MDMA. The use it as either a noun or a verb.

So they’d say “gue mau ‘on’ “ meaning I want to buy some MDMA or simply I want to roll.

People greet each other with it like a question to

Person 1: On?
Person 2: On!
Shit, I actually don't know any slang terms in any of the other languages I am fluent in or studied.

Just English.

Well, ok, maybe some lame Czech/Slovak ones for like weed and stuff, but nothing interesting.

English is my second language even....just clearly first in terms of use seeing as I'm in Anglo Canada and all my druggiest interactions were always carried out in some form of English, if even weird "Toronto Immigrant English"
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(Oh, I know, I know - Mossad, NSA, CIA, FBI, PST, RPS/SÄPO, KAPO - they're watching this site. Lurking through the codes and scripts like the creeps they are. So I get if nobody wants to play, but I'll go anyway, hoping someone ridicules me or joins me.)
I know your 100% joking but my OCD has kicked in on needing to quickly mention something. I always have an urge to when people say simular things which probably has grown on me due to my cousin working for one of Australia's Intelligence and Security Agencys.. the un needed correction is that of the first 4 (dont know who the other 4 are ) only one matters..

CIA= Foreign Human Intelligence Collection.

NSA= Signals and Electronic Intelligence collection and Analysis (only on national security matters drugs arnt included)

Mossad= Same as CIA.. not law enforcement and don't deal with drug issues.

FBI= Yes.. as they are a law enforcement agency.

Sorry for the real anal post i think the meth and coke has kicked ocd in bad.

It just used to piss me off when a friend found out the agency my cousin works for here (Not law enforcement.. ) and almost cut ties as he assumed I was some snitch to him.. it would only matter if he was in the Australian Federal Police. ASIO/ASD/ASIS/AGO/DIO are all non law enforcement.

Wow what a load of verbal diarrhea ^
Sorry 😳