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drug exposure...at what age?

DiscoRekkah. said:
have yet to try LSD, coke, mushies. dont really care either cos i heard aus coke is shit and i rather Phenethylamines.

it depends where in aust ur from man with coke.
age 17 first tryed weed, did absoloutly nothing
age 18 started drinking
age 19 drinking like a fart, tryed weed again, mass amounts... again did nothing
age 21 extacy, speed, ice, decent weed (all since ive moved to australia and started working in a nightclub).

Funny that isnt it.... im 21 now
saw it as early as 5 or 6. my uncle has a massive cocaine addiction. i've never tried coke so i can't say seeing him high made me wanna try it. it always made him an asshole.
thats something else i didn't mention.

at age 24. i am yet to ever have touched a cigarette,
nor will i ever.

most the time as i always had free dope, it was never mixed, most the time we'd just smoke straight hydro.

with the exception of once, somebody offered me a cone,
didn't even look at it.. pulled it back.
it was cut with tobacco

about 1 cigarette to the gram,
made me violently ill. to the point i went pale and collapsed and had severe trouble breathing.
after being taken to hospital it was discovered that i must have an allergy to something in tobacco smoke.

can't say i'm complaining tho,
can't justify wasting my money on a drug that doesn't have any real positive effects lol.

when it comes to exposure age tho,
first time i encountered drugs, all of my brothers are at least 12 - 16 years older than i am.

one of them used to grow dope out the back of our house, my parents were cool with it too..
so i first saw a plant and a bong when i was about 5 years old.
didn't totally comprehend it, but i was told that i wasn't allowed to tell my friends from school about it... because a couple of my mates dads were cops.

first saw speed and its effects when i was about 9 or 10 when me and mum walked in on another brother snorting lines.

and my first exposure to IV drugs would be at age 11 or 12, when my brother had progressed onto injecting speed and heroin.
we visited him at his place, and there were a couple of needles lying around.

now getting off that point.
Originally Posted by DiscoRekkah.

have yet to try LSD, coke, mushies. dont really care either cos i heard aus coke is shit and i rather Phenethylamines.

it really depends where you get your coke from, but true. a lot of aus coke is utter shit.

if you had a good time on 2c-x
then i fail to see how you wouldnt enjoy using lsd

i thought people used 2c-x mostly for its hallucinogenic qualities
altho the minor visuals are more like mushies than acid.
Had my first bit of hash, when I was 16 as an apprentice, tried some speed when I was 20, did NUFFING for years, had a biccie for the first time when I was 40, and started having a few chuffs too, I am merely a dabbler compared to a lot of guys on here :)
13. I was always a rebelious lil bugger, and just doing something 'naughty' was fun so I jumped on the opportunity to try some dirt weed for the first time. I guess I completely exposed myself to drugs willingly... =D
Alcohol at 15
E when I was 18...also cigarettes and pot. Ecstasy is still the greatest of the bunch.
19 was meth...turned into a daily addiction, lost my job, got back in touch with my life...turning 21 soon as only smoking it one a fortnight at most and went from 52kg to 64kg :) The only drug I've regretted...and then I know I would've tried it eventually, it's in my nature.
13 years - alcohol, weed.
15 years - more weed, small doses of E and speed.
16 years - even more weed, high doses of e and speed on regular occasions. this year i experienced a small dose of lsd and tried coke once.
17 years - so far - a few grams of k, a little too much acid, shrooms, ice two or three times. smoking pot is now a daily routine.

maybe it is time for a break :\
All i want to say is that as far as i am concerned the later the better. It will set you free and fuck you up.

It is important to note i believe my drug use has had a positive and a negative influence on my life. The pluses and minuses have all added up to zero. Not a zero effect but things have shifted around and the changes have all added to zero.
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Christ a lot of people bullshit here.

My half brothers 16 years older than me.
So I've been around drugs and drug related experiences from a very young age.

Was introduced to weed at 12 - but didn't start smoking properly, or enjoying it fully, until I was around 14.
Started smoking and railing gear as I hit 15, not really getting into it until 16 when I discovered fake ID's and subsequently raves.
Along with the raves came my first taste of MDMA.
Hit the two & went out every couple of nights for a year and a half or so.
Fast forward to 2008, daily pot smoker, monthly flip user, and I try to stay away from shards as much as possible.
Interesting topic, I'd never really put it all together in my mind until now.

I grew up seeing my parents drink like a bottle of wine every week night, more on weekends, and I'd seen Dad happy-pissed at countless family occasions. But no-one in my family does ANY illicit substances, like, never-have-never-will kind of thing. Very conservative.
I got drunk the 1st time at age 12 at my sister's 21st.
At high school I was a year younger than everyone else cos I skipped a grade, so I was regularly getting very drunk at parties from like age 14. I was also in a group of friends that were smoking pot and taking pills ocasionally, so from this age I was always extremely intrigued in drugs.
Started smoking cigarettes regularly at age 15.
Started regularly eating hash cake at age 15.
Took my 1st pill at age 15 when I started raving and was regularly taking pills by age 16.
Smoked weed regularly (i.e. after raves) from about this age too.
Changed boyfriends at age 18 and went from dating a weed-smoker to a speed-taker, so started having speed reasonably frequently, but I fucking HATE the stuff so stopped that pretty quick smart haha.
Also gradually got over the pills and raving thing, and started doofing and taking acid, at about age 20.
Now at age 23, regularly take acid and occasionally take pills.
And I drink a fuckload, very frequently, always have.
Alcohol and LSD fucking win. <3

*edit* Wow that was a bit of an epic saga, sorry!
Trate said:
Christ a lot of people bullshit here.

What exactly do you mean, are you dismissing the majority of posts here because they seem too "unbelievable" to you, that people have been exposed to drugs at such a young age? What anyone would have to gain by making up such a story is beyong me 8)
As soon as i was exposd to a drug i started doing it so -

14 - weed, amphetamines
15 - alcohol
17 - E, LSD, Meth
19 - IV Heroin (ah how things escalate)
20 - ???????
How, When & Why You Started Using????

Hey I just want to get a short brief from some people on how they started using drug's and at what age...

If somebody else got you into using drugs please state that and tell how you knew them and so forth.
If you wanted to try them yourself to start off with and with no one else encouraging you please state that as well and why...

If you could tell us what your family background was like as well that would be good as well, for eg. If other family members did drugs and encouraged you to use them as well or if they hated them or disapproved of them or if you had a bad upbringing or something...

I will start this thread off with a simple one of my own below.

[EDIT: Threads merged. hoptis]
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So I started smoking weed when I was around the age of 14 or 15 because my mates were doing it... Then I found out that my older sister was a stoner hahaha. From then on I started to really like to smoke weed but got bored of it quite quickly.

I heard about other drugs before and knew they would be better nobody else liked them tough my sister hated them and so did the rest of my family, my friends they didn't really think to much of them at the time either. I started looking around for MDMA and a way to get it at around the age of 15 almost 16 but at the time couldn't really find it right away it took me about 2 - 3 months.

In that time though I had managed to find a really good source for base with a constant supply of it but it wasn't really my thing because I had heard my dad went mental from it so steered away from it... So I started using pill's a lot then the first time I did it I ate 1 and thought it was the greatest thing ever the second time I ate 10 in a night of pink playstations I was hooked then I started to introduce my friends to them and meet new friends...

Anyways after a little while I got bored with those as well and my mates were starting to use speed,(I was 16 at the time nearly 17.) so I thought I know I can get really good base I might give that a go. As I did that I sunk into a whole of addiction it was jut really good stuff and just wanted it all the time my mates ad I would use it all weekend starting from midday Friday until Monday so then I thought I know I could get my base for free.... So I started getting it in large amounts and getting rid of it really fast, I started using 1/2g - 1 g a day or even more 5 days a week for 10 months. Finally it hit me I have to stop using it I was going mental and couldn't control anything anymore I ended up eating all my profit I was making and loosing friends and my family was starting to not like me from my mood swings and aggression so I cut my self off from everyone except my family and got clean. I had just turned 18 when I quite so that was good I guess...

Anyways from then on I decided I would get a good stable job and just use occasionally and never speed or ice... I started to hang around different people and make better friends but I started using heaps of pill's as well, 2 nights a week I would go through around 10 - 15 pill's then they basically did nothing, my friends helped me this time and said man just stop and drink or ding something you did need as much.... So then all I would you use was weed, acid and occasional coke and from then on I never use more as I go on I just would stop and think of the shit that use to happen....

These days I only ever get on it probably every 2- 3 months and the only things I use are 2c-e, acid and coke nothing else. They would have to be my favorite things and I am pretty much surrounded by them as well. I love psychedelics because you don't need many of them and they entertain you and you can't get to much coke because I find it to pricey to get a long enough high....
Tried weed at schoolies, aged 17. 6 months later, I was bored, so I read up on various easy to get drugs. Codeine took my fancy, and lo-and-behold, it's now my vice of choice.

Also, my parents don't do drugs. Never have, apart from dabbling as teens. Fairly well-to-do upbringing. Why did I start on Codeine? Because I was over alcohol.
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Well, i was around 14, and both of my parents smoked weed, so one night i stole some and shared it with a couple mates, but i didn't realise they diluted it with some herb stuff, so it didn't do much, but it did make us rather curious. A couple weeks later we got the source of a reliable guy that would drive to you and sell sticks of weed, so we started smoking every 2 or 3 weekends, loving the stuff and jst having a good time.

At the time i was going through rather bad depression due to traumatic things that happened through childhood, anyway, i found that smoking weed, would pretty much get rid of it, even weeks after smoking, so i started doing it alone if my mates didn't want to for a while. By the time i was about, 15 and a half or so, i was smoking every night as a habit, without it i couldnt sleep and would feel like crap. At the worst i went through bout an oz in a month by myself.

Then a mate tried a pill n kept goin on about how good it was, so after a month or so i tried one out, and loved it. I then started getting into raving and would go every month or two, but with pills i would only take them socially (exept once or twice when i wanted to see if it helped mentall/spiritually)

I cut back smoking, so now i was smoking bout, once or twice a week, and doing pills every month or so.

Then i got together with my current girlfriend, who showed me that weed was just making me worse, so after getting off it, and staying off it for afew months i felt alot better, and was happy as can be, I was still having pills with friends or at raves every month or so, and tried various other drugs, such as dxm, codeine, nitrous oxide, coke, mushrooms, acid, K. But never used any of them much.

Recently pill have been getting to dirty for me, and have made the scat days alot worse, and its gotten to the point where i dnt want them anymore, and if i do, its jst so i can dance at a good hardstyle rave etc.

But recently ive really gotten an appreciation for acid, and have been doing that once or twice a month, (although less now due to school etc) and have been loving it. Ive quit smoking as well, dnt touch weed sept a cone at a party if offered etc, am doing well at school, and have a great outlook on life =D
I grew up in a really straight-edge well behaved sydney family (dead against drugs)... then I moved to the country to this pretty hippie/druggo area and I started smoking pot at 15 bcause my brothers did it and i was curious (i had been curious since i was 14 but never knew where to get it from...and up here it was literally everywhere)... then at 16 i did a school assignment on psychedelic drugs and became really interested in it, so i went to my first doof and took acid. From that night on i was totally converted, and went on to try all sorts of drugs, but acid will always hold the number 1 spot in my heart as it was like my liberation from the sort of boring/normal life i was heading to
then at 16 i did a school assignment on psychedelic drugs

Your school asked you for an assignment on psychedelics? Nice :)

Anyway, my story...

My drug education at school was basically nonexistent...I grew up in Canberra, moved to Brisbane when I was 12 and we had one drug education lesson there so I hardly knew anything about drugs. I knew people said they were bad, but I was always one to question what I was told and so I was pretty open minded about them.

When I was 14, I asked a well known stoner at school about getting some chronic. He hooked me and my friend up, and I smoked almost everyday for a couple of months. Then he dried up and I got over it. Around this time I started to become very depressed about school, something that persisted from Year 10 to Year 12. I was way above what they were trying to teach us, and way above everyone else at my high school. Going there everyday made me feel smothered, like I was dying...I literally felt like I couldn't breathe when I was at school.

Just before Year 11 started, I discovered codeine through another online forum. I used it a couple of times, thinking it was OK. I then discovered BlueLight, and found a source for X. The first time I had a whole pill was magic...the most amazing experience of my life! =D

I started to use more heavily through the second half of Year 11, using pills, DXM, LSA (from HBWR seeds) speed and marijuana again. My depression was getting steadily worse, culminating in me trying to go for a high dose of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, so as to to gain some introspection. Something in the seeds really fucked with my body, and I ended up in the hospital. When I got out, my parents took me to my doctor and I got prescribed Zoloft, which at first I was doubtful of.

Instead of trying to help myself, I ended up using codeine again, daily, for around 6 months. Around this time as well I injected speed a few times, but never made a habit out of it. Also, I began smoking cigarettes and have been a smoker since the beginning of 2007. The addiction was starting to get to me, so I quit the codeine cold turkey, started up the Zoloft properly and went to see a therapist. I started to see that I had so much to offer, that I shouldn't let high school get in the way of myself. I tapered off the Zoloft and for the last part of high school spent all my time not doing any work (I was smart enough to get away with it), and basically ruining the reputation of one teacher (but that's another story ;))

At Schoolies last year I tried acid for the first time, but I probably wasted it since I got stuck in a massive crowd all night, and I also had some sweet pills. Now I use codeine and XTC mainly, hardly ever drink, and I'm looking for more sources for things like smack and ice and more LSD!
One day I was walking around my street when I tripped, landed on a syringe and got blasted off the dope inside. It's not my fault I got addicted.