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Double standards in the drug world - WHY?

the point is i dont think i should be judged cause **i** decided to stick myself with a needle. but doing everything else is ok?? umm were talking about people who do drugs...doesnt matter how they use them, if you really want to stereotype....all of us should be judged cause we all do drugs and that is seen as bad in society, not one subculture to another.
I apologize, in no way was I trying to judge you at all. Just expressing my opinions and my experiences. I don't judge anyone on here. I would still say IVing is worse though. Compared to smoking or snorting H, the amount of physical damage a needle can do to you is a lot more
The thing I've noticed from either my heroin dealers or my meth dealers is that, heroin junkies I've met feel that methamphetamine is the most dangerous drug, while conversely the meth tweakers feel that heroin is the most dangerous drug. Meh, I love both. Why have a dispute?

I've been addicted to both and feel more or less the same way. Both are lovely and awful in very unique to them self type ways.
I actually maintained a functional life much easier on meth. Because it made me want to work and it's cheaper, longer lasting. But I was still awful the whole time.
With dope, I feel more in control of myself, my actions. But the financial demands of my habit are so great I end up feeling just as morally decrepit as I did on meth.
This drives me so crazy. As a junky, tweaker and an IV drug users of many drugs I get this all the time. People hate heroin, people hate meth, people hate IV drug use. I kinda get it when the hate comes from the outside world, even when it comes from "soft" drug users or the occasional social user. But when my meth dealer starts trashing junkies, or anyone gives me shit about IVing, it drives me up the wall.
It's still pretty fucked that a huge chunk of mainstream non-using American's consider things like LSD to be the worst drug cause you'll think you're superman and jump of a roof. They also think is MDMA is worse than most things because it puts holes in your brain. Heroin can destroy families and lives, but no pain meds.

So many American's don't just have double standards, they have standards based entirely on self imposed ignorance. I've heard so stupid shit comes out of some people's mouths.
I generally accept everyone as long as they accept me. There is really only one group of people I absolutely can not stand and that is drug using criminals who talks about their crimes like it was something to brag about. I mean, you do what you have to do to survive in this world but to appear somehow proud of it, that just makes me sick.

People doing different drugs than me I couldn't care less about, to each their own.
I really don't like being around tweakers or crackheads. It's not that I judge them or anything, but it's really hard to be around people so twacked out of their mind. I don't mind being around any other users... that I can think of.

Oh, and alcoholics SUCK. It is so socially accepted, most people consider it safer than any drug. Drunks are annoying, angry, sad, depressed, you name it. This is coming from a person that used to have serious alcohol issues.
our society does a great job of instilling everyone with the mental gymnastics of feeding your ego

the number one best method (or so they tell us) is degrading/judging other peoples lives, and yours will seem better

i think people who binge drink alcohol are disgusting, they hate me as a junkie.

all the junkies ive ever met fear tweakers like the plague, and the one or two tweakers ive ever seen despise junkies
I think a lot of the meth/junkie thing is because of the downer / upper thing. People who tend to really flock to meth usually have a way different mindset than people who gravitate towards downers
^ Yeah, I agree. In my experience within the drug culture there seems to be a definite split between the stimulant users and the junkies (Heroin/Oxy/Fentanyl/Benzo users). Being a person that ultimately enjoys the speedball best I feel I understand both worlds.

The speed-freaks tend to think that all junkies are lazy and boring, trying to avoid life at all costs. And that the tissue addiction that opiates and benzos produce make the junkies the most addicted of all users.

Junkies tend to feel that all speed-freaks are, well, freaks. Psychopaths who don't sleep, don't eat, spend all their time tearing apart electronics and worrying that "the MAN" is reading their minds.

Ultimately these are just stereotypes, they often hold true, however, they in no way define every user of either class of drug. As another poster stated earlier, I think it boils down to an addict needing to believe that they are not the most addicted; that there are those who are lower than they.
As another poster stated earlier, I think it boils down to an addict needing to believe that they are not the most addicted; that there are those who are lower than they.

Disregarding the part about addiction, I feel like this is the main reason there's so many marijuana users that argue vehemently that "pot's not a drug man, it's an herb"
Well fuck, if it's not a drug why the hell are you still smoking it?
They just don't wanna deal with the stigma that comes with being a "drug-user", and probably for the same reason Blind Melon said - it's very satisfying being able to say something like "at least I don't use THAT drug". I mean, when I was in high school people were in cliques according to what drug they used most.
I'm sorry this post makes no sense, and I'm not trying to offend people who smoke pot. As long as you can accept that it's a damn drug we're cool. :I
^Yea I forgot I can't stand these people either. Pot smokers who refuse to acknowledge that their plant is a psychoactive drug and not just some magic herb (lol).

I also find drunks and tweakers annoying sometimes if I am not drunk or tweaking myself. But I don't bash on them for their choice of drugs.

I'm just an addict by definition and don't really care too much for what drug I do as long as it gets me high. I prefer downers to uppers and weed to mostly everything these days but I can socialize with all types of drug users because I use every single type of drug there is on this planet. Except deleriants, those just seem way too crazy for me to try ;)
Man this thread really got me thinking, mainly because I've been wondering about the whole double standard thing ever since I started indulging in "harder" drugs.

A week ago I was with the crew and a few chicks and they all were talking about drugs and the hardest ones they've done and which ones they like best. Most of them were debating Weed vs Benzos vs Alcohol vs Adderall vs Coke etc... Then they got serious on the adderall topic and I chimed in like a drunk ass and said out loud, yeah... but Meth is way better than all of that. The room went silent. Ugh, whatever. Not saying I don't enjoy other drugs but I guess at least in my area or group of friends "Meth is a no no."

Personally I don't judge other peoples drug use because I would be a hypocrite. To each their own is how I look at it.
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The thing that really stands out to me is the fact that they were discussing Adderall, but meth is a no-no...? It's especially hypocritical because they're chewing you out for an amphetamine when that's what they're using too.
Reminds me of the time my hydrocodone-addicted friend decided to bug me about using "harder" opiates...
I've heard similiar things, people popping oxycodone like candy but no they would never try heroin that shit is evil rofl.
I know what you mean. I've always loved DXM, and we all know the stigma associated with DXM. It's rare that anyone sees my DOC as anything more than a "cheap high". While on my end, I have done copious of other drugs and have yet have one compare to DXM. Everyone sees me as poor, when in reality, I could have 1000 bucks in the bank, and I'd still choose DXM over crack!
I know what you mean. I've always loved DXM, and we all know the stigma associated with DXM. It's rare that anyone sees my DOC as anything more than a "cheap high". While on my end, I have done copious of other drugs and have yet have one compare to DXM. Everyone sees me as poor, when in reality, I could have 1000 bucks in the bank, and I'd still choose DXM over crack!

Definitely feel there's a huge stigma against DXM, I usually omit it when talking to other druggies cause they either shit on it or start talking about triples and just blank out when I try to give harm reduction about not using triple cccs. DXM's not even that cheap, if you think about... at least compared to dope
I know what you mean. I've always loved DXM, and we all know the stigma associated with DXM. It's rare that anyone sees my DOC as anything more than a "cheap high". While on my end, I have done copious of other drugs and have yet have one compare to DXM. Everyone sees me as poor, when in reality, I could have 1000 bucks in the bank, and I'd still choose DXM over crack!

All the tween/teenagers chugging cough syrup and acting retarded adds some legit stigma to DXM imo, in the same way older stoners with good jobs get looked down upon for using a "kid drug" in the drug world.

I love MXE, and I do enjoy DXM in powder form but not as much as ket or MXE. Most don't get the real DXM powder, which is harder to get.

Gelcaps and 'tussin are subpar ways to get your DXM but the most popular. And when someone says they use DXM, people assume that's that you're doing.