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dope scene in south florida? SoFlo HEADS UNITE!!! (florida stories, tips, info)

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i recently moved to cape coral, florida from new york and i cant find anything its ridicolous lol i thought i moved into prescrption pill paradise but i guess it takes time..im not so quick to rush into an addiction again anyways ;)...but i like it down here good weather way diff from new york...i see ALOT of people near walmarts and 7-11's sleep walking from some good H i bet..but im used to seeing that in new york city also so whatever
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i recently moved to cape coral, florida from new york and i cant find anything its ridicolous lol i thought i moved into prescrption pill paradise but i guess it takes time..im not so quick to rush into an addiction again anyways ;)...but i like it down here good weather way diff from new york...i see ALOT of people near walmarts and 7-11's sleep walking from some good H i bet..but im used to seeing that in new york city also so whatever

got good H in cape coral only a few times. as far as i know it's nonexistent. heroin is VERY hard to come by in cape coral/ft. myers area. one of my friends knew someone who had it in lehigh, but it was a lot of the times it was shitty. this was all about almost 2 years ago, and as far as i know it's still pretty dry.
From what Ive heard <donked out> town....they jsut don't do it like they do up north. Down here its just pills and more pills, but just wait everyone until they shut down the pill mills, I bet Florida will start to rival Baltimore and Jersey. I jsut figure once the Rx scene dries up, you are gonna have hundreds of addicts in every part of the state dying for a fix, and smart people will start to import raw by the Ki to every major area

That's what I was thinking as soon as the pain clinics start to clear up broward is gonna become the new Newark haha. Probably not to that level but in time the d will start to move to FL. Shit there is already a demand for opiates there it's only s matter of time.
Anyone know if there is a scene in or around north palm or west palm area?
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Just got some Generic Dope Bag and I'm kind of disappointed. They are inconsistent. None of the bags contain a lot, but some of them contain more than others. Just did two bags, and I already have some oxy in my system, and I'm not that much higher. I should be nodding right now. Would not recommend. I spend enough for what should have lasted me two days, and it will only last me one. Meh.

That is the thing about being on and off again. You lose contact with what is good and bad. You always seem to find the bad before you find the good. Anyways, I've got no more money for dope and I'll be done with my oxy's soon, so I won't get the chance to figure out what's good right now. Which is probably a good thing, I just kind of wish that I went for the now overpriced oxy's instead of trying to get back into the heroin game (I was given the oxy's by my mom who just went back into rehab, White trash fucking family that we are).
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I wonder if those Generic Dope Bag are still around. I sent a couple feelers out, I have an effective ban from all hood activities in North Miami (basically everywhere they sell boy) because of my goddamn family. I love them, but most dealers know me as a person, and have known me since I was a young kid, so if I were to approach these guys for dope they would probably beat the shit out of me.

Therefore, I always have to rely on middles from down south. Never junkies. Never ever ever again. Too much of a hassle.

Anyways, Generic Dope Bag were strange. If you got them with staples, they were good. But word got out, and you would get them without staples, and they wouldn't be as good. I've also seen a couple people try and get by by putting another staple on the bag after cutting it, but it was obvious as fuck (four staple holes what the fuck, really?). The scene down here is fucking devious, and too expensive. I wish it was like the North East. It sounds mythological to me. Most of the dealers down here act like stamps don't exist, unless they have something really good. I'm glad I'm done with the scene.

Oh, and I remember caps being around. Only time that I got whitish boy and it turned out good. Probably the second best I had with the exception of a friend who used to go to Houston to visit family and come back with some mean clear bags, really brown powder but really fire.

It is usually best when tan down here. Too brown or too white usually means too much cut, although if memory serves me right the pitbulls were the exception to the brown rule like the caps were the exception to the white.

Although I heard a funny story the other day about bags with weed leaves on them. Apparently they smelled like acetone, which is usually a good sign, but I haven't heard from the people since I heard about them. I try not to keep touch with my all out junkie friends til they get clean, I don't want to have to do anymore harm to people I grew up with. Everybody gets desperate enough to try to rip you off eventually.

Anyways, the weed bags gave me the lulz, so I was wondering if anybody could attest to their quality. I probably wont even try them, but I like to know what's good, just in case, so I don't end up with absolute shit like those fucking blue devils like last time. If anybody doesn't want to say that is cool too, I am so unclear on the rules about this since people really started fucking with the system back in Drug Culture.
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those were pretty good

The old cuban caps were the best really.. always on point and always available.. it's not what it use to be
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He guys for now anyways we are not allowing stamp reviews in NASADD. There is a skeleton version of the stamp thread available in DC. The original stamp thread led to false reviews from dealers to promote their product which is a big part of why it's closed and why we don't allow them here. We are currently trying to find the best way to deal with this but, as it stand we are just not allowing any stamp reviews to be fair to all the dope threads.

If you click the FIND GOOD DEALERS... in my sig you will find the updated forum guidelines. As I said we are hoping to find a solution that will allow some degree of stamp discussion but, for now I apologize for the stuffy rules.
I see what you did there.. Good call till the situation is figured out. My bad JB..
He guys for now anyways we are not allowing stamp reviews in NASADD. There is a skeleton version of the stamp thread available in DC. The original stamp thread led to false reviews from dealers to promote their product which is a big part of why it's closed and why we don't allow them here. We are currently trying to find the best way to deal with this but, as it stand we are just not allowing any stamp reviews to be fair to all the dope threads.

If you click the FIND GOOD DEALERS... in my sig you will find the updated forum guidelines. As I said we are hoping to find a solution that will allow some degree of stamp discussion but, for now I apologize for the stuffy rules.

even though i've never seen stamps in my life, i still used to love reading the stamp threads in my spare time lol.

anyways, this is just an idea, but what if we only allowed bags of just-below-average to bunk quality to be reviewed? i guess technically dealers could falsely report a competitor's stamp as being bad, but from all of the bags out there to choose from, i'm sure the dealers wouldn't really see very "direct" results from providing their misinformation.

this is just a thought tho. kind of like how on pillreports people warn about bad pills, this could potentially be a good step in harm reduction, since bunk dope will contain a lot more unwanted product for IV users. it could help people keep street smart.

p.s. since when did dealers get computers? lol. idk it's just hard for me to imagine some thug on his computer, posting on the internet on bluelight in one of those trap houses from jersey lol. but i guess they are people just like us. i mean they're making paper, so why wouldn't they have one if they can afford it.
If you want stamp reviews than hit up the other forum where they are talking about it ;)
shit man that's the easy way out..

besides, BL is my one and only.

(ok ok..., so i cheat sometimes, but i make sure to show most of my love here lol)
I see what you did there.. Good call till the situation is figured out. My bad JB..

No big deal. It's a pretty new addition to the guidelines.

even though i've never seen stamps in my life, i still used to love reading the stamp threads in my spare time lol.

anyways, this is just an idea, but what if we only allowed bags of just-below-average to bunk quality to be reviewed? i guess technically dealers could falsely report a competitor's stamp as being bad, but from all of the bags out there to choose from, i'm sure the dealers wouldn't really see very "direct" results from providing their misinformation.

this is just a thought tho. kind of like how on pillreports people warn about bad pills, this could potentially be a good step in harm reduction, since bunk dope will contain a lot more unwanted product for IV users. it could help people keep street smart.

p.s. since when did dealers get computers? lol. idk it's just hard for me to imagine some thug on his computer, posting on the internet on bluelight in one of those trap houses from jersey lol. but i guess they are people just like us. i mean they're making paper, so why wouldn't they have one if they can afford it.

We definitely see the value in the stamp thread. The severity of the problems that the thread caused were definitely considerable as we learned from some of the mods that dealt with the original. This is why we didn't just do it since we last discussed it a while ago.

If you want stamp reviews than hit up the other forum where they are talking about it ;)

Opiophile right?
what up guys! i've been on/off dope for about 5 years now, but might be moving to the area. born in broward, but living in dc recently. pretty good up here :). But i'm saddened at the experiences that are surely going to come my way once i'm back in s.florida.
i live in miami believe me there is some pretty decent H in the area it sure as hell works for me
I live in the west palm beach area and in the past all thats available as far as dope goes is south american powder. But recently quality mexican black tar has been on the market more and more. As the pharms are becoming more and more regulated dope is starting to come out of the shadows around here. As with anywhere its all bout knowing the right peoplr.
^ Wow. A lot have people have been predicting an increase in heroin in Florida once the pills were regulated more. Most people from Florida were saying that they would believe it when they see it, but it seems to be true now. I bet a lot of people there will prefer tar since they can smoke it, and I know that for some odd reason, people smoke their pills in Florida.
yeah i dont get that either..i wish i could go back to the days of when i was using pills and smoke a few just to see what the high is like, to see how differnt it is from snortiing it like i always did
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