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dope scene in south florida? SoFlo HEADS UNITE!!! (florida stories, tips, info)

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Shake, the triangle is supposed to be a good area for girl/boy it was mentioned somewhere in this thread. I looked at google maps and saw a place where 3 main roads make a triangle, but then seep posted

Seep, well thanks for the info on , wont try it. I don wanna kill your golden goose either. I'll probably eventually find it on my own. I think I know where you are talkin about, but I can't think of a way to say it without giving it away not initials or nothin.

Went again to OT and found where dem caps at. IV'd 2 just to stop from bein sick and didnt expect a the buzz i got! I am bout to say fuck the roxi scene altogether if OT keeps bein as safe and the quality so good. I went at about 3pm, which is the latest I been there, still no prob with 5-0

And to everyone else, while the Pain CLinic sounds fairy tale, you better have a legit reason or they will throw you out - trust me....so, its not like us other users have many options....
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Just came back from OT got those pit bulls that were mentioned earlier in The thread, in my opinion pretty weak, took 6 bags to get a moderate rush. Oh and the orange bags are total garbage. The last decent bags I had were the yellow bags but I can't find them anymore.., story of my life.,, oh well it's gotta get bad before it gets good again I guess. Anybody that gets anything of quality from OT please post the bag description. ( is using the term quality and OT in the same sentence an oxymoron?) sorry, just a bit bitter over the wasted time n $$$ that's the dope game in sofl though!!!
Just came back from OT got those pit bulls that were mentioned earlier in The thread, in my opinion pretty weak, took 6 bags to get a moderate rush. Oh and the orange bags are total garbage. The last decent bags I had were the yellow bags but I can't find them anymore.., story of my life.,, oh well it's gotta get bad before it gets good again I guess. Anybody that gets anything of quality from OT please post the bag description. ( is using the term quality and OT in the same sentence an oxymoron?) sorry, just a bit bitter over the wasted time n $$$ that's the dope game in sofl though!!!

crappy pitbulls? really? i got a couple last night and they were really big and good. i usually do a bag at once but i did prolly half of one and i got a nice lil rush. been gettin' 5 bags in wynwood recently though
bump. come on guys i wanna hear the dirt!

there was a shooting in broad daylight yesterday in wynwood at like 2pm. 3 dudes just starting shooting at each other in the middle of 36th st!
amen to jersey dope

I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Dope is pretty much nonexistent and if you do find it, it's expensive and of sub-par quality. I've had dope from both coasts. The west coast is garbage and the east coast was ok but nothing like Jersey dope.

Because of where we live and who lives here. We have pain clinics on every corner. It's like a supermarket. You can get what ever you want, in any quantity you want. It's sad really, cause all this is doing is breeding a new generation of addict. I'm a product of this "War on Drugs"

<no locations>were never there. I miss Jersey too. Boynton beach has nothing on jersey. florida is lame if you ask me, can't seem to find 5 roxies to hold me off till i go to the doctor tomorrow tho
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I did my year in Naples and am glad to be up in Detroit. H is bountiful and strong. Way better than the pill scene in Naples.
this is making me depressed lol. im from jersey and moving down here in a month or so and up there we got some fire d all legit and its easy as anything to get it. the scene down here sounds to be much tighter than up by me. i feel like this is going to be a move for the worst =(
I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Dope is pretty much nonexistent and if you do find it, it's expensive and of sub-par quality. I've had dope from both coasts. The west coast is garbage and the east coast was ok but nothing like Jersey dope.

Because of where we live and who lives here. We have pain clinics on every corner. It's like a supermarket. You can get what ever you want, in any quantity you want. It's sad really, cause all this is doing is breeding a new generation of addict. I'm a product of this "War on Drugs"

Recently, i heard that they are gonna start changing things. i don't have much to say but i did hear they are gonna start taking action about them pain clinics.
As that faggot Kanye West would say, "it feels good to be home"! I went all through the Miami area and it was waay too shady, too many narcs and cruddy folks down there, it was driving me insane!!!

Florida should catch up with the rest of the scene at some point, its a really good sign that Atlanta finally has...

Trust me, @ one point here in Miami, the dope scene was rampant with all kinds of goodies. i say the years from 98-2003. Very high quality pills and crystal meth. H, coke, & crack easily found in the uptown & downtown areas but indeed, very shady as fuck. Now, its all about Rx'd pharmaceuticals. Thanks to the fucking war on drugs, or i must say, war on liberal rights....
Yes, i hear great stuff about the Atlanta scene.
What part of Florida?

In South Florida you can find almost anything. Bud, coke, and pills like xanax and oxys are carried by almost every drug dealer and harder shit like crack and heroin could easily be found in the hoods. I've only tried the H from there once and it was... well it was WOAH. Shrooms, LSD, E... you can find it.

Crystal is almost impossible to find though. It took me forever and a day to get my hands on some and it had to be SENT to me from another state. All of us cokeheads here in Miami hardly have use for the stuff I guess.

I feel you, girl...
Anyone know if an open air market for H exists in Orlando? I've been driving down to miami once a week for the pitbulls, but I cant afford to make the drive anymore especially if I can find decent H in Orlando. I dont need a location, i'll find it...I just need to know if it exists.

Any help would be much appreciated...

From what Ive heard <donked out> town....they jsut don't do it like they do up north. Down here its just pills and more pills, but just wait everyone until they shut down the pill mills, I bet Florida will start to rival Baltimore and Jersey. I jsut figure once the Rx scene dries up, you are gonna have hundreds of addicts in every part of the state dying for a fix, and smart people will start to import raw by the Ki to every major area
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this is making me depressed lol. im from jersey and moving down here in a month or so and up there we got some fire d all legit and its easy as anything to get it. the scene down here sounds to be much tighter than up by me. i feel like this is going to be a move for the worst =(

then again, it may really be your best move, think about it
Trust me, @ one point here in Miami, the dope scene was rampant with all kinds of goodies. i say the years from 98-2003. Very high quality pills and crystal meth. H, coke, & crack easily found in the uptown & downtown areas but indeed, very shady as fuck. Now, its all about Rx'd pharmaceuticals. Thanks to the fucking war on drugs, or i must say, war on liberal rights....
Yes, i hear great stuff about the Atlanta scene.

yea, 10 years ago boy was hard to find in ATL. now its literally everywhere and its GOOD.
yeah that could be so too. it could be the very reason to clean up. it just sucks being sick but hey it is what it is

get on methadone maintenance or suboxone, i am on methadone now and it saved my life sweety
yeah that is what i SHOULD do but i cant afford anything on my own and my family has not a clue about me using and they wouldnt support me in anyway so i gotta figure something out but im good at that. cleaning up just scares me but it is the right thing..
yeah that is what i SHOULD do but i cant afford anything on my own and my family has not a clue about me using and they wouldnt support me in anyway so i gotta figure something out but im good at that. cleaning up just scares me but it is the right thing..
You'll find alot of support here on bluelight, and a great place to start would be by looking through and posting in The Dark Side subforum. Plenty of people have been in your situation, and it CAN be done.
yeah that is what i SHOULD do but i cant afford anything on my own and my family has not a clue about me using and they wouldnt support me in anyway so i gotta figure something out but im good at that. cleaning up just scares me but it is the right thing..

if you can afford a dope habit you can afford methadone...prolly not subs but definetly 'done
if you can afford a dope habit you can afford methadone...prolly not subs but definetly 'done

this is exactly what i was thinking. methadone is going to be easier to maintain than dope imo
if you can afford a dope habit you can afford methadone...prolly not subs but definetly 'done

yeah but i really dont want to go on methadone. its pretty much just as bad. subs are how id go but none of that maintance bs. my friend is on it and its just fucking her
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