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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

Do you think Bluelight should form a political party?

Evad fulfils the walk on part of the whingeing socially aware liberal quite wonderfully I think.

Kava surely you could handle being be minister(ess) for ettiquette & moral standards needles & condoms. Home secreteray really I suppose.

No amount of free or legal drugs would get me voting for you lot, fuck you'd never get my bins emptied or my kids put into care
So this is you not saying that you want to be the boss yeah ? - a depraved Magaret Thatcher style might suit you I reckon. ;)

Evad plays Peter Mandellson :D

Tony Plur any takers?
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^ You find something offensive about new labours behind the scenes genius political operator ? 8o

I find him offensive in every way possible :! - but I'm reactionary :( - I thought you may have been able to discern his inner qualities or something - no offence meant ;)
Baron Mandelson of Foy and Hartlepool, such an utterly unlikeable man, my feelings are officially hurt.
Theoretically, we could make a really good single issue party and get a seat somewhere..
This thread is classic, I'm sure if it went to a vote I'd be the outright winner for leader so we may as well just give the position to me now. ;)

Evad every single post of yours in this thread has been classic, in stitches here. :D

I vote Evad for leader based on that. Or maybe crackhead, his no nonsense attitude to everything would be great.
Are you familiar with "Bluelight time"? Now imagine a country run at such speed...

We'd be up for reelection before we even finished debating a piece of legislation!

Then when the world started war on us, the junkys would pawn all the shiny weapons. Stock the trenches with Narcan and meth. All the soldiers would be in the infirmary tents waiting on drugs.
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sounds like fun

just please in the mother of god do not let kara be the head spokesman

KARA:- " Now i believe we should be in control as the oppositions grandmothers are all mother fuckers, i rest my case "
Oh I think some of us are capable of organizing a piss up in a brewery (only some mind you) =D
yes and if we were to win power I propose B9 for el presidente =D

I'd have to decline that kind offer with a stylish speech plagiarised from a competent bullshitter - doesn't the position appeal to your good self in any way ? ;)
You are ace! :)

I like this thread, and i like the idea. I also like the idea that once we're in power we introduce sweeping measure to ban all other political parties.

See Evad, there are two people with the same ideals so far! Me, and Kid.

'Mon kid, we'll start the movement!
See Evad, there are two people with the same ideals so far! Me, and Kid.

'Mon kid, we'll start the movement!

Let's do it.

We are talking about launching this party in my country, right?
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Well if your up for this il donate 50 quid to the concept and even a BL donation o matching value just to make the mods moove there ass xP

have to do both tho -_- il help where possible

Half the ego is just saying we started a political party xP cool as sliced bread yeye!