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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

Do you think Bluelight should form a political party?

Well, the pirate bay managed it, so I don't see why not. Running on a platform of harm reduction and drug-law reform. Funding would be a problem though.


Altho a harm reduction and anti drug prohibition party which will actually lobby n be active in getting politicians and the public to see some sense would be good though. BL MPs is a worrysome thought tho :D
a board of druggies who don't even agree on whether drugs should be legal...
Well it'll be something else to do other than taking drugs - take over the country instead - if it's no fun we just hand it back
Yes. Resouding Yes.

To get everything organised does not cost money.

I think to set this up would an immense idea and a set collaberation between bluelight and other boards to achieve this would be a fantastic idea for the future especially if funding did come along.

Funding if we got noticed by the right people would come. Im pretty sure of it.

Especially if you think about these larger pharma companies who would think " oh hey wait. if we fund them to make drugs legal we can create a whole extra extension to our business. "

Im seriously up for it.

Id help any way I could.
I woudl have to say no, we take far too many drugs to really get anything done. Sure there would be heated stim-fuelled debates about how we were going to change the world and make a difference, but nothing would ever come of it.

I would join in a second! A BL party would be miles better than the current parties in this country!
I think you need a first draft manifesto, which can then be refined so that at least some of your target membership agree with the aims of the party:

- What are the policies?
- Harm reduction by what means?
- What reforms to be made to law?
I think a good flag is important, I don't think we should go for anything without an AK on it. Here are some examples of awesome flags



Also does this party actually hope to be elected to parliament? In which case they'll need to be prepared to do the normal business of an MP, i.e. answer letters complaining about the neighbour's trees which are overhanging into the back garden and blocking out the sun.
Slogans would be essential as well - slogan writers feel free - I'm blocked
What does one body actually have to do to be recognised as a politcal party.