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Do you regret taking drugs?

Definitely meth, the level of euphoria and happiness you feel on that drug is something you'll never feel again sober and that's a tough pill to swallow when you get clean.
I wish I would have never started opiates. My addiction to percs and oxys led me to trying heroin. Worst mistake ever.
I caused myself a lot of damage so I definetely regret doing so many.drugs in such amounts.

Tho I could never live An entire life without drugs, if I could start over I would not try out heroin, Crystal Meth, salvia, GHB OR rc's. Probably about Any other drug I would.still do but only in smaller amounts and.I would not engage in real long binges...
If there is one drug I regret using it might be MDPV. For awhile I loved it until I experienced hell on earth under it's influence.

Even meth doesn't compare to MDPV psychosis.

It's so well known for causing it too.

I did use it for a good while before that happened though and I enjoyed the time before it did.

I've heard that supposedly MDPV contains Satan's cum. That's supposed to be why it messes people up so much 😂
As much as love ketamine, I definitely regret ever touching it. I've developed a insane tolerance for it, it's nearly bankrupted me.

Taking 4g of it just to feel what I felt on 300mg is completely fucked. I can't do most dissos due to the cross tolerance.

My nose is completely fucked, but at least I don't have memory issues or bladder issues yet. Glad I'm off that shit now.
I especially regret having tried a-pbp so naively, my first pyrrolidino ketone. What then started was a circa 7 year long binge with these compounds. All in all I Vaped 340g of These compounds while I could have gotten my b.sc. In the time. What a waste.
I will challenge you on the notion that regret is a natural human emotion.

Firsthand regret- Yes

Regret caused upon by someone else defintately isnt natural.

We share altruism like dolphins.

Regret should’nt be a natural emotion.

Love 100% is
I'd argue that regret induced by another is more correctly defined as shame. "Natural" is a kind of hazy and unhelpful term in this context, I think, but I get the sentiment that the induction of shame requires that someone tells us we should regret something, whether we do already, or not. But then - it too has it's purpose, I'd say it had a function or it wouldn't have evolved, probably relating to teaching children in less enlightened times. Nowadays, of course, we should try to eradicate all the unnecessary shame baked into us since our evolutionary past that causes all sorts of ridiculous shit on a daily basis, but, there's sadly a lot of it.

I think regret can be a natural response to an event. Take a non-human animal, a cat say. It's watching a bird from long grass, waiting for the right moment to strike. It wavers, for a moment, thinking he might not get to it before it notices... suddenly the bird takes flight, soaring into the sky and the meal is lost. The cat - in fewer words - will have a sense of disappointment that it had not acted sooner, although absent language, this won't have time to crystallise into "regret", it'll just be a thing that happened. I feel like I set out trying to show one thing and ended up proving the other... but, humans are obviously far more complex creatures, we do have language, and it's hard for me to imagine how some types of regret could have no purpose at all.

Regretting that you tried drugs is not on that list of course, there is no value in regretting that. It's just something that happened as a result of events happening to a person who is no longer the person you are, but who did at least ensure that you came to exist.
Main recurring is just weed cause I have so many good sources for the knock you on your ass strength of it over here (we almost got it legalized a while back but nope), go to is MDMA though.
No Regrets and no way I'd remove the experiences, you learn a lot about yourself half dead on a bathroom floor when you party a little too hard.
I'm by no means the most experienced but one day I'd love to be, altering states of mind with chemicals is honestly some of the most fun I could ever imagine.
I don't wish I'd never started the drugs that I've used over the last 22 years, but I have one specific regret. I began using pain pills that my mother was giving me to ease pain that took me years to remedy, but I was hooked by then. At the height of my opioid addiction, I was taking 30 Lorcets a day til I switched to H. I didn't start by smoking or snorting. Thanks to my boyfriend at the time, I started shooting it. I still can't hit a vein to save my life, but I always managed to find someone willing to do it for me. The pills and the H I don't regret.

My mother saw my life becoming consumed by H so she took it upon herself to enroll us both in the methadone program where I've been the past 10 years. The program is where I started using Methamphetamine. I'm still using both and I don't regret either, but I do wish they were more easily accessible. I also don't think I'd quit if there were no withdrawal or comedown.

What I wish I hadn't begun was shooting Meth. For the five months that I did, it had a hold on me that the H never did. I'd get a psychosomatic high before the needle ever pierced my skin. The rush was unlike anything I'd ever experienced and I absolutely loved it! When you fall in love with the drug then nothing good can come of it.
I'm back to smoking Meth again instead and I took it upon myself to wean myself down to 30mgs of methadone every other day. If it weren't for my current boyfriend giving me an ultimatum, either him or the needle, I'd probably be God knows where doing God knows what! Luckily, he smokes as well.
I don't regret it all. It's something that defines who and what I am on a social and cultural basis.
The only one I regret is alcohol, which turned into an addiction and did nothing for me. I probably could have done with less DXM, but DXM developed me as a person in ways that I probably never would have done otherwise.
I don't so much regret drugs as it's certainly been an experience, but I, like many others in this thread, regret ever injecting.

When I left home at 21 I ran away with 2 backpacks and a box full of university textbooks. Those were my possessions for 6 months. A woman from a queer housing Facebook group offered me a spare room for free until I got my welfare payments (plus the backpay) sorted and I stayed with her a week or so before being offered a gig house-sitting a huge place in a nice suburb. Once I had housing temporarily sorted, I made my way to the closest needle exchange, picked up two 10 packs and some filters, then contacted a woman I knew who shot up who had been dealing me oxys and endone for a couple months. Met up with her, she needed a place to stay that night (she later told me it was because of DV and she asked me because she thought I seemed like a trustworthy and kind person) so I saw my in, plus being homeless myself at the time I knew what not having housing was like and I didn't have any shortage of rooms and I invited her to come on the proviso that she show me how to shoot up and do it for me so I could learn. We got home and she set it all up. I recall having a brief moment of second thoughts only seconds before she injected me, but those were overrun by the more powerful 'why does it matter anyway, you deserve this type of life' so I let her go ahead.

Once she injected the meth I knew I was done for. I wasn't going to use it any other way unless I had no other choice.

For the first 8-9 months I would always try to shoot up, not very successfully. I also shot up heroin when I could get a solid connection. Or any connection at all, which was remarkably rare in my city and remains so to this day. I cleaned up in around September when I moved in with a friend from lacrosse. Slipped once or twice but mainly kept it together.

Next year I was doing well until April when I just randomly went and got a 10 pack and a couple of points of meth and that time I shot up first try. Then after that, it was around 50/50 as to whether I'd get it first or second try or itd take a while.

My substance use, which until then had been largely manageable for the most part excluding some periods of heavier use resulting in maintenance therapy once before, absolutely went off the rails due to my meth and occasional heroin consumption and within 9 months I ended up in intensive outpatient rehab.

I would generally get 6-9 months up before slipping up on meth for 1-2 days and that became my pattern of use for 4 years until I finally made it a year and then 18 months until early December last year. Then I relapsed after some personal issues in my life. Since then I've been using regularly, heavily during December and January then I eased up.

It frustrates me how addicted I am to the needle. Even with how little I got to use heroin during my heaviest use, it's my drug of choice and I'm very psychologically addicted to it. Meth I only use because it's the only drug I can IV so it's a matter of availability.

If I could pinpoint the moment my life changed trajectory, the night I asked her to shoot me up was that moment and I would undo it if I could.
I regret taking drugs only once the buzz is gone not when im high i never regret it then
... In other words NO.

I regret the ridiculous number of ODs, and the withdrawals, and the endless paranoia about what exactly is in my shit, and having to carry naloxone as a basic safety measure, and the way I'm instantly looked down upon by most of society (not even mentioning health officials ffs that's a whole different ball game ), and the persecution by the law. THAT'S what made my doc SO BAD for me.

I don't regret the drug in itself. Not for one moment. YES it could easily have led to my death any number of times, due to the unpredictability which is due to nothing but the illegality.
But without it I'd have certainly been a suicide.
I know saying this will rub more than a few people the wrong way , but HEROIN SAVED MY LIFE.
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Some RCs, like Hexen or Mxpri. Although they were only one time, so its not like they ruined my life or something. But they were such bad experiences. Especially Hexen, which took me like 5 benzos and 3 beers to comedown of that shit LoL
I can't say drugs ruined my life, because I never had a life to begin with. If I could go back in time and avoid my use of Benzo's though, I would. You're never quite the same again after PAWS.
I probably said it earlier in this thread, but opiates. I regret ever trying opiates, quite a lot. I've spent over a third of my life addicted to opiates and I hate it. I got clean for 5 years, thought I was 100% past it, and my life was so much better, and then I relapsed once and went right back to where I left off. Nothing good has come from it at all. My life worse because of them, in all ways. For a long time I denied that this was true. But it is. I am not even in love with them anymore, I don't even feel as good as I did during those 5 years when I was sober, at the peak of whatever high I am trying to achieve with opiates. The withdrawals have gotten so bad that it is intolerable to try to stop. I get withdrawals after one time if I manage to get clean and then relapse. I don't hate my life, I still have a lot of good stuff going on, but it would be so much better if I hadn't destroyed my opioid and reward systems with opiates. Obviously it didn't start out that way. But I would trade all my great, fun, euphoric early experiences in a heartbeat to be able to feel good in my own skin without opiates now.
I probably said it earlier in this thread, but opiates. I regret ever trying opiates, quite a lot. I've spent over a third of my life addicted to opiates and I hate it. I got clean for 5 years, thought I was 100% past it, and my life was so much better, and then I relapsed once and went right back to where I left off. Nothing good has come from it at all. My life worse because of them, in all ways. For a long time I denied that this was true. But it is. I am not even in love with them anymore, I don't even feel as good as I did during those 5 years when I was sober, at the peak of whatever high I am trying to achieve with opiates. The withdrawals have gotten so bad that it is intolerable to try to stop. I get withdrawals after one time if I manage to get clean and then relapse. I don't hate my life, I still have a lot of good stuff going on, but it would be so much better if I hadn't destroyed my opioid and reward systems with opiates. Obviously it didn't start out that way. But I would trade all my great, fun, euphoric early experiences in a heartbeat to be able to feel good in my own skin without opiates now.
Hey, have you made an attempt at a gradual taper? If going cold it too intolerable, it may be worth just trying to gradually wean yourself off it over time. It doesn't matter how long it takes either. Every minor reduction is a step in the right direction.
... In other words NO.

I regret the ridiculous number of ODs, and the withdrawals, and the endless paranoia about what exactly is in my shit, and having to carry naloxone as a basic safety measure, and the way I'm instantly looked down upon by most of society (not even mentioning health officials ffs that's a whole different ball game ), and the persecution by the law. THAT'S what made my doc SO BAD for me.

I don't regret the drug in itself. Not for one moment. YES it could easily have led to my death any number of times, due to the unpredictability which is due to nothing but the illegality.
But without it I'd have certainly been a suicide.
I know saying this will get more than a few feathers ruffled, but HEROIN SAVED MY LIFE.
I totaly hear you i get the same look when i tell pals heroin saved my marriage and a lengthy prison sentence . My marriage by stopping the coke fuelled maddness of out all night cheating on wife and prison sentence by stopping the anger and hurt letting me cope the best i could. In the last 16 odd years the only time i cant cope is when i stop not wds i can get through them but the paws the depression the fatigue no decided it like medicine for me i am a husband a father a son and brother again .

Its sad that the govermant rather you die then letting you have a script for what you need but cheap booze and spirits are allowed despite being a bigger drain on public finance