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Do you regret taking drugs?

Only when I don't take them....which is back to when I can take them...which is most days...it's good vaping meth because the smoke alarms don't go off lol
I don't regret taking drugs or getting knowledge about them but that I am more or less forced to live in sobriety currently. Only available things atm are kratom and coca leaves, both weak as fuck. I miss some drugs (specially dissociatives, empathogens, stims) like a good buddy gone lost. I regret having lost my first long term gf because of shit I did on drugs though :( shit which would have been entirely avoidable if we had a more accepting culture around drugs in society.
Some RCs, like Hexen or Mxpri. Although they were only one time, so its not like they ruined my life or something. But they were such bad experiences. Especially Hexen, which took me like 5 benzos and 3 beers to comedown of that shit LoL
Yeah, I think kinda the same, I think I stated that in this thread, months ago, but I don't know if I talked about Hexen..
both hexen and NEP are horribly fiendish drugs (more than "addictive" in the long term), at least NEP is very pleasurable with the proper use and batch, it can be the perfect drug, the first 2-3 intranasal bumps...
then it becomes pure degradation, you don't give a fuck at all, except pleasure. The comedown is bad
Hexen is the same, but horribly jittery and useless after the first redose, the comedown makes you wanna die, the void feelings and impending doom sensations that last for hours... not my thing, I came down from it without help, once, only kratom when it was almost over...
shittiest drug ever. I don't know how anyone could like that shit. A-php, NEP... at least are amazing sometimes, the high is worth it, hexen.. well, it's hell.
Oh absolutely. I started with benzos and then switched to opioids (tramadol first, now oxycodone).
I regret this shit all the time because I feel like my life has been ruined forever because of drug addiction and I will always be an addict chasing a high....

It's like I tasted heaven and then everything just went downhill and I don't know how to stop anymore.

I especially regret starting to take oxycodone....

I wish I was "normal" and didn't need substances to escape reality....
I dont regret ever taking drugs, but I regret I was unable for such a long time to have any control over my actions...

I fully believe in hedonism and I see drugs as a natural right, as a necessity for mental and emotional survival, it is in a way - for as far as my secular mind can give meaning to such a thing - something divine, its transcendental, it feeds the soul and I dont know if I can explain what Im going to say any further but to me drug use has something very primal, it can feed very basic instincts, like dulling fear, numbing sadness and pain, and because this is so primal this is by definition also very quintessential...

Since ancient time man has used drugs and attached deep meaning to its expierences, and this fact simply by itself doesnt need to change for me, and even ppl who recognize nothing in what I said, if users, will probably romantisize their experience; their high, their drug, their ROA, so in this way value extra muros is already created.

To me the criminalizing of if only personal use a violation of some of my essential human rights, and Im willing to make a change in such things, Im willing to participate in new movements striving to make a difference (When I was young I volunteered at Jelinek to give basic drug education to students in middle school, that was at the time a new project and they were looking for volunteers my age and I ended up updating the website with the newest information like a new study was published and such, I also got to assist in the lab a few times becsause my supervisor really became a friend and he knew I had great interest in everything they did and he gave me the chance to come into closer contact with several area's and learn a bit more about them. Later on I was in charge of getting into contact with all the supliers and fix all the drugs for the series druglab, where in every episode a drug is tried out, and after a while they wanted to meet up with a dealer, film while he cuts his coke etc... And I was in charge of doing the screening, I had to present the options, possibly not being recognizable, different voice but I also had to figure out why they wanted to go public with such things so I asked them why they did this and also to calculate possible risks like what if we are sitting here with several ks coke and cuts and the police should storm in, this was a real concern since both in their media contract as well in my contract with a Jelinek this didnt exist, so we could not say it was at that time our job to be there...

This were very interesting experiences for me, I learned a lot, came into contact with some fascinating ppl who more or less charised a similar vision as me, they organized several protests and petitions urging for progress also in those things I joined, but less since I dont want to be really political, but I find it a great thing that over here more ppl want to see the dawn of a new world when it comes to drugs and that it is generally accepted that I while back there were such protests to - just like with H - give severe addicts three free doses of clinical grade C a day, and since some yrs they actually started doing that and Im proud to be a part of this movement...

Im sorry that I spent so many words on this but these things feed a drive in me and then I just lose myself in my own fascination...

In short: drugs carry in every way great and significant importance to me, and I know ppl who find this pathetic of me, that someone actually finds meaning in drugs is absurd to them, I just think by myself if they would be able to feel just a fraction of my passion and drive they would lead a lot richer life and so I feel sorry for them...
Not really. LSD and psilocybin helped me come to terms with losing my hand. Ketamine allowed me to experience what being pain free was like. That said, I ended up having an affair with ketamine, I thought it so wonderful, that I fucked up the 12 year relationship with my ex. These days, I have a much, much more pragmatic approach to it...
Maybe in the past I have regret it. But today I highly doubt I could regret it. With my new religion and all my new stuff, I am sure I am right.
3MEO-PCP OD while on a binge of diclazepam while doing H and 2fdck.
Ended me up in outer space and in the hospital with the most terrifying deriliant hallucinations.
I woke up in the hospital for several days in a straight jacket being adminnistered loads of Lorazepam
That I'll never do again.😨😨😨😨

And 100% pharmagrade cocaine with 1: 100.000 adrenaline.
Adrenaline should not be done IV.
That was horrifying too, but i survived that shot😨
Never do that!!!!!!
hell no. Of course some decisions I regret but I would almost certainly have had a serious anger issue without weed and I would bet my criminal record would look worse if I were sober.
I don't regret trying drugs as it was likely inevitable given my attitude and personality.

I decisively regret asking someone to shoot me up with meth for the first time in my life at 21 in exchage for giving her a bed to stay in for the night, and thereafter teaching me how to inject on a routine basis until I was able to consistently do it myself.

If I were to pinpoint the exact moment my life changed trajectory for the worst, that night would be in.
I regret asking my dealer what the rush from iv'ing felt like. Every time I asked him about it he would tell me "no I don't want you getting hooked on this needle shit" and the one time I asked again what did it feel like he had me sit down in front of him and he administered a shot and holy Hannah batman....haven't been able to put it down since and that was nearly a year ago now... Frickin regret that day so much and wish I could just go back to the day before.
I regret asking my dealer what the rush from iv'ing felt like. Every time I asked him about it he would tell me "no I don't want you getting hooked on this needle shit" and the one time I asked again what did it feel like he had me sit down in front of him and he administered a shot and holy Hannah batman....haven't been able to put it down since and that was nearly a year ago now... Frickin regret that day so much and wish I could just go back to the day before.
That's such a shitty thing of him to do. I recall a similar situation with a friend many years ago as we watched one of our best friends older brother using. My friend's just like "hey I kind of want to try that" because we were in an experimental phase and trying just about anything, but the response was "no way man, I'm not going to be responsible for getting you hooked on this shit." That was that. I wasn't even considering trying it myself. The only opioid I've ever really used with the intention of getting high and am addicted to is kratom.

I'm guessing you were sniffing it prior to this?

I'm sure you already know of things like kratom. If you really, really wanted to get off H then kratom could help you a lot, it's helped many people, but I don't know how much H you're doing (assuming it's that). Some people stop kratom use, others don't. It's a worthy drug habit to trade considering it's never killed anyone. Of all opioids that I know of, only kratom is the one that can be considered safe, on its own at least. I've had shallowed breathing on Oxy post surgery before but with kratom, it makes me breathe way better. I had Oxy post sinus surgery last year, but before my sinus surgery after I'd take kratom suddenly I could breathe out of my nose impeccably. I never could much otherwise. I don't have much of a reason to really use it anymore, at first it helped my anxiety so much and it really did help me make my life better in my early 20s and make huge strides, but it's overstayed its welcome.
Is there any particular drug that you wish you never started?

If you could quit drugs all together with ease and no comedown and withdrawrel and be tt clean, would you?

Also..what is your main reoccurring drug?
I wish I’d moved on after trying everything I’d wanted to once. That way, I would’ve satisfied my curiosity without going down the nasty road I did.
Maybe I do.... :unsure:
Been thinking of this of late and know I have changed or rearanged answers but life aint static - or is it?
Physical issues caused by lots of abuse for decades has kept me from copping some crack the last couple weeks. Not ready for my ticker to tap out, yet.
Fuckin Drs wtf do they know, am I right? They think they have the magic pill to treat the symptoms of anything but they wrong, IME.
I don't regret using but I wish there was less stigma and more education around recreational drug use.

It took me a few years (and forums like this) to realize lower doses and spacing out use saves money and neurotransmitters.

I think a good portion of drug misuse comes from these insane doses we sometimes take due to cut product or on the other hand some users getting really pure product thinking it's shite when really they are just burnt out.

That last one is hard to admit when you think you're a "pro user" but it's been key in my experience to actually be able to get high again.
i wish i could say that i did regret using drugs, but i really don't lol. ive had a lot of good experiences along with bad ones but if i could go back and change the past i dont think i would