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Do you ever ask for a refund?

Do you ever ask for a refund?

  • Never, I consume it anyways

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • Never, I value my knee caps

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Never, I only buy quality

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Of course, customer service is important in the drug trade

    Votes: 18 40.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
when drug laws cause bigger problems in people's lives than the banned drugs themselves do, we have a prime example of bad legislation.

Thank god this place isn't a demogracy or we'd all be guided by a red headed female. 8)

as opposed to....white-haired males? what an enlightened point of view!
I got news for ya guys. The majority people who deal drugs do it for one reason i.e to make money through illegitimate means, and they do so with a general disregard for the potential persecution and penalties they'd face if caught.

Chances are if your are willing to take that sort of chance with your freedom you are either ballsy or at the lower end of the scale of intelligence. Either way, this is generally not someone that most people would want to fuck around with.

I'm not saying this is always the case but the majority of the time it rings true (I'm not just talking about your friendly pot/psychedelics connoisseur and part-time dealer either).

I don't buy enough drugs (aside from weed) to have found that magical dealer that puts a receipt in my baggy with the goods.
I've met the odd dealer that seems genuine enough to give refunds but that situation has never really come up.

Maybe its because im young or because I live in a town that has shitty drug channels but i reckon if you get burnt suck it up, count your losses and don't buy from that dealer again.

At the sake of sounding like a pussy, confronting a dealer could potentially do more harm than good, as Jakeperson has already pointed out.
A dealer can only sell what he can buy from someone else.
A dealer is in it to make money and will sell what makes him/her the most.
If they can sell 100 RC pills for $X a pop that cost them $Y each or sell 100 MDMA pills for $25 a pop that cost them $2Y each guess which one they will sell

You should pay for quality, be prepared to pay more and ask what you are getting.

I test all my pills before buying and will not buy if they arent MDXX or I want that chemical.

Its not that easy to find a dealer that has the goods all the time. Alot of people probably only have
one dealer to choose from.

If I dont test my products then I am as much to blame as the dealer but I wont give them money again.

Once I have bought bunk pills off someone in a club and later that night went up to tell them that the pills were shit. I wasn't expecting anything but I wanted him to know that his customers knew what he was selling. He apologised and gave me my money back! Pity he lived so far away. Thats the dealer I would hapilly give my money too!!

I'm not buying into the whole WELL DONE EVERYONE NOT BUYING CRAP PILLS AND NOW MDMA is back. Theres plenty of shit pills out there. Theres just new cooks with different values on the scene. And I for one hope they make a shitload of money and flood the streets with MDMA.
So true OPP. Unfortunately it is the "walking away" part that most people fail at.

Many moons ago we had pills that tested for PMA and rather than throw them out we just used them more wisely ie stuck to one and watched our temperture. Not the smartest choice but we were perhaps luckier than most as we were aware of what we had and the danger it held. Problem is your average Joe in the past hasn't given a fuck and getting high is getting high.

Too bad the comedown is horrific :(
rule one : Only reputable sources or close trusted friends
Rule two: Turn it down if ur unsure... dont get all buthurt coz u got a bunk dose of whatever, you shoulda done ya homework or if there was no apparent smell/taste/look etc ur just a dumbass for purchacing it in the first place.... Now, What did we learn?:|
Ever nurse a girlfriend or mate as they vomit and spit up blood from a drug that wasn't what is was traded as? There are 2 separate rules that is for sure and if my drug dealings are not protected by ACCC or Choice magazine then the laws of the black market are dealt swiftly and without mercy. Too many here are quick to complain about mdma droughts and the flood of dodgy RC merchants yet don't seem to realise that by letting dodgy dealers slide they are part of the problem.

I don't want drugs to be legal because the streets will be full even more fuckwits than already exists. I've lived this underworld for 25 years and am not about to pussy foot around if one of my loved ones are endangered because some low life wants to make an extra dollar. If I wrong one of my clients I pay the price just as if one of my "mates" tries to rip me off will have to face the consequences.

spot on
if you get poor quality gear you definitely must let the dealer know that it was poor quality and you're not happy about it. the general code of ethics (is there such a thing in the black market) in this case would be for the dealer to make up for it with the next purchase... usually by using less cutter.

dealers are in the game for two reasons (or both) and that is to make money or to sustain their own habit. either way it is a business for them and keeping customers coming back is important.

local dealer gets gear from his dealer at 30% purity, leaves a third uncut from that purity, the second third he cuts 1/1, the third 2/1.

newer customers will receive uncut gear, also the dealer may provide this to his customers who have received poor gear last time.

he will give the 1/1 gear to customers who have come back to purchase and have either said the last purchase was acceptable.

he will give the 2/1 gear to his customers who regularly are happy with the 1/1 gear and keep coming back.

if said dealer has rent payment due, or has whacked up 3 grams and only has 0.5g left to sell to repay his debt to his dealer, guess what... that 0.5g will stretch a long way for him.

smart dealers will try to make more money off you, its a business why wouldn't they? we all know stories about shonky mechanics ripping people off, add a criminal element to that and you can see what happens.
if you get poor quality gear you definitely must let the dealer know that it was poor quality and you're not happy about it. the general code of ethics (is there such a thing in the black market) in this case would be for the dealer to make up for it with the next purchase... usually by using less cutter.

dealers are in the game for two reasons (or both) and that is to make money or to sustain their own habit. either way it is a business for them and keeping customers coming back is important.

local dealer gets gear from his dealer at 30% purity, leaves a third uncut from that purity, the second third he cuts 1/1, the third 2/1.

newer customers will receive uncut gear, also the dealer may provide this to his customers who have received poor gear last time.

he will give the 1/1 gear to customers who have come back to purchase and have either said the last purchase was acceptable.

he will give the 2/1 gear to his customers who regularly are happy with the 1/1 gear and keep coming back.

if said dealer has rent payment due, or has whacked up 3 grams and only has 0.5g left to sell to repay his debt to his dealer, guess what... that 0.5g will stretch a long way for him.

smart dealers will try to make more money off you, its a business why wouldn't they? we all know stories about shonky mechanics ripping people off, add a criminal element to that and you can see what happens.

So DAMN true man.