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Do you ever ask for a refund?

Do you ever ask for a refund?

  • Never, I consume it anyways

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • Never, I value my knee caps

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Never, I only buy quality

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Of course, customer service is important in the drug trade

    Votes: 18 40.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Busty St Clare

Sep 28, 2007
I know you all test your gear, and only deal with either close friends or reputable dealers, but who here when faced with something that you did not pay for actually head back to your dealer and confront them or ask for your money back?

Do any of them actually care about their customers or are they safe in assuming that once the transaction is complete it is Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware? Or do you don't care if it's mandy or molly or frank and a high is a high?

We can all bitch and moan about the quality of certain drugs that float around this country but when profits are the driving factor surely the consumer must take back some control. If the powers that be are left holding a product that no one wants, surely this will force a change.

Mods a poll please

A) Never, I consume it anyways
B) Never, I value my knee caps
C) Never, I only buy quality
D) Of course, customer service is important in the drug trade
E) my dealer values his knee caps and wont do that to me
D... If they are smart they will go out of their way to fix the problem, crime stoppers is only a call away for an unhappy client (not how I would handle it) and the dealer knows this
^ive said that one before, i got some extra for a friend, who was going out somewhere not with me, and then their friends cancelled and they went going out anymore, n tried to get a refund off me, i was like wtf do i look like kmart? and i dont even have the cash to refund u, id ahve to call up my dealer, n he'd say do i look like target?
My guy lets me know exactly what is in my bikkies, he promises me, if I ever take my stuff and don't like it, regardless if I still have it or not, he will give me a full refund.
Absolutely, it is a business transaction and customers have expectations, if those expectations cannot be met they should be told up front or given a better deal, IMO, but then again I refuse to deal with thuggish/ gangsta types for my substances, so I generally decreased my chances of being ripped off.

I failed to notice this was in the Australian Drug Discussion, my experiences only stretch as far as the western coast of OR,USA

LOL, I had forgotten that my honduran coke and hero dealers somehow where convinced I was an Immigration enforcement officer, so they didnt fuck my shit up at all, thought i might deport them. I also damn near always look like a plainclothes officer, no matter how high
Yet to get a refund from this guy I hooked up with, everything has been quality.
I for one constantly bemoan the dreadful customer service one sometimes gets from freelance pseudo-pharmceutical suppliers. How hard is it for these people to get some basic ISO9001:2000 quality assurance systems in place? Customer service, product consistency, refund policies, customer satisfaction survey. A little bit of attention to the old plan-do-check-act process is definately needed in this industry.

Somedays I 'd even settle for step one in customer relations - answering the goddam phone. ;)
to be honest, it really depends on what drug your buyin .. so the answer could be any of the above.. besides D)...
Most of my dealers have been friends of friends or even my friend and the majority of them have been fairly honest with what they've been selling me. But what some of them consider 'good' I wouldn't go near with a 10ft stick! However if they did sell me something crap, I just wouldn't buy from them again. I don't ask for a refund if they sell me crap, but I tell them straight out it was crap. As of late I always suss out whatever I'm buying before I buy it. So really there's no need to ask for a refund, I just don't buy it in the first place. So I guess I'm going with C. Weed however - quality is always different no matter who I buy from these days (which isn't even that much anymore) so I just go with what they got.
I generally speaking know enough people around town to be able to source the best of whatever is available anyway, but if for some reason a mix up or what not has occured I do always expect a refund. And 9 times out of 10 I get it with a sinscere apology as my business is usually gratefully appreciated.

Anyone stopid enough to not provide an exchange/refund does not get repeated business so ultimately they're loss.

Customer service is equally important in black market transactions as it is in stores IMHO. Competition exists and anyone who thinks that you cant go elsewhere is generally kidding themselves.
I know you all test your gear, and only deal with either close friends or reputable dealers, but who here when faced with something that you did not pay for actually head back to your dealer and confront them or ask for your money back?

Do any of them actually care about their customers or are they safe in assuming that once the transaction is complete it is Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware? Or do you don't care if it's mandy or molly or frank and a high is a high?

We can all bitch and moan about the quality of certain drugs that float around this country but when profits are the driving factor surely the consumer must take back some control. If the powers that be are left holding a product that no one wants, surely this will force a change.

Mods a poll please

A) Never, I consume it anyways
B) Never, I value my knee caps
C) Never, I only buy quality
D) Of course, customer service is important in the drug trade

This is a big concern around my area too, alot of people are troo scared to mention it or ask for a refund. If i pay for sumfn especially if it is full price i expect it to be good. I have returned things many many times for a simple swap or refund. This is the only way for dealers to learn.

If everybody would do this then we'd have decent quality. The problem is alot of people just keep buying shit and think that its good quality where sum people just dont know better stuff exists or dont want to complain because they have only one source for that particular drug. Alot of dealers try to push their crap stuff to there buyers instead of sending it back from where it came from. These people need to grow some balls and face the music. Quality over quantity any day IMO.
Dont score much these days, but my old sources would always refund if quality was poor, essentially they only stocked quality so it was generally a non issue.

The one time i returned some googs and complained......i got a few from his personal stash along with a few freebies, man that dude was the best. It all boils down to trust.

On the other hand, I know friends who would buy a 10pk every week, 50% of the time they were rubbish yet they didn't complain and went back the next week for another punt.

It's a bit harder with powders, people would probably just consume it all before trying to refund....unless of course they had a decent quantity.
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they will refund if they're a decent person.. usually just cop it on chin and don't go back to the derros
this is a pretty lame poll imho.

who da fuck refunds shit in the black market yo

i'm still sticking with my previous reply

The one time i returned some googs and complained......i got a few from his personal stash along with a few freebies, man that dude was the best. It all boils down to trust.

If he knew enough about quality to know what to keep in his personal stash he'd know when he was selling shit. Doesn't sound like the 'best' to me.
Mines a mix between A+C. I've always got the option to bring it back for money back, and it won't be a problem but i've never been in a situation where i even have had to. Closest thing i had was ripped off a couple of points however i've easily gotten more free stuff off him to try or stuff he just didn't want any more i just didn't really care about it. I value the friendship more than i value the high i guess.