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Do you enjoy the taste of pills/MDMA?

Do you enjoy the taste of pills/MDMA?

  • Yes

    Votes: 66 20.4%
  • No

    Votes: 198 61.1%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 60 18.5%

  • Total voters
i do chew up my E pills, it prepares me mentally for whats about to go down. it always seems the worst tasting pills are the best ones.
Chewed pills a few times. Doesn't taste good to me nor all that bad really. Just bitter.
at first mdma does taste bad but dose again later and its almost good haha
My love for mdma has no boundaries. Its love is unconditional. The taste makes me happy because the trip is about to come. And that's worth almost anything.

So yes I do enjoy the taste of pure mdma
I like the taste of MDMA.
Most street pills i cannot stand the taste of, they usually taste worse than any pharm imaginable.

So overall I'm indifferent.
But i gotta say that as i've grown older i can tolerate the taste of nasty chemicals way more than i could when i was a teen. I think i just associate nasty chemical taste with good feelings, so i don't mind.
delta_9 said:
I know a lot of people who like to taste pills before buying them. I don't really see the point here. I mean, how can one tell the difference between a pill that is mostly mdma, and a pill that is barely any mdma just by taste alone? A lot of drugs taste bitter as hell like mdma. I personally think pills taste disgusting and I cant stand it. When I was parachuting a pill the other day and the toilet paper ripped in my mouth I almost gagged.
I'm sure there are slight differences in taste between different substances, but I doubt someone's taste buds are that sensitive enough to tell the difference bewteen a large and small dose of mdma. And besides, their just licking the outside of the pill, the inside could be completely different. I've seen this before. I once had a red punisher pill and when I cracked it on half, the inside was green. Weird.

I do a taste test before I take pills. It's obviously not 100% effective, but in general I can figure out the key points. 1) If it's got MDMA in it and 2) if it's one of those horrible (MCPP, I think) pills that are going around here at the moment. That's all I really need to know because having been caught out a few times, I've learnt that taking as little as a couple of MCPP pills = one of the most horrible experiences of my life.

The good (if you can call it that) thing is that those pills absolutely burn your tongue, so there's no questioning that it's not MDMA. (Which is kind of what disturbs me about them, if it burns your tongue, why would you want to put it in your body?!)

As for enjoying the taste, it's pretty disgusting, but I can bear it if it's through taking MDMA powder. Personally wouldn't do it for pleasure though. Though I admit that if I'm having the powder for a long time, I start to feel quite sick from the taste. I can feel my stomach churning as it hits it, so ideally I take it in capsule form.
At first I didnt, but now I like it because when I taste it i know whats going to happen.
i do not enjoy the taste but it's not that bad either. but my tounge dosn't like mdma at all. i had sore spots and an aching tounge for days the only time i chewed a pill, so i try to wash it down quickly.
Guys, have u ever tried piracetam powder??? Get a teaspoonful of that, put it in ur month and compare that to MDMA, i promise u it doesnt even compare and mdma tastes wonderful next to it. Trust me, there are things out there waaay worse than just the bitter taste of mdma.
Call me crazy, but i actually enjoy making a face when im chewing my pill and tasting that bitterness...because for me, that's still part of rolling so i associate it with goodness lol.
I kinda like it. I've gotten used to bitter flavours drinking campari, tonic water, etc, so I don't react as strongly as most people, and it's just kind of a fun ritual crunching into it like that. Again, it's not like candy, but it's still satisfying and far from repulsive, so I vote for "like".
i dont like the taste but the smell of molly is kind of interesting.
Heh, the only time I've noticed a scent at all was when it was not washed quite enough and had a hint of sassafras to it. The taste though? I've only done it 4 times, but I must say I do like it. It's such a sharp, sour, bitter tang that it's just... unique. Then again I also love Natto (fermented soy beans) and Kimchi that's been aged at least a year... Mmmm... Can't wait 'til this weekend. Big event, so excited!
oh god no. i can hardly swollow the damn things cos the taste is so bad, but i learned by giving them a little lick first it's not s big a shock and i can swollow it easier. sounds dumb huh?
Some i can chew to my hearts content...others i lick and gag :p
Same could be said about Whiz i spose..some like some dislike?
i used to chew all my pills for a while, i felt it came on harder and faster and the taste got me pumped!!! After a while it started to make me feel sick and half the time i would end up being sick, now i gag when putting them in my mouth so i have resorted to crushing and capping my pills to avoid feeling that sick feeling
I could see how one might form a positive association between effects of the drug and tasting it. But not me! haha. When I've spilled powder in my mouth I've almost barfed. I have chewed a couple tabs a few years ago when they seemed to be pressed so hard I wasn't sure they were going to dissolve well (and they were kinda crunchy), and ... that was not good. I got it all stuck in my teeth and tasted it for what seemed like forever. It made me gag a lot, and I get pretty nauseous for about 10-15min when it kicks in, so that was no good at all.
haha its not great but i like the taste because it reminds me of good times. still, id rather suck an e for an hour than have a gulp of cactus brew, that stuff is unbelievable.