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do pills give you "the gays"??

ummm yeh? said:
No offence but if any of my friends came up to me whilst off chops and tried kissing me or holding my hand they would get told to fuck off

hehe ... do you seriously think that comment would offend me !!!

it made me smile ... because i don't have your attitude towards life !!!

doof queen ... I know that in the future we will be on the dancefloor together .. smiling and connecting !! ... thats the beuty of the doof-culture. . its like a little network of friends... making one big family of lovely people !!!

am i right that you went to tribeadelic nye ?? ... hehe, so we've probally already unkownling shared this magical experience !!!

but definitely .. its on my agenda to doof with you and other bluelighters in the scene ...

yes i was at tribadelic! One of the best events i have ever been to and well worth the 12 hr trip...i'd do it again in a flash =D I have my son this year for new years so he may actually be coming along with me (depends on what i end up doing for new years though) :)
Hear exactly what ur Saying Mr P.
I took a gay friend of mine out to a party with me bout month ago. He barely ever takes drugs and whenever he takes a pill he winds up very very loved up and chatty. On these rare occaisions that he indulges himself we have the most awesome chats and become incredibly close and connect in amazing ways. I have connected with other people in similar ways but with this friend (he is also my best friend) I always have an amazing connection. Anyway on this last occasion we ended up on couch with him pretty much lying accross my lap and my arms round him giving him big hugs. We were just having the most awesome time talking bout feelings and all that kinda thing. I had recently broken up with gf and he had just got back together with his bf, so we were talking bout that. But yeah anyway i started feeling bit emotional cos got onto the ex topic but he just gave me couple of hugs and a kiss and i was totally fine with it all and it made me feel heaps better. I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to experience these things without freaking out. As far as I'm concerned it was an awesome moment shared between 2 best friends.

So I guess yep pills give me the gays too. (such a classy way of putting it)

Beech out
As far as ecstacy can go with 'opening your mind', or giving you a different perspective on things. I'm pretty sure that pills giving you the gays doesnt mean your gay in reality. Much of our drug induced behaviour doesnt resemble our 'normal behaviour' .. but at the same time blaming drugs cant be a 100% covering excuse.
nice one beech .. .thats awesome you could relax with your gay friend without telling him to fuck off ... your obviously comfortable within yourself ! good stuff ... the world needs more tolerance ...

doofqueen .. you know were you will be for new years eve ... TRIBEADELIC !!! (hopefully i'll be going, if all goes to plan)
yeah the world does need more tolerance mr p but i dont really see it as a tolerance thing. What is there to tolerate in this situation? A friend expressing his friendship? Hell, thats an aweful thing, how dare he!! LOL!!

Am going to really cool party this sat night called Sunny in melb for my birthday and will no doubt get up to antics. I'll have to keep my eyes out for people getting the gays!!! lol
Anyone else here ever go to sunny?

Beech out
doofqueen .. you know were you will be for new years eve ... TRIBEADELIC !!! (hopefully i'll be going, if all goes to plan)

I have my boy this year for nye so if i can afford it we will both be there =D
no, I was always a bit gay, but pills gave everyone else 'the gay', so I didn't have to be gay by myself.

Last stats i saw which i think were fairly recent suggest that 1 in 10 people are gay or 10% of the population. I wonder if this percentage is greater in the dance culture. I've been asked by older people "why do you go to those dance party things aren't they just full of gays and drugs?". This usually cracks me up.
Would it be possible to conduct a poll on here on how many people on bluelight are gay. Like the question could just be "are you gay?" With Yes/No option. This way it would be totally annonymous and yeah whatever. Just a thought. Its often intrigued me to know whether there is a greater percentage of gay folks on the dance scene.
Hrmm i could use such a poll as research in a paper i'm writting!! lol

Beech out
PS. anyone notice that the whole gay seems quite significant at the moment? I think there is like 3 threads on such issues.

Beech out..........again
^^^dude, check out the Sex Love & Relationships forum...I'm pretty sure they've done a poll at some stage on straight/gay/bi bluelighters.

I was actually mega-surprised to discover that there are so many gay people into dance culture....reason being that if you're into the gay scene (ie:if you just go to predominantly gay venues), there's kind of an idea that gay people don't or can't exist outside of those places because outside of a gay bar is "The Straight World". I remember the first time I talked about going to a "straight club" with a particular friend of mine and it blew her mind...she'd never heard of a straight club before because it's not something that's really thought of in those terms by a lot of straight people. Or, to make it even more of a generalisation...a gay guy will tell you he goes to a gay club, a straight person will tell you they go to a nightclub.

I don't know if there really is a larger percentage of gay people into dance culture...I do think there might be a lot more gay people who are more openly into dance and ecstacy culture because it can seem a lot more accepting than a lot of other musical sub-cultures....
Well I for one believe that Ecstasy DOES make you gay. The first pill I dropped wasn't so bad, but the second pill gave me the GAY that just wouldn't go AWAY. This dude tried to hug me and I started freaking out. Then when I started rolling I went with the flow, became more empathetic towards ppl, started lisping when I talked etc. The next day I noticed a residual lisp so I smoked some weed to straighten me out. A harrowing experience, and not one which I'd gladly repeat.
hehe ..

i once dropped a pil ... and it made me somewhat gay

to this day .. i've been gay ... it just won'd go away

all because .... of the pil i dropped one day !
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
Yep, pills give you the gays. On pills, I'll do anyone, anywhere, anytime =D

This is beautifully put.So very very true for me.

I have avoided going into this thread thinking it was about something else for a long time but now I can share with my fellow bluelighters.

The first time I took a pill I picked up a girl. I had no idea that I liked girls at all. Anyway, after some 'chat' in her car we met up a few more times for 'chat' and I thought it was cool. For a while I labelled myself as bisexual, because I thought that if you liked fucking girls then you must be bi. But there is no way that I would ever have a relationship with a chick and I never ever see girls (that often) that I find attractive. So I am not bisexual, the pills made me do it !
Seriously though the whole time that I was taking pills I thought that I was attracted to girls, but since I dont take them anymore I am no longer thinking that I would like to be with girls.

So, do pills give you the gays ?

Yes, indeed they do.
In general I don't find other men sexually attractive, and while I have at times thought "damn, that guy is hot", I've never wanted to pursue anything further in that area. However, while pilling I have come close to kissing a close friend and am pretty sure I would - under the right circumstances. I don't think that would make me gay, or bi, or anything other than able to physically express my love for my friend.
Eh. Perhaps I'm deluded and I am bi. Cool – I just doubled my chance for a date this weekend. (The good thing about being bisexual is that it doubles your chance of a date on a Saturday night." -- Woody Allen)

(Disclaimer: I'm an ignorant small town ex-redneck... actually - I hope I'm an ex-ignorant ex-redneck :D) In my rather uneducated opinion, we're born with no real sexual persuasion either way* and our parents, friends, teachers and society force these boundaries and expectations on us, trying to fit us into these molds of "straight" and "gay" (mostly the former)... I feel that lacking these imposed stereotypes, their associated stigmas and fears we'd see a society that was predominantly bisexual.

*okay.. so maybe (assuming for arguments sake that sexual preference is genetically influenced) evolution probably tends to favour the procreational straights and bi's over the purely homosexual.

Do pills give you the gays? I don’t think so. I reckon they just (help to) strip away the years of ingrained conditioning and allow us to act as we should.

And stuff. It’s late. Sorry for the drivel.

Rosencavelier :)

edit: fixed small error
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Rosencavelier said:
However, while pilling I have come close to kissing a close friend and am pretty sure I would - under the right circumstances. I don't think that would make me gay, or bi, or anything other than able to physically express my love for my friend.


Pretty good for an ignorant small town ex-redneck...wish there was more of yez. :)
I remember when I 'got teh ghey'... it was off dim_mak (aka elver)... years ago. It was 'bulk' ghey :p.
Raz said:

Pretty good for an ignorant small town ex-redneck...wish there was more of yez. :)
Thanks :) There was a time I was a racist, homophobic, extremely anti-drug prick (now I'm just a prick ;)).
Recipe: To one redneck, add MDMA, water, and shake well. Add long conversations with good people about the state of society, life, etc, add a healthy dose of self analysis, and you should hopefully end up with a well rounded human being where once there was a useless hateful zombie :)