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Do men really believe that women are their equal?

I actually think that men and women are very very similar. The perceived differences of the opposite are generally stronger than the real differences. Social pressures, norms, and culture probably influences all of this.

Any of us could throw ourselves into a comparison with respect to others of the same and opposite sex but we're limited by 1. our life experience and thus 2. the pool of people we have to compare with is limited and 3. our perceptions are biased heavily by the gender we are and thus, how we experienced life.

Every time I think to myself how different I compared to a woman something happens to slap me in the face and make me realize just how similar we actually are.

Physical strength or pain tolerance shouldn't even be categories btw. A gorilla has more physical strength than 99.99999% of human beings. Better? No. Otherwise we'd worship forklifts.
I have a question - where is this evidence that women are more emotionally intelligent than men? I think this is a culturally established stereotype that is accepted but there's no direct evidence for. I've seen countless disputes between men/women in relationships and have participated in many as well. I see no difference between the parties in how issues are presented, dealt with, ignored, argued, etc. In fact, if you took the behavior and what was said and reversed the bodies, I don't think the arguments would look strange or uncharacteristic for the sexes. I think we're just raised to expect the woman to be more 'perceptive of feelings' in a relationship but that's not really accurate in reality. We see it that way but it isn't even the case.
I haven't read the whole thread.

As to the original question, yes, I'm a straight man who has always sought relationships with women that were entirely egalitarian, where she was my equal in intelligence and worldly sensibilities. I've never craved a relationship with someone most comfortable in a subservient position to me, or with someone who believes that men and women should naturally inhabit separate worlds where different social rules apply. But then again I have a well-developed feminine side, and was always into girls who were a little bit tomboyish, so I may not be at all typical.
I have a question - where is this evidence that women are more emotionally intelligent than men?

I don't think 'emotionally intelligent' is the right word. IMO they are more 'emotionally alert' than men.
this demonstrates their ability to use logic. but to preserve my hypothesis i'd point out the word "interpersonal" as opposed to "intrapersonal"

really don't know where this is coming from. it's just a biological and psychological fact, not an attack or comment on anyone's "hypothesis"...
No way do women have the emotional strength of a man, not even close. Just biology.

So why is it when you hear of someone 'going postal', it's almost exclusively a male behaviour - cue some buddhist saying about bending with the wind or else you'll snap...
I believe that men and women complement eachother, but I do not believe that women are equal to men. No way do women have the emotional strength of a man, not even close. Just biology.

women have the most powerful weapon: the vag:p and one of mens biggest weakness is their sex drive. a woman can manipulate men wit this unique gift so men may be physically more powerful than women but chicks definitely superior than men. so imo we aint equal, chicks r more superior than us.
It depends some men treat woman like shit, depends on how you were raised.
I am very close to my Mother and sister and I have a lot of very close female friends.

Like tonight instead of going out with the boys to get hammered I spent the night with this woman just talking for hours and no I wasn't trying to get in her panties.
I feel more relaxed and comfortable with woman than with men.

I think women's lives are worth more than men's, but I guess I think like that because I have a hatred of men in general, if you wondering why it doesn't take Freud to work it out:
I feel comfortable with being around women not men, I have felt that way since age 10, do the maths.

Women are just better, they live longer, they are better people, they are more important to take care of children.

So men are less equal really.
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I believe that men and women complement eachother, but I do not believe that women are equal to men.

Women are not equal to men, men are not equal to women. The word equal does not have to be a negative term, and can be used both ways. As im sure others have said, (I have not read most of the posts), both genders are 'superior' in some way or form. But seeing as every human is different, the word equal is fairy useless.

The second part of the OP's comment was wrong, but some of the righteous responses that have come after, bombarding him without thinking, are just as foolish and irritating to read.
Women are not equal to men, men are not equal to women. The word equal does not have to be a negative term, and can be used both ways. As im sure others have said, (I have not read most of the posts), both genders are 'superior' in some way or form. But seeing as every human is different, the word equal is fairy useless.

The second part of the OP's comment was wrong, but some of the righteous responses that have come after, bombarding him without thinking, are just as foolish and irritating to read.

Second part was wrong? Maybe, but technically speaking there is not even absolute equality in math/science.

Yes, the bombardment of emotion w/o thinking after I started the thread is ridiculous.
^ i find that responses tend to hold up a mirror to the op. ridiculous responses often indicate a ridiculous op.


I don't think both sexes are completely equal. At the same time I don't think one sex is better than the other. And it's impossible to generalize and say men are always like this and women are always like that. I don't think I can say much more without putting my foot in my mouth. I love the differences and complimenting each other. Life would be extra crappy if we were all the same.
^ i find that responses tend to hold up a mirror to the op. ridiculous responses often indicate a ridiculous op.



Wait just a minute now. You are going to sit there and blame ME for everyone's ridiculous posts? I know I'm a natural born leader but the other posters do have their own mind and are free to express themselves the way THEY see fit.

One thing I learned about the thread, is that roughly half the board members think that men and women are far from equal by any standard when I was accused of trolling in the beginning.

There should be a poll
Look at animals. Alpha males and alpha females, alpha females dominate all females (and some males!) alpha male dominates everyone.

I believe women are better suited in roles of caring and nurturing, males are generally more competant leaders. Yes Im a sexist pig :D
i believe we are all quite equal even emotionally. call me crazy but growing up, i found myself 10x more emotionally strong than the 2 women - mother and sister - who attempted to raise me. my mom has always been a wreck and when our grandma died, she caved into her emotions and took on some hard drugs. my sister doesnt know how to deal with her emotions, always complaining to everyone about how horrible her life or current situation is. to be strong can also be percieved as being a little bit emotionally calloused, callous, tough : tough, strong. i can deal with many situations much more rationally than my mother or sister and are our choices not what define us as people? women aren't physically inferior, they are just as capable of aquiring as much muscle as we do but choose not to ~ actually, no i take that back lol, um i guess that sounded stupid but i think u see where i was getting at. we all have our strengths and weaknesses and not all women are stronger emotionally than men and not all men are physically stronger than women, thats profiling yo. and i guess it all depends on how you look at it? if u really believed that women were completely equal to men, then society shouldnt frown on men who hit women because theoretically if they are equal, why cant they take a punch like we can? why can't men give birth? i thing that's an awesome experience in a women's life, to completely feel whole and attatched with another. and whoa my pill just kicked in and my headache completely subsided, im all warm and fuzzy suddenly, i guess i can sleep now :)
There are many variations on this theme that are genetically based, culturally ingrained, socially enforced, and situationally dependent.

Are any two individuals equal? in a real sense: no.

Equality--as defined by the extreme thinking of a few very passionate zealots--is a fantasy.

The trick is to realize that everyone has a value, and that everyone brings to the table a certain number of strengths and positive life skills.*

People whom decide to negate that simple fact negate themselves and stifle the positive expression of everyone around them:

Are men and women equal?

More importantly, is quantifying the differences between sexes for the sake of proving some sort of dominance important or even necessary?
The trick is to realize that everyone has a value, and that everyone brings to the table a certain number of strengths and positive life skills.*

:) I like this line of thinking ^

I'd say in general men are probably stronger and more dominant. But where would they be without us?? Likewise I have no illusions that women would be better off without men.

It's just those who think that their sex is the "better" one that piss me off. Who determines that makes one better than the other? Men and women should co-exist and work together as a team, combining both of their strengths to create a relationship, a family, or whatever it is that we're trying to accomplish.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Look, I understand that:

People whom decide to negate that simple fact negate themselves and stifle the positive expression of everyone around them:

However, this is not a hippie commune. There is order in everthing. This is not a roundtabe where everyone has equality. Wake up.