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Do Americans smoke bud weird or is it just the media portraying it this way?

I like the sound of the American weed scene from what I've heard, and it's smoking etiquette. Hopefully if they continue to decriminalize in states such as Florida in the next few years then the UK will finally follow suit. Arresting people anywhere for weed is a huge waste of police time. Smokers do no harm and there are far more people causing trouble on alcohol at the weekend than there ever will be with stoners.

The smoking etiquette is better too I think. We get dynamite weed here in the UK, just like the yanks, but the prices are ever rising. But most people tend to smoke spliffs with tobacco. I far prefer a packed pipe, should really invest in a decent bong.
Even from city to city in the US, there's just huge differences....I bet you there's some white boy with top grade bud right here in my apartment complex....Then, there's the Mexicans who smoke blunts of regs downstairs....

The US is not "one thing" or one culture, it's just kind of a mish mash of a million different cultures, and smoking pot is no different...There's people from every country in the world with their own communities in the US...and there's just so many states and cities, nobody can really make a blanket statement about what everyone else is doing, because nobody knows for sure!

I get the impression from a lot of people from the EU and AUS on BL that us Americans have some sort of "superiority" complex, but I don't think that's really true...Sure, there's a lot of "rednecks" that like to blather on about how great a country this is, but what really makes this country great is the diversity we have here, it's a cultural free-for-all...
Is smoking kinebud out of a custom blown bong or bubbler weird? I'd never smoke a spliff, I already hate blunts.
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I get the impression from a lot of people from the EU and AUS on BL that us Americans have some sort of "superiority" complex, but I don't think that's really true...Sure, there's a lot of "rednecks" that like to blather on about how great a country this is, but what really makes this country great is the diversity we have here, it's a cultural free-for-all...

Don't confuse what I was saying. I like the smoking scene in the US where places have decriminalized or legalized cannabis. But in general I believe America is over run by corruption and greed. The judicial system is outright draconian and unfair as well. I would still much rather live in Europe.
^There's a lot of people in prison, that's for sure. If you look at the overall number of people imprisoned for lengthy sentences for non-violent drug offenses, I guess it seems pretty bad, but it's not really all that clear cut. The US federal drug laws are unfair and very harsh, but only a small percentage of the people arrested for drugs are charged federally. The laws vary dramatically from state to state, and county to county.

To actually get charged federally for growing marijuana would be very "unlucky", but the chances of getting charged federally unless you were part of a group that was being investigated is very slim. The Feds aren't really so much about being out on the streets looking for drugs, although it does happen, but most of their cases are referred to them by local law enforcement agencies. If a state agency stumbles upon a group of people dealing drugs across multiple jurisdictions, there's a good chance the feds would pick it up because they're not limited by geographical boundaries.

I guess what I'm trying to say...There's so much focus on all these people that were handed incredibly harsh sentences for drug offenses in the US, and in a country of over 300 million, that ends up being a lot of people, but it's still a very small percentage of the overall people charged. Most people end up in their local state criminal courts, which depending on the state are generally much less harsh than the Federal criminal courts. It's actually pretty lenient in many places. The chances of being thrown in federal prison for a "personal" amount of drugs or even small time dealing are a lot slimmer than it gets portrayed in the media.

Australia seems no less lenient in reality. On the Australian Border Patrol show that I watch, people are handed out long sentences for large quantities of drugs just as much as in the US! Where in Europe, aside from maybe Portugal can one get caught with tens of thousands of dollars in drugs and get off with a slap on the wrist? Nowhere that I'm aware of...and most of Asia is even harsher than the US and EU.
No way there must have been some very misguided media.

No American that I know of smokes this way.
5 pages of fairly decent discussion indicates that this may be a bit more common than you think ;)
I'm American and me and my friends have smoked the way you described in the op. the logic behind it is while your filling the bong with smoke, your lungs are filling with clean air, leaving less room for smoke, thus wasting a large portion of the hit

The benefit if filling the bong, exhaling, then inhaling the filled chambers is to maximize how much smoke gets in your lungs. It's most common when your using large chamber pieces. Ita not hugely popular, but it happens, although I doubt as often as the media portrays it. Come to think of it I've never seen smoking portrayed tht way
Does everyone is Australia dress like Crocodile Dundee and have the ability to communicate with animals?!
What region smokes the "chillum" where you use your hand to smoke from a bowl. The stem of it held between your middle and ring finger. A tourist had one here on vacation but I can't remember where thet were from.
^Again, that's not really a regional thing, just a type of smoking device...

I believe "Chillums" actually originate in the Middle East from places like Pakistan and Afghanistan, home of some of the most potent Indica strains of today...
Does everyone is Australia dress like Crocodile Dundee and have the ability to communicate with animals?!

The original crocodile dundee had an amphetamine-induced standoff with police where he killed an officer and then was killed by another officer. Look it up, that may change the dandelion approach everyone has about croc dundee being such a mascot for the country. In reality a struggling actor got a part in a movie that broke out terrifically but failed miserably in terms of a sequel.


And it seems to be mostly our neighbours from across the pond who do this more than us. :p

The bud culture in the US is just sooooooooo different to Aus it's so crazy!
^Wow, I have a new-found affection for Crocodile Dundee!

How could bud culture be THAT different? Smoking weed is smoking weed! Right?
Hahahahaha absolutely NO ONE I talk to about this seems to know it, (Aussies too), over there you have your 50 million strains (exaggerated) but you got your OG purple nurple titty-twistin' loudest dank strains and all those other names and distinct differences, down here the majority is either "it's good or it's shit" or sativa/indica/blend unless you talk to a farmer yourself you pretty much just aren't gonna know unless you actually know (but the problem is it's all smoked before anyone asks questions and everyone's half-retarded to not ask in the first place)

My context is in jealousy tbh, knowledge/"the general facts" is handy

And over there with the bowls and the insane different range in bongs etc is a lot different here (bongs became illegal in my state at the end of 2011) so just these few things alone REALLY does make a monster difference in social culture and stigma alone if you understand what I mean haha
^For most of us here, it's either good or it's not as well.....Some people really get into exactly what they're smoking, but it really breaks down to high/mid/low grade....and there's a lot of people that still smoke Mexi bud too...It's a lot cheaper, and as long as it's not incredibly old, some of its pretty good! I actually like "regs" because I can smoke a joint of it and not be tripping for 2 hours!
I hit my bong this way if I'm trying to see how big of a hit I can take, I draw slowly until I've taken as much as I want then catch my breath then clear the bong.
Not unusual to me anyways
^Again, that's not really a regional thing, just a type of smoking device...

I believe "Chillums" actually originate in the Middle East from places like Pakistan and Afghanistan, home of some of the most potent Indica strains of today...

Probably more India as a point of origin - though I'm sure they diffused through those other regions a long, long time ago
^Yeah, Wikipedia says India...II read a book about American hippies seeing chillum pipes for the first time in Afghanistan, so that's where I got it from...

Most pot smokers in the US are just buying whatever's around....in medical states there's much better stuff going around, but that's not really the norm everywhere....

Of course, high grade weed is more prevalent than ever before, and in a major city that's probably what you'll find, but you still have to know somebody...
In a medical state I take weed in almost every form imaginable. The other night a buddy gave me some herb in the form of an iced tea. I regularly drink cannabis infused almond milks. Primarily though I smoke herbs from a pipe (no room for a proper bong) and/or wax/oil/glass from my wax vape pipe.