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Do Americans smoke bud weird or is it just the media portraying it this way?


Bluelight Crew
Mar 18, 2013
I watch American television/movies such as Ted, where the user will grab a bong, roast the conepiece until the bud inside is burnt, (bowl I think that is what the usual term is there) exhale a tiny bit while their hand is covering where one would put their mouth to prevent the smoke escaping, wait, then suck up the remainder of the smoke then exhale again.


Roast, but don't pull through
Put hand over breathing hole (lack of better term)
Let all the smoke just fucking sit in the bong
Inhale the remainder then exhale

It happens a lot during conversations etc, but over the years of watching television directly streamed from the great George Bush I have seen this a lot.

Aussies usually roast the bud, pull the cone, inhale all the smoke, then exhale.

I don't know how the fuck anyone can do it any other way without a taste resembling something shriveled/decaying/festering/lingering/dying in my mouth.

I watched a friend of a friend (literally) smoke it the American way, everyone just looked at him weird and all I tried to defend this ungodly/unaustralian action of not smoking a cone properly, hoping this is just an across the pond thing?

Is this just the media that doesn't know how to smoke a cone?
Ime, its just the media. In the US they dont smoke a whole bong bowl to themselves; they either hit snappers (which is pretty uncommon, depending on the circle of friends) or pack a full bowl, take a good hit and pass it. Only times Ive encountered what you describe is when someone had to say something immediately or just got a really good rip, its usually the latter.
Where I come from a snapper is a fish 8( What is it there?

What the gibbens, why on earth would people half smoke a cone then get the friend to finish it off?!

It makes no sense!!! Unless I'm thinking they aren't getting your typical Australian bud or getting some of those 'flavoured' buds? I don't know if they would then make the taste bearable (any aussies chime in here, the taste, true?)
Americans also don't smoke spliffs , they call it euro style or something equally lame.

pretty common to share cones worldwide though, u got some 1 man 1 cone policy going on.

I don't rate aussie bud , it's affordable though and it gets you stoned , so that's a good start.
Euro Style?

That sounds dirty, there's nothing wrong with a one man one cone policy, the benefits of not having the lung capacity of a small child %)

I rate Aussie bud because its the only bud I've ever had. Can't say much else. How does it fare against NZ?
Lol @ non-Americans trying to explain American weed culture

We smoke like you smoke. We put a flame to herb and inhale.

The differences are nuanced: Americans tend to smoke 100% marijuana, whereas our European counterparts seem more likely to smoke some kind of tobacco/marijuana mixture. We call our paraphernalia by different names than you likely do.

What you see in the media aren't people smoking to get high-- you see actors trying to get the point across that they're characters are high and/or stoners. On TV, as you should know, it's all for show. Americans in real life inhale their weed just like most other people around the world.

I've never heard "Eurostyle" before coming into this thread. You want to mix bud and tobacco, that's cool, but most Americans will just refer to it as "gross" before breaking out the big guns and labeling your blunts/joints/spliff/spun-with-tobacco-mixtures "eurostyle."
The media. That covering the bong and letting the smoke sit thing is usually only seen in the context Jibult mentioned. No one intentionally tries to do this that I know of.
What the gibbens, why on earth would people half smoke a cone then get the friend to finish it off?!

Because the cone-style bowl is not as universal as in Oz/NZ. What you can fit into one cone, one person can easily cash alone. But here in the Americas, we have a fetish for large and ornate glass bowls and it's a party affair where the etiquette is to torch just the side of the bowl, get a strong hit then pass the bong with there still being some surface green left in the bowl for more fresh hits. Back in the day, this was my bowl:


at max capacity it would hold over a full gram of bud, I'm pretty sure that's at least double the capacity of the typical cone.
Lol @ non-Americans trying to explain American weed culture

We smoke like you smoke. We put a flame to herb and inhale.

The differences are nuanced: Americans tend to smoke 100% marijuana, whereas our European counterparts seem more likely to smoke some kind of tobacco/marijuana mixture. We call our paraphernalia by different names than you likely do.

What you see in the media aren't people smoking to get high-- you see actors trying to get the point across that they're characters are high and/or stoners. On TV, as you should know, it's all for show. Americans in real life inhale their weed just like most other people around the world.

I've never heard "Eurostyle" before coming into this thread. You want to mix bud and tobacco, that's cool, but most Americans will just refer to it as "gross" before breaking out the big guns and labeling your blunts/joints/spliff/spun-with-tobacco-mixtures "eurostyle."

I agree mainly with this, I'm from the UK.

I have however, heard Tobacco and Weed referred to as 'Euro style' or 'European style' or something similar. I've heard this from friends in both Canada and the US.

All my information is from the internet, so I've always smoked weed 'the American way' as the sites I visited were all American. IE: No tobacco, just pure weed normally from a pipe (Which I call a bowl) sometimes I'll roll a fat joint. But this is also due to taste, I don't smoke cigs and I'm not into tobacco so pure weed is the only way for me. Quite funny sharing a joint with other people here though, they're expecting 20/80 Weed/Tobacco ratio (This is what I normally come across) and the look on their face is priceless when they toke 100% weed. I get decent stuff too so they normally walk away pretty happy =D
thats just the media being tards..

i usually just pack half of the bowl/slide and take it all in 1 hit.
What the gibbens, why on earth would people half smoke a cone then get the friend to finish it off?!
As an American I have absolutely no clue why it is standard practice to pack the bowl piece of the pipe/bong to the top or even worse, overflowing. One, maybe two people tops get a decent hit while the rest of the circle is smoking a huge pile of their ash.

I prefer to smoke what I call personal bowls, or "persies", what some people call "snappers", so that everybody gets to have their green hit. For whatever reason, I am in the minority.

As for people on U.S. movies and television not knowing how to smoke cannabis properly that's largely because they have never--and are not really--smoking cannabis. They are probably smoking some non psychoactive herbal substance that they barely take into their mouths, if they even do, and then the exhale is largely CGI. You can usually tell when some one is really smoking, it's hard to do realistic CGI smoke exhalations.
Lol @ non-Americans trying to explain American weed culture

I've lived in both countries so I feel I can make explanations here without being LOL'd at.

The US is a big place I don't think you can summarise it as being one homogenous culture , the scene in the West is very different than that on the East Coast, hell the scene in SoCal is way different from that in NorCal.

One defining thing in the states is the preference for glassware and smoking w/o tobacco.

In Australasia there is generally less glass (and nice pipes in general) and more metal cones/pipes, people tend to smoke spliffs , but less so than in the EU. Aussies tend to smoke billies (weed w/ baccy) kiwis prefer to smoke their cones and bongs pure. We tend to do more alternative smoking methods like spots and buckets, however we also eat weed less than they do in the states.

US weed at least in the west is by far better than aus and nz , however IME NZ has has some excellent local strains and both the outdoor and indoor is generally a fair bit better than that in Aus however in an NZ city the price per oz is maybe 30-40% higher than in Vic.
I watch American television/movies such as Ted, where the user will grab a bong, roast the conepiece until the bud inside is burnt, (bowl I think that is what the usual term is there) exhale a tiny bit while their hand is covering where one would put their mouth to prevent the smoke escaping, wait, then suck up the remainder of the smoke then exhale again.

lolol do you not realize that you're watching an actor simulate the act of smoking?

of course it's not like that irl, you're talking about a movie ffs
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Jamaicans smoke spliffs and in So. Fl. we got more than you can shake a stick at. And they roll the fattest you'll ever see. On the beach one night Bro tells me to roll one. So not to be out done I roll a monster about an inch on the big end and hand it over. The dread cracks up and says to his friends, "look he roll spliff like mans foot." Everybody split a gut.
I'm an American and have seen plenty of people doing what OP described. I'd say yes its common. Why are you putting it down though? anyone ive ever seen do that did it for a specific reason. You milk the bong really good and fill your lungs nice and full. cover the mouth piece, exhale the smoke, then pull the bowl (I will never call it a fucking cone ever) and inhale the rest. a lot of people will do a 1 gram bong rip this way. it counts as one hit since its all in one pull yet you get more because of the breath you take when exhaling the first hit.

Spliffs are almost never smoked. Blunts are very common, but not spliffs. I've only ran into a spliff one time. never smoke them.
I generally smoke my weed however the fuck I want

mostly because its mine though
I watch American television/movies such as Ted, where the user will grab a bong, roast the conepiece until the bud inside is burnt, (bowl I think that is what the usual term is there) exhale a tiny bit while their hand is covering where one would put their mouth to prevent the smoke escaping, wait, then suck up the remainder of the smoke then exhale again.


Roast, but don't pull through
Put hand over breathing hole (lack of better term)
Let all the smoke just fucking sit in the bong
Inhale the remainder then exhale

I'm an aussie and thats exactly how I do my bong hits, its fucking annoying when dumbasses tell me oh bro thats not how you smoke a bong when it is obvious I am exhaling so I can take a solid one hit of the smoke that has just been pulled through.

I generally smoke my weed however the fuck I want

mostly because its mine though

Damn right brother :D