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Do Americans smoke bud weird or is it just the media portraying it this way?

Hahaha, oh wow. No, its simply that most actors cant rip a bong as well as most stoners, and most blockbuster films happen to be made in California. Americans, just like any other population on earth, have figured out the best/most efficient ways to smoke a bowl... In fact this thread is borderline racist...? Seth Rogan can hit a bong hard... though I guess he is Canadian... And as for Aussies, Jason Gann in Wilfred can't rip a bong for shit... thought I guess he is playing a dog?
Probably the real reason is the foul tasting fake pot crap they smoke as a prop for tv and movie scenes. Some company makes these bud looking knock off's coated in some rank resin like substance and claims it get's you high. It's basically a fake bud made from random herbs that looks a bit like head and covered in resin made from hops and a few other plants and tastes like shit/ass. I think this kind of "legal bud" is what is used for most TV/film bud and that is what they smoke in the bong. Is it any wonder they can't toke the shit?? Bellow post: No doubt many actors have been smoking for years cue Woody Harrelson. Doubt he'd enjoy ripping one of those nasty bongs of fake weed used on set. I don't think dope is allowed as an actual movie prop.
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Ha! Come to the states, especially Cal. and then have a word about the marijuana scene here! Trust me, the actors in LA have been around the real shit! If this was 1958 maybe!

Drugs are not some "youth movement" thing anymore...In fact, this current generation is the lamest one to come around in decades....I'd take drug advice from most grandmothers before I'd listen to some little snot-nosed brat born in the '90s! Trust me, you're about 30 years late to the party! Oh, except for maybe some garbage-ass research chemicals! Young people thinking older people don't know about drugs....fuckin joke these days!
Drugs are not some "youth movement" thing anymore...In fact, this current generation is the lamest one to come around in decades....I'd take drug advice from most grandmothers before I'd listen to some little snot-nosed brat born in the '90s! Trust me, you're about 30 years late to the party! Oh, except for maybe some garbage-ass research chemicals! Young people thinking older people don't know about drugs....fuckin joke these days!


And in my experience the whole analyzing/critiquing the way other people smoke is really juvenile and is usually only done by teenagers/people new to smoking trying to show how much of a stoner they are because they think it makes them cool. I really don't give a fuck how anyone else smokes and don't see why anyone ever would.
most people I know just roll a joint or hit a small pipe of choice. I am located in Arkansas USA. sometimes cook into edibles

BlueHues knows what he is talking about
In Tasmania (Southern state of Australia) it is a general custom to have two cones in a row (more often than not through a homemade bong) and then pass to the next in the circle. Although illegal right across Australia, it is just as common in Tasmania to have a social 'session' as it is to socially drink alcohol in the Northern states. I assume the 'tassie two-cone' rule is based on the 'two-headed Tasmanian' taunt, still used by Mainland Aussies to refer to the popularity of 'incest as a pastime'. Apparently Tasmanians only love one thing more than their weed - their sisters.
America's a big country. Different regions have different terms for marijuana and have different smoking preferences than others. In the region of America that I'm in, spliffs are not too uncommon. Those who don't smoke spliffs typically smoke a cigarette at the end of their bowl or don't consume tobacco at all. I have smoked as OP explained when getting comfortable with bongs. I wasn't sure how long I should pull because I didn't have much experience with them around the age of 17 and didn't want to kill my lungs, so I would cover the mouth piece while I took an extra breath. That phase is long over now though.

I crave a spliff every so often myself, but ultimately prefer straight bud loaded into a bong with a couple of ice cubes down the neck. I do this alone as well as with friends. When smoking with friends, it's customary to take a hit and pass the bong whilst keeping a strict rotation. This goes on for about two bowls with my group of friends. It is also customary for whoever loaded the bowl to hit the greens.
Hahaha, oh wow. No, its simply that most actors cant rip a bong as well as most stoners, and most blockbuster films happen to be made in California. Americans, just like any other population on earth, have figured out the best/most efficient ways to smoke a bowl... In fact this thread is borderline racist...? Seth Rogan can hit a bong hard... though I guess he is Canadian... And as for Aussies, Jason Gann in Wilfred can't rip a bong for shit... thought I guess he is playing a dog?

I'm not racist I'm watching the media America is creating lol.

Jason Gann in the American version of Wilfred does do this a lot. Watch him in some other 'media' and you'll get a better picture, watch him in SKIThouse or something.

This thread has provided a lot of insight I just hope you looked through it all and had a decent read before making these assumptions (borderline racist wtf?) know whattttt I meeeean playaaaa?

& To DavoDinkum, I salute your username good sir, can't say I've heard about this tazzy rule but I've heard of worse ideas!
That's how I would smoke a bong. I would light the bud and pull through then lift the slider out and enhale it all but if I don't get it all the first time than ill cover it and hit it again. I don't "roast" or burn the bud. I hate when people do that but I don't regularly smoke bongs, the bud doesn't last very long at all. I'm more of a blunt smoker:) but the way you described it first, I've never heard of or seen Americans do it that way. The only way I've seen anyone do it kinda like that is with a gravity bong. You light the bud and pull the jug(or whatever your using) up, then enhale. That's the only way remotely code to what you described.

I just read the post about this thread possibly being racist. Lmao, there is no way this is racist hahaha. All you did was ask if different countries smoke differently which in my opinion is a perfectly legit non-racist question. Not everyone smokes the same way, even in America. I guess to a certain point there is no right or wron way to smoke unless your have no idea what your doing
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I agree mainly with this, I'm from the UK.

I have however, heard Tobacco and Weed referred to as 'Euro style' or 'European style' or something similar. I've heard this from friends in both Canada and the US.

Where im from in the US people call that an Amsterdam.
Ah, weed culture. I wonder what my professor would think if I wrote a paper on cannabis culture from around the world?
Depends how blazed he is for a tl;dr Hahahaha would he be actually interested?

Is it possible for a "do you smoke only weed or weed + tobacco in your mix" poll? I think it would show a lot of different results

If it wanted to get really technical maybe 90-10/80-20/70-30 etc options could be there?
Ah, weed culture. I wonder what my professor would think if I wrote a paper on cannabis culture from around the world?

In high school we had to write a history paper on the most influential invention of the 20th C - I did mine on LSD. Teacher marked it OK but wasn't particularly impressed.
This is honestly the best response. i understand what you're saying, but the media doesn't accurately depict all of America's smoking culture. That's like if i were to say that i had seen Steve Irwin smoking out of a corncob pipe so all Aussies "must do it that way"(a made up scenario to further my point). and as far as the "Eurostyle" never heard of it, and I've actually on more than one occasion heard the use of the word spliff to describe either a cone shaped joint, or the tried and true practice of smoking it with some quality tobacco. here it really is a matter of taste and personality.
I've been around a good portion of the states and what everyone is saying holds true, every area has its own culture. When I moved further south I had to learn all sorts of new words and little customs to fit in with the local smokers. Its just how things are when you're so spread out.

Ha! Come to the states, especially Cal. and then have a word about the marijuana scene here! Trust me, the actors in LA have been around the real shit! If this was 1958 maybe!

Drugs are not some "youth movement" thing anymore...In fact, this current generation is the lamest one to come around in decades....I'd take drug advice from most grandmothers before I'd listen to some little snot-nosed brat born in the '90s! Trust me, you're about 30 years late to the party! Oh, except for maybe some garbage-ass research chemicals! Young people thinking older people don't know about drugs....fuckin joke these days!

Man you nailed it, I don't know whats up with the younger generation these days. Sometimes I think I'm just begin an old fart but there is just something so different about the kids now. Maybe it's because they don't remember a time before the internet (or dog slow useless internet) but I just find it so hard to find common ground with them on anything, drug culture or otherwise.