Did you drop out of highschool?

Yea but that dont mean that there aint people who dropped out and dont regret it. and there are some peopel who do regret that they didnt drop out. if you read the whoel thread u see that.

And people aint "saying" they do OK without one. many people actually DO. I know peopel who make much more who dropped out of school never got a degree and now own their own contracting businesses, delis, etc. and make more loot than their business drudger friends so dont be to quick to judge
lacey k said:
I know peopel who make much more who dropped out of school never got a degree and now own their own contracting businesses, delis, etc. and make more loot than their business drudger friends so dont be to quick to judge

Statistically though, income tends to correlate porportionally with your level of education. From a statistical standpoint, people with a Masters make more annually than people with a high school education, or those who dropped out. Anecdotal evidence is all fine and dandy, but the numbers don't lie.

Like anything in life, it's a totally individual thing. Some people can drop out of high school (as I did) and have the drive and determination to still be successful. For these people, leaving high school (for whatever reason) is probably the best choice. Others won't do so well. Therefore, any blanket statement such as "Nobody regrets finishing high school" or "all drop outs are unsuccessful" are patently false and can be disregarded as incorrect. It all boils down to what the best decision is for you, based on your own individual circumstances.
^^^Yuuup damn straight. that is one thing alot of people dont understand.

i got no problem saying, yea, its easier and a lot more fun to get into trouble when you drop out, there alot more distrctions, etc. andif you fuck around bad shit can happen, so i aint tellin people to drop out if they cant handle it

But the other side seems to mostly think that they ARE right by some god given order. like, sure, drop out, YOULL NEVER MAKE IT. They only see the world in their eyes and in their world u couldnt succeed probably w/out highschol, etc.

but its good to see peeps recognizing that its just "whats right for you" LOL sounds like a viagra commercial

One thing people still forget
Is that yea, you make more money usually if you do the degree shit

But who says everybody WANTS to make that much money.

For real.
especially to people who did not have a lot in life. it would not take a big $75,000 paycheck a year to satisfy me.

Some peoples idea of success in life is to get that big ass job and carreer and car and house and wife and shit.

But other people aint aiming for that.

so if you want the big rich lifestyle then yea maybe you do gotta go to school.

but to me success will be simple. When i am finally truly happy that will be my success.

and my happiness has never came from money.
...yea, you make more money usually if you do the degree shit

But who says everybody WANTS to make that much money.

For real.

especially to people who did not have a lot in life. it would not take a big $75,000 paycheck a year to satisfy me.

My idea of a good life includes a lot of travel. The world is huge, and I want to see a large portion of it before I die.

To facilitate that, I need a large paycheck. I don't want to go somewhere and wash dishes in foreign restaurants to finance my trip.

Some peoples idea of success in life is to get that big ass job and carreer and car and house and wife and shit.

I do love my car... no question about it. And I do want a house. You can't build a small recording studio in an apartment.

I guess whether you need a large income depends on your goals. If all you want is enough money to exist on, and you are happy with your life, more power to you.
The trick to it is,
us peeps who grew up with jack and shit
understand how to use a lot less money to exist on. so, what is only enough to exist and cover your basic necessities to you, is enough to satisfy and cover many things we never had, to us.
I grew up with jack and shit. We lived in a run down trailer until I was 13. We were well under the poverty line.

My parents kept us fed and clothed through sheer hard work. My father hunted every fall to fill the freezer with game meat because beef was far too pricey.

Coming from humble beginnings doesn't mean there's any pride to be had in refusing to broaden your horizons.
Two things:

1. people don't necessarily get college degrees, graduate degrees, etc. just so they can make a lot of money.

2. what are you doing that is so great and can absolutely not wait that you want to quit school when you are 14-18? Aren't people still picking their noses at 18?
Petersko said:
Coming from humble beginnings doesn't mean there's any pride to be had in refusing to broaden your horizons.
That is so true. I remember in a university Human Resources Economics class, when our tutor explained that children generally stay in the same social class as their parents. As the first person in my extended family to go to university I spoke up and the tutor said "Well, there will always be anomalies". At the time I was outraged but now I'm kind of proud.

I come from a litany of fuck-ups (no disrespect intended) but the one thing my parents devoted themselves to was giving me the opportunities for success. I went to a private school on scholarship and they pushed me very hard academically (luckily I enjoy learning so I don't resent them for it).

As a result I succeeded in my field and I enjoy my life of status, wealth and power - but it doesn't define me. It just makes my day-to-day life easier, so I can spend more time making myself happy. Money doesn't bring happiness but it can buy you time to find happiness :)
people don't necessarily get college degrees, graduate degrees, etc. just so they can make a lot of money.

ye but if you aint interested in going to college for the degree, the money, OR the other reasons that aint those 2 things, then who the hell cares.

2. what are you doing that is so great and can absolutely not wait that you want to quit school when you are 14-18?

What is so absolutely great about highschool that you cant drop out and do what is right for you and what will make you happy in your life?

Aren't people still picking their noses at 18?
And that has to do with this in any way? 8(

If in some wack-ass way youre tryina say something about immaturity, you should prolly just drop that since even fuckin einstein picked his nose man, really truly aint got shit to do with intelligence motivation or any of that shit.
People definitely don't stick to their own social class, given the option to move around.

My dad was born into a poor immigrant family who fled Europe to escape Stalin and Hitler. He built himself up to CEO of a crown corporation. As a consequence he's always stressed the importance of a good education. I think a lot of kids want to out perform their parents, and the only way they see of doing it is through college. Others have "college=success" hammered into them over and over. I don't knock those who drop out. I just know that I would never be happy with a menial job.
lacey k - Just don't let your need to front and bluster keep you locked in the same place for the rest of your life.
lacey k said:
Aren't people still picking their noses at 18?[/b]
And that has to do with this in any way? 8(

If in some wack-ass way youre tryina say something about immaturity, you should prolly just drop that since even fuckin einstein picked his nose man, really truly aint got shit to do with intelligence motivation or any of that shit. [/B]

Why don't you step back, calm down and actually read what I wrote?
I'm not attacking you (listen to Petersko).

I'm merely saying, and I think it is valid, that people are in such a hurry. They don't realize that being 18 is nothing. People are so young at that age. You lose nothing by staying in high school. By staying in, what could you possibly be missing out on? Oh sure, you can get some job that pays. But you're going to be working the rest of your life.
need to front and bluster, bitch please

what you see is what is me and that a wrap so dont be talking about fronting.

i understand what you think youre saying and i know you didnt mean it necesarily insulting, so thanks i guess , no bad feelings, thats just some weird shit to say.

but this is my personality dawg. and so far its only got me places. (ohh fill in "locked up" there if you wanna laugh and be a wiseass, but for real, i never would have got the job i have right now if i wasnt like this.)

Actually, ima tell a story how i got my job. gather round LOL.
dont read it if you dont give a fuck and i wont care, it just lays down a little bit, the strange way, that i have got farther than most kids my age thru not giving a fuck.

I sat there at the computer for a long ass time tryina come up with a "cover letter." I was applying to this job to layout pages at a newspaper, because my one year of highschool was at a Tech highschool and i was taking commercial arts, and it was the only job i could do other than BK or McDonalds or Shop Rite or some shit becase there was no age requirement

Well everythign i wrote for that cover letter to go over my lil-ass resumee sounded so fake and stupid and i knew that when i got there it would seem even worse since i just aint like that.

So i thought of how i could get their attention. my resumee was aight, because i took adobe illustrator class and they give you a certification when its done. it dont mean shit except you know how to use the program, but it looks good on paper. so i had,
*1 year tech school, taught myself photoshop (from a downloaded copy =D ) and the
*illustrator certification. and i took ONE LIL
*college class on intro to grahpic design at community college since my moms made me do that since i wasnt working, 16, and didnt want me in trouble.

So i had that shit, aight, looks pretty good for a 16 year old.

So i finally decided to write a haiku poem for my cover letter (took me like 45 minutes but it was worth it.)

"My resumee should
Speak quite clearly for itself
You really want me"

That was it but man, who the hell elses shit would they even remember after reading that one. I figured the boss would either be a dryass prick with no sense of humor and toss it, or i would hit the spot and nail that shit right away, and that was what happened.

i got that job man. lil druggie-ass teenager coming in high as hell smoking before work everyday, sniffin coke in the bathroom and coming in doped up and hungover as hell from the night before, and still laying out those papers.
and i got damn good at that shit. now im like the young super layout chick there or some dumb shit, still go into work high, still get yelled at for not being professional and "rough aroudn the edges" but i do the job faster and better (according to them) than anybody else they could get, so what are they gonna do. same as when i started i still dont give a shit.

cuz i hate it. i hate it cuz its a office and its all some dumb ass 40 and 50 year old rich WASP-ass suburban muthafuckas who talk about their custom furniture orders all day long and ditzy ass salesbitches for the ads that run. im bouncing that shit as soon as i can get another job lined up and that is the first and last office job ill ever have. it just aint for me.

i dont even go by the dresscode LOL i rock my hoodies and Timbs in there. but im only part time so it aint worth it to fuck with me, basically i do the best work outta anybody there so they just gotta accept the fact that even though i am polite to everybody and get the work done i hate them and dont follow their rules. its dope.

But anyways, im sorry if yall dont care. i just had to point it out that, im a smartass with a huge (figurative) ballsack and if i wasnt like i am, i woulda never got that job.

I understand that when i get a job i wanna keep that shits gonna change, and it WILL, obviously i aint gonna say FUCK YALL to somebody who i wanna stick around with for a while.
thats part of growing up and being mature about it, the more you need your shit to come together, the more you need that grind and to act right while youre at work, i know all this. thats why im getting a serious job even if right now that is at the deli counter (interview tomorrow :) ). but for now, i somehow got a entire office to play by my rules, so im goin with it. =D

thats the end of the too long summary of why it aint hurting me to be how i am for ya Peter.
Damn, you expect people to read and decipher these loong posts? Sorry, I can't be bothered to read this stuff.

This thread was a good one though, it's interesting to know the education level of other BLers. It was pretty much what I expected.
Pfunk i wasnt mad or un chill at all sorry if i came off like that.

You lose nothing by staying in high school. By staying in, what could you possibly be missing out on?

I could have gained nothing staying in highschool

*I HATED everybody

*I HATED the classes that were too stupid and taught nothing even in the "smart" classes

*I HATED all the stupid bitches and dumb ass little boys tryina think they are men all caught up in their stupid little "crisseses" like their 2-week girlfriend breaking up with them.

*I HATED all the people who talked shit to me endlessly and gave e the attitude i have today, beacuse i have letarally heard SOOOO MUCH BULLSHIT that now even the most stupid intending to be hurtful shit jsut rolls off my back, but i do get pissed, just because ive heard it since i was fuckin 12 man.

*I HATED all the teachers telling you to do things their way. by their rules by their writing standards by their math standards, what if it works for me this way, then why i gotta do it that way? and just hearing to shut up and do it.

*I HATED the fuckin principal telling me what to do change my clothes against the dress code, change my attitude, change this that this

*I HATED the teachers watching when i would give heads up to my old peeps that came back from rehab and writing down "eye contact, heads up gesture --- negative" (you know how anybody still into drugs and that world is considered a "negative" in rehab)

basically i was a true hater , i hated EVERYTHING, no lie, i would not want to meet my past self from that time now, i was a piss and vinegar little crazy ass shit talking bitch carrying a box cutter. and if i stayed in school i woulda blew that shit up, considering that i had floor plans of it that i jacked and spend all day plotting how i was gonna kill every last pussy ass shallow ass stupid bitch muthafucka that ever tried to fuck with me when they never even knew me.

so i did drugs and tried to just ignore that i was even in school and just floated thru every day ignoring everything, the best thing all day was welding, that was the only shit i enjoyed.

SO it was a damn good thing that i dropped out because im actually happy now

and now, this year, i would be graduating. it seems like it couldnt be. because all these kids i see, graduating now, im a million miles ahead of them. aint even in the same world. i cant even put it into words the difference.

So there you go, too. some people had very very good reasons to drop out

and i can honestly say like i said before in this thread, that dropping out was one of the best choices i ever made

i would be in jail or dead by now if i didnt

to some kids its different but to me it was necessary

make more sense now?

I didnt take any courses for the GED i just straight took it about 1 1/2 years after quitting and passed it, so i really didnt miss out on SHIT cuz if i did i would not have passed that sucka.
i graduated with honors in 2001 from a public high school with a 3.98, barely missing being valedictorian. not that i care now, butr back then it seemed important. now i'm trying to get my bachelor's degree - i've had to take some time off due to being bipolar but i'm chipping away at it slowly. i think education is important. expanding your mind and learning for the rest of your life is so underrated. i might go on to get my masters but it just depends. i think learning is important, not neseccarily class-room learning, but just education in general. people today seem so ignorant - especially young people, people my age - that it's really sad. we've really corrupted the true beauty of the english language too (i'm an english literature major) with the carelesness of the way we speak. and i'm not talking about using the wrong "your" or "there" or ending in a preposistion but the actual beauty of correct english itself. but maybe it's just me.
pfunk said:
Oh sure, you can get some job that pays. But you're going to be working the rest of your life.

thats the most STUPID generalization you could ever say. PERIOD.

please. gimme a fkn break.

personally, dropping out of high school was the best thing i ever did for myself up to that point. at some stage you gotta take your life into your own hands-- we all do it in different ways at different points in our lives. we all gonna be workin' at something for the rest of our lives anyways, right? maybe some of us want to work all our lives. even some people who get degrees want to work all their lives. don't you get it yet? it's all choice. there is no need to use petty generalizations, unless you want some back. generalizations are safe--they come from comfy zones. step out a little and you'll see that it's all just smoke and mirrors that keep us from really relating to eachother on this subject.

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wizekrak said:
People definitely don't stick to their own social class, given the option to move around.
It's the "given a chance" bit that has traditionally held most people back, though.

The issue of access is a core one in social mobility literature. How I summarise it is, you can't know you want something if you've never been exposed to anyone who had it. If your social setting iscomprised entirely of people who aren't university-educated, it'll be harder for you to conceive the value of education. And even if you do want to go to university, your family probably doesn't have the economic, cultural and social resources to get you there. And even if you do get there, the new social stratum you join has all these norms that you don't understand but have to comply with. You can't blame people for giving up along the way.

I'm coming at this from a statistical perspective - as I said before, there are plenty of anomolies, just as there are those from elevated status who fall from grace.

I'm also addressing this from my own world view, which has an academic tilt, and sees society as a competitive field (this is a dominant sociological paradigm which sits well with me, but not with everyone). I understand that this doesn't work well for everyone and I have no problems with it. I do have to remind myself a lot of the time, though, that I don't know more about the world than other people - I just know different things.
jaymie said:
thats the most STUPID generalization you could ever say. PERIOD.

please. gimme a fkn break.

personally, dropping out of high school was the best thing i ever did for myself up to that point. at some stage you gotta take your life into your own hands-- we all do it in different ways at different points in our lives. we all gonna be workin' at something for the rest of our lives anyways, right? maybe some of us want to work all our lives. even some people who get degrees want to work all their lives. don't you get it yet? it's all choice. there is no need to use petty generalizations, unless you want some back. generalizations are safe--they come from comfy zones. step out a little and you'll see that it's all just smoke and mirrors that keep us from really relating to eachother on this subject.


"Maybe some of us want to work all our lives." You really got me on that one.

"There is no need to make petty generalizations." Uh, I don't think anything I said was petty. Petty would be me saying that maybe if you stayed in school you would know what the definition of petty was.