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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Desoxypipradrol/10 mgs) First experience: Which way is Poland?!

Correction; drugs do not make anyone do anything. It is by your own free will that you or others redose irresponsibly, people who can't control themselves should not be self medicating.
Drugs don't make people do anything, but brain chemistry plays a central role -- and neurotransmitter circuitry is far more fundamental than the psyche and words in one's head (e.g. "I should stop dosing now and get some sleep").

Expect dopamine to tell "I'm a thought, wow, I'm important" what to do, not the other way around. That's exactly why so many "can't quit" despite losing all their friends, their job, family, reputation, etc. Society has got to start looking at drugs that directly manipulate neurotransmitters as a biological issue, not a moral one.

P.S. IMO the notion of free will is a shallow, surface, "mind of the past" thought-construct, and the dedication shown to it by believers indicates "false", a need to believe that it's there and trumpet its existence to whoever will listen. Truths don't need asserting/believing, they're self-evident.
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pretty much we do what our world and the stimuli in it pushes us to do without conciously thing about it most of the time. people often cannot help themselves while under the influence and you aren't going to change that by being strong minded because in many ways humans dont work like that as advertisers will testify.

these people aren't self medicating they are experimenting with novel drugs and find the experience difficult to control
I may be biased on the issue as I was easily able to drop an opiate addiction with the help of LSD and weed. I can't say I've always 100% of the time projected absolute self control.... But I've never felt that I couldn't resist the urge to dose a drug, aside from said opiate addiction but even then it was easy for me to quit once I saw how much more damaging it had been than other substances in my life. I guess I just can't buy into the whole "you are addicted, you can't stop, you need to quit, ect" because I've never felt what its like to think someone else knows whats best for me.

I've even dosed heroin once or twice since I quit and didn't feel the urge to redose. On the scale of how addictive a drug has been desoxypipadrol is down there amongst the least I would bother binging on.
pretty much we do what our world and the stimuli in it pushes us to do without conciously thing about it most of the time. people often cannot help themselves while under the influence and you aren't going to change that by being strong minded because in many ways humans dont work like that as advertisers will testify.
Or you could say brains don't work like that.

The whole "will power/choice" thing is not hard to see through, although it is ego-busting for sure.

For example, "choose your next thought from the available catalog, and think it".

Or, "choose what choice you're going to make the next time you choose something".
our brains are pretty much doing what they do naturally and our concious awareness has a hard time controlling that.
Expect dopamine to tell "I'm a thought, wow, I'm important" what to do, not the other way around. That's exactly why so many "can't quit" despite losing all their friends, their job, family, reputation, etc. Society has got to start looking at drugs that directly manipulate neurotransmitters as a biological issue, not a moral one.


I wish I had understood this before I started doing hard drugs.
Has anyone else tried desoxy and mdpv together? Is it as immediately prosexual as someone said a few pages ago?

Well it kind of is but it's hard to peform acts of self abuse when you are convinced there are hordes of either ne'er do wells or police spying on you. Unless that's your kind of thing I suppose. Not presently in a position to tell how it would work if not alone.

Seems to make the peevee margin for error that much tighter so if you do get the paranoia it will be on you sooner.
This drug is a perfect example of why you should research/read up about it before taking it (which you should really do with ANY drug). When I took it, I was treading in uncharted territory, but this is not the case for most horror stories in this thread
This drug is will only be enjoyed if taken in the right amount, by the right person, for the right reason!
The last time I did desoxypipradrol (and believe me, it was the last time ever), I was up for nine days/nights, and ended up voluntary in a mental hospital. I brought some desoxypipradrol in with me. Then when I got out, I used up the other half of my stash, and was up for *another* nine days and nights. That time I ended up *involuntary* in a mental hospital (although I still sort of checked myself in).

That's it for me. No more. There are other drugs. Like, you know, drugs that let you sleep some time in the same century you use them 8).
The last time I did desoxypipradrol (and believe me, it was the last time ever), I was up for nine days/nights, and ended up voluntary in a mental hospital. I brought some desoxypipradrol in with me. Then when I got out, I used up the other half of my stash, and was up for *another* nine days and nights. That time I ended up *involuntary* in a mental hospital (although I still sort of checked myself in).

That's it for me. No more. There are other drugs. Like, you know, drugs that let you sleep some time in the same century you use them 8).

Jesus christ.

Any idea of the dosages you took? From your behaviour it sounds like you'd have had problems controlling yourself even if you'd swapped out the 2-DPMP for a pile of pure d-amp, MDMA, Focalin, or whatever your stim jive is.

I've been using 2-DPMP somewhat regularly for a year and a half without missing decent nights sleep. I've established recently though that I'm one of metabolically abnormal, as a friend of mine was up nearly 36 hours on 6mg.

Remember the behaviour of this drug is hugely dependant on your metabolism and good sense.

I never take more than 4mg on an average day, 10-12mg was the largest.
shocking to see a friend slipping into a full blown psychosis

First of all, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a very experienced user of stimulants, I have seen spun people tweaking like hell, but nothing came close to this!

I have been doing various stimulants for the past decade and never had any problems, no depression, no problems with taking breaks. No psychological problems whatsoever.
I am studying pharmacy at the moment, so I hope you believe me, when I tell you that I am a responsible person when it comes to sharing drugs. I thought I knew my friend, whose mental status will be described in the following chat log, very well.
I did amphetamine and cocain with him very often, including some meth binges, which both of us handled very well. A little paranoia and irritability following the use of stimulants is normal, these symptoms can be attributed to the lack of sleep and the increased awareness. When I left my friend, carefully instructed about the properties of 2-DPMP (long half life, huge AUC, absence of a rush etc...), I could in no way imagine in which condition I would meet him about 36 hours later.

Chatlog: (Nicknames anonymized!)
(23:48:10) HelpingHand: this stimulant is not for the faint hearted
(23:48:18) HelpingHand: i reconsider selling it
(23:48:30) HelpingHand: a friend of mine showed signs of amphetamine psychosis 2day
(23:48:57) HelpingHand: he reorganized his kitchen (spoons, forks, plates etc) in a system, that would change itself
(23:49:03) HelpingHand: virtually driving him nuts
(23:49:30) HelpingHand: he ended up throwing all his dinner plate out because they "interferred in a way he couldnt explain"
(23:49:46) HelpingHand: and i considered him to an experience stim user...
(23:50:01) HelpingHand: well turns out that he is a little compulsive in terms of redosing
(23:50:17) HelpingHand: he did like 50mg of that stuff since saturday morning
(23:50:20) user1: o god
(23:50:28) HelpingHand: i gave him haloperidol and a shitload of diazepam
(23:50:43) user1: find it from him?
(23:50:44) HelpingHand: a friend of mine is hat his appartement atm
(23:50:48) user1: hide*
(23:50:52) HelpingHand: because i also need rest
(23:51:12) HelpingHand: well the thing is he did all i gave him ^^
(23:51:21) HelpingHand: which was about 50mg +-1mg
(23:51:27) HelpingHand: 10mg* +-
(23:51:44) HelpingHand: i had a wonderful experience with this stuff
(23:51:52) HelpingHand: i also did way too much
(23:51:58) HelpingHand: but i still feel comfortable
(23:52:10) HelpingHand: like havin slept for a few hours during a meth binge
(23:52:19) HelpingHand: but more focused and definitely not spun
(23:52:30) HelpingHand: it i will be up for at least 12 more hours i think
(23:52:48) HelpingHand: so i really consider not listing it on *censored*
(23:52:59) HelpingHand: it must be used as a tool
(23:53:23) HelpingHand: in impulsive people this stuff is bound to induce psychosis
(23:53:41) HelpingHand: i hope my friend is fine when he wakes up
(23:53:44) HelpingHand: he was not violent
(23:53:53) HelpingHand: just agitated and irritable
(23:54:12) user1: just warn everyone and it their fault for being and idiot and darwin will show them.
(23:54:17) HelpingHand: a bit like the guys they show on television to give bad examples of meth abuse
(23:54:24) user1: sell saml doses
(23:54:26) HelpingHand: yeah well, i kinda feel responsible
(23:54:28) user1: small
(23:54:40) HelpingHand: but that does not stop somebody to order more
(23:54:42) user1: only
(23:54:52) HelpingHand: you dont know if you can control it before its too late
(23:55:01) HelpingHand: my intention was to be asleep right now
(23:55:11) HelpingHand: i dont see that happen untill another 12hours
(23:55:35) HelpingHand: but i had it coming
(23:56:00) HelpingHand: eyeballing stims and not have rested in 30 hours tends to be verry inaccurate ^^
(23:56:06) **censored** [*censored*@localhost] hat den Raum betreten.
(23:56:45) HelpingHand: thank god my girlfriend does not come over 2night ^^
(23:56:57) HelpingHand: i got dilated pupils like on mdma
(23:57:04) HelpingHand: visible jaw tension
(23:57:24) HelpingHand: and well, pretty overstimulated
(23:57:58) user1: well we live and we learn
(23:58:14) HelpingHand: i have experienced much much worse
(23:58:17) HelpingHand: i feel pretty good
(23:58:41) HelpingHand: usually, when i am tweaking and didnt sleep a night i hade riding trains and going into the public in broad daylight
(23:59:06) HelpingHand: this is much more comfortable with 2dpmp
(2011-08-22 00:00:25) HelpingHand: but my friend opening his door, staring with these piercing tweaker eyes and telling me, that he needed to show me something
(00:00:31) HelpingHand: scared me shitless
(00:00:53) HelpingHand: he just walked me to the kitchen and asked: can you fix it?
(00:01:00) HelpingHand: =-O
(00:01:36) HelpingHand: kettles, pans forks spoons dinner plates cups all spread on the floor
(00:01:49) HelpingHand: i didnt recognize any system at all
(00:02:03) HelpingHand: and kinda wanted me to ask where his logic flawed
(00:02:11) HelpingHand: it was so fucking awkward
(00:02:35) HelpingHand: i never had to deal with a psychotic person before
(00:03:10) HelpingHand: i then just told him had i had too much chemistry on my mind and could not deal with his "flaw in the system"
(00:03:27) HelpingHand: then he threw the dinner plates in the trash
(00:03:50) HelpingHand: i asked him, if he was going to join me in the living room
(00:04:03) HelpingHand: he just sat down and looked really puzzled
(00:04:37) HelpingHand: like he was trying to figure out some really hard equation in his mind without being able to verbalize his thoughts
(00:05:03) HelpingHand: i asked him some questions like which date it was and his second name and such
(00:05:36) HelpingHand: he answered them confidently and correct but soon fell back in this weird behaviour
(00:05:52) user2: whats really the difference between amphetamine psychosis and sleep deprivation? dont you basically need to be sleep deprived too?
(00:06:04) HelpingHand: i then texted a friend to come by, i gave hime the key to my appartement and told him to get the haloperidol and diazepam
(00:06:06) HelpingHand: boy
(00:06:18) HelpingHand: i really needed to get this off my chest
(00:06:50) user1: sux man
(00:07:06) HelpingHand: user2: think of it as a delusional state of mind while being agitated and obsessive compulsive
(00:07:07) user1: seroquel or trazodone on hand?
(00:07:19) HelpingHand: i am in no way a psychiatrist
(00:07:32) HelpingHand: no, i only had benzos and haloperidol
(00:07:36) HelpingHand: that worked really well
(00:07:53) HelpingHand: and when i asked him to swallow it he even thanked me
(00:08:02) user1: what kinda dosaged did you give him of each?
(00:08:37) HelpingHand: i gave gim 50mg diazepam and 20mg haloperidol
(00:08:41) HelpingHand: himÜ
(00:08:42) HelpingHand: *
(00:09:12) HelpingHand: 2dpmp effectively antagonises hypnotic and tranquilizers
(00:09:20) HelpingHand: so a high dose was called for
(00:09:21) user1: brb the my morning jacket episode of American Dad is on
(00:09:32) user2: haha hes gonna be dopey for like 3 days
(00:09:35) user1: well that should have some kinda effect on him
(00:10:05) user2: what about once the 2dpmp wears off valium lasts like 24+ hrs
(00:10:17) HelpingHand: yeah, he even started to show symptoms of dyskenisia
(00:10:28) HelpingHand: well at least that proves, that the haloperidol was working
(00:10:49) user2: thats fun from valium though
(00:10:50) HelpingHand: after 15 minutes his speech was verry slurred and he was salivating a lot
(00:10:51) user2: hehe
(00:11:00) HelpingHand: but he was able to swallow his salive
(00:11:13) HelpingHand: eventually he laid down and didnt react to mild stimulation
(00:11:20) user2: i havent tried that one but trazodone and seroquel make me feel like ass
(00:11:34) HelpingHand: heart beat went down and breathing was slowed like in sleep
(00:11:54) HelpingHand: user2: these are not fun drugs
(00:12:10) HelpingHand: trazodone is nasty
(00:12:24) HelpingHand: in fact almost all tricyclics are
(00:12:28) user2: it makes me paralysed
(00:12:40) HelpingHand: thats a side effect
(00:12:42) user1: i take trazodone to sleep only
(00:12:43) user2: cant move skeletal muscles after i wake up when i take it
(00:12:51) HelpingHand: they are used off label as sleeping aids
(00:12:58) user2: its like sleep paralysis continues while im awake for 6 hours it sucks
(00:13:18) HelpingHand: i just couldnt get out of my bed after trying it
(00:13:22) user1: it does give me any side effects
(00:13:24) user1: doesn't
(00:13:27) HelpingHand: it sux as a sleeping aid
(00:13:36) HelpingHand: well the sleepiness is a side effect
(00:13:41) user1: not for me
(00:13:46) HelpingHand: but in long term treatment it stops
(00:13:53) HelpingHand: like after 2 or 3 weeks
(00:14:03) user2: yeah methadone drs like to prescribe them cause they know no one will abuse them
(00:14:09) user2: i went thru seroquel and trazodone before mirtazepine finally didnt paralyse me
(00:14:17) HelpingHand: here they prescrive doxepine
(00:14:29) user2: still feels crappy to take it though
(00:15:03) HelpingHand: i am not a big fan of neuroleptic wheter they are modern, atypical or whatnot
(00:15:35) HelpingHand: i hassled with myself about giving my friend the haloperidol
(00:15:41) HelpingHand: but there was no other option
(00:16:15) HelpingHand: i was in no condition to talk to a psychiatrist at the ER
(00:16:32) HelpingHand: and i think i would have to force my friend there
(00:17:02) HelpingHand: he even looked over his shoulder when he went from the kitchen to the living room
(00:17:23) HelpingHand: a very disturbing image seeing him like
(00:17:44) HelpingHand: a sober friend of mine is taking care of him until i got some rest
(00:17:50) HelpingHand: so please excuse me now
(00:17:57) HelpingHand: i seriously need to rest
(00:18:19) HelpingHand: thanks god there is an anonymous chat full off drug users to share such stories
(00:18:24) HelpingHand: really, thank you
(00:18:32) HelpingHand: see you all in a few hours
(00:19:21) user2: see ya man

Turns out, it is still pointless for me to lay down. I just ate something, drank a beer and ingested 5mg of Diazepam and 1mg Clonazepam, which barely have any effect above placebo right now, I guess.
At the moment I think about calling a psychiatric facility and talk to to doc, whether I should admit my friend to the mental institution... I do want to do that, but if he still shows any signs of psychotic behavior when he "wakes up", I have no choice but to do that! Or do you guys think a second dose of haloperidol and diazepam is worth a shot? I guess if was admitted to the ER, they would do the same. They would admister an antipsychotic (Haloperidol is the best choice imo) and dose him with benzos until he is sedated...
I would also like to remind you, that it was his choice to take the meds I offered him, I explained to him what haloperidol does, he was already familiar with all kinds of benzos. He also thanked me for sedating him.

I am in a serious moral and ethical dilemma right now.
Should I wait until he is responsive and judge whether he is fine myself and if he is not, try to extend the antipsychotic medication, or should I just get him into the psych ward anyway as soon as he is able to respond?
If I were to perceive his behavior as normal when he is awake again, I will suggest that he at least talks to a psychiatrist about what happend, anyway.
But I think it should be his choice, but since he is in no condition to make a valid choice, who am I do decide whats best for him?
Dosing him with neuroleptics like haloperidol, even if appreciates it, is somewhat against my beliefs on how those meds should be used.

You see, it was very disturbing to meet him in that condition for me and I really hope that he wakes up in some hours asking himself what he had done, but honestly, I do not see that happen. He was beyond tweaking, " being spun out of your mind" is a whole different dimension to me now. You recognize a psychosis when you see it, especially if you know the persons well.

I need to come to and end now, I am still very wired and of course I am upset but I still think 2dpmp is one of the best stims out there, but you need to be in control of yourself and use it responsible. I also seriously overdid the stuff since yesterday morning, I can imagine that another maybe 20mg now would make me a perfect candidate for the psych ward, too.
But cannot test your limits with this substance as you can with amphetamine and cocaine, for example. I am sure in for some unpleasant and agitating hours, given my reckless dosing pattern and the eyeballing..., but thank god I will spend these attached to reality...

Whew, long post. I hope you care to read it all and reply with some constructive comments.
Does that excuse me as well :D

No, there's no excuse for you, you are an abhorration of nature! =D

As regards the post above, just go with more haloperidol (it has a much shorter half life than desoxy - even PCP has a shorter half life than desoxy!) until person is normal-ish and hope he's learnt his lesson with this compound. My education came after a 30mg IM dose 8o
Thats exactely what I did, he even request haloperidol plus a fair amount of benzos. He definitely has his lesson learned, as did I, too.
They should make 0.25 mg pills. Then this awesome drug could be used more responsible.
If this wouldn't have such a ridiculously long half life it might be worth a shot... :/
I found this write up to be very honest and objective. I appreciated the description " it was something beyond your normal edgy stimulant".
That's why I'm surprised to read that there are alot of people with poor experiences. I've only known someone to have a bad reaction if they were already in a bad place, such as going through unresolved psychological trauma, ie: death in family.
I've also noticed that the topic of dosages keeps coming up in this thread, but usually in reaction to OMG howmuchdidyoutake?

I feel that desoxypipradrol could be used to treat a whole ton of disorders if used properly, and feel that it's not the chemical's fault that the user had a bad reaction. <-passionate about this.
I mean, if you're on this website- by default, you should be using a scale.

If you start small (<10mg), and aren't mixing with other RCs, are already well fed and had a good night's sleep.... I think you'll find that it's a unique stim (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH A HIGH) that is perfect "for the mood lift and for getting work done".
They should make 0.25 mg pills. Then this awesome drug could be used more responsible.
I agree if you're talking about hypothetical treatment for say clinical depression; but they would have to make 0.25mg and 1mg capsules to prescribe based on weight and past treatments. Take once in the morning with water, during breakfast, and BAM profit through responsibility.
Glen what you said is Spot-on mate.

People should not take desoxy on a whim, that is when problems happen, and side-affects are more likely to manifest themselves ...

If you are planning to try some the best approach is to eat 2-4mg on a full stomach and as early in the morning as possible
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