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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Desoxypipradrol/10 mgs) First experience: Which way is Poland?!

desoxy is fairly benign ime, but not sleeping for over 48 hours is not mentally hygienic
desoxy is fairly benign ime, but not sleeping for over 48 hours is not mentally hygienic

Exactly I'm sure it's linked to my high dose but my appetite doesn't seem to of returned either, I honestly didn't get that much of a high from it, perhaps good in 1mg tablets or something but not something I found recreational.
I tried desoxy once during the summer. I did 12mg orally. I found the stimulation from this compound really subtle, nothing like regular amphetamine. Not much euphoria either.

More suited to practical applications such as studying, or any kind of task really. It does keep you awake though, I didnt sleep properly for two days.
yous sound rather happy about this chem, i found it the most horrible and terrifying thing in my life.

i wouldnt reccommend it atall. i was taking it constant for half a day and didnt realise it takes 12 hours to come on and was up terrified for 5 days.
this is a very scary and underestimated chem i think.

much stronger than pv and a horrible experience in my opinion.
Used sensibly it can be both useful and pleasant. Not that I didn't manage an epic fail first time. Doesn't really matter in the uk now though. There's an import ban, primarily due to a bunch of irresponsible cunts hiding it in a version of ivory wave. The full ban can't be far behind.

Mind you, used with restraint two or three grams could almost be a lifetime supply.
apparently they have banned imports of this substance into the UK already so get it whilst its there if it's your cup of tea!
I already made a thread about this in EADD but I feel compelled to add my views to this thread as I can only wish I'd read it first.

Anyone who is at all prone to losing self-control on stimulants (for me the two are inseparable) should go nowhere near this drug imo. The benefits do not even come close to the incredible ease of fucking up.

The effects seem to come in unpredictable waves; this can the impression that it's safe to redose which I did, taking 3-5 mg every 4 or 5 hours when it felt like the previous dose was wearing off. I started mid-afternoon (day 1) and kept doing this until early the following morning, followed by 2 10 mg doses later in the day apart 6 hrs apart. I was fully expecting to sleep by night 2. Instead I was wired all through that night and the following day.

By night 3, over 24 hours since my last dose, the intensity increased dramatically; I shaking all over and my heart was beating like crazy. I felt in real physical danger so I called an ambulance, went to hospital where they monitored my heart rate and gave me a drip. I managed to relax and left in the morning assuming it was over.

I felt fine except a little tired during the early part of day 4 and had no doubt I'd sleep that night. Once again though the stimulation ramped up in the evening; i didn't feel physically threatened but by now the lack of sleep had me verge of psychosis so I got a friend to drive me to A&E. When I arrived I was on the verge of a serious mental breakdown. Of course no-one there knew anything about desoxy and they just gave me some diazepam and sent me packing.

I ate a ton of diazepam which restored my sanity and allowed me to get a few snatches of sleep during day 5. It's now the sixth night and I think I'm just beginning to get my appetite back and I'm pretty sure most of the desoxy is out of my system but it could just be another false lull for all I know.

This drug has given me a taste of hell and I'd strongly advise no-one to touch it unless you have impeccable self-control and don't redose, at all. Honestly I see no reason to use it at all given how many better, safer stimulants there, and I think people selling this to the public are being irresponsible in the extreme.

I just hope I haven't caused myself any lasting damage.
yeah it's very deceiving in making you think you aren't speeding much whatsoever until you just realize you've done over 15mg.

IMO this stuff is way over-hyped in this thread and on other sites too. Yeah it does give a pretty good energetic euphoria for maybe 2-3 hours, which then quickly transforms into a near constant, multiple day horrid comedown.

This is day 3 for me not having any sleep from 15mg, psychosis hasn't set in at all but my mental functioning has definitely deteriorated with completely irrelevant paranoia and building anxiety.

Also I don't understand when people say this drug is benign peripherally; maybe during the first 2 hours there's not much heart palpitations, but I find once at at that 3 hour mark the euphoria dies and the physical symptoms just get horrible - my resting heartrate while laying in bed 16 hours after the big dose was 140-160.
I'm curious about combining this substance with MDAI. I figure that since 2-DPMP is slightly dopaminergic, MDAI should contribute nicely to its effects. Also, I wonder if MDAI could possibly shorten the tedious duration of 2-DPMP (I've only had MDAI twice so far and never combined it with anything, but on its own it's had me yawning several times). Perhaps the duration won't be a huge issue though; this thread has done a great job at discouraging me from exceeding 5 mg, let alone re-dosing! ;)

Anyway, I'm thinking something along the lines of:

1. Eat 1-2 mg of 2-DPMP. Let it kick in and utilize its effects for a few hours of efficient work.
2. After 4-6 hours, down 150 mg of MDAI and get rewarded by a subtly euphoric bliss.
3. Be happy for another 3-ish hours. Yawn. Fall asleep.

Thoughts on this?
your thinking that MDAI's serotonergic properties would balance out 2-DPMP's dopamine properties? sounds like it would work, I think that's the reason why meth is alot more smoother stimulation wise than straight amphetamine, because of its serotonergic properties.

Actually, it's likely that meth feels smoother mainly on account of a higher ratio of DA to NE release rather than mild 5ht efflux.
IMO this stuff is way over-hyped in this thread and on other sites too.


This is day 3 for me not having any sleep from 15mg

That's 15x time my preferred dosage of 2-DPMP. It is very easy to misunderstood this stim, it is fucking good when you find the right dosage.
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I see a lot of people in this thread talking about how terrifying 2-DPMP is.

Well, no shit, you fucking imbeciles.

When many many people corroborated by many many other people tell you that your first dose should only be one, that is one point fucking zero miligrams, and to titrate up from there, you fucking ignore them and take 15mg oral or 12mg oral or 5mg oral and then 5mg oral two hours later?

Why can't you fucking listen? Are you seriously that goddamn worthless that when people show you the safety margin of this unbelievably potent chemical that you decide on a whim to fucking eyeball 10x the active dose? Maybe you should throw all your drugs away and go buy Candyland? Because you can't handle yourself like a goddamn adult?

Some Bluelighters sometimes. They try to convince you they're so responsible and educated and smart and then they fuck up horribly and have the nerve to blame the chemical instead of their own goddamn, worthless, arrogant selves.
I see a lot of people in this thread talking about how terrifying 2-DPMP is.

Well, no shit, you fucking imbeciles.

When many many people corroborated by many many other people tell you that your first dose should only be one, that is one point fucking zero miligrams, and to titrate up from there, you fucking ignore them and take 15mg oral or 12mg oral or 5mg oral and then 5mg oral two hours later?

Why can't you fucking listen? Are you seriously that goddamn worthless that when people show you the safety margin of this unbelievably potent chemical that you decide on a whim to fucking eyeball 10x the active dose? Maybe you should throw all your drugs away and go buy Candyland? Because you can't handle yourself like a goddamn adult?

Some Bluelighters sometimes. They try to convince you they're so responsible and educated and smart and then they fuck up horribly and have the nerve to blame the chemical instead of their own goddamn, worthless, arrogant selves.

yeah- BUT if a drug has a tendency to make you redose and it lasts for ages then maybe its just a shit drug with a high probability of things going sour
yeah- BUT if a drug has a tendency to make you redose and it lasts for ages then maybe its just a shit drug with a high probability of things going sour
I agree to a large extent -- a drug that can't be misused at all without great risk is not very safe, IMO. Particularly a dopaminergic drug that is, like all of them, prone to misuse. And this one can send you to a mental hospital if misused.

P.S. I had the "fun" of nine straight sleepless days/nights with the stuff in the summer of '07... never again. But it was a learning experience, you could say... made me more independent, having to get through that basically alone.
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^ I fucked up with it too, was up for 11 days in 2008. A learning experiance for sure, theres no way Id call it "fun". Ill never touch the stuff again.
^ I fucked up with it too, was up for 11 days in 2008. A learning experiance for sure, theres no way Id call it "fun". Ill never touch the stuff again.
Fwiw I've heard tales (probably forum-legend type stuff) of peeps being up for a *month* or more on 2-DPMP, with no sleep at all.

I believe it, and I don't believe it... if any drug could do it, it would be 2-DPMP. But it seems wildly damn improbable, as physical/mental exhaustion would probably render one senseless, if not dead.
a drug has a tendency to make you

Correction; drugs do not make anyone do anything. It is by your own free will that you or others redose irresponsibly, people who can't control themselves should not be self medicating.

I got a sample of, if I remember correctly, 100mgs of this stuff one time. Me and a friend blew through the whole thing in a few days. Was a great time, I had no sleep problems or the terrible comedown described in this thread... Light stimulation and general euphora for ~2-3 days. Was a while ago so can't remember if appetite was affected. Good shit, would like to get more.
Correction; drugs do not make anyone do anything. It is by your own free will that you or others redose irresponsibly, people who can't control themselves should not be self medicating.

I got a sample of, if I remember correctly, 100mgs of this stuff one time. Me and a friend blew through the whole thing in a few days. Was a great time, I had no sleep problems or the terrible comedown described in this thread... Light stimulation and general euphora for ~2-3 days. Was a while ago so can't remember if appetite was affected. Good shit, would like to get more.

no but they do alter your judgement, and that DOES alter your behaviour. why do people keep hitting crack/mephedrone when the high becomes rubbish and nasty? because their brain has been hijack by reward overload and they aren't thinking about their behaviour enough to control it, and that aspect is caused by the drug and is a common response to dopaminergic stimulants.

yes its up to people to control themselves but if more than half of the people who use a stimulant binge on it then doesn't that show that the drug is an inducer of characteristic behaviours? everyone is different but people also overlap quite a bit