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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Desoxypipradrol/10 mgs) First experience: Which way is Poland?!

I was just wondering if upping the dose of desoxy doesn't produce much stronger FX, more so just makes it last alot longer. Then to increase the high without having to ingest more desoxy or make it longer, would it make sense to up the dopamine levels like by snorting L-DOPA? Maybe one could just repeatedly sniff l-dopa on one dose of desoxy to make it more akin to typical stimulant use. Not sure what the negatives would be tho, or how well this would actually work.

That sounds like a baaaaaaad idea (ask any Parkinsons patient if doing too much L-DOPA is fun)
So to those of you fairly experienced with this stim possibly using to treat ADD symptomps. is it viable that this could be used ADD? I was diagnosed with this in a country I used to live in and given ritalin which helped immensely. But having moved now I have to wait to see a shrink to get diagnosed again which I find crazy. And frustrating as my doctor said this could take months.

So really my question is, could this be used as a substitute for Ritalin until I can get prescribed some again? Considering of course I stick to strict dosing procedures. Or is this just not a stimulant to be used daily?
My bioassay of 10 mg (split into 2 doses, 6 hours apart (this type of redosing was reckless--don't do it)) yielded modafinil-like effects that lasted all day, from 8 am to 12:30 am. There was no anorexia, nor insomnia, but there was an increase in compulsive behavior. I also had a bit of a crash at the end of the day without getting very euphoric at all.

So it seems like it could be kind of useful, but for the most part, it doesn't really jibe with my neurology.

Having just read the whole of this splendidly entertaining thread I have a question no-one has asked yet. How is a small dose (1-2mg range) of 2-dpmp going to interact with a fairly low (20-30MG of salt form) dose of AMT? I see that in general the psychedelic mix has not been too great but am curious nonetheless. Anyone already been there or have any theoretical insights?
Couldn't wait

As it turns out Desoxy and AMT go very pleasantly together. Did 2mg to see if any idiosyncratic effects occurred and went to the pub for several hours. Very minor stimulation at that level though not unpleasant. Returning from the pub with reduced levels of common sense I decided to kick things up a notch.

Did 6mg and combined with 60mg of AMT. All fairly wonderful, saucer eyes, full of joy, reasonable visuals. As I was still wide awake after the AMT faded I redosed with 120mg and no more desoxy. Had a couple of lines of fairly weak street speed and waited for the fireworks again. Again all delightful. Ended up sleepless for 80 hours or so and a bit shaky by the end but no unpleasant paranoia.

Very tired now but fine. If I have a long weekend I will do this again. Then again I can be a mindless drug hoover very easily.
that combo makes alot of sense to me cuz they both last a long time and aMT is in desperate need of a dopaminergic element to it. It's such a lethargic chem
I use 2-dpmp more or less 5/7 days a week at doses of apprx. 0.5 to 2 mg and find it an excellent study medication. Never had problems with psychosis or insomnia. Care has to be take to dose as early as possible and with measurement, I recommend making a very weak solution in water. Sometimes it seems like my sleep is a little lighter than it could be, but that is a nice incentive to take days off. Ive taken 2 weeks off after approximately a month of regular near-daily use and noticed no withdrawal.

I hated MDPV btw. I found it compulsive, maddeningly short-lived, and jittery with a bad comedown. 2-DPMP is a far better stim than most so long as you arent looking for a big rush or a peak you can chase.

I fully agree with you. a low/appropriate dose is the key. i have taken it for one week and had no negative effects in the low dose range.
I regret nothing

In the interests of honesty and HR I need to post an addendum to my AMT/Desoxy report. After crashing on Monday afternoon I woke around ten in the evening and was awake all night. I put it down to a mixture of comprehensively trashed circadian rhythms combined with the tail end of chemical wakefulness. A night's sleep at the wrong time of day?

As it turns out this was a mistake.

The unpleasant requirements of Capitalism made the rest of the week's work unavoidable. I thought that seven hours unbroken snoozing demonstrated I was at least within touching distance of baseline. Presuming at least a little tolerance I swallowed a measured 5mg of Desoxy to wrap and bomb. This to make work possible and prevent falling asleep at the wheel en route. It was at 6AM on Tuesday.

This was also an error.

The day passed uneventfully. Somewhat surprised by a marked lack of appetite but foolish, foolish uncle Stinky ascribed it to a weekend of extremely reduced calories. By two in the morning I began to realise this was not the problem. I now believe "sleep" on Monday was more like unconsciousness of exhaustion. I had committed the cardinal sin with this odd stuff, the re-dose. More in hope than expectation I put out the light and attempted to will myself to a semblance of repose. At this point things got very strange indeed.

As I relaxed I began to get brain zaps. After a fairly long abstinence I have been whipping my serotonin production up more than is healthy, so this was not entirely surprising. (Yeah, idiot, I know.) Then, without any sleep, I suddenly got a heavy-duty dose of sleep paralysis. Surprised as hell, but after the usual few seconds of leaden immobile flailing attempts, movement returned. However, every time I began to relax the paralysis reasserted itself. After a few more re-animations I realised it didn't seem to be stopping any major autonomic stuff happening and the needs of tomorrow required at least a few dark hours, even if Morpheus embrace proved elusive.

Gave up struggling and let the immobility have it's way. At this point the occasional brain zaps began to generate a static crackling sound which matched each contraction. Still I refused to give up on sleep and just went with it. To be frank this point marks the onset of real fear, still muted, but there was, it turned out, to be ample time for it to grow. Imagine someone hammering. Now imagine a pneumatic drill. This analogy represents the acceleration of the zaps. It became a constant high speed vibration of my brain, accompanied by intense crackling which seemed to take on some vocal elements. I could feel the muscles of my face vibrating. Not sure now if that was real or hallucinated, though it certainly felt real at the time. Oddly, all pain free. Couldn't take it, struggled, moved and all was silent again. Can't really time-stamp things but it felt like several minutes duration. A diagnosis of seizure crossed my mind but there was no amnesia, which I thought accompanied a fit. (Correct my ignorance if this is a false assumption)

Evidently exhaustion combined with a grotesque degree of self indulgence had uncovered a new category, the ultra brain zap. For the good of science (yeah right) I let it happen again. The exact sequence repeated itself and I pulled out at the same point. The third time I resolved to see if I could go further. Again the same evolution of effects but this run through I let carry on. The voices began to sound like half heard names. Suddenly, to my huge surprise, it felt as though I melted through the bed into a featureless black void. Completely dissociated I guess. Panic, and onrushing fear convinced me I was having problems breathing. Adrenalin glands dumped their cargo and with that I fairly rocketed out of bed. Lights on, flood of sweat and cardiac hilarity ensued.

It was still only 3:20 AM. I was now doing a passable impression of the awakest man in the world. Weak tea, cigarettes and a handful of fish oil supplement placebo later I was calm enough to read but too awake and afraid to sleep. The Oliver Sacks book was a two-edged sword, convincing me my case was not so bad but also presenting many examples of my approaching brain injured future. 4:45AM and the spectre of tomorrow's gainful employment rose from it's unquiet grave.


Whilst upright, conscious and moving, none of the peculiar symptoms were manifest at all. Only gritty eyes and that odd tiredness that comes when the brain and body have differing opinions about how the future should unfold. I resolved to essay a couple of hours of supine rest. At least I could then approach the day's toil with a reduced chance of causing, or suffering, either injury or death.

This turned out to be a marvelous choice, in the original sense of the word, because real marvels were about to emerge.

Back to bed, lights out. I began, not without trepidation, to attempt to relax. Eventually I must have unwound enough, because the harbingers of the oncoming storm began to crackle and zap. Again the unsleeping sleep paralysis, again the ultra brain zaps with voices growing to a crescendo and again the peculiar liquid descent through the bed. Into the void again. I can't explain it but there was no fear this time. A little expectation and a lot of exhaustion perhaps? Although the space was featureless I became aware that I was moving. More accurately I was being propelled, since I was still immobilized. Blackness turned to grey and features began to emerge. Clarity and full light arrived, without noticing it I had entered a parallel world. A parallel suburb at least. At this stage I also regained the power to move.

I will go to my muddy grave denying this was just sleep. It certainly had elements of dreaming, that's quite undeniable but there was a lucidity and fixity of purpose which dreams lack. It was also beautiful. Everything was sharply drawn with none of the odd jump cuts usual to dreaming. A protracted sequence of events began, encounters, travels and sights.
Some were sexy, some frightening all felt as real as waking life. I'm not going to elaborate, pinning this stuff down will just make it sound like mundane dreamwork. Other peoples dreams are at best incomprehensible gibberish. It's the attendant mental state that pushes it into the visionary. (Although I will say, having to push your own fat-lookalike dead body out of bed was probably one for the Freudians. Worth it for the sexy reward.)

I also began to realise I could slide back and forth from my bed to wherever the hell this was. It felt like genuine movement too, not just mental effort. The passing time also felt real. I was aware of the growing light around my room and quite capable of making the conscious decision to rise, shower, dress and make my way to work.

As I scratch this account out it's now midnight on the subsequent Friday. No further stimulants have been ingested, apart from Coffee and a reacquired taste for regular nicotine. Cigarettes seem to keep my brain from slipping into idling mode. I have had nothing which could be described as normal restorative sleep. Each night I have been able to have a few hours of whatever the hell this not-sleep journeying is. Each night the clarity, duration and intensity diminish. I'm getting a lot of reading done, between the shortening excursions. My lungs hate me. Earlier this afternoon the normal, fairly infrequent post-binge brain zaps began to happen. Suggests a stepping down I guess. Since I accepted the oddness there has been nothing of fear, confusion, psychosis or paranoia in the day or the night. (Mind you, after the king-hell paranoia at the end of a four day crack binge, most other paranoia I ever experienced looks like cake. Another story for another day perhaps.)

Missed no work at all, and though waking life hasn't been unalloyed enjoyment, it rarely is anyway. The compensations of my nights entirely make up for the bone tiredness my body keeps moaning about. The desire for food has returned, supplanting by increments the dull necessity for mere fuel. I get the feeling that my brain will remember how to shut down properly soon. If not there's some old amitryptiline, prescribed as painkillers ages ago and usually good for an occasional knockout. Best get the organism on the wagon and off to the hermitage to eat vitamins and lift weights till balance returns.

Given the circumstances of the arrival of this odd week I doubt it will ever be reproducible and it would probably be dangerous to try. I don't know if I will ever get a handle on why we get these odd moments of grace. Bags of dirty water that temporarily reverse local entropy deserve all the help they can get I suppose.

If you made it this far thanks for your patience with my indulgence. As a wise man once said
"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different." Kurt Vonnegut
i guess sleep deprivation and psychedelics are generally a bad combination...am i right that it's usually the lack of sleep that causes psychosis and not the used stimulant (mdpv/desoxypipradol/naphyrone...)?
Yup, saw a girl up nearly a week on meth do a huge dose of shrooms once. Just wish camcorders would have been common back then, truely classic. "RATS, LONG HAIRED RATS!!!" While standing on a coffee table8o
Shit is a lot cheaper then 90 mg's Concerta/day costs me (fuckin 100 euro's co-pay a month)..

What is the approximate equiv. dose of 2-dpmp to 90 mg OROS-MPH?
In the interests of honesty and HR I need to post an addendum to my AMT/Desoxy report. After crashing on Monday afternoon I woke around ten in the evening and was awake all night. I put it down to a mixture of comprehensively trashed circadian rhythms combined with the tail end of chemical wakefulness. A night's sleep at the wrong time of day?

As it turns out this was a mistake.

The unpleasant requirements of Capitalism made the rest of the week's work unavoidable. I thought that seven hours unbroken snoozing demonstrated I was at least within touching distance of baseline. Presuming at least a little tolerance I swallowed a measured 5mg of Desoxy to wrap and bomb. This to make work possible and prevent falling asleep at the wheel en route. It was at 6AM on Tuesday.

This was also an error.

The day passed uneventfully. Somewhat surprised by a marked lack of appetite but foolish, foolish uncle Stinky ascribed it to a weekend of extremely reduced calories. By two in the morning I began to realise this was not the problem. I now believe "sleep" on Monday was more like unconsciousness of exhaustion. I had committed the cardinal sin with this odd stuff, the re-dose. More in hope than expectation I put out the light and attempted to will myself to a semblance of repose. At this point things got very strange indeed.

As I relaxed I began to get brain zaps. After a fairly long abstinence I have been whipping my serotonin production up more than is healthy, so this was not entirely surprising. (Yeah, idiot, I know.) Then, without any sleep, I suddenly got a heavy-duty dose of sleep paralysis. Surprised as hell, but after the usual few seconds of leaden immobile flailing attempts, movement returned. However, every time I began to relax the paralysis reasserted itself. After a few more re-animations I realised it didn't seem to be stopping any major autonomic stuff happening and the needs of tomorrow required at least a few dark hours, even if Morpheus embrace proved elusive.

Gave up struggling and let the immobility have it's way. At this point the occasional brain zaps began to generate a static crackling sound which matched each contraction. Still I refused to give up on sleep and just went with it. To be frank this point marks the onset of real fear, still muted, but there was, it turned out, to be ample time for it to grow. Imagine someone hammering. Now imagine a pneumatic drill. This analogy represents the acceleration of the zaps. It became a constant high speed vibration of my brain, accompanied by intense crackling which seemed to take on some vocal elements. I could feel the muscles of my face vibrating. Not sure now if that was real or hallucinated, though it certainly felt real at the time. Oddly, all pain free. Couldn't take it, struggled, moved and all was silent again. Can't really time-stamp things but it felt like several minutes duration. A diagnosis of seizure crossed my mind but there was no amnesia, which I thought accompanied a fit. (Correct my ignorance if this is a false assumption)

Evidently exhaustion combined with a grotesque degree of self indulgence had uncovered a new category, the ultra brain zap. For the good of science (yeah right) I let it happen again. The exact sequence repeated itself and I pulled out at the same point. The third time I resolved to see if I could go further. Again the same evolution of effects but this run through I let carry on. The voices began to sound like half heard names. Suddenly, to my huge surprise, it felt as though I melted through the bed into a featureless black void. Completely dissociated I guess. Panic, and onrushing fear convinced me I was having problems breathing. Adrenalin glands dumped their cargo and with that I fairly rocketed out of bed. Lights on, flood of sweat and cardiac hilarity ensued.

It was still only 3:20 AM. I was now doing a passable impression of the awakest man in the world. Weak tea, cigarettes and a handful of fish oil supplement placebo later I was calm enough to read but too awake and afraid to sleep. The Oliver Sacks book was a two-edged sword, convincing me my case was not so bad but also presenting many examples of my approaching brain injured future. 4:45AM and the spectre of tomorrow's gainful employment rose from it's unquiet grave.


Whilst upright, conscious and moving, none of the peculiar symptoms were manifest at all. Only gritty eyes and that odd tiredness that comes when the brain and body have differing opinions about how the future should unfold. I resolved to essay a couple of hours of supine rest. At least I could then approach the day's toil with a reduced chance of causing, or suffering, either injury or death.

This turned out to be a marvelous choice, in the original sense of the word, because real marvels were about to emerge.

Back to bed, lights out. I began, not without trepidation, to attempt to relax. Eventually I must have unwound enough, because the harbingers of the oncoming storm began to crackle and zap. Again the unsleeping sleep paralysis, again the ultra brain zaps with voices growing to a crescendo and again the peculiar liquid descent through the bed. Into the void again. I can't explain it but there was no fear this time. A little expectation and a lot of exhaustion perhaps? Although the space was featureless I became aware that I was moving. More accurately I was being propelled, since I was still immobilized. Blackness turned to grey and features began to emerge. Clarity and full light arrived, without noticing it I had entered a parallel world. A parallel suburb at least. At this stage I also regained the power to move.

I will go to my muddy grave denying this was just sleep. It certainly had elements of dreaming, that's quite undeniable but there was a lucidity and fixity of purpose which dreams lack. It was also beautiful. Everything was sharply drawn with none of the odd jump cuts usual to dreaming. A protracted sequence of events began, encounters, travels and sights.
Some were sexy, some frightening all felt as real as waking life. I'm not going to elaborate, pinning this stuff down will just make it sound like mundane dreamwork. Other peoples dreams are at best incomprehensible gibberish. It's the attendant mental state that pushes it into the visionary. (Although I will say, having to push your own fat-lookalike dead body out of bed was probably one for the Freudians. Worth it for the sexy reward.)

I also began to realise I could slide back and forth from my bed to wherever the hell this was. It felt like genuine movement too, not just mental effort. The passing time also felt real. I was aware of the growing light around my room and quite capable of making the conscious decision to rise, shower, dress and make my way to work.

As I scratch this account out it's now midnight on the subsequent Friday. No further stimulants have been ingested, apart from Coffee and a reacquired taste for regular nicotine. Cigarettes seem to keep my brain from slipping into idling mode. I have had nothing which could be described as normal restorative sleep. Each night I have been able to have a few hours of whatever the hell this not-sleep journeying is. Each night the clarity, duration and intensity diminish. I'm getting a lot of reading done, between the shortening excursions. My lungs hate me. Earlier this afternoon the normal, fairly infrequent post-binge brain zaps began to happen. Suggests a stepping down I guess. Since I accepted the oddness there has been nothing of fear, confusion, psychosis or paranoia in the day or the night. (Mind you, after the king-hell paranoia at the end of a four day crack binge, most other paranoia I ever experienced looks like cake. Another story for another day perhaps.)

Missed no work at all, and though waking life hasn't been unalloyed enjoyment, it rarely is anyway. The compensations of my nights entirely make up for the bone tiredness my body keeps moaning about. The desire for food has returned, supplanting by increments the dull necessity for mere fuel. I get the feeling that my brain will remember how to shut down properly soon. If not there's some old amitryptiline, prescribed as painkillers ages ago and usually good for an occasional knockout. Best get the organism on the wagon and off to the hermitage to eat vitamins and lift weights till balance returns.

Given the circumstances of the arrival of this odd week I doubt it will ever be reproducible and it would probably be dangerous to try. I don't know if I will ever get a handle on why we get these odd moments of grace. Bags of dirty water that temporarily reverse local entropy deserve all the help they can get I suppose.

If you made it this far thanks for your patience with my indulgence. As a wise man once said
"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different." Kurt Vonnegut

Almost perfect example of a desoxy post, although you could have left out a fair bit more punctuation for a pefect example! =D
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1st go with desoxy

Have to go working again today after 3 weeks holiday.

As Desoxy arrived today, i decided to give it a go. Btw i've quite a bit of experience with Methylphenidate to compare.

t+0 ingesting 2mg on empty stomach
t+30min: nothing, insufflating 2mg. Ah, it burns badly!
t+1h: nothing, insufflating 5mg in other nostril. Burns even more now, f***!
t+1h30min: nice head rush, digestive system speeds up. Some sweating under the armpits. Dopaminey feel like approx. 30mg Methylphenidate...
EDIT t+3h: quite a bit of anxiety noted here, damn that almost feels like my early bad MDPV comedowns back around 2006. Anyway, f&b, your advice is most apreciated, i remember you were a fellow researcher posting on a particular MDPV thread on another forum right on that time. Won't touch desoxy again today. Just riding it out with 1mg clonazepam...
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^ Impatience! After 9 mg you can expect a sleepless night. Please don't ingest any more today or you'll encounter it's dark side (and lordy what a dark side it has!)

Fryingsquirrel: spelling has never been my strong point, but as an American I think you're on thin ice (where's the u in colour etc. After all it is the English language! =D =D)
Have to go working again today after 3 weeks holiday.

As Desoxy arrived today, i decided to give it a go. Btw i've quite a bit of experience with Methylphenidate to compare.

t+0 ingesting 2mg on empty stomach
t+30min: nothing, insufflating 2mg. Ah, it burns badly!
t+1h: nothing, insufflating 5mg in other nostril. Burns even more now, f***!
t+1h30min: nice head rush, digestive system speeds up. Some sweating under the armpits. Dopaminey feel like approx. 30mg Methylphenidate...
EDIT t+3h: quite a bit of anxiety noted here, damn that almost feels like my early bad MDPV comedowns back around 2006. Anyway, f&b, your advice is most apreciated, i remember you were a fellow researcher posting on a particular MDPV thread on another forum right on that time. Won't touch desoxy again today. Just riding it out with 1mg clonazepam...

that should really be i wont take over the recomended dose, if ya stuck to 3/4 mg ya probs would of had a great time mate
Shit is a lot cheaper then 90 mg's Concerta/day costs me (fuckin 100 euro's co-pay a month)..
altleast you don't have to pay the full price, like people in many other countries have to do. I pay 90€/month for ~50mg mph/daily. but i see, it's still quite expensive.
What is the approximate equiv. dose of 2-dpmp to 90 mg OROS-MPH?
that's quite tricky.
the best advise i could give you: just take what the doc prescribes you at the exact dosage he suggests.;)

IF you really want to try Desoxypipr. as an alternative 'med': start LOW(1-2mg in the morning), use liquid measurement and DO NOT redose. you can adjust the dose by maybe 1mg the following day and so on.
At first it can seem quite subtile(even in slightly higher doses), but that doesn't mean it's not working. So don't redose just because you "cant feel anything".
You have to learn(at least i did) to get used to the background 'high' it provides in sensible amounts, and observe your behaviour changes.- positive ones and even more importantly negative ones.

I had 100mg of 2-dpmp a few month ago and had primarily positive experiences.
ok, one of the first times i went a little crazy and did 30mg in 24 hours. =D

I paid the price, learned a lesson and treated it with the respect it deserves after that.
if used the right way desoxy. is far superior to mph- regarding 'therapeutic' effects.
that should really be i wont take over the recomended dose, if ya stuck to 3/4 mg ya probs would of had a great time mate

hey scoob, nice having you here... anyway, appreciate your advice.
Desoxy update: Feeling fine, only a bit drained. Unfortunately i couldn't go to work cause i had quite a bit diharr going on...
more update: i'm feeling bored to the max. Me and 2-DPMP is not a love on 1st sight. I will have to tame it the way i did with MDPV, my old loved-hated cunt... But i'm looking foreward to getting in the power-write mode once. Then i can push my PhD-Thesis foreward and maybe finally will bring down on paper my 20h ++++ DOI experience after four years of psychological distance...
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altleast you don't have to pay the full price, like people in many other countries have to do. I pay 90€/month for ~50mg mph/daily. but i see, it's still quite expensive.

that's quite tricky.
the best advise i could give you: just take what the doc prescribes you at the exact dosage he suggests.;)

IF you really want to try Desoxypipr. as an alternative 'med': start LOW(1-2mg in the morning), use liquid measurement and DO NOT redose. you can adjust the dose by maybe 1mg the following day and so on.
At first it can seem quite subtile(even in slightly higher doses), but that doesn't mean it's not working. So don't redose just because you "cant feel anything".
You have to learn(at least i did) to get used to the background 'high' it provides in sensible amounts, and observe your behaviour changes.- positive ones and even more importantly negative ones.

I had 100mg of 2-dpmp a few month ago and had primarily positive experiences.
ok, one of the first times i went a little crazy and did 30mg in 24 hours. =D

I paid the price, learned a lesson and treated it with the respect it deserves after that.
if used the right way desoxy. is far superior to mph- regarding 'therapeutic' effects.

I don't think I'll ever do it. I lost my self experimental edge since running into problems with drug use. I only allow myself to use what is prescribed (for good reason) now. This stuff does sound a lot better then MPH though, once a day dosing that will work the whole day sounds great.. No more rebounds either!