• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Designer opioids?

What is the duration of AH-7921 like orally? I would have thought that amide is rather prone to metabolism in the liver. Anyone tried it plugged?

Would you agree with the estimation of 80% of morphine's potency?
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I have also had AH-7921. or at least it was claimed to be, and being that I dont have it anymore, and didnt get it lab tested who knows if it truely was, but it was from a trusted source. It was the HCl salt, a crystalline white powder. Used dosages that I usually use with morphine starting @ ~15mg dissolved in 1cc, sucked it back up, filtered a couples times through some qtip cottons. No presence of a "rush" or so to speak, however there was a high, it was decent at best. some itchiness, but not much in comparison to itchiness from the histamine release of the more traditional opioids. ie morphine codeine hydrocodone oxycodone(itchy for me anyhow). A friend also snorted it. claimed it burned and felt only a mild high. This is a weak opioid to me at best. morphine blows it out the water. hell, even bupe and hydrocodone are superior opioids in my opinion. on a side note, it was very very very very very bitter. tastes like bitter shit, almost worse than street ex pills. I eventually worked my way up to IV 50mg until I started having problems getting it all to stay in solution. Used heat to dissolve it all at that point, and when I sucked it back up, it cooled down and turned back to solid, clogging my syringe -_- I had a gram of the stuff, very expensive but not worth it.
My friend who is a dope addict tried ah 7921 and he basically said it was a joke. Waste of time to IV especially considering what he paid. He described it as like 20% of morphines purity lol but maybe he is overreacting. All I know is he did a few shots and I didnt see him even remotely nod off like he does from even a small shot of dope.
20% of morphines purity
That only works if your referring somehow to morphine's 'spiritual' purity and even then not quantitatively!
Well, if you had morphine that was 20% pure, you'd have the same thing...
Well, if you had morphine that was 20% pure, you'd have the same thing...

depends what the other 80% is!

It may sound pedantic but I would suggest of all drugs opioids deserve the correct terminology I.e 20% POTENCY of morphine

I don't like the 'look' of the compound.

Granted, I didn't have a chance to read the associated articles/patent, but does anyone have some brass-tax binding values for the drug?
well maybe someone could help you if you would tell us what the name of the compound is and not just give us a picture of the structure of the molecule?
well maybe someone could help you if you would tell us what the name of the compound is and not just give us a picture of the structure of the molecule?

It's AH-7921 (the linked picture says as much). From look alone I'd have guessed it a cocaine analogue. It looks vaguely DRI-esque to me. Like dichloropane meets dimethocaine.
This has probably already been said, but the Parkinsonian symptoms associated with MPxx and the analog act has pretty much killed the illicits market for good opiods.
This has probably already been said, but the Parkinsonian symptoms associated with MPxx and the analog act has pretty much killed the illicits market for good opiods.

The current trend appears to be pushing towards more risky/daring chemicals. I agree the danger of MPTP type severe toxicity (maybe not dopamine but could be any body function) is very real and could hit the RC market at any point. Still there hasn't been an 'operation webtryp' style operation recently and MPTP happened too long ago to resonate in peoples minds. The result: RC suppliers are getting more cavalier, users more confident in use. Maybe not in the US due to analogue laws but lets face it the Internet has made supply a worldwide trade.

I don't like the 'look' of the compound.

My exact thoughts precisely.
I wonder about the N,N-Diethyl analogue of this compound. Now that would be interesting. Might be a big winner...

Hmm... My ChemBioDraw isn't working for some reason. I'll post a request elsewhere for a comparison.

Still, nothing looks bad about this drug. I would imagine it has a fairly short half-life and no obviously dangerous metabolites.
^ Well, 3,4-dichlorobenzoic acid seems to be a likely (major?) metabolite. Not "dangerous" per se, but it's a pretty strong irritant.
I don't think it would be a major concern. Benzoates are used as food preservatives, we can't be sure what the chlorines will do exactly though. It won't cross the BBB, and in such low concentrations I doubt even the remote risk of hepatoxicity is something to worry about, since it should be polar and therefore easily excreted.
It won't cross the BBB
What if it's formed from AH-7921 after crossing the BBB? The enzymes needed to turn a benzamide into its corresponding benzoic acid are present in practically all living cells. Imagine the brain itch it would give you, hehe. =D

No, I agree it's not likely to be a major concern. The chlorinated benzoic acids have very low acute toxicity, but like I said they're potent irritants to mucous membranes. When I wrote my previous post I was somewhat concerned about bladder toxicity and irritation to the urinary tract, but admittedly that was more due to AH-7921s superficial resemblance to ketamine, which of course is completely irrelevant to its toxicological profile.

Thanks, but I'll pass.
I considered that, but didn't think there would be much in the way of hydrolysing enzymes in the brain. Possible though!

Isn't ketamine's bladder toxicity due to insoluble norketamine?
Can anyone PM me a URL for a legit supplier of Desmethyl or Bromadol?
Greatly appreciated
Not on here, they can't. Please read the guidelines before posting again.

god, one fricken post and it's sourcing. people are so fuckin stupid and oblivious to SO many things that matter...

anyway, what's the best ROA for this ah-7921? I'm curious about this compound now, how would yall say it compares to morphine? how bout compared to hydrocodone?