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Dark net marketplace Silk Road 'back online'

"Currently, addiction affects 23.2 million Americans" >source<

"Roughly 230 million people have used an illegal drug at least once in 2010." world >source<

"The global number of illegal drug users will go up by 25% by 2050." >source< And since the number of legal drug users in the US has went up hundreds and hundreds of % in the last four years this might be the biggest unerestimation in the history of man.

"The World Drugs report for 2012 is out and it shows that 230 million people around the world - 1 in 20 of us - took illicit drugs in the last year. The report also says that problem drug users, mainly heroin - and cocaine-dependent people number about 27 million, roughly 0.6% of the world adult population. That's 1 in every 200 people."

Interactive Drugs use map of the world

Good luck going after the demand.. lol. 8)
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I assume there's some database with every house owner and their address, all they need to do is add a note saying bought drugs online and if they ever get in trouble with police, "oh hi just going to search your house for drugs, got the warrant already dont you worry" and it would be pretty easy to single out big buyers and call them dealers.
I doubt small time buyers on this scale will be affected.

great map btw!
I'm amused that whoever takes over will keep on using "the dread pirate roberts" handle
Sabu, the notorious hacker of lulzsec etc was posting anti-government hate and anarchy at the same time he was sitting with agents and bringing down all of the other hackers, I would stay clear for the time being and stick with the other websites that have been around for almost the same time as SR. The new DPR is even sending out invite codes personally via twitter, very smart.

In that mashable article the new DPR claims he doesn't care about being arrested or even sentenced and is sticking to the principles of the old market, so hes doing this for the idea(and no doubt make a bit of coin), I like the way hes going about this if it is legit. Its just a big fuck you to everyone involved in taking down SR1. Hopefully they start waking up and start to realise they can't control these sites or the drug market in general and relax drug laws for the money, they don't seem to care about health problems the drug war creates but wave a stack of money in their face and the may just change their minds. I mean $1.2billion is a lot more than the $33million(well around $90mil now) minus the money spent on investigating/arresting/prosecuting Robert Ulbrich and taking down SR1.

Bit-coin just went up to $350 a coin, good job LEO bit-coin needed a good boost if it ever plans to take over/compete with paper currency. Just wish I bought some when they where like .50c a coin.
A whole bunch of sites have gone up since SR1 went down. The underground market isn't going anywhere. I'm more interested to see what happens with TorMarket though personally. If that takes off, it will be the most ideal of the bunch, especially if this is true:

Don't Wait for Deposits

Every purchase has a unique bitcoin address so you can pay directly for your goods. No need to keep any balance.

That feature alone prevents everyone from losing their money in the case of the site owners running off like that other market whose name is escaping me right now.

Either way, yeah, I wish I would have bought up BitCoin when they were 20 bucks or so... Its absolutely ridiculous now. The market is so volatile though... I mean people are constantly having to reprice their products because the bitcoin exchange rate fluctuates so much. I saw some things that should go for 40 bucks set at 80 bucks because they were a few days old. X_X

I never had the balls to order from TFM or SR though. I got some quasi-legal shit from NAM back when that was around but that's it.
^It was called Project:Black Flag I believe, yeah he ran after he couldn't be arsed to keep the site running, to much pressure/effort. Yeah I'm waiting for the BTC price to level even just a little before I purchase any, for an investment opportunity of course.
Man oh man, how i wished i purchased some Bitcoins right after SR1 went down. Right after the bust one Bitcoin was worth about $110 or $120 US. I just checked and Bitcoins are trading at $299.xx!!!!!!!!!!!

When I first heard about Bitcoin, when SR didn't exist, I told a few of my non tech mates about it and how cool it was that I'd managed to mine like $1 worth of Bitcoins in a few days, basically making money for nothing. I said I was going to buy like $100 worth or something. At the time, 1BTC was less than $1USD. They ended up thinking it was a scam and even though they didn't advise against me "wasting my money", I ended up not buying any at all. Then when the prices shot up to $20 - $50 I was kicking myself. Then it crashed down to $10, I thought now is the time to get in, if I'm going to. But no, I played it safe.

Even if I'd just spent $100 back when I was mining, I could have a brand new car right now. I think I'll almost regret not taking this risk for the rest of my life.

I'm amused that whoever takes over will keep on using "the dread pirate roberts" handle
I think it makes perfect sense.

That feature alone prevents everyone from losing their money in the case of the site owners running off like that other market whose name is escaping me right now.
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and Project Black Flag... The mod of PBF even wrote an "I'm sorry" post. I think they said it's estimated that the admin of PBF left with 1 million in BTC
One of the original DPRs ex admins, the one who got caught with a kilo of cocaine because DPR accidentally set him up with an undercover agent was sentenced the other day, his charge ? Nothing, because he has been cooperating since almost the start, this the same guy DPR tried to have killed. He is not in jail, hmm wonder what he could be up to... He had full access to the admin panel and he knew SR... Anyway there are still holes in the case against DPR, supposed almost 3 agents who infiltrated SR who have still not been identified.

Sabu, the notorious hacker of lulzsec etc was posting anti-government hate and anarchy at the same time he was sitting with agents and bringing down all of the other hackers, I would stay clear for the time being and stick with the other websites that have been around for almost the same time as SR. The new DPR is even sending out invite codes personally via twitter, very smart.

The FBI worked with NOD and let him sell meth/coke/heroin whilst he assisted them, there's not much they won't do.

As the MI5 agent said today, Britain has the brains but America has the money and combined will do whatever the fuck they want :)

Is this the guy you are talking about? http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/...lty-to-playing-key-role-in-online-drug-market
"Some vendors are signing plea bargains to continue vending to set up other vendors, which has us all on edge right now," Roberts wrote, in a message sent to us on the same day the story about Sadler broke.

Despite being on edge, he wrote that he planned to deal with these cooperating dealers, claiming he was able to identify them with help from his informants inside law enforcement. Three days later, he wrote that the cooperating dealers "have been handled," though he would not give any further details.

That was from the Mashable article. Sounds like BS this is some site admin trying to sound like he has mafia like connections. If you have law enforcement connections why did SR get busted in first place? Vendors from the old SR who flipped are a risk and to act all cocky like he knows who they all are is a red flag to me.
Where there's demand, there will always be supply. The war on drugs is still a lost cause. The takedown of SR simply shows how much the government has a presence on the internet these days. It's blatantly obvious with all the shit the NSA has done to piss off the rest of the world. There's even speculation that the DEA was fed information from the NSA and they made up the story, or found out about the post where the SR founder posted on shroomery to recruit IT talent after getting other info from the NSA. Although this just one, "highly hypothetical" theory. I think that the DEA could have handled the operation all on their own. I imagine they're pretty powerful with all of the cartel money that they accrue.

+1 to viva la revolution! :)
Where there's demand, there will always be supply. The war on drugs is still a lost cause. +1 to viva la revolution! :)


Insatiable demand plus the crazy money to be made through the black market. Plus in reality this website was just a fleck in the bigger picture and possibly they haven't even succeeded in taking it down.. just scattred it to the winds.. just another show trying to convince the public they have a chance and still need to be supported.. yeah still a fucking joke though.. but i bet the street dealers and doctors have seen an improvement in business to some extent.

EDIT: You Know whenever we get our heads out of our asses and form a strong group together we would likely be one of the most powerful political groups going..

"AARP claims approximately 38 million members,[4] making it one of the largest membership organizations in the United States." yeah we would be way bigger than this then we could just enjoy a legal drug bay.
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As someone who has experience ordering "legal" highs off the internet, I am glad to see Silk Road back online.

I, however, never understood why anyone would order scheduled narcotics or weaponry off the internet. I'd never do that. Me personally? I've ordered grey area, unscheduled compounds before from domestic vendors...but never would I try to get something that I know is scheduled, that's just asking to be thrown in prison.
It's asking to be thrown in prison if you order a few grams of weed from someone in your own country over the net? Or a few pills or a few lsd trips? I guess it might be asking for that if you live in Indo or something, not in the country I live in tho. You'd have to order a huge amount of things or be dealing to be thrown in prison.
Yeah right.. attempt to purchase over a gram and a half of soft cocaine in the us in allot of states is a class B felony and is punishable by twelve years in prison.. and thats a schedule 2.. LSD is a schedule one. Add that to importing a substance into the US or God forbid using the US mail..
Sux to be in America then doesnt it.

And also how many news reports did you hear about regarding people ordering small amounts of drugs off SR and getting busted and going to jail? Can't say I've heard of many, if any especially from the country I live in. Some people took it way too far and ordered huge amounts and were caught dealing and cases like that I can recall 2 or maybe 3, 4 at most people getting jail time (and they were importing quite decent amounts from certain well known drug countries, ie asking to be caught), and that seems like hardly any compared to how many people were actually using the site for however long it was around, what was it over 2 years or more?

imo the risk seems pretty low of getting caught if you buy small and buy it from within your own country, but obtaining illegal drugs any way will have risks and penalties if caught.
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You have to be smart about how you conduct business online with regards to these types of transactions. If you're stupid, you can easily get scammed or worse, busted.

That said, it takes a lot of resources for the government to go after people on these types of markets so the chances of them targeting someone who is buying, not selling, are much lower. This changes, of course, if it shows up in the mail.

I received mescaline, MDMA, and mushrooms in the mail years ago but I was fortunate in that they were all domestic - the MDMA and mushrooms were shipped from my state with the shrooms being like 25 minutes away and the MDMA was always coming about an hour and a half away while the mescaline came from Missouri. I was not terribly worried about those packages and since I paid with WU with fake info, it was pretty untraceable at the time. Money in minutes, PGP email the WU number, receive tracking, don't check tracking unless the pack hasn't shown up a week after it was shipped and not from your home computer, don't sign for any packages as they are shipped without signature requirement.

I also received AMT and 2C-T-7 from a research chemical supplier in Canada - that was actually before I started ordering the domestic illegals.

As long as you are smart, the risk isn't that great. That said, would I risk it again? No. Definitely not. I like my relative freedom and besides that, it really is a pain in the ass to go through all of that. BitCoins look like even more of a pain in the ass than the traditional message board set up...

And yeah, the place I was specifically mentioning was Atlantis.
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Yeah, I live in the US. I'd never dream of ordering a scheduled narcotic online. Never. I don't even use Silk Road, I'm honestly too afraid to. I strictly stick to legal, unscheduled compounds, domestic only, never international.

I've ordered many, many times from domestic vendors, never once was I scammed. All it takes is finding a good, tight knit community and finding a trusted vendor with plenty of reviews and who has good communication.

Unfortunately one of the more tightly knit communities recently went down and it's a little difficult to find another one at the moment (Not sourcing or asking for sources). Just saying, when you find one, you'll be happy as a pig in shit, till it's gone.
I completely agree with you about the pig in shit comment. The one I was on up and disappeared while I was taking a break and that was that. Probably for the best though!