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Dark net marketplace Silk Road 'back online'


Apr 19, 2009
"Reports suggest that the Silk Road, the anonymous marketplace that traded in drugs and other illegal goods, is back online, in a new version."


Wow... what a shocker. I would never have thought the rest of the SR crew would have made a newer, better, more secure version. There goes the SR movie. Who wants to make a movie all about a 2.5 year chase to bust SR only to have to end the movie with "Oh and btw, 1 month later it was back and better... waste of millions"
I hope that this is true.
Please, please, please, let it be true.
If we can't have freedom in the real, physical world, at least let us have it in virtual reality.
(Since this freedom actually gives us what we want in the real world!)
I would be very fucking careful. Good chance its a scam to make a quick buck.
This has been awhile coming. The people responsible for SR have been active since the first day it went down. The forum never went down, so they've been talking about it. I hope this is legit too.

Since this has backfired so bad, creating more markets then there were before, targeting SR supply side wont work. They're going to go demand side now, probably. They're going to set up vendor accounts and are going to start busting people. Scare them away from these sites.
I would never buy anything off of the internet either, but hey, I'm glad for them that their site is back up
The insatiable demand for drugs from the world, combined with the global movement of goods due to the emergence of world economy, have created a situation where it is utterly impossible to stop or even control to any degree the availability of drugs. The federal government should really wake up and join in and benefit from the times. People want their drugs from reputable sources where no crime is involved. People dont want to put themselves in the danger traditionally associated with "illicit" drug procurement or have the problems associated with traditional black market distribution where they live. We no longer want to be treated like criminals nor have to associate with them to get our goods. The emergence of this market within a few weeks of SR1 being taken down, as well as all the others who are now going strong, are screaming to the world that the drug war is over as its clearly unwinnable by your side.
I would be very fucking careful. Good chance its a scam to make a quick buck.

More likely it's the feds trying to nab other people for trying to buy safer drugs (Silk Road's purity level on drugs was always very high). But the government can't let people get drugs delivered to their home. Even if it is safier. They'd rather spend money on putting people in jail.

I would never buy anything off of the internet either, but hey, I'm glad for them that their site is back up

I'd love to be able to buy some drugs off of Silk Road! I never did (thank god, as I would have wound up in jail since I was seriously considering it only a couple months before the site was shutdown) but I would of loved too. I read many good reviews on many different forums about this one particular seller (who I can't mention on Bluelight) always sold pure MDMA.

That's what I was gonna buy - pure MDMA. Man that sounds awesome! I got to try Ecstasy once and the reagent kit I have said it did contain MDMA. However, the reagent kit also said it contained Butylone, and Methamphetamine. It was still an amazing experience, but I'd love to get pure MDMA and not have to worry about the other ingredients.

I'd love to make it myself, but I really doubt I could hide an Ecstasy lab from my parents. If I ever did attempt synthesis of MDMA (I'm not saying I would) it would have to be when I moved out...
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Reading this made me look up the current bit coin rate, apparently 1 is = to around 250 US $, damn they sky rocketed.
It appears legit, The original forums are still, amazingly, functional [the ones that the alleged owner of SR controlled as part of SR 1.0 -- I guess the bill hasnt come due for the hosting yet?]

An admin on there, or super moderator whatever the title is -- someone who can add/remove subforums, close registrations, etc posted a GPG/PGP signed message linking to the new SR forums [since the 1.0 forums presumably have nobody with SSH access to the webserver and the like.. and only have moderators .. so it will die when the forum software crashes or the OS.. or the webhost shuts it down when the bill comes due which prompts a need for new webforums despite the existing ones still functioning, for now]

From a series of GPG/PGP signed messages on SR 2.0 forum, it is 100% certain that the SR 2.0 was created by SR 1.0 staffpersons, or at least endorsed as official -- anyone can use GPG/PGP to verify that indeed the GPG/PGP keys were used by SR 1.0 staff, respected staff, to endorse the use of SR 2.0.

I have took the time to verify the messages to keys that were posted [PGP Public key blocks] prior to the bust [to make sure they didn't edit old posts and alter the timestamps etc] and can confirm that SR 2.0 as indicated in stickies on both the 1.0 and 2.0 forums is an official creation.

Obviously, the person posting as "Dread Pirate Roberts" is a different person but at least one major respected member of SR 1.0's staff is involved in SR 2.0 and endorses it and is staff there.

Further, public key blocks of staff were posted on other dark net forums and also many respected vendors of SR 1.0 have given endorsements -- some signed with their public GPG keys to ensure its not law enforcement using their forum accounts -- of the new SR 2.0.

I've yet to see any postings on any SR forums that indicate concrete proof that the SR 2.0 site is a honeypot or a fraud [note I am just a spectator -- I have no intimate knowledge of anything not viewable on the public forums].

Buying/selling is turned off for now, they are allowing listings only. Right now its sort of in a rolling start beta test type deal. They appeared to have re-coded the entire back end of the site -- even though it looks identical on the front end - layout and logo etc. All features are expected to be enabled by tomorrow [Nov 8]

One major new feature that I've seen, is the optional feature to require copying a PGP encoded message that uses your key, decrypting it by entering your passphrase for your key, and pasting the decrypted string -- in ADDITION to your username and password. It automatically logs you out after inactivity which is NOT optional.

Screenshot of the two-factor PGP / GPG authenticator prompt: [Safe for work]: http://i.imgur.com/pxqnSpX.png
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This could either be great news about the return of one of the greatest websites we've ever seen or it could be run by the dea. I'd be careful if you actually plan to order.
I can't wait to see how this plays out. I think I read ot on a thread like this before but....

Viva la revolution
Article about new SR and interview with the new Dread Pirate Roberts, quite interesting, claims that he has informants and a "fail safe" that if the site goes down again the code would be released via in encrypted file and all he has do is give out the encryption key, so if the site goes down again expect a lot more copy cats because in theory anyone could set up a site just like SR without any real coding or know how. Can this be true is this the end of the war on drugs? I fucking hope so. Not jumping to make a purchase though.
One of the original DPRs ex admins, the one who got caught with a kilo of cocaine because DPR accidentally set him up with an undercover agent was sentenced the other day, his charge ? Nothing, because he has been cooperating since almost the start, this the same guy DPR tried to have killed. He is not in jail, hmm wonder what he could be up to... He had full access to the admin panel and he knew SR... Anyway there are still holes in the case against DPR, supposed almost 3 agents who infiltrated SR who have still not been identified.

Sabu, the notorious hacker of lulzsec etc was posting anti-government hate and anarchy at the same time he was sitting with agents and bringing down all of the other hackers, I would stay clear for the time being and stick with the other websites that have been around for almost the same time as SR. The new DPR is even sending out invite codes personally via twitter, very smart.

The FBI worked with NOD and let him sell meth/coke/heroin whilst he assisted them, there's not much they won't do.

As the MI5 agent said today, Britain has the brains but America has the money and combined will do whatever the fuck they want :)
wow im impressed. i figured they would create something with a new name rather that reuse silk road. However, i bet this is legit. It really makes me laugh. the police and dea and whoever else was involved in taking down SR1 ( i love saying SR1 btw) basically accomplished nothing. Thousands of people, probably hundreds of thousands dollars, and thousands of man hours and the damn thing is back up in a fucking month. Good work drug warriors, all you did was expose some security holes to these people and they are back in a fucking month, better secured, to do continue doing business. There were several alternatives around before SR1 went down and they saw a huge boost in membership and transactions. Copy cats sprung up and now a sequel. LO fucking L.

On a related not i wonder if the re-emergence of the SR is the reason Bitcoins have gained so much value in the past week or two. What do you guys think?

Bitcoins were pretty steady for a couple weeks after the bust then in the last week of Oct. they went up everyday and they are still climbing, a couple days ago they were at 250.

Man oh man, how i wished i purchased some Bitcoins right after SR1 went down. Right after the bust one Bitcoin was worth about $110 or $120 US. I just checked and Bitcoins are trading at $299.xx!!!!!!!!!!!

That will probably go up everyday for a while. Fucking a man, you could have made soo much money just having that shit sitting in a wallet some where. And all those seized BTC from SR1 have tripled in value. This is really getting crazy. I think now the only thing that will derail this type of market would be : A) Total economic collapse in the USA which would spread to the rest of the world. OR B) Some event that will totally knock out the internet... which is about as likely as jesus coming back.

This is so wild, i mean this could just be an elaborate dea/fbi sting trying to get to the demand side as some have suggested. However, based on some comments here, it sounds like people involved in the first one are just restarting.

I guess time will tell.