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Corbyn heckled at Pride? How the news agenda is set

20. Numbers aren't your strong point are they?

Dennis Skinner walked into the Commons today, gave Corbyn a big hug, and stuck 2 fingers up at the renegade resigners.

Fuck them and the Blairite horse they rode in on. Go Dennis. <3
That's awesome.
Fuck them indeed.
The Corbyn fuck -ups seem to be coming thick and fast now, yes he is acting like a Fascist God, sacking anyone who might threaten his leadership. I thought he was meant to be all about inclusivity and consensus, and now he's sacked arguably his most popular, charismatic, and intelligent MP in the form of Hillary Benn. I can understand Corbyn wanting to hold on to power, despite the huge media bias, he's not really doing badly. But sacking one of his most valuable team members, huge mistake. Benn will be back when Corbyns' reign is over. ;) :\

Benn is a weasel who doesn't deserve to inherit his father's reputation - corbyn found out about a coup that was in progress, asked Hilary about it, he admitted it, and corbyn sacked him (as benn agreed was a perfectly reasonable thing to do). Corbyn is the last chance labour have got with me - if they get rid of him i'll never vote for them again (though if the successor were to convincingly break with neoliberalism i might change my mind - fat chance with all the mandelson-filtered SPADS on offer). I'm sure the spads will probably be glad to get rid of people like me (brings to mind that brecht quote) - who are they going to get to post all the leaflets if they vote out all the members? (a labour version of the mark clarke sexual bullying roadshow? (on national expenses of course ;)); and good luck getting all those northen heartlands who voterd leave on side, with the blairites' seeming intention of campaigning the next election against the referendum result.

I'm not in the slightest interested in what the political class call leadership - in this case it seems to mean 'lie convincingly enough to the people to make them not vote the way they want to' - the only thing that matters to me is actually having some socialism in my 'democratic socialism' party (even social democracy will do in these desparate times)- if there's more then one candidate offering that, i'll maybe think about superficial things like apperance, public speaking ability, beards and bowing angles.
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Len McCluskey - read his item in the Guardian yesterday. Say's it all for me. Bunch of cunts, like we need this carry on right now..


I like Corbyn, his style and honesty. If he can just stick in there, hold on then maybe politics can change for the better. Better than the bullshit, spin and political careerism that is what we have now.

That's coming from an old labour voter to a let's fucking get a grip snp card carrier too.
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Has this not got more to do with, well this?

"Jeremy Corbyn is prepared to call for an investigation into Tony Blair for alleged war crimes during the Iraq War, according to reports. The Chilcot Inquiry into conflict will be released on 6 July this year after years of analysing evidence about how the Government acted in the run-up to and during the conflict"
Has this not got more to do with, well this?

"Jeremy Corbyn is prepared to call for an investigation into Tony Blair for alleged war crimes during the Iraq War, according to reports. The Chilcot Inquiry into conflict will be released on 6 July this year after years of analysing evidence about how the Government acted in the run-up to and during the conflict"

We've been waiting long enough for the fucking thing.

It's been so long that, every time I hear it mentioned, I keep expecting Ian Hislop to pop up and make a quip about it.
Has this not got more to do with, well this?

"Jeremy Corbyn is prepared to call for an investigation into Tony Blair for alleged war crimes during the Iraq War, according to reports. The Chilcot Inquiry into conflict will be released on 6 July this year after years of analysing evidence about how the Government acted in the run-up to and during the conflict"

Indeed, in the week approaching Chilcot we get a load of Blairite MPs resigning.

Not even close to conspiracy or cock up. Just conspiracy.
We've been waiting long enough for the fucking thing.

It's been so long that, every time I hear it mentioned, I keep expecting Ian Hislop to pop up and make a quip about it.

I'm sure Ian will pop up at sometime..maybe..

Was it '97, well I voted like so many with such high hopes, but my and my family's memories were about campaigning and going on marches about that war. I had two little children and dragged them to demos, disgusted with myself and what was happening. Those children are now grown adults (bit like yourself Don ;)) and have never forgotten what happened and what they're mum demonstrated about.

Hopefully the time has come to get some closure and resolutions to that ugly period. Though it will never be enough for those people destroyed by it.

Do you remember it Don?
Yeah of course I remember it. We were for staging a walk-out at school but we pussied out :\

The largest protest march in UK history and still didn't make a difference. At least it didn't turn out like Peterloo.
Corbyn is the only mainstream politician I would even consider voting for rather than against with the possible exception of John McDonell who, despite much tabloid murmurings, appeared to rule himself out of any leadership challenge shenanigans pretty completely. To my mind they are kinda like Blair/Brown only without the hideousness on every level. So to continue a failed and misleading analogy, two politicians who have genuine anti-establishment credentials who put the shits up the corporate media more so than anybody else I can think of: I can't imagine us ever getting the chance to vote for such a thing again.

The fact that such a blatantly engineered publicity stunt by the Blairite wing who - all tinfoilery aside - have very clearly been... well... conspiring to oust him from the moment he was overwhelmingly elected. Said non-theoretical conspiracy coming, completely coincidentally, just days before a certain long-delayed report on... well.. mass-media manipulation, outright lies and criminality committed by said Blairite wing is due to finally land is obviously not related in any way because that would be... all grubby and conspiratorial wouldn't it. Almost like precisely the kinda thing that said Blairites are best known for... :sus:

Genuinely gobsmacked that anybody would even try to defend this ridiculous tomfoolery let alone want to piss away the one and only chance of genuinely progressive political thinking gain any kind of foothold in what is hypothetically a left-of-centre political party. Clearly far better to revert to the Tory Lite bullshit Labour have been hamstrung by since Blair conned the nation 8)
I agree that Corbyn looks genuinely perplexed and saddened by the events of last night and this morning, and that him and John McDonell are really exactly what many grass roots Labour members have been crying out for, ever since Tony Bleurgh illegally took the UK to war in Iraq.

And now this ridiculous EU backlash. Is it Corbyn's fault we lost the referendum? Maybe in tiny part. All he's ever been is honest. Maybe that's an unfortunate trait in a politician. He said he felt about a 7.5 in terms of enthusiasm for remaining in the EU, what was wrong with that? That was inline with the vast majority of Labour party members, although not MPs who won't shut up about that comment. He's being tried, judged and executed by media, which was a problem for his reputation from day 1. Not sure if he'll still be in a job by the evening. :?
150 Labour MPs in a no confidence vote against him, yet he still fights on. What a stubborn old man.

A lot of Labour's best MPs chose to sit on the back bench after we was voted in. Now, even his second-string shadow cabinet are leaving in their droves.

He'll soon run out of Labour MPs to recruit and will be cold-calling members of the public to join his cabinet.

Then he'll get the left-wing hippy £3 members to vote him in after the no-confidence vote. What a farce.

The man could never be Prime Minister. Ed Miliband is more electable than him, and he walked around with seagull shit in his hair.

Just watching him and his new cabinet sit around a table and pretend everything is running smoothly. Then Corbyn starts looking awkward and asks for the cameras to stop filming. When they start filming again, another few cabinet members in that meeting have resigned.

Now, 80% of Labour MPs (172) have voted for a motion of no confidence. Farcical.
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Ahhh, electable. That means 'doesn't deviate from the political/economic boundaries that our masters set for us via their media' doesn't it? I think any predictive powers that might make someone able to call someone 'electable' are called into question in today's unpredictable environment - wasn't brexit unelectable? Isn't trump unelectable? I'd say all those selfish spads who think they're more important than half a million members will be unelectable (especially if they get their way and make labour mega pro EU and try and help reverse the vote on the sly)

Stay strong Jeremy!

Anyone interested in labour, have a read of this link to help decide whether you're on the side of jeremy corbyn or a bunch of dodgy neocon trojans that have infected the party. If they get corbyn out now, they'll never let anyone like him back in and the party will become Neocon Democrats like Hilary Clinton (but at least she's electable (or is she?))

tories like deer caught in headlights, labour destroyed by chilcot before its even been released, lib dems dont exist anymore, basically england is up shit creek without a paddle.
Stand ye calm and resolute
Like a forest close and mute
With folded arms and looks which are
Weapons of unvanquished war

And that slaughter to the nation
Shall steam up like inspiration
A volcano heard afar

Rise up like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many - they are few

Or as Shelley might otherwise have said....fuck 'em.