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Corbyn heckled at Pride? How the news agenda is set


May 10, 2001
There was a major story in the last 24 hours about Jeremy Corbyn, the fascist God from Hell, being heckled at Gay Pride

The story was offered, with video, to just about every news organisation, most of which took the story up.

I'll let Craig Murray take up the story.

What makes a single individual heckling a politician newsworthy? There are dozens such examples every single day that are not newsworthy.

The answer is simple. Normally the hecklers are promoting an anti-establishment view, so it does not get reported. Whereas this heckler was promoting the number one priority of the establishment and mainstream media, to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn. So this heckler, uniquely, is front page news and his words are repeated at great length in the Guardian and throughout the broadcast media.

The impression is deliberately given that he reflects general disgust from young people, and particularly gay young people, at Corbyn over the EU referendum. The very enthusiastic reception for Corbyn at Gay Pride is not reported.

Nor is the fact that the incident was not a chance one. The “heckler” is Tom Mauchline, a PR professional for PR firm Portland Communications, a dedicated Blairite (he describes himself as Gouldian) formerly working on the Liz Kendall leadership campaign. Portland Communications’ “strategic counsel” is Alastair Campbell.

So far from representing a popular mood, Mauchlyne was this morning on twitter urging people to sign a 38 Degrees petition supporting the no confidence motion against Corbyn. Ten hours later that petition has gained 65 signatures, compared to 120,000 for a petition supporting Corbyn. Mauchline formerly worked for 38 Degrees, unsurprising given their disgraceful behaviour over the Kuenssberg petition. I am waiting for the circle to be squared and Kuenssberg to report on the significance of Mauchline’s lone heckle.

I find it incredible that the mainstream media are all carrying this faked incident while not one single mainstream journalist has reported who Mauchline really is.

Democracy. Ain't it great?

It's all a distraction from the toff Boys' Club making the UK look, er, foolish.

Needs more "gays hate Corbyn". Nice angle. Wankers.
Media relaying facts? That went out the window years ago if it ever happened at all.
Why is ANYONE heckling corbyn a newsworthy piece? world would be better off if he were dropped off out of a high-altitude plane without a parachute. Preferably into a bath of fused caustic potash. After being skinned alive. With a rabid mink soldered to his dick, if he possesses such an organ in a sense other than the totality of his body, mind and whatever rancid vestigial fungating lesion that counts for his soul.

Hell, I'd be quite happy to donate a few kilos of caustic from my own lab, as long as everybody else contributes too.

Just someone mail a bathtub, and the rest of you corrosives and money to the following address 'jeremy corbyn twunt appeal, no.10 hopefully any other street than downing.
You have some left over? I mean, after you've used it on all the blacks you've been banned from here for threatening before?
'Media conspiracy' aside there is no denying that JC failed.

The criticism on the video is valid. Imo.

JC could have scuppered the PR conspiracy behind the video simply by engaging with the guy instead of muttering and walking away.
The Corbyn fuck -ups seem to be coming thick and fast now, yes he is acting like a Fascist God, sacking anyone who might threaten his leadership. I thought he was meant to be all about inclusivity and consensus, and now he's sacked arguably his most popular, charismatic, and intelligent MP in the form of Hillary Benn. I can understand Corbyn wanting to hold on to power, despite the huge media bias, he's not really doing badly. But sacking one of his most valuable team members, huge mistake. Benn will be back when Corbyns' reign is over. ;) :\
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The Corbyn fuck -ups seem to be coming thick and fast now, yes he is acting like a Fascist God, sacking anyone who might threaten his leadership.

You've completely misunderstood my sarcasm with the fascist God bit. And since when before Hillary Benn joined the establishment in voting for war against Syria, edit, sorry, 'bombing of ISIS', did you ever hear him called charismatic?

'Media conspiracy' aside there is no denying that JC failed.

There is no denying that Corbyn fucked up the referendum, big time.

There is no denying that this whole incident at Gay Pride was staged.

No need to conflate the two.
There is no denying that Corbyn fucked up the referendum, big time.

But Corbyn has been anti-EU even before the continent of Europe existed.

It would have looked ridiculous had he gone all out and rallied around the country in favour of Remain when we all know his true feelings.

Being the Mack Daddy of the 'united' pro-Remain party, the poor sod was between a rock and a hard place.

We must commend his apathy.

I'm sure he said he was 7 to 7.5 out of 10 in favour of staying in the EU. Despite telling fibs for a living, it must have been difficult to lie throughout this whole referendum.




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Exactly. So he should have gone with his true convictions and made a left wing case for Brexit. Instead, he let the right completely hijack the cause and he finished on the losing side. Playing politics, if he'd done what I suggest, he'd have finished on the winning side, carried a lot more Labour supporters with him, and probably had more chance than at any time of winning a future election.

Now he's fucked.
I realise the video and the referendum are separate things.

What does the video itself show ?

It shows him getting owned by a young man with a I Phone.

It doesn't actually matter who is doing the heckling.

What I'm saying is being so easily intimidated and not having the brains to have expected and prepared for hecklers doesn't convince me he's the opposition leader we need.
I dont think the guy is short of brains, he has made a few pretty bad decisions though, considering how clever he's s'posed to be. :\ I dont think sacking any potential threat from within is going to help him even in the short term. He'll soon have a revolt on his hands. I think Andy Burnham has left too, trying to get elected to run Manchester city council, thats 2 of pretty much the only well known and recognisable faces of his party gone, for now. As i said i strongly suspect that they will be back when Corbyn goes. They both have plenty of time.
I realise the video and the referendum are separate things.

What does the video itself show ?

It shows him getting owned by a young man with a I Phone.

It doesn't actually matter who is doing the heckling.

Of course it matters who is doing the heckling. It's a set up. You may as well say it doesn't matter who wrote the Zinoviev letter. The man who is enacting the set up is a middle class tosser pretending to care about working class voters on behalf of a right wing pressure group connected to Blairs right hand man Alastair Campbell, called Portland Communications. It couldn't be more of a set up. The middle class Tom Mauchline then has the gall to accuse Corbyn of 'hiding behind the gay movement'. Can you imagine what Mauchline would have had lined up ready to say if Corbyn had gone ballistic at him? Anti-gay blah blah blah?

Corbyn fucked up the referendum. Don't pretend this sort of snidey set up doesn't matter though. The lengths the right wing are prepared to go to to attack any chance the working class has of proper representation are despicable and this serves as a classic example.
I am working class.

I think we could do better.

I agree it's a set up, it's obvious a coup of sorts is taking place.
I agree that going ballistic would have been a mistake.

But I'm not going to budge on the fact that a sharper man and a better politician could have used the camera as a means of getting his message out and calmly talking to the guy could have created footage that made him look good.

Can you honestly see JC as PM ?

"How did the trade negotiations go Jeremy ?"

"Badly. They raised their voices. I got the fear and went home early"
There is plenty of footage at the gay pride demo that makes Corbyn look good. He received a rapturous reception from the main body of the demo. The media chose not to use this. That's in the second paragraph I quoted from Craig Murray in my OP.

When Corbyn got angry with Guru-Murthy on C4 news back a whole summer ago he was at best tolerated for his new politics and at worst berated as a nutter without media training.

I can't see Corbyn as PM. But not for the reasons you propose in your final line. The coup is on.
He will never be able to choose what footage the media use.

That's the second time you've mentioned getting angry.

I've already mentioned twice calmly talking to camera boy.

I deal with angry confrontational people every day, it's not impossible to get control of the situation with raising your voice.

So again, yes it was a set up, but he handed them this victory on a silver platter. That result was not inevitable.

I guess we could go round in circles forever about this.
The revolt has begun far quicker than expected, how many is that now 10, or 11, including Benn. I was mistaken about Andy Burnham, apparently he failed to get elected as Mayor of Manchester. That's a pretty bad result for a fairly local guy in a predominantly Labour city.

Imo you only have to watch Benn on Q Time, or being interviewed to see that there is something special about him. He has leadership qualities imo, and is more electable than the blundering buffoon aka Boris Johnson. If Corbyn cannot stem the flood, he will have to do the right thing and step aside, as sad as that would be.

Regarding the fascist thing, yeah i did misunderstand you SHM, i thought that you were referring to the very hard line that Corbyn is taking regarding any perceived rebellions.

Didnt you watch Breaking Bad, Limpet? A bath tub is no good for dissolving human bodies. The whole bath tub and bathroom floor will dissolve and fall right through the ceiling, blood and gore 'an' all. A special type of corrosion resistant plastic tub is required for such things. ;)

Politicians are still lying about border controls, any one who watches the news will know that if the UK wishes to continue to trade with Europe on good terms, it will have to continue to accept the free movement of people from Europe.
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30 or 40 odd have resigned now. 8o You almost have to laugh. It will just be Corbyn and his deputy/chancellor left soon among the dust balls blowing down the labour side of the house of commons
30 or 40 odd have resigned now. 8o You almost have to laugh. It will just be Corbyn and his deputy/chancellor left soon among the dust balls blowing down the labour side of the house of commons

20. Numbers aren't your strong point are they?

Dennis Skinner walked into the Commons today, gave Corbyn a big hug, and stuck 2 fingers up at the renegade resigners.

Fuck them and the Blairite horse they rode in on. Go Dennis. <3