Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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I have come out completely hunderd percent
Hi am sharvan and i have done PHD research in medicine and i was injected with invega before four months for alcohol addiction and after which i lost interest in sex and cant feel love and cant get any human feeling and cant get high with smoke or drink or any thing and lost interest in music , dance and all hobbies
After research i found that dopaime pathway in D2 in mesolimbic pathway is blocked and that changes the chemical imbalance in neurons in brain permanently
And consulted many doctors but no use then i contacted brain surgeons and scientist across globe and found that we need dopamine inhibitors to fix that problem
And so just with in three days i was completely heeled back to normal
Just take pacitane 2mg 1-0-1
Pacitane drug explanation:
Trihexyphenidyl is used for the symptomatic treatment of?Parkinson's disease?in mono and combination therapy. It is active in?postencephalitic,?arteriosclerotic, and?idiopathic?forms. The drug is also commonly used to treat?extrapyramidal?side effects occurring during?antipsychotic?treatment.?
Stablon 1-0-0
Drug stablon explanation :
In contrast to most SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants, tianeptine modestly enhances the?mesolimbic?release of?dopamine[45]?and potentiates?CNS?D2?and?D3receptors,[46]?but it is also unclear how this occurs because tianeptine has no affinity for the?dopamine transporter?or the?dopamine receptors.[9]

Has anyone seen this post? Has anyone taken this stablon? I wonder if this user was lying, it's from an old user who says he improved by taking
Rosi71 I think tried it. And it didn't do anything. It was either Rosi or Paula. Have a blessed day. Peace and love. :) ❤️
I never would have gotten into the situation I was in to be injected had not my Dad been so unreasonably cruel and selfish. I wasn't forced to be injected, but I was lied to. I wasn't told about the severe side effects. And the doctor, although he was nice, falsely stated that the success rate is higher with injections than with pills. That isn't completely true. There's no way statistics can be shown for that conclusion. And what led up to my injection could have been prevented with love, support, and compassion. But I was provoked. And I was severely gang-stalked for a long while leading up to that point--and still am being gang-stalked to some degree. And I reacted the way I thought was necessary. And I had chances not to go to the behavioral center I went to. A doctor/nurse practitioner at the Baptist Hospital in Beaumont, Texas discharged me to go home, but my Mom thought I should get help so eventually I went to the Baptist Behavioral Center, after that nurse practitioner or doctor changed his mind. (My mom talked to him or either the nurse on the phone.) And I didn't want to return to my apartment either. Even though I had my apartment at that time, I was staying with my parents, because the gang-stalking was so bad at the apartment complex. Even prior to talking to the nurse practitioner/doctor at the hospital, a security guard told me I wasn't under the Orange police department's jurisdiction, and could go home, (he said he was doing me a favor) but I had no ride at the time, since I was brought there by an ambulance. I apologize if any of my recent comments seem crazy or strange to many of you. But I made a sacrifice with standing up to GOD, in a way I feel is necessary. After typing those comments, I felt something inside, like I improved a little bit. Like something was lightened in my body, and closer to my full recovery. I still pray, hope and believe for recovery. And I pray you all don't give up on GOD. I haven't given up on him. I just needed to vent and release what I was feeling inside. Sometimes I vent and release extremely. Peace and love. :) ❤️

additional notes: a) with standing up to God (by standing up to God)
b) the nurse practitioner/doctor at the hospital is different from the one at the behavioral center. There were two doctors at the behavioral center (that I talked with), and they both were nice.
c) I told the nurse to call my Mom, that's what initiated the conversation with her and the nurse or the nurse practitioner. I didn't want to go to my apartment. At the time, I rather be there than at my apartment. But that's without having knowledge at the time about injections. The injections would come later, some time after being moved to the behavioral center.
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I never would have gotten into the situation I was in to be injected had not my Dad been so unreasonably cruel and selfish. I wasn't forced to be injected, but I was lied to. I wasn't told about the severe side effects. And the doctor, although he was nice, falsely stated that the success rate is higher with injections than with pills. That isn't completely true. There's no way statistics can be shown for that conclusion. And what led up to my injection could have been prevented with love, support, and compassion. But I was provoked. And I was severely gang-stalked for a long while leading up to that point--and still am being gang-stalked to some degree. And I reacted the way I thought was necessary. And I had chances not to go to the behavioral center I went to. A doctor/nurse practitioner at the Baptist Hospital in Beaumont, Texas discharged me to go home, but my Mom thought I should get help so eventually I went to the Baptist Behavioral Center, after that nurse practitioner or doctor changed his mind. (My mom talked to him or either the nurse on the phone.) And I didn't want to return to my apartment either. Even though I had my apartment at that time, I was staying with my parents, because the gang-stalking was so bad at the apartment complex. Even prior to talking to the nurse practitioner/doctor at the hospital, a security guard told me I wasn't under the Orange police department's jurisdiction, and could go home, (he said he was doing me a favor) but I had no ride at the time, since I was brought there by an ambulance. I apologize if any of my recent comments seem crazy or strange to many of you. But I made a sacrifice with standing up to GOD, in a way I feel is necessary. After typing those comments, I felt something inside, like I improved a little bit. Like something was lightened in my body, and closer to my full recovery. I still pray, hope and believe for recovery. And I pray you all don't give up on GOD. I haven't given up on him. I just needed to vent and release what I was feeling inside. Sometimes I vent and release extremely. Peace and love. :) ❤️

additional notes: a) with standing up to God (by standing up to God)
b) the nurse practitioner/doctor at the hospital is different from the one at the behavioral center. There were two doctors at the behavioral center (that I talked with), and they both were nice.
In many ways I enjoyed my experience at the behavioral center, but I don't like the injection part. That part is what is bad about the experience. But I met good people there, and enjoyed my conversations with them. Some of the people were in very awful conditions mentally. Again, I was able to deny taking the shots, although they didn't tell me I was able to deny them. They made it seem as though everything would be alright and that the shots would help me. I don't believe in medication, but I didn't think any injection would affect me as much as it is now. I was taken there voluntarily. I could have walked out at any time, I believe. So, I'm someone who didn't have to be injected. My story is similar to the video I will include in the next message. It's been posted on here before. Some of the papers I signed at both the hospital and behavioral center have V.C. before my name, which means that I signed them under duress, and didn't truly agree to any of it. :) ❤️

additional notes: medication (anti-psychotic medication, etc.)
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And if any of you don't know what gang-stalking is, the following quotes will explain:

“Citizen targets are secretly watchlisted/blacklisted as “enemies” through the FBI-DHS Fusion Center system and electronically tracked, hacked, and attacked everywhere they go by the NSA Global Spy Network’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT). TIs (targeted individuals) are also harassed 24/7 everywhere they go by networks of street perps (perpetrators, aka “goons on the ground”), including special forces, police, military-intelligence counterterrorism specialists, military psychological operations groups, surveillance role players, sayanim, military and civilian cyberstalkers, ex-police and ex-military private subcontractors, citizen spies, police/FBI informants, Neighborhood Nazis, citizen-based-agents, etc. (i.e., a secret army of thugs, cowards, and bullies). Meanwhile, FBI sources admit that over 97% of individuals placed on the Terrorist Screening Data Base (TSDB) have no links to terrorism.” – Professor Eric T. Karlstrom, Ph.D.

“There is an increasing amount of nefariously evil activity going on amongst the public body. It is often disguised as ordinary activity and coincidental events that involve people who have no apparent reason to purposely act in the way they do. The strangers passing in the street, the tenants in the building you live in, the people you deal with at work all day, even your friends and members of your own family, each might begin to act in ways that seem suspicious, strange, often bizarre, and which result in causing you personal frustration, anger, emotional distress, paranoia, or worse.” – A. K. Forwood, “Gang-Stalking and Mind Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks,” Ch. 1, p. 1

“A secret underground lurks throughout society, a sophisticated network of secret ‘policing’ units that are cropping up in every community. It is made up of people from all walks of life who are operating as a fascist secret police force against all freedom-loving citizens of the western world. They pretend to be serving a good cause, but they are creating terror in our neighborhoods and destroying lives, one person at a time. This secret network is not only used for targeting individuals with systematic harassment, but those within it are often involved in sexual exploitation, blackmail, satanism, and mind-control.” – A. K. Forwood, “Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks” (2011)
I personally believe that God will either heal you or not, whether you have faith or not. :) ❤️

When I leave my apartment, and come back, items and little pieces of paper will have been placed on my kitchen counter, for instance, that were not there before, that were not put there by me. Even the time on my microwave is changed many times when I come back to my apartment, after having left. And I have checked my microwave to test if it changes time (gets slower) and it doesn't. It happens when I leave and come back, someone or a group of people will have snuck in my apartment and done things (tampered with things). Even tiny rocks will be on the floor that weren't there. I sweep and clean up, so I know when something strange happens, that's not done by me. That's some of the things that are experienced by people being gang-stalked or harassed by the government and society.

I hope to God that I get better (that I heal completely).

And I learned a lot at the behavioral hospital. I didn't need any injections. I might could have used some lighter medication that wasn't too strong. But I was so happy and ready to leave there and go on with my life. But the injections messed up the way I felt and feel. Had it not been for Invega, my life would be so great right now. I would have made a lot of audio recordings and videos teaching knowledge to people. Knowledge that is enlightening and helpful.

I understand what you people are going through. It's insane. It's monstrous. It's a hellish or horrific experience. But I do think it will get better for you over time. I truly hope you all heal completely. I truly hope I heal completely, too.
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Exactly one year ago today, I had my first psychotic episode ever. This episode quite literally almost killed me or sent me to prison for many years, let me explain. In April of 2023 I started vaping highly concentrated weed oil after a 5 month hiatus. I was recently laid off and had nothing to do but smoke weed all day everyday which leads us to may 2024. This month, I was doing so many strange and erratic things such as cancelling bank accounts, cancelling car insurance, isolating myself and thinking Russian agents were spying on me. Then one morning exactly a year ago, I wake up and take my car for a drive to get breakfast. I should mention I didn't smoke weed that morning cuz i remember vividly running out of weed few days prior but I was still in psychosis. I drive around and I look into my rear view mirror and saw cars around that were looking like they were following me. I instantly hit the gas and start speeding to escape these Russian agents. I was weaving in and out of traffic while going around 80 km/h in areas where speed was only 50. It wasn't long before I clipped another car which led me to hitting a hydro pole tree at high rate of speed. Thankfully I was the only person severely injured. I lost consciousness instantly and had to be airlifted to a trauma hospital few cities away. The injuries I had was a fractured knee cap , a ruptured tendon below the knee cap and airbag injuries on my face which i still have scars from. No one knew I was in psychosis not even myself. The surgery went fine no complications and I'm just thankful to God I wasn't killed that day or killing or seriously injuring someone from the accident I caused. Once discharged from hospital, my behavior grew worse and my family knew something wasn't right mentally and took me to a psychiatric hospital few days later where I would be stabilized with olanzapine . I had 2 more psychotic episodes after that leading to two more hospital admissions where I would be put on invega injections.
Exactly one year ago today, I had my first psychotic episode ever. This episode quite literally almost killed me or sent me to prison for many years, let me explain. In April of 2023 I started vaping highly concentrated weed oil after a 5 month hiatus. I was recently laid off and had nothing to do but smoke weed all day everyday which leads us to may 2024. This month, I was doing so many strange and erratic things such as cancelling bank accounts, cancelling car insurance, isolating myself and thinking Russian agents were spying on me. Then one morning exactly a year ago, I wake up and take my car for a drive to get breakfast. I should mention I didn't smoke weed that morning cuz i remember vividly running out of weed few days prior but I was still in psychosis. I drive around and I look into my rear view mirror and saw cars around that were looking like they were following me. I instantly hit the gas and start speeding to escape these Russian agents. I was weaving in and out of traffic while going around 80 km/h in areas where speed was only 50. It wasn't long before I clipped another car which led me to hitting a hydro pole tree at high rate of speed. Thankfully I was the only person severely injured. I lost consciousness instantly and had to be airlifted to a trauma hospital few cities away. The injuries I had was a fractured knee cap , a ruptured tendon below the knee cap and airbag injuries on my face which i still have scars from. No one knew I was in psychosis not even myself. The surgery went fine no complications and I'm just thankful to God I wasn't killed that day or killing or seriously injuring someone from the accident I caused. Once discharged from hospital, my behavior grew worse and my family knew something wasn't right mentally and took me to a psychiatric hospital few days later where I would be stabilized with olanzapine . I had 2 more psychotic episodes after that leading to two more hospital admissions where I would be put on invega injections.
I hope your life turns out for the better. The reality is, you may very well have been tailed by people. One of the things that happens with gang-stalking is people will follow you. That happened to me, and while I was driving I tested the situation out. I switched lanes, instead of driving in the direction that I normally drive, and then kept going, and turned elsewhere. And the vehicle that I knew was following me turned their truck (or whatever it was) around. So, basically, they weren't going anywhere but following me, and their turning around was the proof. Otherwise, they would not have switched lanes abruptly after I did, and they wouldn't have turned their vehicle around after that. They would have kept driving. But if they would have continued following me in the direction I was going it would have been INSANELY OBVIOUS. And, therefore, they didn't.
I want to add something. Technically, I spoke to three doctors at the behavioral center. There were two doctors that I mainly spoke with. They were the actual doctoral employees I was supposed to only talk to during that time. But another doctor filled in for a few days, when one of the main doctors, of the two, was absent.
If Invega was a decent or normal medication, anhedonia would have lifted (or completely went away) in 1 to 2 months, if not earlier than that. Now we all must wait to see if it ever will totally go away. We all must wait to see if all of our emotions will be like they were before Invega. Otherwise, rat or roach poisoning can be likened in some way to Invega.
I know y'all came here for hope. Two stories I believe are true. "EvilAzizi's" and "CrimsonThornX's." They both had one shot. And they both recovered, including their emotions returning and no more anhedonia, around 9 to 10 months. I believe more stories are true, but I studied theirs and they both seem to be telling the truth 100 percent. You can find EvilAzizi's victory story on reddit. She didn't update us on bluelight. Peace and love. :) ❤️

The battle may be that the Invega is still in the system for a while. Either that, and/or it may take time to recover after it's out of the system. Your body has the potential to recover.
God is very gracious. I've gotten mad and talked to God all kinds of ways throughout my life, and he's always been merciful and compassionate. Don't give up on yourself if you start speaking to God disrespectfully. God forgives and hopes for your well-being always. He's not as vindictive as some people make him. He's the most patient, understanding, and merciful. Peace and love. And God bless you. :) ❤️

P.S. I talk good to God a lot, too.
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Fucking hell. Do NOT spread the gangstalking conspiracy theory here. There are people with schizophrenia in this thread and it's just pure schizo fuel, it can make people worse, especially after invega trauma. I believe the gangstalking conspiracy is actually simply born from people experiencing schizophrenia symptoms. I had a delusion akin to the gangstalking delusion during my episode.

I stumbled upon the gangstalking subreddit and it's really obvious to me that most people posting there are mentally ill. There's even some word salad posts, which is a telltale sign of active psychosis.

"Everyone is out to get me" is such a stereotype of paranoid schizophrenia. We think we know what it looks like from TV/movies/books, but that subreddit is delusion through the eyes of the delusional. It is sort of like the movies, but it is also nothing like the movies. Film can't capture how complex feeling like that can be.
Fucking hell. Do NOT spread the gangstalking conspiracy theory here. There are people with schizophrenia in this thread and it's just pure schizo fuel, it can make people worse, especially after invega trauma. I believe the gangstalking conspiracy is actually simply born from people experiencing schizophrenia symptoms. I had a delusion akin to the gangstalking delusion during my episode.

I stumbled upon the gangstalking subreddit and it's really obvious to me that most people posting there are mentally ill. There's even some word salad posts, which is a telltale sign of active psychosis.

"Everyone is out to get me" is such a stereotype of paranoid schizophrenia. We think we know what it looks like from TV/movies/books, but that subreddit is delusion through the eyes of the delusional. It is sort of like the movies, but it is also nothing like the movies. Film can't capture how complex feeling like that can be.
I totally disagree. I know what I experienced, and prior to me even hearing anyone talking about gang-stalking, I was describing it in detail. And there are people within the medical community like Cathy Meadows, Master's Clinical Psychology (who wrote a book about it, which I have, and she also has a website talking about the reality of it) who know about it. Some people may be delusional, but I know I wasn't. People did all kinds of things to bother me, for instance, when I went into public. No one can disprove my experiences of being gang-stalked. You were not there to see. And therefore you have no way of verifying my story as false. Everything I experienced fits perfect with governmental and social harassment. It is my duty to God and all people to expose the injustice of gang-stalking. It is not going to be my primary topic (on this website), because this is not what this forum is about. But it's related to some people who are experiencing mental conditions.

I've studied gang-stalking thoroughly. Gang-stalking is confirmed by current and ex-military and government workers. Even a former FBI head admitted to the targeting happening.

You're free to comment, but your words are cruel towards innocent people suffering from government harassment or abuse. And harassment is abuse.
Fucking hell. Do NOT spread the gangstalking conspiracy theory here. There are people with schizophrenia in this thread and it's just pure schizo fuel, it can make people worse, especially after invega trauma. I believe the gangstalking conspiracy is actually simply born from people experiencing schizophrenia symptoms. I had a delusion akin to the gangstalking delusion during my episode.

I stumbled upon the gangstalking subreddit and it's really obvious to me that most people posting there are mentally ill. There's even some word salad posts, which is a telltale sign of active psychosis.

"Everyone is out to get me" is such a stereotype of paranoid schizophrenia. We think we know what it looks like from TV/movies/books, but that subreddit is delusion through the eyes of the delusional. It is sort of like the movies, but it is also nothing like the movies. Film can't capture how complex feeling like that can be.
And as far as paranoid schizophrenia goes, the following should expose its delusion (Even people hearing voices, may be nothing other than voice-to-skull technology which whistleblowers have exposed the CIA doing.):

“Wall Street also brought Adolph Hitler into power, built the Nazi War Machine, then covered up its connection to Nazi Germany. An examination of this process reveals that the Council on Foreign Relations was an active participant… The Nazi war machine was then built primarily from Wall Street. Evidence which proves this includes bank statements, congressional records, mainstream media sources, excerpts from congressional investigations, and statements from the Nuremberg Trials… Wall Street continued to build Nazi Germany until 1944… The building of Nazi Germany by Wall Street was covered up by the Council on Foreign Relations through the Control Council which moved into Germany after the war and was given the task of preparing directives for the arrests of war criminals… Wall Street’s targeting of the entire population with destructive medication to treat fake mental illnesses is probably one of the biggest deceptions in our lifetime. It is a major medical fraud and probably a crime against humanity. Millions, including physicians, consumers, and the general public, are being deceived… Wall Street runs the medical industry and the mental health system in particular. This includes some of the major patient advocacy groups, professional societies, government agencies, and most individual physicians. The mental illnesses in the diagnostic manuals keep expanding. Profit and control are primary motives. The attacks by the multinational force against the financial elite’s enemies considerably parallel the signs and symptoms in the diagnostic manuals produced by the industry.” – Mark M. Rich, “New World War (2nd Edition),” (2011 book)
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You can not be saying this shit around people with psychotic disorders, please keep it out of the thread. Psychosis is a real phenomenon, I experienced it and came out of it. I will call a moderator if you do this again, this is dangerous.

I also hate it personally because it appeals to me. I am an anti-capitalist and I sincerely wish for revolution. I don't understand enough to make an intellectual contribution, but before my episode, I was gearing up to do just that, starting with learning more libertarian communist theory. There is also evidence that the government has interest in mind control and regularly commits subterfuge within revolutionary communist groups to prevent uprisings. I know that there are secret operations, but I also know there is nothing but madness waiting if you believe in gangstalking. It's not possible to carry something out on one insignificant individual. Trust me, the people who believe they are being stalked are just as insignificant as I am. There is no way the government would waste its resources on us.

Nothing of the sort happened to me. I'm just one loser who is good at drawing, who hasn't learned how to drive even though they're almost 30, who had a deep sense of empathy and excellent relational and systemic thinking. I'm not important enough to mentally mutilate in such a way, but for a few days, I believed I was. I thought the fascist thugs who run the Republican party were after me because I was somehow special. I thought there was some sort of "revolutionary index" and the United States saw me as a threat to be neutralized, the person who scammed me was an agent, and that neo-nazis were going to defame and kill me. The person who scammed me was just a typical Nigerian scammer. They weren't connected to anything. The hospital staff were normal people. There wasn't anything in my computer listening to me.

So many fuckers I know in the political scenes I was involved with were all talk. A lot of them were pretentious Marxist-Leninists so far up their own asses, or sucking Stalin's ghost dick, whose ideologies would never get very far in the United States. I wanted to synthesize new political theories and blaze a new revolutionary path for the 21st century, but my ADHD is so bad I can't even do paperwork on time or keep my room clean or get a job. To do what I wanted to do would have required more than a college course workload and I don't think I could ever do it, especially unmedicated. I'm not important enough for the government to take down, even though I felt like I had a target on my back. None of us in this thread are.

At one point during the episode caused by Prozac, I believed my own friends sent me to the bad decisions I made that hurt my brain. I was starting to think the person dearest to me was an agent. That isn't true.

Please don't bring this shit up again. Thinking this is possible is extremely dangerous. There are a lot of people in this thread who don't need to be seeing conspiracy theory shit.
You can not be saying this shit around people with psychotic disorders, please keep it out of the thread. Psychosis is a real phenomenon, I experienced it and came out of it. I will call a moderator if you do this again, this is dangerous.

I also hate it personally because it appeals to me. I am an anti-capitalist and I sincerely wish for revolution. I don't understand enough to make an intellectual contribution, but before my episode, I was gearing up to do just that, starting with learning more libertarian communist theory. There is also evidence that the government has interest in mind control and regularly commits subterfuge within revolutionary communist groups to prevent uprisings. I know that there are secret operations, but I also know there is nothing but madness waiting if you believe in gangstalking. It's not possible to carry something out on one insignificant individual. Trust me, the people who believe they are being stalked are just as insignificant as I am. There is no way the government would waste its resources on us.

Nothing of the sort happened to me. I'm just one loser who is good at drawing, who hasn't learned how to drive even though they're almost 30, who had a deep sense of empathy and excellent relational and systemic thinking. I'm not important enough to mentally mutilate in such a way, but for a few days, I believed I was. I thought the fascist thugs who run the Republican party were after me because I was somehow special. I thought there was some sort of "revolutionary index" and the United States saw me as a threat to be neutralized, the person who scammed me was an agent, and that neo-nazis were going to defame and kill me. The person who scammed me was just a typical Nigerian scammer. They weren't connected to anything. The hospital staff were normal people. There wasn't anything in my computer listening to me.

So many fuckers I know in the political scenes I was involved with were all talk. A lot of them were pretentious Marxist-Leninists so far up their own asses, or sucking Stalin's ghost dick, whose ideologies would never get very far in the United States. I wanted to synthesize new political theories and blaze a new revolutionary path for the 21st century, but my ADHD is so bad I can't even do paperwork on time or keep my room clean or get a job. To do what I wanted to do would have required more than a college course workload and I don't think I could ever do it, especially unmedicated. I'm not important enough for the government to take down, even though I felt like I had a target on my back. None of us in this thread are.

At one point during the episode caused by Prozac, I believed my own friends sent me to the bad decisions I made that hurt my brain. I was starting to think the person dearest to me was an agent. That isn't true.

Please don't bring this shit up again. Thinking this is possible is extremely dangerous. There are a lot of people in this thread who don't need to be seeing conspiracy theory shit.
I hope and pray you recover. :) ❤️ But one thing I won't do is support the wickedness of the government. I care too much about people to reduce or relegate myself to corruption. My recovery, and the recovery of everybody, is my main topic of concern. My physical energy is good. But in many areas my emotional energy needs improving. If I could again feel the joy, happiness, goodness, consistently, which does have something to do with dopamine, serotonin, the mesolimbic pathway, etc., I would be almost completely recovered. I might not even be on this site anymore. I would of course feel it is my responsibility to make videos, and things like that, but I wouldn't comment as often, or at all. I believe the prayers are working for me. Soon I'll be completely recovered. I say that with faith and assurance that God loves and cares enough for me to heal me completely, or for me to see the results of his healing.
I hope and pray you recover. :) ❤️ But one thing I won't do is support the wickedness of the government. I care too much about people to reduce or relegate myself to corruption. My recovery, and the recovery of everybody, is my main topic of concern. My physical energy is good. But in many areas my emotional energy needs improving. If I could again feel the joy, happiness, goodness, consistently, which does have something to do with dopamine, serotonin, the mesolimbic pathway, etc., I would be almost completely recovered. I might not even be on this site anymore. I would of course feel it is my responsibility to make videos, and things like that, but I wouldn't comment as often, or at all. I believe the prayers are working for me. Soon I'll be completely recovered. I say that with faith and assurance that God loves and cares enough for me to heal me completely, or for me to see the results of his healing.

See, the government isn't using invega sustenna to ruin people because such permanent effects are far from guaranteed. The government isn't giving this to people to destroy them, even though such a thing is theoretically possible. It would require keeping them on it. It is a dangerous thing to post on this particular thread. Go make a reddit post about it for all I care, just don't do it here. It's dangerous for the mental health of others. I'm sure if I didn't take Prozac I would be right back on track, probably trying a new ADHD medication and getting my life together.

I didn't get a CTO to be on this medication. If I had, I would be extremely suspicious something is happening lol. But that's not what happened with me, I just had a CTO for therapy and nothing else.
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