Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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They will work but you gotta wait. On previous recovery from olanzapine i tryed them at every month mark and at first month they were barely hiting at 3,5 month mark they were starting to give me strong mental trips and at 6 months they gave me visuals and strong trippy feelings. So brain does recover
Yeah I hope so. It will actually be 3 months for me in 5 days but i got a long way for recovery D:

hopefully weed works sooner cuz it will make the recovery easier
Thanks mate. They are doing well and surprisingly me as well even though I been on this journey for so long. One day I'll get there just maybe one day. I made a promise from day one I'll be in this sticking around the forum without a doubt saved my life to some extent.
You're a champion in my book. If I was the LORD God, you would have been healed already. 100 percent. I can tell you're a really good person. You're one of the reasons I have hope. You're one of the reasons this journey makes sense, although in some ways it doesn't make sense. I feel I have a purpose to be here to help encourage and support people during this difficult or trying time in their lives. Peace and love. And God bless you. :) ❤️
Yesterday was smoking at the park fully chilling and the ganja gave me realization that what happened no matter how awful was perfect. There are no accidents in the universe and these things meant to happen
As I'm approaching 3 months ( in 5 days) , I can't stop thinking about november which will mark the 9th month of recovery from invega injections. 9 months is a number ive seen many times in previous version and I'm just praying my anhedonia goes away by that time. I'm hopeful I will recover and in the rare chance I don't, i will still live life the way God intended.
1 month since last injection.
Almost no restlessness anymore, but still bored, can't get high, low libido etc.
Gotta wait more, it will take some time though.
I have compassion for you. Others are mere capitalizers. Some think it's your fault you haven't recovered. I don't blame you. I sympathize with you. I'm blessed not to be a competitive maniac. Some people want to outdo my answers and compete with my responses. But I actually care about you. And if I was the Supreme source you would already have been healed. I don't believe in that one-dimensional karma nonsense, of simple good and bad. You didn't do anything bad to deserve what happened to you. I pray that GOD comes through for you, and fulfills his duty. If I feel a duty for you, God should feel it also, if he's the greatest. Peace and love. :) ❤️
Yesterday was smoking at the park fully chilling and the ganja gave me realization that what happened no matter how awful was perfect. There are no accidents in the universe and these things meant to happen
Everything was screaming at me to avoid it all, it wasn't supposed to happen to me.
I know you’re trying to help with all this positivity bs but I’m 99% sure Queasy_Chemisty_844 is another poor soul that killed themselves, hasn’t posted anything for 9 months and last posts were about suicide because of invega.
Your response brings me pleasure. I'm glad you called it bs. I think there's hope in the stories, but they do at times seem like unhelpful rubbish. I never once got mad at you. I care so much about you, dear brother, and your suffering, that my heart focused on your answer and not any personal anger. Nothing about your response gives me anger. I'm pleased. May GOD heal you, and heal all the people suffering from Invega. It's not impossible. :) ❤️
i dont have any hope left
I wish you could have hope, precious soul. If I was KING of the universe, calling the shots, you would have been healed long time ago. If you're healed completely, good. If not, I pray you do heal thus. If you have transitioned from earth to another place or realm of consciousness, may you be resting peacefully. :) ❤️
Bojana was damaged by Paliperidona shots. She was hoping her brain to heal from the damage like we all do. I think she gave up to quickly but the one to blame is her psychiatrist. We are all people damaged by this poison here. It is very sad that people suicide because of this poison and that it remains on the market.
It eats at my heart that you're still experiencing insomnia. If it were in my power, you wouldn't have experienced a second of insomnia. And, as far as Invega goes, I would have warned you before you were given the shot, or whatever way it got into you. I care about you. I will try to come up with something. I will try to create some bond of chemicals, molecules, proteins, or something, that will travel to the brain and fix and restore everything. It will wash, cleanse, repair and restore things. I may even put eternal life in your brain, encode you with some special DNA or unlock thereof. :) ❤️
You relax, I'm just telling some facts
My heart goes out to you. You have done an excellent job toward your recovery. And your recovery is long over due. It's not your fault. But the man (or GOD) upstairs has some answering to do. I'll interrogate him. He's been failing lately, coming short, and it's pathetic. NoMoreZombi deserved no more recovery than you do or did. You deserved to be already recovered. I love you. And if I was the Supreme King or Being you would already be made whole. Invega would be a thing of the stinking past. :) ❤️
"(Bruce) Lee's harrowing experience, coupled with his new insight, served to underscore for him the validity of his belief that there is no help but self-help--help in the form of unarmed combat." - Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey (Documentary Film)
Yesterday was smoking at the park fully chilling and the ganja gave me realization that what happened no matter how awful was perfect. There are no accidents in the universe and these things meant to happen
I HOPE you have the best time in your perfect world. I mean that with love, sincerity and compassion. I hope you heal completely. :) ❤️
I have been feeling a little better lately. Still no real sex drive, but I'm going to see a Russian Endocrinologist next week and hopefully they have a different perspective than the shitheads I have spoken too.
I have come out completely hunderd percent
Hi am sharvan and i have done PHD research in medicine and i was injected with invega before four months for alcohol addiction and after which i lost interest in sex and cant feel love and cant get any human feeling and cant get high with smoke or drink or any thing and lost interest in music , dance and all hobbies
After research i found that dopaime pathway in D2 in mesolimbic pathway is blocked and that changes the chemical imbalance in neurons in brain permanently
And consulted many doctors but no use then i contacted brain surgeons and scientist across globe and found that we need dopamine inhibitors to fix that problem
And so just with in three days i was completely heeled back to normal
Just take pacitane 2mg 1-0-1
Pacitane drug explanation:
Trihexyphenidyl is used for the symptomatic treatment of?Parkinson's disease?in mono and combination therapy. It is active in?postencephalitic,?arteriosclerotic, and?idiopathic?forms. The drug is also commonly used to treat?extrapyramidal?side effects occurring during?antipsychotic?treatment.?
Stablon 1-0-0
Drug stablon explanation :
In contrast to most SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants, tianeptine modestly enhances the?mesolimbic?release of?dopamine[45]?and potentiates?CNS?D2?and?D3receptors,[46]?but it is also unclear how this occurs because tianeptine has no affinity for the?dopamine transporter?or the?dopamine receptors.[9]

Has anyone seen this post? Has anyone taken this stablon? I wonder if this user was lying, it's from an old user who says he improved by taking
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