Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Omg I'm so scared that I'll never be back to feeling the world around me and feeling motivation/purpose for doing things. I want to look in the mirror and think something about my appearance. Want to be able to think things and convey my emotions through my eyes and body language. I feel like I'm no one. I'm really afraid this is just me now, cause I remember feeling out of it after psychosis and being disoriented. I'm at a little over 5 months. I'm starting to talk a tiny bit, but i don't have much to say. This feeling is so undescribable, no matter what I do i can't ignore it. It's hell. Looking for light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so sorry if this is what you guys are going through. When I was first off and taking risperidone i was stomping my foot and pacing around like a mad man. Could hardly come out of my bedroom for the first couple months. I'm suffering from anehodnia, no motivation, difficulty concentrating, can't set a task in my head, don't feel my surroundings, can't express emotion as i want to. I'm so scared.
Did most people get better? Anyone know? The thread seems pretty dead which I suppose is a good thing
As I continue my research, I have made quite a discovery.

What I believe is plaguing the "incurables" – is not Invega itself, but: Heavy Metal Toxicity.

Hear me out - a gentleman who you can find out searching "Detox Dudes" was suicidal for like four years.
He tried endless supplements and other things, but stumbled on the symptoms of MERCURY POISONING.

He looked at what was proffered, and it matched exactly what he was going through.
He indeed had mercury fillings, and they were leeching into his bloodstream. He had them removed.

Several years of trying various techniques, and he has brought about a great panel of offerings.
If you choose to invest in his techniques, I'm sure he will not let you down. However..

The Bashar has provided a great all-body cleanse: Vitamin C and MSM. Simple!
Consuming 2-3grams of each at a rate of 2-3x times per day is all that is required!
It's cheap as hell (20USD for each), and if you plug in a capsule filler, you're GOLDEN!

Thankfully, someone has uploaded one of his recordings from the 1990's, so we can (SAME LINK HERE)
get the technique directly "from the horse's mouth" (as they say). It's not the best audio quality, however.

There are other videos and testimony of people using Vitamin C with MSM, like
this one and that detailed one.
Someone has brought about multiple videos,
first one giving an intro, with the second one providing more details.

If anyone knows a thing or two about Alchemy – knows the importance of SULFUR. Check it out! (MSM ≈ Sulfur).

I've begun to run this - as it stimulates the body's OWN DETOXIFICATION SYSTEM.
It's the FUEL for the body to detox what is not supposed to be inside the body. Very nice!

There are also intestinal worms and other parasites which drag down our feeling.
I've been tired of feeling shitty all of the time, and decided to do something about it.
I've played the drug/supplement game for years – but that's just bandaids on a boo.
Now is the time to get to the real core of what causes the problems, and fix it.

as the "Detox Dudes" have testimony –
Turpentine and Castor Oil are the trick.
I've had the experience of releasing several worms when I ran the protocol last year.
Now is the time to run it again, and I've sought out capsules to get past the nasty taste.
Here's the
SAME LINK AS ABOVE – explanation by the "Detox Dudes" of how it works.


Glad to see @Specified here – IIRC s/he vetted Niacin to get that stim effect going again.
If I've got the right person (been thumbing through the history of the prior 3 megathreads)...
If I've got the right person, how good does it work? I've got some (non-flush) Nicain, running it now.

The Saint John's Wort is still a part of my regimen, and I still can not get anything out of modafinil, etc.
Perhaps it will take 5+ months (or never lol) but I feel it in the far background, so I have hope. Thankful!

We still have agreement to NOT get that damned injection! Grateful! Tomorrow would be the day of the jab.
I think we are steering clear of pharmaceuticals, and not exploring Abilify or other types of zombie drugs.

I do not have hallucinations (but I love hallucinogens), and aside of a fanciful imagination, generally don't have delusions.
Stuck with a record and was rubberstamped medication (because that's just what they do at psych wards, apparently). Not fun!
This Invega is devastating, and has incapacitated many. I'm sure it helps others, too - but its a damned potent tranquilizer for a first step!
Thankfully we are able to sweep it under the rug and push forward for a proper healing. Blessed! But it takes such a long time to purge!

Best wishes for you all, and I hope to engage a bit more, personally, with each of you. Happy 2021! ~ ∆.
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As I continue my research, I have made quite a discovery.

What I believe is plaguing the "incurables" – is not Invega itself, but: Heavy Metal Toxicity.

Hear me out - a gentleman who you can find out searching "Detox Dudes" was suicidal for like four years.
He tried endless supplements and other things, but stumbled on the symptoms of MERCURY POISONING.

He looked at what was proffered, and it matched exactly what he was going through.
He indeed had mercury fillings, and they were leeching into his bloodstream. He had them removed.

Several years of trying various techniques, and he has brought about a great panel of offerings.
If you choose to invest in his techniques, I'm sure he will not let you down. However..

The Bashar has provided a great all-body cleanse: Vitamin C and MSM. Simple!
Consuming 2-3grams of each at a rate of 2-3x times per day is all that is required!
It's cheap as hell (20USD for each), and if you plug in a capsule filler, you're GOLDEN!

Thankfully, someone has uploaded one of his recordings from the 1990's, so we can (SAME LINK HERE)
get the technique directly "from the horse's mouth" (as they say). It's not the best audio quality, however.

There are other videos and testimony of people using Vitamin C with MSM, like
this one and that detailed one.
Someone has brought about multiple videos,
first one giving an intro, with the second one providing more details.

If anyone knows a thing or two about Alchemy – knows the importance of SULFUR. Check it out! (MSM ≈ Sulfur).

I've begun to run this - as it stimulates the body's OWN DETOXIFICATION SYSTEM.
It's the FUEL for the body to detox what is not supposed to be inside the body. Very nice!

There are also intestinal worms and other parasites which drag down our feeling.
I've been tired of feeling shitty all of the time, and decided to do something about it.
I've played the drug/supplement game for years – but that's just bandaids on a boo.
Now is the time to get to the real core of what causes the problems, and fix it.

as the "Detox Dudes" have testimony –
Turpentine and Castor Oil are the trick.
I've had the experience of releasing several worms when I ran the protocol last year.
Now is the time to run it again, and I've sought out capsules to get past the nasty taste.
Here's the
SAME LINK AS ABOVE – explanation by the "Detox Dudes" of how it works.


Glad to see @Specified here – IIRC s/he vetted Niacin to get that stim effect going again.
If I've got the right person (been thumbing through the history of the prior 3 megathreads)...
If I've got the right person, how good does it work? I've got some (non-flush) Nicain, running it now.

The Saint John's Wort is still a part of my regimen, and I still can not get anything out of modafinil, etc.
Perhaps it will take 5+ months (or never lol) but I feel it in the far background, so I have hope. Thankful!

We still have agreement to NOT get that damned injection! Grateful! Tomorrow would be the day of the jab.
I think we are steering clear of pharmaceuticals, and not exploring Abilify or other types of zombie drugs.

I do not have hallucinations (but I love hallucinogens), and aside of a fanciful imagination, generally don't have delusions.
Stuck with a record and was rubberstamped medication (because that's just what they do at psych wards, apparently). Not fun!
This Invega is devastating, and has incapacitated many. I'm sure it helps others, too - but its a damned potent tranquilizer for a first step!
Thankfully we are able to sweep it under the rug and push forward for a proper healing. Blessed! But it takes such a long time to purge!

Best wishes for you all, and I hope to engage a bit more, personally, with each of you. Happy 2021! ~ ∆.
Turpentine? I don't think that's safe to drink...
I have not been on Invega so I apologize if you feel that I am derailing the thread, but I was on risperidone and risperdal monthly injection.

I want to reactivate my dopamine receptors (D1 especially), as well as my 5ht7 receptor in which risperidone/risperdal acts as a pseudo-irreversible antagonist on. If anyone has any insights on how this can be accomplished it would be greatly appreciated. I have read that cyproheptadine can reactivate the 5ht7 receptor, but my question is does it prevent or put a stop to the pseudo-irreversible antagonism indefinitely?

It seems like i should keep eating my 5mg zyprexa. Im Lucky that it helps a ton and is not a fucking ap Injection. Though i suffer some what from autopilot too.
Oh my fucking God. I'm going crazy!! It's such a hell not being able to connect to anyone. I'm so thankful for this thread. It's all I have to hold onto for hope. I'm so traumatized by this.
Usually the first loading doses are about 150mg and 100mg.
That would make circa 250mg divided by 2 every half life (which is 25-49 days).
I do the calculation like this, because i got 2 loading doses too.
The calculation is very simple :

Every 33 days (half life) you do Invega (mg)/2

First half life 250mg/2 = 125mg left
Second half life 125mg/2 = 60.65mg left
Third half life 60.5mg/2 =30.25mg left
Fourth half life 30.25mg/2 =15.175mg left
Fifth half life 15.175mg/2 = circa 7.5mg left
Sixth half life 7.5mg/2 =3.5mg left
Seventh half life 3.5mg/2 =1.75mg left
Notice Invega is harmful to the body, even in very small doses.
do you have links to where it's listed of the physical harms of invega so I can use it?
I have not been on Invega so I apologize if you feel that I am derailing the thread, but I was on risperidone and risperdal monthly injection.

I want to reactivate my dopamine receptors (D1 especially), as well as my 5ht7 receptor in which risperidone/risperdal acts as a pseudo-irreversible antagonist on. If anyone has any insights on how this can be accomplished it would be greatly appreciated. I have read that cyproheptadine can reactivate the 5ht7 receptor, but my question is does it prevent or put a stop to the pseudo-irreversible antagonism indefinitely?

Risperidone is akin to invega. Invega was built off of the compounds in risperidone, or something like that.

In all the research I've seen, and from the time I've spent here and elsewhere hearing from people trying to do so, there is no way to reactivate the receptors if the drug is still in your system. If there were, I feel that it would be common knowledge here. Every once in a while someone comes by who swears that a certain drug will stop the effects of invega, but if someone tries it they seem to report it doesn't have the miracle effect hoped for.

I have heard that risperidone does not stay in your system for as long as invega does

Sorry if this does not help.
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