Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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The only thing I follow is my diet.
Well that is a really really good thing! Cos a lot of people (actually I dare say MOST people) who are struggling with motivation and depression etc, diet is one of the first things to go. Check out this thread I just made and let us know what healthy food you're eating :)
When i was on Invega i had no motivation at all. It's horrible for blunting emotions and making you care about nothing. Abilify was abit better but still shitty plus it made me gain alot of weight. Now i am on latuda and i get no side effects that i can tell. Anyone getting shitty side effects from invega id suggest giving latuda a try because it works great for me.
When i was on Invega i had no motivation at all. It's horrible for blunting emotions and making you care about nothing. Abilify was abit better but still shitty plus it made me gain alot of weight. Now i am on latuda and i get no side effects that i can tell. Anyone getting shitty side effects from invega id suggest giving latuda a try because it works great for me.
how long have u been off invega?
^ I can't say im back to 100% yet but im getting there. I was put on abilify after the invega which also fucked me up and im only a month off that so i wouldnt expect to be back to normal yet.
yeah bro i experienced hair loss immediately after i took invega, one of the worst side effects by far, has your hairline gone back at all?
My hairline is pretty bad and getting worse. And I also feel like the new hair is growing back slower.
My dermatologist said that if the hair loss is caused by the medicine, it should resolve within 3-6 months so I’m just hoping for the best.
Aren’t you 2+ years off from any antipsychotic? What medication could possibly be still in your system. Listening to your posts I believe you have an underlying condition. Same with offvega and Arthur Paul. I’m not saying invega is the solution, I know how destructive it is. But don’t completely block off any attempts for therapy and counselling as they are medication free ways of dealing with your conditions.
These medications affect everyone differently. When it comes to stopping them, more sensitive people tend to experience withdrawal longer. Vraylar is a long-acting antipsychotic in pill form, and - since it is taken every day (until discontinued) - the accumulation of the drug tends to be much greater than drugs like Invega Sustenna. I was prescribed it for a month before I had to discontinue because of stiffness in my legs. One month of pills is the equivalent of taking somewhere between 15-20 shots of invega sustenna every day of that month.
These medications affect everyone differently. When it comes to stopping them, more sensitive people tend to experience withdrawal longer. Vraylar is a long-acting antipsychotic in pill form, and - since it is taken every day (until discontinued) - the accumulation of the drug tends to be much greater than drugs like Invega Sustenna. I was prescribed it for a month before I had to discontinue because of stiffness in my legs. One month of pills is the equivalent of taking somewhere between 15-20 shots of invega sustenna every day of that month.
When did you stop taking vraylar?
Or are you still taking it?
Last dose: May 28th 2015. There's no thread for Vraylar. That's why I post here.
We can make a Vraylar thread if you'd like to start a discussion about it? I'm sure there are other people who have had the same problems coming off it as you.
I see I'm no longer welcome in this thread.
No, I meant in addition to your participation in this thread :) Of course you're welcome in this thread!! <3 Hey, I've never taken any antipsychotics before and I still post in this thread every day! :)

Actually that's not true, I've been prescribed quetiapine before, but not currently on it.
No, I meant in addition to your participation in this thread :) Of course you're welcome in this thread!! <3 Hey, I've never taken any antipsychotics before and I still post in this thread every day! :)

Actually that's not true, I've been prescribed quetiapine before, but not currently on it.
Well, was thinking about it, but didn't want to create it myself, because I thought it wouldn't get many hits. I'm open to the idea, seeing as how there are probably many people (like on this one) who would like to subscribe to that.
I always thought that pills are easier to recover from regardless of the half life. But after reading your story, it seems like all medicine builds up in the body over a period of time regardless of the method of administration.
I always thought that pills are easier to recover from regardless of the half life. But after reading your story, it seems like all medicine builds up in the body over a period of time regardless of the method of administration.
Ah, well. This one has a half-life of about 3 weeks.
^ Damn that's a awfully long half life. Are you still getting Anhedonia? I had it really bad on Invega but i also had it on Abilify. Now that im on Latuda and have been off Abilify for about a month it's going away thank fuck. Im so greatful to be getting my emotions back. I also notice i have alot more energy now then when i was on Abilify. Invega was terrible though for causing me to have no energy. I literally wanted to do nothing but sleep all day and eat. No wonder i put on 40lbs.
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