Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Hey guys I just wanted to say that this thread helped me out when I was really low and saved me from getting more than 2 invega shots. I had my last shot December 4th and now I have pretty much 90% recovered. I feel like I am still getting better every single day Really just sleeping and eating protein, fruits, and vegetables helped me out a lot. You gotta cut out any fried food or foods high in saturated fat because they increase the prolactin in your body. Still have minor gyno tho but that's not that big of a deal imo. The only issue I have now is that I got some digestion issues from the Pfizer vaccine but other than that I feel great. Starting college in the fall and gonna try to get a job eventually. Just wanted to post something positive here to keep everyone in good spirits during their recovery process. Best regards.
Did you lose the weight ?
I will graduate next month with my AA in Paralegal Studies and a ~3.6 GPA. I'll be moving on to get my BA. On invega, it was a struggle to even get a phone number to call somewhere. Planning and multitasking were extremely hard to do, and visualizing a life path was almost impossible. Every problem seemed insurmountable and I could not problem solve or manifest solutions. That all went away. I am 2 years and 5 months off of Invega and back to my normal self, or the normal human I would have grown into.
I will graduate next month with my AA in Paralegal Studies and a ~3.6 GPA. I'll be moving on to get my BA. On invega, it was a struggle to even get a phone number to call somewhere. Planning and multitasking were extremely hard to do, and visualizing a life path was almost impossible. Every problem seemed insurmountable and I could not problem solve or manifest solutions. That all went away. I am 2 years and 5 months off of Invega and back to my normal self, or the normal human I would have grown into.
Hi Kaatrina, thank you so much for posting this. It is really important for the people in this thread to read experiences from those who have recovered from Invega, it's very encouraging <3
I know this may sound weird but has any of you experienced these meds getting you further spiritually? Like it's harder to build connections with God/Deities.
It hindered my spiritual journey. But, it is coming back stronger than ever. It was as if the universe was preparing me for the greatest comeback of my life. Namaste.
How long did it take for your spirituality to come back?
I am a Christian and it took me 2 full years to be able to feel spiritually connected again. I also had to struggle with the ways spirituality connected to psychosis. On Invega and after, I felt like I was dead when I went to church, and nothing spiritual had life. Now I can feel that deep reaching out of my soul again, if you know what I am talking about.
How long did it take for your spirituality to come back?
It took around 10 months being off the medication. It was my spiritual journey that kinda landed me into getting put on psych meds. I had a very messy awakening. I figure around July I'll be back pretty close to where I was two years ago, with a greater understanding for what happened and what's I was going through.
Undiagnosed. But my feet can't stop scrunching so I think it is never going to end. It's been 10 and a half months. I just think it's never going to end. My situation is different from every ones. They've all got their minds. I lost my culture. Felt it going away ever since it got destroyed 10 and a half months ago from third person over a span of months until it was gone and now no longer recognisable. I hope I get my feelings back cause I think that will give me that built machine. Can't freestyle cause I don't got no history. No street smarts. I've been defeated and I'm only just turned 29. How am I supposed to raise a family when I got no notion of bringing a family together.

It's ridiculous how I've lost so much
I've had restless leg syndrome from opiate withdrawals, alcohol withdrawals, AND antidepressant withdrawals, so I know what that's like. And akathisia. It's horrible.

Forgive me but I have alcoholic's brain so I have a terrible memory, how long have you been off Invega now??
10 months. Shits depressing
Don't give up hope mate. I know it's easier said than done. But the more I read this thread, the more I read about folks who eventually recover, even if its a couple of years later. You just gotta keep on keeping on <3
I currently spend about 50% of my day sleeping, which is a lot like my time on consistent shots, back when I was taking them. I think I am restricted to bed mostly until this drug wears off.
I currently spend about 50% of my day sleeping, which is a lot like my time on consistent shots, back when I was taking them. I think I am restricted to bed mostly until this drug wears off.
Aren’t you 2+ years off from any antipsychotic? What medication could possibly be still in your system. Listening to your posts I believe you have an underlying condition. Same with offvega and Arthur Paul. I’m not saying invega is the solution, I know how destructive it is. But don’t completely block off any attempts for therapy and counselling as they are medication free ways of dealing with your conditions.
Don't even start that there is an underlying condition. This is all invega
Claiming that you were trying to turn English Bay into a new Thailand? That you were healing Vancouver with your thoughts and feelings?

Bro I live in Vancouver. What in the world are you talking about. All this kind of talk is indicative of something like mania or psychosis.

Please don’t discount therapy and counselling as a med-free way of getting help.
I currently spend about 50% of my day sleeping, which is a lot like my time on consistent shots, back when I was taking them. I think I am restricted to bed mostly until this drug wears off.
How long has it been since you've been off Invega?
Don't got no goals.
When you say this, are you referring to yourself? If so, maybe it might help if you make a goal for yourself? Even if it's something really small, so that it's more achievable?
All the times that I've been in the acute withdrawal stages off drugs and alcohol (mainly opiates and booze, I am a hardcore alcoholic, currently sober though), my motivation and anhedonia have been so debilitating that I have to write a list of all the things I had to do that day, even the smallest most mundane of things. Example: (I am not exaggerating this at all, I am copying this from my journal from my most recent time out of hospital detox)
- get out of bed
- make bed
- have a coffee
- make and eat toast
- feed the animals
- take dogs for a walk
- have a shower
- wash dishes
- paint my nails

I was very very lucky if I managed to do all those things by the time my partner got home from work.

Now, I know your situation is VERY different to that!! I understand that. But perhaps if you can think of a short/medium-term goal, and write a list of all the steps you need to take to get it done, that might help? I dunno. What do you think?
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